
19 Reviews
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Wedding.con (2023– )
Excellent Awareness
14 April 2024
This series us about intelligent women who are taken advantage of by con men and left hurt, betrayed, and shamed by society. This is not just an India problem, this has reached a global scale. These rom con men (and con women) should be prosecuted for many years and made to pay back the monies they steal. It is the same as an assault and should be prosecuted as such. We see this all the time in the United States where the woman tries to sue the partner after giving them "gifts" and then take them to court after he never returns the money and moves on. The law views it as- nope you were dating and therefore it was a gift. It doesn't matter if he is a womanizer who preyed upon her to get money because no law in place. Had there been no interaction and he stole from her purse, it's considered robbery. But take it further and do emotional damage and take money under the guise of love and promised marriage, and the law does nothing. It's robbery and assault and I think this is one of the best portrayals I have seen in regards to how men prey upon women and do lasting damage. This happened to a friend of mine who he engaged her and got close to her family so they would co-sign him to get a truck. Once he got the truck he broke it off with her leaving her ashamed and it created a financial burden and rift in her family. We prosecute those who get into relationships with elderly and take their money because we can classify it as elder abuse. Let's figure out a way to get this dating abuse legally classified in all countries and start prosecuting these pigs for robbery and assault.
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The Valley (2024– )
23 March 2024
The first episode is introducing all the players and will evolve from there. We are already seeing some drama in the works with Kristen who 100% makes reality TV sparkle. Similar to VPR, you will either love it or hate it. Brittany and Jax are juicy and i was thrilled to see some cast from VPR make appearances. This is going to be so good as time goes on. It seems a bit less scripted than VPR which even if that's not true, they are doing a better job of making it seem reality. The party was inspiring and loved the theme. There seems to be more depth to this series so far and a sense of growth in Jax. Brittany is sweeter than buttermilk biscuits! I prefer this show over housewives and when VPR ends the grieving process will be easier since we can watch The Valley. Looking forward to getting to know the rest of the crew and so glad Jasmine is there along with Janet. Jesse needs to be real and you all know what I am saying!
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Poor Things (2023)
Mature and Thought Provoking
15 March 2024
Science minded individuals will appreciate this movie. Almost perfect. Took off a couple stars because the ending I felt should have been 30 minutes and there is at least that much that could have been cut and edited out elsewhere. I didn't miss a scene or need to ffwd to get to the point. The story moved at a good pace but then the ending, although good, was a train wreck; lackluster and sort of cheesy. The sexual situations were necessary but definitely a bit drawn out. Film editing fell short. Had film editing succeeded this would have won best picture. Emma definitely put in a well deserved Oscar winning performance. Costume and set design were superb. Loved the intelligence in this.
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Nothing New or Interesting
29 February 2024
Previous seasons felt more "real". New season is just acting in camera for income. I really like Amy. I appreciate Chris helping with divorce transition in order to prevent hatred but I think he goes too far. Nothing wrong with being friends with the ex and it's healthy, but when a person has been toxic and abusive, you can forgive or not forgive and move on. Matt treated Amy really badly on top of having an affair. Chris seems to expect Amy, by being passive aggressive, to not process her feelings. It's ok for her to angry and sad. Let her process it how she needs to. He just seems to never allow her to have any emotion other than happy. Tori and Zach, particularly Tori, are constantly on social media as influencers and watching them on LPBW presents nothing new. Everyone seems like they are trying to act for the camera and it no longer feels like reality. I completely agree with Zach and Tori decision. They don't have to accept the toxic life Matt created. I respect them for that decision. Unfortunately the new season is just not interesting. I think what's great is we no longer view little people as different from everyone else but see them as regular people.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
14 January 2024
Everyone has their favorite Van Gogh painting and I suspect the reviews reflect similar to this series. I waited to review until I got into season 5. Thus far my favorite was season 4 and am astounded at those who thought it should be excluded. I am thankful for fast forward button and found I used it more in season 3 than any other thus far. Critiques would be the blizzard scene early on because not even funny to think in Minnesota winter blizzard you can go for even a minute without face protection, and the forest chase scene in season 3 was just too drawn out. Everything else is wonderful and I admire what they did in Season 5. That had to be difficult to write. They were considerate, and it's the only season that my eyes got misty. The stories and acting are way too good to give this series anything less than 10.
