209 Reviews
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Hit Man (2023)
Fun watch but could've been better
9 June 2024
First thing's first: Glen Powell is incredible in this movie. He transforms across the spectrum of characters incredibly well. He's dynamic and believable in this role that boarders on absurdity and keeps it in bounds.

The premise of the story was entertaining and engaging, with an enjoyable secondary cast.

Adria Arjona was also fun, but her character could've better developed. The high octane romance tag transpires feels entirely too surface for how emotionally involved it becomes in the end. There were no flashes of actual connection beyond sexual intensity and discussion about murder. It would've been nice to see them have at least one "get to know you" interaction outside of the sex-murder dichotomy.

The ending is also.... Unnecessary. Maybe for laughs amongst the people who knew the real Gary Johnson, but for storytelling purposes it was a little too campy.

An entertaining watch, one of Netflix's better recent films. But it does fall a little flat in a couple places.
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Beautiful look at thriving wildlife
4 June 2024
Nature documentaries always help me feel better about the state of the natural world. It's always enjoyable to see how creatures and vegetation thrive when allowed to.

This show is a nice, hopeful, educational look at the wildlife that occupies just a handful of the many National Parks around the world. Truthfully, I had no idea how many countries had protected land. It was a really exciting thing to learn!

I found Obama's narration to be a great fit. Nobody can ever take David Attenborough's crown, but I still quite enjoyed the way Obama's voice overlayed.

My only complaint is that with the title of the show, I would've liked to know more about the actual parks. Programs, length of existence, things they've accomplished, initiatives that global supporters can help with, etc. It was 99% about the ecosystems, which is lovely, but I would've liked Park info, too.
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Mean Girls (2004)
20 years old and still iconic
3 June 2024
I can't believe they tried to remake this movie. You simply cannot recapture the magic of this film that is so incredibly 2004. This movie fully encapsulates what teen/tween culture was in the early 2000's.

There is a reason even now every line of this movie is so quotable. The writing was really well done. Something that seems to lack in so many comedies is the way that subtly is used in this movie. It's not bombastic or a barrage of shocking language or gimmicky scenes. Some of the best lines are delivered in a high school cafeteria or an afternoon math class. The hilarity of everyday life is truly underrated.

The cast is also just perfect from top to bottom. Everyone in these roles just fit and play them so well. Lindsay Lohan's full 360 transformation is especially believable. But everyone acts their parts so well.

Will watch this again and again, always. 10/10, no notes! You go, Glen Coco!
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IF (I) (2024)
Emotional, creative, and thought-provoking
29 May 2024
I'm shocked this has received such low ratings. Maybe because I'm viewing it through the eyes of a 30 year old with no kids I'm trying to entertain, but I thought this movie was pretty incredible.

I loved the childlike wonder this movie has. I love how vibrant and creative it is. I think the young lead actress positively steals the show; she is so magnetic and shines so bright.

This movie made me laugh and it made me cry. It gave me an hour and 40 minutes to let my inner child be happy, sad, and feel seen. I loved it from start to finish.

I also cannot overstate how much I enjoyed how present this movie felt. A 12 year old with no phone, no iPad, no smartwatch, just her imagination and a big heart that takes her on a journey. I'm glad this movie exists, especially in 2024.

There was only one scene/element that I felt was tackled in a lazy way. It's truly the only thing stopping me from giving it a 10.

If you want a comedy aimed at keeping kids' entertained with jokes and gags, this isn't the movie. And in fairness, maybe it was advertised that way. But this movie is a lot more than that. I encourage viewers to have an open mind.
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A simple tender classic
26 May 2024
It feels now in 2024 that "Always Be My Maybe" was one of the last genuine movies of its kind in the rom-com world: A genuine movie that's not too cheesy, not too over the top, not to awkward and cringe-worthy, not posturing for some larger social message that outshines the heart of the story.

Refreshing dialogue that feels believable. Chemistry between the leads. A wholesome boy-and-girl nextdoor backstory. Side characters that perfectly play their roles to supplement the story. Ambition and a purpose driving motives. These are all of the elements that come together in the movie.

