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New Amsterdam: Hook, Line, and Sinker (2022)
Season 5, Episode 2
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I used to watch New Amsterdam while having breakfast and it was inspirational and touching. After 2d season it became the most irritating show I have ever watched. Almost every episode since 3d season is making me ask WTH?!? Toxic disfuncional characters, stupid soap opera, unrealistic events and actions. Oh my, you gotta be brave enough to watch this. Why did I keep watching? Well, in hopes that the next episode will be better and can somehow bring the vibe of two seasons I liked. But no, and I finally give up.

This episode is absolute rubbish starting from Iggy who def needs a good psychiatrist and Max with lamb eyes doing his populists nonsense again and again to Reynolds who just skips his job at a hospital to go fishing with manipulative dad (who is also played by different actor with no resemblance to previos one). It's like I'm in a circus which constantly irritates and makes me angry. Bye , Ams! Won't even bother to see how things gonna end!
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New Amsterdam: More Joy (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Disfunctional soap opera
24 December 2023
Omg. When did a good drama about medical care of 1 and 2 seasons turn into a soap opera about disfunctional relationships and some side faces of patient care? That's just too much. Is disfunctional is the new woke? I don't know how else could this be so over the top.

Max and Helen love story is very poorly written and acted, absolutely no chemistry so I don't even care if they are together or not. But I thought viewers suppose to care and empathise! Writers fail.

I hardly survived 3d season and have no idea why I bother to keep watching. It all looks like a parody of New Amsterdam. It should've stopped after season 2.
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New Amsterdam: Catch (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Hard to watch
23 December 2023
Really. Being a doctor I had too much hearing weird and irrational preferences over rational care of patients thinking they know better and that we do our job not good enough. During covid-19 it took hours and hours trying to convince people protect themselves and others. But some had their own preferences, hey. From "I'm not a dog to wear a mask" to God knows what. We are here to help cure!

And again few episodes ago everybody honked and cheered for doctors and in this one - closing departments just because some doctor said some lawyer what's better and more safe. Srsly? It's like I've started reading Twitter episode by episode.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Oh well, guess who ruins the show?
27 November 2023
From the very beginning I knew that Keens character along with horrible acting skills of Boone could ruin the show. But along came writers! Omg, it's like nobody even cared at all. What was horrible turned to hundred times worse, watching this show is like a math homework I have to do but keep procrastinating and cry inside. I mean season by season it turns into cheap soap opera with absolutely dumb plot holes and bad writing characters. Keens character is not likeable at all, who and why would anyone want to help her or grow relationships (only pity maybe). God bless James Spader, he was the only gem trying to make the show last, moving it on his shoulders. And those rare episodes about criminals were fun. All in all the dumbest FBI secret unit ever with dumbest writers and super dumb main character/actress. (Guys, I'm serious, it's physically hard to watch her act)
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Wilderness (2023)
Atmospheric and twisted
17 September 2023
What's wrong? Why everyone wants everything to happen fast? Looks like those who leave comments prefer short tiktok videos and absolutely incapable of watching a slow burner with atmospheric scenes and music, where you can see, feel and believe why and how something could change someone and put them on the wrong path. I enjoyed the series , good actors, they actually make you like/hate their characters. Story is complicated and twisted, keeps you wondering how everything will end. Not a wow-material but a decent one, I put 7 stars.

So, if you are in a mood for some twisted slow burning drama, pour yourself a glass of something you like, light on a candle, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the series! Give yourself a rest.
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Poyekhavshaya (2023)
A pleasant surprise
16 May 2023
Started to watch with no expectations at all (false: I've expected it to be bad like mostly modern Russian movies) but was pleasantly surprised from the very beginning. Good camera work, great soundtrack, fine acting (sic!) and adorable plot which is a story based on real life events about a girl with her dog going on a long bicycle trip through Russia. Had a good time watching with almost two hours passed by and can recommend this good vibe movie with beautiful landscapes to everyone who 1) likes to travel 2) in need of something light and kind to watch and smile 3) lost fate in russian cinematography.
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Europe from Above (2019– )
Very Enjoyable flight!
25 March 2021
Wow somebody should be really unhappy and angry with yourself to rate this show with 1. It is a good documentary with beautiful landscape and architectural drone filming around Europe and happy people really enjoying their jobs. Plus some very informative facts and stories. This show will definitely put a smile on your face (esp when you see dutch winter swimming) and is perfect for the cozy evening. If you are a traveller at heart you will definitely enjoy this flight
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Kind and beautiful
1 November 2020
Loved this movie. Kind, funny, beautiful and inspiring. Good piece of work, keeps faith in Russian movies <3
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Painful to watch
6 October 2020
This is just too painful to watch. And don't even let me start about that awful and absolutely unrealistic dog visuals. Somewhere in early 2000 (or even more years ago), there was a movie about cats and dogs running around and talking to each other. So, I believed their moving lips more than this 2019 piece of ... still can't find a normal word for it. Avoid this anyway. I felt like that guy from Idiocracy.
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The Vanished (2020)
Decent thriller debut
26 August 2020
The most creepy part is to read reviews from people who actually watched 10 mins or who watched till the very end and still didn't get it. I wonder why do they have this urge to leave a comment the most?

