
20 Reviews
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Hunter Killer (2018)
High Voltage Thrills
30 October 2018
I am not into real politics, but at least this film gives enough to keep you entertained here. As there are a few Quotes here and there That may be a little humorous. As what is the best way this film is done is that a group is under water on the sub mission, while the other team is above ground and one team member who is just starting is not having any skills and annoys the team mates.
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Sausage Party (2016)
I just want you to know that This Film was pure Poopy
5 June 2017
I just found this film on Netflix a few weeks ago and I decide to view it since I could't find anything else to watch. I knew for a fact that it was going to dirty, but that didn't make a difference! I saw a lot of dirt stuff worse than this but as for the plot, well it was like a lot of people was posting on here. I did not laugh at any of this film either. I know that it can be amusing that scene about the dope head scene. But really! I can watch Toy Story over and over( which is better and more sense).................
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21 & Over (2013)
Thanks for Netflix I didn't waste any of my money on this filth!
14 April 2015
The other night I thought I can try to find something on Netflix to watch. Well I thought I can give this one a try, and yep! It took away 93 Minutes of my life away. I have watched a few wild and crazy, dirty, comedies on Netflix. I had even viewed Jackass present Bad Grandpa, And it was better than this. Also on the other hand anyone who loves the Hangover films will not be pleased with this film. So my advice is to not to watch this. The plot is all about these two men getting their Drunk friend home before His father gets to him finding him not being there. And the two can never find out where he lives. The two get's caught in Dangerous games, runs from thugs, get caught in a female sexual under world. And many of the scenes are not funny.
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Oh No!This Movie is Great!
21 May 2010
It was just like on any other movie night.Me and my Brother had gone and saw this.I wasn't expecting a lot from this at first.But as soon as it began I knew I was in for a real treat.As so anyone can know it,it has a lot of f bombs in it plus a bunch of other sexual profanities too.The characters are great and so on.But this film can or may offend others who are sensitive to very crude humor,But at least I am not.................... .......... ......... .......... ........ ...... ............ ................... ........... .......... ............ . .......... .. ........... ........... ............ ........ ..... ......... ......... .............. ............ ........
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Disappointing Fun.
1 April 2010
Ever since I got my first Nintendo for Christmas of Nineteen Eighty Nine.I now started to watch the cartoon series and after a while I was hoping for the film.I never did think that they would come out with it really.Then the Super Mario Brothers Three Cartoon series came out.And then the Super Mario World.And then Random series came on like Captin N One day followed by Zelda,Super Mario World,Super Mario Brothers Super Show,Or Super Mario Brothers Three In Random Order.I wonder if anyone remember it like that.Then when school was almost out In Nineteen Ninety Three,I saw the preview of the Movie,At first I thought it was a dream.Then a few days after school let out The big day came.I saw the movie and I did like it,and I wanted to see it again.But I was expecting more.It didn't have the stuff like the stuff from the show.But I thought for sure there was going to be a second part.But it didn't look like it will happened.Mabey a remake will do,don't know.
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2 February 2010
I remember when this movie got released on video,My mother rented it for me.I thought I could give this one a try.It was alright,but I can point a few things out to make this one a better film.I don't really remember the plot.All I know is that an inventor creates a robot in the family.And that one guy from Raiders of the lost ark and The Last Crusade was some kind of villain. ......... ......... .. ...... ........ ....... ......... .......... ............. ........... ........ ....... .. . ....... .......... ............ ............ .......... .......... .......... ...... ...... .......... .......... ......... ........ ........ ......
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Fine piece of work
21 January 2010
As the film begins,It started after some disaster.Washington who plays Eli who has some kind of book that everyone wants to get their hands on.Eli goes and tries to find whatever he can to get food.He comes across outlaws who wants to rob him of everything including water.He stops in a town which is controlled by a leader who Oldmen play as.And Ray Stevenson as his main henchmen.But you may remember the type of movies like cyborg and Mad Max 2.Later Eli teams up with a young woman who he refuses with to take on his journey.Allthrough this film delivers quiet bit of bloody fights.Even though you may never guess at what or how it ends of this film.
