
19 Reviews
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Different Taste..
7 September 2022
Yes, all but Hi Mama is good as recent reviewer mentions, but the series is cute so far and I wish people would give things a chance before giving it a rating that it really doesn't deserve. She/he doesn't like the actor or something so why rate something you don't want to watch in the first place. Oh, that's right, free speech. It's nothing like Hallmark movies because it's funny and most Korean dramas have strong character development unlike most American movies, hallmark or not. I read the webtoon and it's on target with the story so something like this you need to give 6-10 episodes because they are only 30 minutes long. BTW. Their chemistry is good considering they just met and i am looking forward to the upcoming episodes. If it goes downhill, I will drop the rating accordingly as rating shows should be.
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Love Struck Café (2017 TV Movie)
Much Better than Rated...
28 August 2022
A lot of people rated this lower than it should have been but to each is own. Good leads and the story were cute as it was dealing with first love. I am surprised that I don't see Sarah Jane Morris as the lead in more of these movies because she is one hundred times better than the majority of Hallmark female leads. I have seen her all over TV as guest on several shows in the past, but I don't get why she hasn't obtained a permanent part on shows like Chicago's or Blue Bloods (perfect as challenge for Danny). She has it all, beauty, perfect smile, play off her male leads well and she can act. I don't get it!!
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What's Wrong??
28 August 2022
I have been trying to outline what's wrong with the program because they really went the wrong way with this, and the issues I outline are just a hand-full but there are many more. List of issues:

  • Twenty something minutes per episode: No meat to the stories and 30 minutes is meant for comedy programs, not action series. Mistake #1
  • Someone else wrote this; more of a character definition story was needed prior to putting her in front of the masses. Mistake #2
  • Maybe used the HULK a little during the first two episodes while explaining She-Hulks character; what drives her to be a lawyer etc.

  • Walking around as the Hulk while working is stupid; Ruins the element of surprise.