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Everwood (2002–2006)
First Time Watching - 2023
28 November 2023
First time watching this show and I wasn't sure but now I'm full blown into season 3 and thinking I am hooked. I looked at its release date and didn't realize this is a decade old. It is more than just a teen drama because truly this is about Doctor Brown. I gave this a 9 instead of a 7 because it was very much ahead of its time. Real and raw with excellent players. The acting is top notch. I had only seen some of these actors in recent series and it was such a pleasure watching them play in Everwood. I am so picky in what I watch and this show does not disappoint. I do think some of the teen drama was too drawn out in places which is why I cannot give it a 10. I also don't think some of the medical scenarios were realistic at all. I was also surprised at the reaction to Linda's disease. If it was the 90's maybe but then again small towns tend to be a couple decades behind in acceptance compared to other more populated and more educated areas. Still, Dr Brown being of his status and being from New York I had difficulty with his work ethic. Many of his decisions up to this point I am left befuddled. I was pleased the writers finally detailed how he had endless supply of money because it was not believable up to that point he would not eventually run out of money.
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I Love David and Love Lottery Dream Home
7 September 2023
OMG. I love LOVE LOVE David and this show is so fun! David is extremely delightful and entertaining and it's a unique show in that the guests are lottery winners. My favorite episode is when David looks for his own home to purchase but a close second is when his family helps him decorate for Christmas. We watch every season and love David's transformation and positive energy! The guests seem genuine and we all end up happy to see the house they chose. Some of the stories are touching and will make you cry. They aren't all lottery winners as some are using an inheritance or other types of money they came into. It blows my mind to see any rating less than an 8 and leads me to believe some are actually not watching this or have some sort of vendetta against David. I am hoping for many more seasons. I like how david highlights everything and we get to see Realtors from different areas. Keep up the great work Lottery Dream Home!
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A Huge and Warm Thank You from a Jones fan
10 July 2023
As a fan of the Indiana Jones franchise, I thank everyone who worked tirelessly to make this final film a reality. This film is for the fans and was well done! Loss of stars only for length and some scenes were a bit drawn out and not necessary. Although there were some questions not answered, fortunately there was a huge reveal which filled in the blanks and explained why Indie was living in so much agony. I enjoyed this film and it's over the top action scenes. I laughed and I cried. Great ending and great beginning. So much props to all involved in creating this final masterpiece. Harrison Ford remains a super star and it's absolutely mind boggling the realization that he is in his 80's and is still talented and attractive. Thank you for giving fans this final film. I will watch it again several times and then watch the entire franchise from the first to last. Much love and adoration!
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To Leslie (2022)
Oscar Worthy
6 June 2023
Watching this film it's obvious why it was nominated for an Oscar. The acting was superb and provided an excellent storyline. Thankfully they didn't turn this into a series and even better there were zero flashbacks. The viewer is allowed to conclude what happened in her past and to have that in a film today is rare but welcome! Anyone who has suffered alcoholism and overcome will sincerely appreciate this film. One person can invoke positive change in a person through unconditional love and compassion. I loved the ending and the beginning. Music was spot on and cinematography was perfect. Definitely recommend this film and will watch it again.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
No Grace and Frankie
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story itself was not unique; close friends who grew up together and experience joy and loss together. Admittedly and unfortunately there were times this series seemed to putter about and repeat story lines and fill space and time with cliche moments. The rewinds to the past were sometimes distracting and choppy and unnecessary although I get it was needed to help us understand the relationship and depth of characters. Did it invoke emotions? Yes. Brought me to tears so many times. I didn't care for the episodes in relation to Johnny and Iraq. It was not realistic to believe he would have gotten through the PTSD that swiftly because for those who suffer with trauma, it never goes away. There could have been more depth to the daughter. She obviously would have been suffering way more than what was portrayed. Also when Kate raised her hand during the scene when Tully asked who had s miscarriage and did I miss the part where Kate had one? She raised her hand and I waited to see and hear about her miscarriage but it was never addressed. The scene where Johnny was in bed with a woman in between yet another breakup with Kate.. was it necessary? I never felt sparks between the Johnny and Kate except maybe once. His marrying her was not believable, and I never bought it. The annoying intern who they brought back in was another uncomfortable moment. It seemed unnecessary. Danny snd Tully we're the only characters I felt had any chemistry together. The actresses who played Tully and Kate as children were the real stars although Heigl was amazing! Sarah Chalke kept making those pitiful faces and her character annoyed me so much. The ending was yet another cliche of someone with cancer who dies peacefully as soon as her best friend walks away to get tea. This may have been better as a movie because It seemed to be one season too long. All in all I'm glad i watched it but won't rewatch. It simply didn't have the substance or chemistry that Grace and Frankie had.