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Very Poor
18 November 2009
I cannot believe this!This isn't a sorry super hero movie,it was a sorry one itself.I would be rather watching the animated ones than this.And out of my two cents I would go and watch The first Adam west batman nine times in a roll on the same day.Clooney wasn't even Bruce or Batman Material!I think Clooney got the part was because he was making it big at that time,And they think he should got a major roll.Keaton was the best in all positions.Val was a good batman but not a good Bruce Wayne.The action was dull.So don't and I mean don't chill out on this one.This one was a turkey and a half.If the rest of the new movies after the dark knight turn out like this,then it is ruin.
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Watchmen (2009)
Crazy Fun
7 July 2009
I had gone and seen this film when it first played in theaters.And I wasn't sure what it would deliver.It is the kind of superhero movie that would keep you guessing,even I don't think the comedian was the average hero.This film also has all kinds of surprises in it too.As it alternates History as well.It also has a good soundtrack to it as well.People who enjoy graphic novels can and will be pleased,but as comic book fans,they may have another point of veiw of it.The humor in it is very dark but the action is so intense. ..... ....... ...... ... ......... ...... ....... ...... ..... ....... ........ ........... .. ....... ......... .......... ...... ..... ............... ........... .......... .......... ............ ......... ........
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Gran Torino (2008)
I'm Surprised!
11 January 2009
I just now saw this Movie.And I had enjoyed it after the first five minutes.My brother was going to go and see it and he asked me if I wanted to go,but I said no.Then a few minutes later I changed my mind.And I am glad I went to see it.Eastwood plays as a veteran in the Korean war.And he lacks respect from his grandchildren.Then his neighbors don't think of him much,and he dose not think of them.But later on in the movie they slowly begain to get along.Even though this film has a few laughs,It was not to be a humorous film.There is a scene or two with the Barber shop.But some people fans of gang movies might be pleased with this one.
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The Love Guru (2008)
I laughed through out.
14 October 2008
My cheeks started hurting by laughing to much.I don't know why so many people hated this film.I saw this movie on one of my vacations from work,and when it cane out,my brother took his girlfriend and asked me If I wanted to go. At first I didn't want to go,because I didn't know what it was at first.But he is a lot different than seeing mike myers in Wayne's world.So it is just for someone who wants a few good laughs................. ............ ... ........ .............. .......... .......... ........... ................ ............ .............. ........................ .................... ............. ... .... ...... ..... ..... .... ........ ..... ...... ........ ...... ..... ...... .....
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not bad
27 January 2008
i think this movie was funny.i guess i look at it different than other people.i wish they would make more movies like this one.but it may not be that great for this kind of time.i remember i was fifteen when i saw this movie i saw that scene when jay and pat was getting chased by the villain that tom noon man played as.when the two got in the train,and then it stopped.and the bad guy got blow ed to bites by the grenade that they had hid in the price package.i remember reading a comment on here where some one had the movie and used it as a table leg or something,laughing out loud.jay Leno for once to try more acting and movie showbiz won't be the same without pat.
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Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981 TV Movie)
it was kind of creepy.
4 August 2007
i remember on summer of 91 i turned on the TV and saw this movie.i wanted to see if they where bad guys in it and i was pleased to find four in it.i knew that Charles was the main villain from the start as he spied on bub and the girl.and when the bad guys shot him in the scarecrow i was waiting to see what happened.i didn't know it was a revenge for murder type scene is where one of the men falls in a grinder.the second one suffocates in a silo of grain and the third gets hit in the head by a shovel by Charles and of course Charles.with the pitch fork.i never did wanted to see this movie for a while after i saw it because the scene when Charles attacks his mother in the house.
