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Centurion (2010)
Not really convincing
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie takes us back to the 2nd century and tells the legends around the Ninth Legion and its (possible) dissappearance in Scotland.

The movie is very bloody and most of the time it feels overused. It never shocked me to see the blood because there was no clear point made as to why that is necessary. Of course there is the massacre of the Roman legion and the relentless hunting of the survivor however other movies have made a more lasting impact with way less blood.

Some things are left unclear. Some characters are turning sides and I never got to understand what made them do it. And that is also the largest weakness for me.

The movie was generally well paced but in the middle it felt a little slow and boring.

No recommendation.
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7 Prisoners (2021)
Worth a watch
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The theme of the movie is "human trafficking" and it depicts this theme very well. It feels real. It made me develop strong feelings at the beginning for the victims. I like how the movie portrays it in a way that the characters at the beginning are not aware of the situation. However the situation worsens and the main character (Matues) sees a possibility to use it at his advantage and forms a close tie to the bad guy. At first he wanted to gain the trust of Mr. Luca so that he can help his fellow captives to regain their freedom, however the line gets more and more blurry and Mateus starts to execute his newly gained power over his fellow workers. In the end he has become a part of the system even though he set out to destroy that system from the inside out.

The charcters are hard to relate. We are fed some background information but these don't make me understand the character better. Starting from the point where Mateus is part of the system, I lost the understanding for his internal struggle. It wasn't depicted as strongly as it was possibly intended. So it felt like a completly new character at this time.
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Beckett (2021)
well this was trash
16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was not a good one. It felt really strange.

First of they tried establishing a relationship you should care about in the first minutes. Which was all nice to see. It is up to everyone if they liked the sequences shot on film and the shots seemed kinda old-school.

Then the crash happens. At that point the movie lost me.

It was totally predictable what was going to happen. Nothing schocked me. He was so unrelatable. He didnt mourn and sometimes he was crying and then he was filled with anger and was trying to kill people he didnt even know.

This is definetly not worth recommending.
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Great ending to one of the best trilogies
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great overall package. There were no clear weaknesses.

The visual effects were absolutely stunning. I could hardly imagine that all was cgi.

The movie totally drew me in. Which happens rarely. You really like part of the story. The story had everything from great action, deep moral, comedy. The only thing I would like to point out is that Harrllsons acting in the first few scenes seems kinda strange.
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Richie Rich (1994)
Had a good laugh
22 April 2021
I don't know why it has such a low rating. The movie does not want to be taken serious. So it is not serious. The movie is aimed at kids and that makes it great. I watched it in my early twenties and had a good evening watching the movie. Great for family's and kids.
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Easy watching
14 April 2021
A movie that is quite okay. It has no real direction to it. It is just a story which doesn't build momentum and seems kinda lost.

Visually beautiful.
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Sky High (2020)
11 April 2021
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If you like action this is a good movie for you, but if you sre somewhat interested in an interesting story just skip this one.

So many pieces are missing. The movie just skips scenes and as a viewer you are wondering why we didn't get to see the scene.

The characters also seemed kinda random and unpredictable (but in a bad way).

The end felt like they wanted to tease something for an upcoming movie. Or they wanted to show their unpredictability again. Seemed like a totally forced end because they wanted to deliver some kind of message which they haven't figured out for themselves.
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Peaky Blinders: Episode #1.5 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 5
17 March 2021
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This episode felt like a season finale. Many storylines came to an apparent end and everything about else just pointed to a season finale but there is still one more episode. Thomas is a smart dude however whenever it comes to grace he just loses all his wits. Very inconsistent. What I like is this distant relationship between these two. It shows how Thomas is. He is just a very distant - some would say cold hearted - person and has problems showing affection.
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Peaky Blinders: Episode #1.1 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
There is potential
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I heard a lot of good things of Peaky Blinders so I decided to give it a shot.

The pilot was a good first episode as it gave us an introduction to the characters and the conflict of the story. If it would be an episode in the middle of the season then I would not rate it as high as an 8, maybe a 6.

One of the things that I found really unfitting was the Western music. It just doesnt fit at all to the genre and historical setting.