I started to watch with absolutely no expectations but it turned out to be quite entertaining. There were few holes but all in all it's a pretty decent thriller with good twists. Good job!
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The Blackout (2019)
Poor attempt to make a decent movie
26 May 2020
Well. High hopes but ...!Poor acting and very poor script. Is it a future? Or is it today? Why is there a super new phone and drone and old everything else? Fine CGI and fine locations with horrid cheap script. Wanted to look like a real blockbuster but as a result looks really poor and cheap. Sorry.
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Nice try (not really)
3 January 2020
First of all: I just couldn't stop looking at the background. 8 million dollars budget gives you FIFA-16 background and GTA cars driving on "soviet chromakey". Really?? Couldn't stop laughing. As for the story - absolutely amazing Lev Yashin and his life is so poorly portrayed that it is really hard to understand what was so great about this goalkeeper. They hate, they love, they hate, they love... not enough to feel the story! Lead actor was trying but was a total character miss (well, thank gods it was not Petrov). Oh and one more irritating part - dialogs starting at one location and continuing at another with the help of "the evil edit master". 2 stars.
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Eh? Nein
28 December 2019
I am a huge fan of this kind of movies "short random (or not) stories in one". But "Berlin" was really hard to watch, depressing and boring. I was in Berlin and it's an amazing city. But if not - I wouldn't even have a slightest urge to visit it after watching this movie. Nothing is about "love or spirit". Oh and Mickey Rourke scene was just embarrassing, I was sitting with my eyes half closed (if I ignore it maybe it will go away). Ignore this movie, believe the rate.
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The Blacklist: Katarina Rostova (No. 3) (2019)
Season 7, Episode 10
I'm done
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The stupidity jumps above the limit. Enough is enough. Not only I've struggled through "special FBI unit that works only for Keen's needs" and the "neighbor -nanny" part but now I have to painfully watch bypolar character (who btw never gives a damn about her baby except for the time she needs it for the plot) believe the first word that comes of the Katerina mother character. Impossible to watch this nonsense along with awful awful just terribly awful piece of actress.
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Family Games (2018)
Piece of (f)art
6 May 2019
Watched this weirdest film just to check how bad Megan Boone really is. It's so slow that you might check your remote control several times to see if it was on pause. Blank faces, bad acting, slow going... looks like someone's school project (is it?). Seriously, thank God for 72 mins. I already forgot what it was about anyway
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Your worst nightmare
31 March 2019
This is really one hell of a scary movie. Almost everything in this "film" terrifies you - acting, plot, editing. It is interesting how casting director could possibly find worst actors ever. Each one of them!! would totally understand and give it 4 starts if it was someone's school project but this was made with the help of Ministry of Culture and shot by Nikita Mikhalkov's daughter. Just awful
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Great 1st season, awful 2nd
2 March 2019
After amazing first season I was waiting for this show to go on. And when we finally got the second season - instead of "wow effect" it had "ew effect". First of all boring slow going script. Almost no real action... just "gum chewing" and drama. Second of all - you guys should really reconsider your makeup artists! That amount of fake blood I've only seen in 1970s B-movies, seriously! Made me laugh a lot (Dracula Castle lol). And I'm not even talking about toilet fight scene. Next - irritating bad acting of the blond girl. Absolute nonsense of the script whatsoever. Who? When? Why? Crazy bad religious guys. Really? As a result - a lot of whining and poker faces. Do not watch the second season!!
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The Blacklist: Marko Jankowics (No. 58) (2019)
Season 6, Episode 8
Hard to watch
27 February 2019
It's getting really hard to watch. Bipolar Keen and her bipolar sister doing crazy stuff. Absolutely awful acting, plot holes and stupid storyline. Please just tell me that Reddington is Keen's mother and let's get over with it
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29 September 2018
The only question is why on earth would anyone come up with this idea for the film making. Runaway penis in a form of a weird guy. I just hope it runs away along with the director and author.. such a shame for decent actor Kolokolnikov.
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Deadly Still (2018)
It's so bad it hurts
20 July 2018
Honestly, I have no idea why on earth I watched this "movie". It is so bad it actually physically hurts. Acting is just poor and the story is absolut nonsense. All in all it is a true "horror" which you better avoid
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