
23 Reviews
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Good watch but skewed at times
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very intriguing and definitely kept me engaged the entire time. My problem with this documentary is the alleged statements about Aaron Hernandez's sexuality without any solid evidence except for the words of a someone who came off as a "hanger-on" in my opinion. In addition, it felt as though the documentary insinuates that Hernandez's actions may have been because of the deep anger and shame he harbored over his alleged sexuality which I just don't buy without a professional diagnosis from a psychiatrist who had seen Hernandez. The idea of this felt like a stretch and takes away from the credibility of the series. Good watch, but felt skewed especially toward the end.
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Girls on Film (2023)
12 November 2023
Girls on Film is a beautifully written story of two lost young women, Rain and Blake. They find each other through not so unusual means and connect through a commonality of deep loss in their lives. We watch the women go through a myriad of ups and downs in their relationship. It's intense but relatable. Most of us have had broken relationships with broken people and that's exactly what this is. The acting was absolutely on point from both of the leads. The director really brought this story to life and I felt like a fly on the wall watching the love between Rain and Blake blossom and then... (no spoilers). The backdrop of Palm Springs was also really great and one that we don't get to see much, at least I haven't. It was stunning. Truly, such a good movie.
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I Dated a Psycho (2013– )
The title almost sounds like it's a comedy
29 December 2022
The title almost sounds like it's a comedy, but it's really not that funny. The reality is that there are so many crazy people out there. I was waiting to see my ex on the show. No joke. The show highlights relationships with mentally unstable people who suck innocent folks into romantic relationships. The level of crazy is enough to never want to date again. It's always the person who is "too good to be true". Overly loving, sweet, generous, but behind closed doors, the person is a living nightmare. Many, many of these relationships began online. Watch with caution and a glass of wine. Interesting show to say the least.
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I laughed, I cried... 10/10 Stars!
22 May 2022
I laughed, I cried. I loved this movie so much. The beautiful writing and emphasis on family. And the way all the dots connected at the end of the film. The acting was perfect. The scenery... Everything. I'm gushing because I just watched it and was crying happy tears. So corny, but true. If I could give this movie more than 10 stars I would! A new fave.
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Old (2021)
the concept of aging quickly is scary in itself
21 May 2022
'Old' is a strange movie at the same time I was thoroughly engaged from start to finish. Without revealing any spoilers, the concept of aging quickly is scary in itself and I felt depressed at a certain point watching this film and thinking about the inevitability of aging for us all. Some of the acting was a bit shaky, but the storyline kept me engaged regardless. All this being said, it was an enjoyable film on a Friday night at home.
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Inventing Anna really sucked me in
4 April 2022
Inventing Anna really sucked me in. The idea that this woman was able to scam so many wealthy people is incredible. After episode 1, I ended up binge watching. All the actors were on point. My only criticism was the political commentary sprinkled throughout. Not interested in the producer's politics and it pulled me out of an otherwise fascinating ride.
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You (2018–2024)
So creepy, but intriguing at the same time
21 March 2022
So creepy, but intriguing at the same time. I came to this show from a recommendation of a friend. It took a couple episodes to get into it and then I was hooked. Great writing. Great acting from both Penn Badgley and Elizabethh Lail in Season 1. Also, really loved Shay Mitchell as Peach. Final thoughts, great show with an uncomfortable, creepy vibe. If that's you're thing, you'll love it.
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Sweet Tooth (2021– )
Amazing. So intense and beautiful at the same time.
15 July 2021
Amazing. So intense and beautiful at the same time. This show really didn't look like something I would normally be interested in, but it had me hooked about 15 minutes in. Intriguing characters and a compelling storyline surrounded by stunning backdrops and on-point acting made for one of the best series I've seen in a very long time.
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The Act (2019)
Glued to the Screen
18 March 2021
This is some f'ed up s h * t. That's all I really have to say outside of the fact that Patricia Arquette and Joey King are truly outstanding in their roles. A very dark and disturbing story that will keep you glued to the screen. Where were social services??? It's infuriating that so many missed what was happening to this poor girl. My only wish for the series was that we had learned more about Gypsy's father.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Hold on to your armchair for this one
2 March 2021
Just finished Season 1. This is one of the most disturbing shows I've ever witnessed, but totally brilliant. Jessica Biel is amazing and mesmerizing. At one point I was screaming at the TV. A total mind-F. However sick the relationship between the sisters is, you get the horrible feeling that this sort of thing is all too real in the world. Hold on to your armchair for this one.