The show with its characters definetly has a lot of potential. However some aspects were foreseeable (the bartender being an undercover cop) I still think there will be a lot of chracter development. I think a conflict we will see is between Arthur and Thommy for the leadership of the Peaky Blinders.

It seems like a really high-budget production. Excited to see how they will show more of the world with its different groups (Asians, Italinas, Communists)
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Vikings: The Key (2020)
Season 6, Episode 5
Filler episode
25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode just didnt really knock me off.

The scenes tied to voting the king of Norway were the most exciting ones. What is King Harald planning? You could see in his eyes that he has something else in mind.

Hvitserg isnt really developing at all and is annoying to watch. He just is running away from his problems and we dont see real change with him

Ivar and young Igor helping Dir is kinda interesting. You just dont know where exactly this will land. At least i am having difficulties figuring that out.

Lagertha is cleaning up after the bandit attack and nothing really exciting happens here.

All in all the story doesnt really move on except the Björn stoyrline. Hoping the next episode will be better.
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Vikings: New Beginnings (2019)
Season 6, Episode 1
History vs Story
18 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many people complained about the historucal inaccuracy of the show. Yes that's true. However what is the aim of the show? I think the showrunners try to tell a story in a historical setting but don't quite nail the details of history. So that is definitely something I ignore for the series since a couple of seasons.

Storywise there is no new thing. It just repeats itself. There is no new dynamic. Which is quite sad. It is exciting to see new groups but these groups are not implemented in a proper way. That's what makes it so miserable
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Absolute beauty
17 February 2021
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Wow, that was a very beautiful movie. I was really exicted for this movie because I recently watched Systemsprenger with the child actor as the main character. And in that movie I was really impressed by her work. And now she is acting alongside with Tom Hanks. That is definitely a step up. But now to the movie.

The movie is slow paced and has some action sequences. It never feels to slow. The pacing was very good and i never felt bored during the movie.

I really liked how they implemented the German background of the child actress. Interesting character.

The movie was quiete foreseeable but it was very heartwarming and that is why i gabe it 9 stars. Plus I liked the actors. It reminded me a little of Logan. With a similar pairing. At first I thought they would just copy the role that Helena played in Systemsprenger but they gladly didn't. In Systemsprenger she also screamed a lot and was a rebellious kid. Like in the beginning she screamed a lot and didn't really fit into the society.
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Soul (2020)
This spark
17 January 2021
Soul is a really great movie. I haven't seen any animated movies in the last years but this one, I wanted to see.

I really like the message of the movie. Find your spark, something that you love. On what do you put your focus? However the spark did not totally catch on with me. If the movie had been a little longer i think the spark would have caught fire.

It feels really more like a movie for grown-ups. I do not know what the childeren will take on with this movie.
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Mixed feelings
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well where do we start with this one. You can look at this movie from two perspectives. So let's get started.

Perspective 1 (Standalone movie): If you ignore the previous movies, it is quite okay. Some things seem rushed. Who are the Knights of Ren?

Perspective 2 (End of the Skywalker Saga) Why did we need to bring Palpatine back? The movie tried to safe what Episode XIII ruined. However it could not completly save it. Some things like the Knights of Ren were suddenly there without any explanation. If you research what was originally planned you will see some aspects of it. Like Finn and the other deserters of the First Order. The end sets a point of exploration for future stories. However the ending did not resonate with me at all. Why do we need the romance between Kylo and Rey? Why was Palpatine there? Why did Rey need to be a Palpatine?
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Inspiration from the past for today
16 January 2021
I had no great expectations from this movie but it suprised me in a very good way.

It is always difficult to bring historic people back on the screen. It gives you only a certain amount of room to move within, performace-wise. However the cast did quite a solid job. Especially Leslie Odom Jr.. He really pulled me into the story.

The movie is surprisingly good as it is basically just a long talk about th civil rights movement in America. There is no real action sequence but the outstanding performances of some actors bring life and excitement into it.

I am not very much knowledgeabel about the racial situation in America but i think this can inspire Black people today. Even if the movie and the historical figures in it are long gone.
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