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Terror Squad (1987)
where can i find this movie
14 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The year was 1990 and it was in the summer dad was watching TV like always when he wasn't working and i happened to see this movie was on the movie channel and i asked him what it was and he said it was terror squad.i was watching it with him and when the bad guys blew up a water tower he left the couch and i watched the i heard that they were four baddies but when i was watching it one baddie died by a explosive in a barn.and the other two died at the end.i thought this movie was violent the baddies go around killing.they shot a boy and shot a man on a moped and he burns but lives i assume.and at the end they go to a school where they holds high schoolers hostage and yes i remember where they shot the janitor.and they try to escape on a bus.
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Dennis the Menace (1987 TV Movie)
change the name and character
20 April 2007
i seen this poor done comic film.but it would been better if they used a family that wasn't based on nothing.the movie starts as Denise finds a dinosaur bone in his back yard,and a fake

who claims to be a dinosaur hunter comes to stay with the family.and he is real annoying too.the film did not deliver much laughs.the only two funny things in the movie was when Denise tries to sneak that fudge candy to his room and the scene where Mr Wilson's washer would be a better film if it involved a different character.the 93 version was a real one.this one wasn't a Denise the menace at all. and i saw this one 2 or 3 times a month when it was on HBO.
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Shooter (I) (2007)
Bloody fun!
7 April 2007
i just saw this movie today and it was the best one i saw in a started as walberg playing as a sniper getting discharged and then he gets an mission on to kill the president and it turns out to be a setup.and i really like the guy who played in the old teenage mutant ninja turtle movies 1 and 3.the movie brings a great spill of blood.there is one scene in there i liked was the part where the young agent gets kidnapped by these thugs and taken to a boat dock.and walberg comes along out of nowhere and shoots them.but it would be a more kick in the you no where film if he at least broke somebody's neck.
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great and definitely not for young ones.
2 April 2007
i know when this movie came out it never did play at my home brother got it on DVD and watched it when i was at work.he told me about the hockey arena scene.and told me it was brutal but he told me to watch it and find out what happens.i got of work early one night and started to watch was a violent film which only if it wasn't involving innocent people.only one scene where the woman plays walker's wife finds the boy with two couple who are child killers.and i never scene a movie with so much profanity in it that wasn't involving black people.when the hockey scene came i was so nervous and didn't know what to expect.and the scene had happened where the man had his face shot off.i had to rewind that part at least three or four times.
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TerrorVision (1986)
what garbage
26 March 2007
this is the most dumbest horror film i have ever seen but it wasn't meant to be scary.i saw this in a video store across from where my mom used to work i never did rent it.but when another video store was having a going out of business sale i bought it for three dollars.and you mean fake it was a lot fake than the three ones i used to get it blood in it that was stupid and when the kids try to reason with that creature.and the most crazy scene is when the monster had the parents the people next door and the old man in bed like they was making was like that one movie video dead.and to tell you the truth i think they make that crap on purpose.
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i enjoyed it
26 March 2007
i remember i saw this in the fourth was when my teacher was having us to watch these kind of movies like Tobey Tyler it was in the year 91.i remember the kids from Mary Poppins.i thought it had got funny when the grandpa got committed and locked up and they try to free him and it ended up in a chase.and ed was great and always will be.better than the blue comedy. any way this movie was a great classic and if i can find it i will buy it.and one other thing they should make a remake of this.but it should be easy to find actors for this. they should get Dakota fanning as the girl.and someone to play the grandpa. but who knows this movie might make it or might not.
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Crimewave (1985)
found it at last
13 February 2007
i seen this movie in the summer of 1988 when i was 8.i remember a lot about it cause of the 2 bad guys.and i went looking for it and i didn't know the name.i ask everyone and they never gave me a straight answer i ask about the scenes and early December of 2006.i read the quotes where the hero broke one of the bad guys electric tool.and it took me to this movie and i read some comments on the movie.and it led me right to it.hopefully i can find more movies that way lady you ain't seen noting yet.and when i finally found it on e-bay it was a lot sillier than i remember it.but i don't know what else to write i half to write more because it won't let me send this comment.and it says this comment is not ready.
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