
3 Reviews
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Panic Room (2002)
Another Great Fincher Film
29 March 2002
I loved Se7en, I loved Fight Club. Panic Room is no different, why? because I love it. David Fincher is slowly becoming a new Hitchcock. Not to say he is replacing him, but the styles of the directors are similar, alot of imagery. Great camera work, haunting visuals, and a Pace that never drops. Alot of effects that were used in Fight Club are used here plus some new tricks.

The characters are well developed for their purposes. The actors, all superb. I really enjoyed watching Jared Leto in this film, as well as Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart and Forest Whitaker.

We become involved with both sides and nothing becomes unclear. We see how human all these characters can be and we see the leaps and bounds they will go to for survival.

You might think that the film would get boring if everything takes place in a house. You quickly learn that you are wrong. Character chemistry comes into play and we don't want to miss a beat.

I loved it, I gave it a 9. Do yourself a favor and see it.
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Elves (1989)
good party flick
17 November 2001
First of all, to say this movie has anything good about about it is laughable. Secondly, this flick is a laugh riot if you watch it with a bunch of friends. The director really went beyond horrible with the horrible effects, and the laughable acting. Not to mention Grizzly Adams' constant smoking of the cigarette that doesn't extinguish. If you are looking for a movie to scare you, don't bother with this, if you looking for something to make fun of... steal it, it isn't worth the $2 rental fee.
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Chasing Amy (1997)
Good funny take no prisoners hetero-lesbian love story.
11 August 2001
Great Film, Jason Lee and Joey Adams are spectacular in their roles. Kevin Smith did a great job at making the film not just totally about love, or totally about comedy. I wouldn't call this a chickflick romantic comedy because the subject matter is just so much more original. The only downpoint of the entire movie, is Jay and Silent Bob's appearance, its only 10 minutes. But don't miss this film Its a keeper.
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