This is not like Marvel making so many mistakes because i thought Ms. Marvel was incredibly good along with Loki. I get the long-term purpose of She-Hulk but please do a better job of setting up and explaining the story of She-Hulk.
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10 Truths About Love (2022 TV Movie)
Yes and No!!
23 August 2022
Yes, it's a little Chessy but the acting is well done, and I like Camilla Bell in romantic movies. She just needs better scripts and a higher-level production. I am giving a ten because an idiot gave a rating of one and this movie is around a 6 or 7, not a one. It's cute and cheesy but the premise has been done more than once.
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Evil (2019–2024)
Most Creative Show!!!
16 August 2022
Just finished watching Season 3 and boy was i shocked but not surprised by the outcome. This is one of the most creative shows to come along in a long time. I absolutely love Katja Herbers and what a match she and Mike Colter make. Thier chemistry is so effortless, and both are top talent on the television screen. I can't wait for Seasons 4 but i guess i must but what a show.
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Christmas Time Is Here (2021 TV Movie)
Very Charming!!
12 August 2022
I honestly don't understand why this one rated low by some. Maybe because the leads are not vanilla? Hmmm... I have seen generic Hallmark movies that were horrific, and they rated higher than this so i guess individuals are rating based on something else other than, story, acting and chemistry between the leads. I would say okay script, simple but effective. The acting was better than even some of the cream of the crop Hallmark leads. Good chemistry but that's a given because they have been in several movies together. Rukiya is adorable as usual because she has been in a lot of Hallmark Movies as the best friend, so it is nice to see her get a lead role.
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All Rise (2019–2023)
I'm Done!!
12 August 2022
Wow. I used to love this show and the Lola character I thought was fabulous. Smart, beautiful, ethical, and honorable so i thought. They bring in this overall muscular actor to play her ex-boyfriend and suddenly, she is supposed to be the opposite of all those things. Hollywood is a joke! So noone on TV can be all those things and still be entertaining, I guess. Just when i thought i was watching something more than a soap opera where everyone sleeps together and remains friends, they do this to the one character I admired. I only liked a few shows on television, the FBIs, Bluebloods and All Rise but i guess they are going to trash it because i guess they don't have enough creative imagination to incorporate excitement without tainting it like they are starting to do with All Rise. Lazy writing again so you can go ahead and cancel it again, I'm done!!
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Road Trip Romance (2022 TV Movie)
Agree, Agree, Agree....
11 August 2022
I agree with many of the reviewers because i usually like Natalie Hall because she is so adorable. I don't know what it is about several of the Hallmark Leads, not good at all. It seems like they take these guys out of soap operas and expect them to act better in a movie. I know a few of you bashed Corey but this wasn't his fault because the script was terrible. Even Natalie looks stupid at times with this story, but she is so beautiful.
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Campfire Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Good Premise and of course Tori...
11 August 2022
I like the premise, but this could have been much better because the acting was particularly good. I like the male lead but not with Tori so again, Hallmark casting is horrific. I will give them a bonus for the side characters because i thought that worked well but the male lead with Tori seemed unbelievable. Maybe i should have gotten into casting because i think the reason Comedy and Romance can't make a comeback is because we don't have a Tom Hanks currently so to speak. Casting is a lost art especially with Hallmark type movies.
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Really Bad and I wanted to like...
11 August 2022
I am a NEW fan of Ashley Newbrough, but she takes parts with terrible male leads so bad casting and horrible writing. Where do they get these guys? She has a look and personality that would fit almost any race, so the color of the male lead doesn't matter but focus on fit and chemistry between the two leads then adjust the story accordingly based on the couple. It's easier to do that than continually putting these bad actors with a lot of these leading ladies. Ashley is one those women along with Tori Anderson. For this movie, I didn't like the doctor either, but he was better than the actual male lead. If it's low budget which it seems like most of these are, you still can get quality actors if you look outside the standard umbrella. Note Casting Directors: on camera the male and female leads should be equal in height or male taller. Real life this doesn't matter because love is love but on camera, it doesn't look all that appealing.
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Surface (2022– )
Most Underrated Actress!!
4 August 2022
It's funny, my two favorite actresses, especially since 2012 has been Emily Blunt and Gugu Mbatha-Raw. They both have a vast range and can do any genre, but the problem is one of them only get depressive or dark parts (Gugu) and the other can't get the respect she deserves from those idiots at the Oscars (Emily). I don't think that awards matter currently produces quality work (Emily). Surface is not that for Gugu and neither is her previous one. It's such a depressing drama that it's hard to watch but Gugu carries it as far as she can but that's not enough for even me to continue watching. Even in Loki, they did her no justice and it's a shame. At least she is making a good living but as far as quality goes, these scripts are terrible for her. I hope she is not bailing out like Halle Berry who did 1 or 2 good movies, but the rest was much left to desire but she claims she has good money so that's great, I guess.
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Typical of these Studios!
1 August 2022
It's tough for black films and it shows with something like this because I like the leads even though they seem inexperienced. The script was poor but i thought the acting was okay. I think it's funny when people say the story was bad because i would say the script was bad, not the story. All the hallmark movies are about either the male or female going back home for some sort of Christmas event. They followed the same playbook, but the movie was shot in a lower quality. Without proper funding these movies will always come out cheap looking.
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Honor Society (2022)
Pleasantly Surprised!!
1 August 2022
I was pleasantly surprised. Ms. Rice who played honor was calculative, self-absorbed, a minor "b" but knew how to mask it. At least this is what she thought she was in the beginning. Since she never made the effort to genuinely like anyone, she had nothing to go on. She finds out that she is a good person and wants what's best for individuals that eventually become her friends. The bad part is that she learns that men, regardless of geek or athlete is an "AH" but she deserved that lesson since she initially had demon thoughts in destroying people's future for the sake of hers. I like these kind-of movies, John Hughes like from the 80s and 90s and i wish they would do more of them but i know the current generation prefer to shoot them up and bang, bang.
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Surprised I liked so much.
21 July 2022
I was pleasantly surprised by the first one and the second one was even better. The brothers really played off each other well and this was a perfect part for Robert Buckley (Mike). I don't think he match with the lady in Chesapeake Shores, maybe because I think Jessie Metcalf fit that part better with Meghan Ory. I am a sucker for chemistry between male and female so Mike and Andi (played by Ana Ayora) was probably the best I have seen in a while in an Hallmark movie. I am surprised i haven't seen her more on TV or Movies because she can actually act. Since I am quick to badmouth Production, Casting and Writing, they actually did it correct for both of these movies. All and All, good movie all around.
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A Bridesmaid in Love (2022 TV Movie)
Missing Ingredient!
19 July 2022
Tori, the female lead of this movie always provide good movies because of her presence and that smile. Absolutely Beautiful! However, they need to start giving her better male leads and scripts. Are people really that naïve with leaving prior to hearing the whole story while eavesdropping. Why are writers so lazy because a good percentage of this story was good.
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Skymed (2022– )
American Television
19 July 2022
It's interesting how all of these procedural programs are exactly alike, excluding Blue Bloods. Why do they have these people sleeping around with little ramifications? Can't anyone be a decent person in these Dramas? Why can't writers be more creative or less lazy in developing characters like Korean Dramas. I love medical and legal type programs but only if they focus on actual character building and growth versus one hoping from one bed to the next because they look half decent in panties. Is this suppose to generate ratings? Disappointed in Paramount because they are the only ones that have good non, Netflix or Prime shows like Blue Bloods. I can't even watch anymore of this crap because its just a waste of time. So Disappointed!!
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From Friend to Fiancé (2019 TV Movie)
Pretty Good...
13 July 2022
I believe someone saying that Jess stating over and over that she had no feelings is the typical lazy writing from hallmark writers. I don't think you can mix it up with these two because their acting range was limited at this time. I believe Jocelyn whom i have started to watch more and more is growing as an actress. Her recent performances have been much better so i believe she is starting to feel comfortable leading a movie.
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Multi Episode Drama
11 July 2022
This drama was okay and i like the adults in the Drama, especially Belly's mother. I thought it was a good story, obviously told on many occasions but can always be presented in a different way.

The problem with writers, especially American script writers is that they have no imagination when it comes with character development. Instead of the typical falling for a rich boy within her circle, why not bring in someone NEW and build some sort of connection for her first love. Probably to hard for writers to create or just lazy!

Good try but bad execution as far as I can tell.
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2 June 2021
I generally like horror films if done with a purpose, not just to scare you to death. Krasinski has done it twice and i can see a third one on the way but I am glad he is handing this over to a different director and he will produce. I want to see him direct something totally different because i think he has a great eye as a director. It helps to have one of the best actresses on earth as your wife and partner but the vision is all him. Want to see him direct a Spy thriller or a thriller in general that's fast moving like the show 24. Can you imagine these two acting and directing a Spy thriller together? That would be awesome I think with the right story!
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