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Night Court (2023– )
Entertaining and flat
6 May 2023
I can put this show on and know I won't have deep feelings or anxiety or none of this excess thought provoking propaganda masked with the term sitcom nonsense that has taken control of the networks. I love shows like this. Loss of stars for laugh track but it's cool. Love the silly banter. It's not like the original but it's good enough and I find myself watching every week. I'm not sure if this will last though because there's more ads than show and it's not funny enough or controversial enough or violent enough. I want to see more court cases and less personal lives. Season one feels like a series that went on for one too many seasons and ran out of story lines. Writers need to turn this around because frankly it's just too flat.
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No Frills
21 March 2023
The acting was good but character development was poor. The storyline was decent but it was definitely drawn out. What I appreciated was they did not glamorize police work or murder which is much like real life more so than the excitement and frills normally presented in action films. The lack of musical score provided an eerie feeling and tension which was relevant to the setting. This is a story about succumbing to the pressure of life and what it takes to claw out from circumstances that bury people; self loathing and self pity abound. It lacked depth and it lacked attention. I had to fast forward a lot and scenes were too drawn out although I suspect it was purposeful but it lacked art. The artistry involved in a meaningful and masterpiece of a film is missing and I cannot recommend this film.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Very Good
19 March 2023
This show had me hooked after first episode. It has everything and I love anything victorian era. The Emmy nominations for music and costumes was deserved but the acting should have received at least a nod. The characters were well written and acting outstanding. They did not skimp on sets or action sequences. I could not give a 10 because although I was pleased with the ending it should have offered 2 more episodes. It felt rushed and a few scenes I don't think would have happened. I related to what Orlando bloom had to endure in having to choose sides but felt he made a mistake in the end by choosing the path he took and honestly it sort of didn't seem like the choice he would have ultimately made. I'm not sure if the writers meant for some of the characters to act so immature because I don't think they would have survived as long as they did with that amount of stupidity. I loved Imogene and the love story and growth and the two lovers ended up being my favorite characters. Very good series and I am sad it had to end.
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Dodsworth (1936)
A Masterpiece
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From 1936 this film was one I never had the pleasure of seeing. So grateful Prime had this one free. The story is still relevant by todays standards. A young woman stuck in the wheels of socialite repetition and reaching mid life decides she wants a fling after her husbands retirement. Her husband was at first skeptical of retirement but dove right in to a new journey in life and was willing to see new places and even look past his wife's flirtations with other men believing she would get past the stage she was in. The writers did so well on this and directing was on point. Great production all around. I was truly thinking he would end up back with his wife and they would have ended the movie on a sad note but was pleasantly surprised when he finally put his foot down and walked away from her for good. Im going to watch again but I believe she was a narcissist. Terrible how she treated not only him but her family. I liked that this wasn't about a gold digger as she had money of her own but about an immature, entitled, and insecure woman seeking validation through other men at the detriment of her husband who for the duration of the marriage was in the role of caretaker and fixer. She was in denial of her age to the point she refused to see her new and only grand baby or acknowledge being a grandmother to the new men in her life. The woman he fell in love with was beautiful, mature, simple, and well rounded. She accepted him as he was and he actually became young again. She was encouraging and confident in her skin. His entire demeanor changed once he was able to break away and the magnificent part is it wasn't for anyone else but himself. This movie is a masterpiece and such a shame it's not shown on every app for free!
