
13 Reviews
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Cinematic excellence
1 February 2022
Wonderful casting and Choreography brought the whole story alive absolute adored those scenes in the street with the colours used for the art direction.
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Atmospheric Dark Story
5 October 2021
Had me right from the first scene first of all the cinematography is beautiful the colours heightened vivid colours and the story is just crazy you never know where it's going to go Jeff Bridges playing a priest all the characters come in an out of the Royale. You don't see it coming .

Love this film.
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Immersive look at 1950s America
18 September 2021
I was 18 when I saw this and I have never forgotten it . The imagery, cinematography and screenplay is so beautiful . Heartbreaking story of all those people's lives in a small town and it's the first time I saw Jeff Bridges . What a beginning to an amazing career.
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All About Eve (1950)
Fire and Music
31 July 2021
I never tire of the scintillating and sharp script even after many viewings . Outstanding acting from every cast member . An insightful look into the price of fame.
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Laughter is a medicine
29 May 2021
From the opening frame this film had me . Quirky delightful engaging Antoinette takes off on what is first a stalking hiking holiday But gains so much more the scenery is unbelievable . And it followes the hiking trail of Robert Louis Stevenson The adorable donkey will win over any cold heart . Laughter all the way through with great comic timing.
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Dreamland (I) (2019)
Never takes off
24 December 2020
Why on earth did Margot bother with this slow boring script going nowhere . Nothing can save it
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Highly entertaining
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The style is fast and clever with dialogue to match . I love the look of the film and the way the narrative unfolds . Ritchie certainly gets the very best performances from his actors . Hugh Grant and Michelle Dockery doing brilliant east end accents. Colin Farrell is hilarious . Well worth watching . Extreme language though
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The Outsider (2020)
Compelling viewing mystery
14 January 2020
Just 2 episodes and it is compelling . So dark and moody with acting to match from Ben Mendelssohn
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Last Lustre
25 November 2019
A very lame sequel , casting of Blomvist terrible . He is meant to be gruff intense and handsome
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The Irishman (2019)
Masterclass in directing and acting
17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I found it such a compelling and mesmerising story the 3 1/2 hours was easy just observing you know the master class in direction and so enjoyable to see the neuro Pacino and Pesci . Weaving in the story of the deep corruption of American society and at sometimes such comical banter between all the characters but in the end De Niro's character despite his immoral life just can't seem to face when is coming to the end of his life
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Jasper Jones (2017)
Australia's answer to To Kill a Mocking Bird
8 June 2019
A beautifully realised version of the book with all its atmosphere crossing from a dark murder mystery to the prejudices held in the town against Jasper the cinematography certainly evokes the era perfectly the colours and the performances of Levi Miller and Angoyrie Rice
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A visual feast of Van Gogh s world
22 February 2019
A stunning fully immersed performance by William Defoe . You thought you were in his world . I loved the insight into his mind and his struggle with living . His paintings truly were for another time . Great casting of all characters . Only wish someone had told him hand held camera was too much . It distracted .
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Green Book (2018)
A Road film with soul
29 January 2019
This is thought provoking film on many levels. Who you are at the heart, family., wisdom, judgement, education racial laws in 1962. A fabulous witty script and great performances
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