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Castle: Tick, Tick, Tick... (2010)
Season 2, Episode 17
23 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since 'Firefly'I have admired Nathan Fillion and his roguish acting, that in combination with the wonderful Stana Katic, together with the rest of the cast and excellent writing is what makes 'Castle'a great show. Albeit I admit that the premise isn't entirely original, the for-mentioned reasons easily makes you oversee that. And this latest episode takes the show to an ever higher level. The episodes this far has been good and for a "whodunnit-cracker" like myself it has been a lot of fun. But 'Tick, tick, tick...'raises the stakes and puts our main characters in the middle of the case and finally in harms way. The ending is a good of a cliffhanger as you can wish for and I can barely wait until next week! If this show gets canceled anytime soon, the once responsible will soon become a new case for Beckett and Castle to solve!
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Felon (2008)
Absolutely amazing!
19 July 2008
I will keep this brief. Felon is little short of a masterpiece. Dorff and Kilmer both deliver deep and emotional performances that goes right through the screen. This is Kilmers best performance since Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Dorff, who I haven't seen in quite a while, does an amazing portrait of an ordinary man who is forced to make some terrible choices just to stay alive and be able to go back to his life.

All characters are human and believable. The story is quite simple but in the same time moving and heartbreaking. The camera work has an almost documentary feel which heightens the story and makes the film even more realistic.

All the pieces fell together seamlessly and made one hell of a movie. See it!
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Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008 Video)
Stays quite true to the original
18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching the original Lost Boys for the first time when I was a kid and the movie blew me away. It was a vampire movie for the next generation, a movie that took a timeless genre and mixed it with a contemporary spirit. It had everything; Horror, comedy, gore, romance, drama and of course the two golden boys of the 80's Feldman and Haim. Since then sure the movie has become a bit outdated with its obvious 80's settings and feel... but it's still a great movie.

Lost Boys: The Tribe stays quite true to the original which is its strength but also its weakness. Together fans all over the world have millions of expectations on the long awaited sequel and there is no way that it can live up to all of them... it doesn't even live up to all of mine. The movie has obvious references to the first one; The main characters are Emersons, The Return of Edgar Frog and a lot of other small tributes. But that's the problem, they never really go far enough with it. It seems they wanted to make a movie that stands on its own and appeal to a new audience as well, not only fans, so the held back with the homage.

Nevertheless... the movie does stand on its own in a good-but-not-great kinda way. The acting is good, the script is acceptable, the gore is gory and Corey is Corey. So if you loved the first one you will probably like the second... if you don't let your own high expectations get in the way.
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The Mist (2007)
Another great Stephen King adaptation by Darabont!
14 March 2008
I just finished watching The Mist and I just had to write something about it at once.

First of all I read the short story by Stephen King many years back and it scared the heck out of me and at the same time moved me with it's characters. And they are also the movies strongest point, they have depth and act in a very humane way i.e. very differently to the terrible things that are going on around them.

Darabont has taken Kings story and enhanced it for the better. I always have a trace of doubt when I'm about to watch a King adaptation because of all the horrible once out there and even though Darabont has succeeded with his earlier adaptations I had it before seeing The Mist. But my God was I relieved! This is a horror movie with something unusual as depth, you really care for and relate to the characters. And the ending wrapped up the whole feeling of the film perfectly, it's a knock out!

Watch it now!
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Frostbitten (2006)
Good acting!? REALLY!!?
3 October 2007
OK... seeing to comment made by slake09 it's obviously difficult for nonswedish people to judge the acting. Because seriously the acting in this movie is awful, and I actually know why. The makes of this movie are two real horror fanatics. They love horror and gore. So that's what they wanted to do. Sure there is no other Swedish movie in this genre, but this is not a good first. The script is horrible, it has no apparent structure and the main concept get's lost along the way entangled in all the effects, bad acting and quite bad comedy. The main concept is awesome, vampires in a place where it's dark for a whole month. But that timelock is mentioned just once or twice and then lost. You never get the feeling of suspense that premise could bring. This is a disappointment because I really had hopes for this film. As a filmmakerin Sweden myself I hoped that this would be an opening for the Swedish movie business to dare do something different. But sadly it just shows that we still don't have the knowledge to make genre flicks well. We still try to do it the American way instead of trying to find our own way. We don't have the budgets they do, so we have to bring something else into the equation, and "Frostbiten" does not. Quite the opposite, it sets us back, because now it's gonna be a long while before anyone dares to try it again.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
See it or miss the reason why television was invented!
4 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've been following "Heroes" slavishly since the first episode and at the end of every episode I just want to knock myself over the head and fall unconscious for a week until the next episode. I know that I could probably get permanent brain damage, but it would be worth it... the show is just THAT good! When I first saw the trailer I thought "Oh cool another superhero-show", and after the first episode I still kinda had that notion. I thought it was really good, but not exceptional. I also saw more than a few similarities, both in character and plot, with the Swedish TV-series "De Drabbade" (losely translated "The Affected"). But as "Heroes" continued, a deeper plot and more complex characters were revealed, everything seems to have been taken a count for by the writers and the seem to now were they're going. The Show has everything and is truly exceptional. In one moment you chew your nails in suspense or shout in despair and in the next you shed a tear in sorrow or even laugh.

A common problem, I think, with TV-series with a lot of characters is that you seldom get to know or feel for all of them, but in "Heroes" you do. Everything isn't black or white, good or bad. People make choices and sometimes they affect people in a bad way, but the person who made the choices isn't necessarily a bad person. You want to know what happens to everybody and you really care for them. They all have their issues to deal with; Matt Parkman's struggle to become a detective and at the same time patch up his marriage, Mr. Bennets dilemma to decide whether to follow his heart or his sense of duty, Hiro's quest to break free from his former boxed-in-life and follow his dreams, Niki's very real battle between her own good and bad self, Peter Petrellis wish to find purpose in his own life. They all have found their way into my heart and I can't wait to find out what's going to happen to them.

Now to my biggest fear! That following the shows great success NBC will try to milk it for to many seasons. It has happened to many a great show over the years (it starting to happen to Lost) and I pray to every god in existence that they won't let this happen to "Heroes". Just realise that a good story can only be stretched for so long (You hear that JJ Abrams and ABC?)

Well to sum this up; If you haven't seen "Heroes" yet, don't just sit there and read this comment! GO! SEE IT! If you already have seen it then I welcome you to the blessed ;) I myself have just finished watching the latest episode, so I will now go to find a baseball bat and a soft place to lie down for a week.
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