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Imposters (2017–2018)
Inbar Lavi is the ultimate temptress
3 February 2021
Just seeing this for the first time on Netflix. Intriguing, addicting... Inbar Lavi is the ultimate temptress. Perfect casting. Great show to binge watch.
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Little girls need their daddy's - 10/10 STARS
4 December 2020
As a woman who grew up without a father, this film hit me to the core. My heart broke not only for myself as I recalled my own past, but for the women in the film as their stories tragically unfolded before my tear-filled eyes. This film does an amazing job of demonstrating the potential results of an absentee father. I'm literally crying while writing this. Without revealing any spoilers, the story revolves around a teen who is disregarded by her dad in favor of his pregnant "hook up", a single-mom who is just trying to keep her head above water and 2 escort/strippers who have been so used and abused through the years that they turn on the most weak and vulnerable without any conscience whatsoever. The acting from all the women in the film is spot on. I felt the pain, the hope, the angst from each and every one of them. The writing and dialogue is so true to life it almost feels like a documentary at times. A line from the film: "Little girls need their daddy's." I burst into tears. 10/10 Stars. I cannot recommend enough.
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Drugs, Inc. (2010– )
Binge watched
23 November 2019
One of those shows that is very easy to binge watch. A real look into the underworld that will keep the curious captivated for hours on end. How do they get the dealers to agree to do the show? Even with masks on?
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Apartment 407 (2016)
Started slow, but ended strong
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Started slow and I had a hard time wrapping my brain around a woman in her late 30's/early 40's being lured into a modeling job. Seemed like she should have been wiser. Nonetheless, things happen and people make mistakes. IT was horrifying to see men paying to rape a helpless and bound woman, the most upsetting moment being with a man who claims to have AIDS. I was cheering for her out loud when she made both escapes. The film affected me enough to leave this review, so I say it was worth the watch.
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The Reef (2010)
Extremely suspenseful.
21 August 2019
Extremely suspenseful. Kept me on the edge of my seat. Am not planning to go back in the ocean anytime soon! Very scary and kept me glued to the screen throughout the entire film. Great acting and directing. A gem of a tension-filled thriller movie.
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Wonderful documentary
13 April 2019
This documentary is wonderful. If you have any interest in international adoption and how adopted children adjust and grow up in a different culture, this is a great watch. I cried! God bless the wonderful families who open their hearts and homes to children in need.
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Started strong
13 April 2019
The first season of this show was truly amazing. The reality of what was presented was gripping and raw. The last few seasons feel fake and not authentic at all. It's no longer fun to watch. Too bad, I really enjoyed it in the beginning.
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Monster (2003)
Brilliantly acted and gripping story
7 April 2019
Brilliantly acted and gripping story. One of those films that sticks with you for days. Haunting. Makes you wonder about the people in society that many so often ignore.
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The film captured his depravity very well.
9 March 2019
One of the scariest documentary series I've ever seen. This person was a sicko and the film captured his depravity very well. The idea that Bundy so easily blended in with the "college" crowd is frightening. Worth watching. You never know who you are meeting. Scary.
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Blame (I) (2017)
25 June 2018
Truly captures the essence of teen angst and jealousy amongst girls in high school. The character's were layered and fascinating to watch. All the actors were amazing. I was particularly blown away by Nadia Alexander in her role as "Melissa". You could feel something brewing just beneath the surface throughout the entire film. Just incredible acting. Excellent. Loved it so much am leaving this review!
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Alison (II) (2016)
Story of belief
20 June 2018
What a story of belief and hanging on even at your lowest point. Excellent film!
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Amazing! Captivating. Hope they come back with a Season 2.
19 June 2018
Amazing! Captivating. Hope they come back with a Season 2.
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Girl Lost (2016)
How sad to know that there are so many like her in the world
20 May 2018
Something that hit me was the way in which the little girl was just bounced around from place to place. She had no stability in her life and no reason to believe that she was able to choose any other path other than the one she saw her own mother take. How sad to know that there are so many like her in the world. The nudity and stuff didn't bother me because I felt it wasn't gratuitous in nature. It felt very natural and like what would happen in reality.
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