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You People (2023)
Well Done
5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I cried in the middle and at the end. This movie touched me. I think there were some unnecessary scenes such as the barber shop. Sometimes scenes felt incomplete. Overall I think they did well with the message that love is greater than hate and the statement Ezra gave at the climax of the film to his fiancé's father was brilliant. It wasn't until too far in that the characters seemed to develop. Overall I applaud this film. It had some very funny parts to help lighten a tense topic. I think the movie should have been 45 minutes longer to really be able to get a better feel for the characters and a better appreciation for the story. I am so happy to see Eddie M performing and hope he will do many more films.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
Never watched That 70's Show
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this review is likely the most unbiased because I never watched an episode of that 70's show. I heard it was good and knew of cast. So I really had nothing to compare this to. I was hoping watching this would help me want to watch 70's show. And it has because I will want to see the parents and those grown up how they were in 70's as teens. Also, I think they are pretty spot on with 90's and what some who did not experience the 90's don't understand is how very similar the 90's are to today. So if you see crossover that's why. And YES there were raves in the 90's!! It was pretty taboo though and you had to get an invite and it was like a quest to find the location. People who I know attended went hard core into them. That was in L. A. I digress. The computer is accurate. The sexual exploration also accurate and YES gay people did exist and were careful about coming out and who was told which differs from today. And Ozzie was very cautious and if you notice he is not as boisterous. Getting a tat was a HUGE deal unlike today where even your regular church going conservative is tatted up. The clothes are exactly what was worn. The mall was the place to hang and your first car was a used one unless you were from wealth. There was always the older women trying to get the young boys totally true and finding a jacuzzi to hang in was also a thing. The crowd of friends was diverse at least where I lived you had that great mix of different cultures who simply wanted to be friends and people friended hard. I think it's a cool show so far and I'm glad I don't have that 70's show bias on my shoulders.
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Monarch (2022)
So far SO good!
6 October 2022
I am enjoying this series. It's easy to follow and I am enjoying the storyline and actors. The music is very good and I especially like that there are different locations. Costumes are pretty. They are doing well with character growth and I actually know who is who and what they are about. I sincerely hope this lasts for more than a season and that they are able to retain the same players. Good portrayal of family dynamic between sisters and the challenges of a family that is a party of country music legacy. The men are good looking and women are beautiful with array of ages. If I had a critique it would be that it's borderline a musical and I prefer more dialogue. I would like to see Trace Adkins be more dominant and secure in his role.
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Dynasty (2017–2022)
29 September 2022
Love this show so much! The locations and costumes and acting are superb! The actors are superb and costumes along with locations are all on point. You can't help but fall in love with heroes and villains alike! A wonderful diverse cast makes this a must see for everyone. I loved the shocking conclusion with a huge bonus surprise that is a huge encore to the fans! Life won't be the same without Dynasty in my life. The final episodes are all about wrapping up loose ends and they did not hesitate to lose the momentum. I believe this is the most underrated show on Netflix. The final season is even more exciting than the first.
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The Conners (2018–2025)
Impressively Entertaining
2 January 2021
The Conners is impressively entertaining. After Roseanne abruptly ended its brief reunion episode due to political propaganda, it was thought that there was no hope of revival. However, The Conners spinoff of Roseanne is brilliant. The cast is all star and adding Katay Sagal makes the show all the more sparkling. True fans appreciate and love The Conners for addressing current affairs to include immigration, job loss, alcoholism, and of course COVID-19. The Conners is refreshing, funny, eclectic, and most of all entertaining. The downside is that some of the cast members seem to not be as present in all episodes as they should be. There is clearly some budget issues but the storyline remains excessively clever.
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