A couple of scenes maybe were too drawn out and forced, and there were some things tied up very conveniently with a bow. But all in all this is an adorable movie worth watching again and again.
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The Bounty Hunter (I) (2010)
Fun and sweet
20 May 2024
I think 5.5 is awfully low for this sweet, fun rom-com romp with Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. They have just awesome chemistry, I think they really play off of each other well in this movie.

There are enough silly antics and heartfelt moments that it feels balanced. There are, of course, plenty about this movie that is not believable, but not many comedies of this nature are going to deliver you a polished plot. I think the point of this movie is to be entertaining and enjoyable, which I felt it was.

I would've liked a little more acknowledgement of the "wrongdoing" of Gerard's character, though. It seems like he gets off relatively scot free in the accountability aspect of things while Jennifer's character takes the brunt of the blame. On par for a male-female comedy in 2010, but I still think the script was on the verge of going there and just pulled up and decided not to.

Fun popcorn movie that holds up for laughs 14 years later.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
A very fun movie that's easy to root for
18 May 2024
Is it actually possible to dislike a movie that stars both Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt? I simply don't think it is.

Ryan Gosling channels the part of his range I have come to love most from the movies Barbie and The Nice Guys; his humor. His delivery is unique and his timing is nearly perfect. Everything always seems to land well and his dry, witty, sarcastic chops help carry this movie. His chemistry with Emily Blunt (who is amazing, always) was authentic and easy to root for.

It's a goofy movie with the perfect amount of nonsense mixed with good humor and a lot of heart. A very fun watch.
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Dog (I) (2022)
Could've been better but was still a good, touching movie
12 May 2024
I'll echo everyone else here and say this was not a comedy. There are ways that it could've been tweaked and written to have made it a true comedy, but Channing Tatum isn't a comedian and his solitary performance with a dog isn't enough to make it clearly a comedy.

What "Dog" actually is is an emotional road trip drama that is kept light enough with some off color scenes and jokes to keep it from getting too deep. And when you use that measuring stick, it is a pretty good movie.

If this film had fully leaned into that identity and developed Tatum's character a little better along the journey, and hadn't rushed the ending so much, it could've been a totally solid movie. Instead it is good not great, a little shaky, but still a nice watch.
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A satisfying and heartwarming watch
6 May 2024
I saw this movie originally when it came out in theaters and I loved it then. I have long since wanted to re-watch it; I have finally checked that off the list.

Taron and Hugh have great chemistry together in this film. They absolutely shine side-by-side in their roles, playing them in ways that really tug on the heartstrings. They bring to life the humanity of people they are portraying, making them immensely likeable and relatable.

The storytelling of this movie also just feels good. The involvement of Eddie's family has a well done arc. Eddie's training and development is also showcased nicely. Everything is developed and brought along in a way that makes you feel very satisfied by the end of the movie. Is a heartwarming true story that is well worth watch.
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Quarterback (2023– )
Well documented journeys
4 May 2024
I enjoyed the format of "Quarterback." I'm watching it for the first time to get acquainted with what to expect for when "Receiver" comes out later this year. And even though a whole other football season has transpired, I was still able to enjoy the way they documented these three very different men who play the quarterback position.

It was a great balance between on-the-field and off-the-field. I enjoyed getting personal glimpses of Mariota, Cousins, and Mahomes. They were all so different from each other that it kept the show interesting throughout each episode and never felt repetitive or bogged down.

A well-done sports series by Netflix.
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Road House (2024)
Almost there, but poorly executed
4 May 2024
I'll start by saying that I've never seen the original movie (and didn't realize this was a remake) but this made me want to. I'm so intrigued by what the story of this film could've been; I'm thrilled to know that an alternate version exists.

Jake Gyllenhaal does the heavy lifting of this one. He embraced the role and tried to give Dalton enough charisma, personality, and emotion to save the rest. While he's not entirely able to, he gives a hell of an effort.

The rest of the acting feels mediocre at best. Jessica Williams does a pretty good job with what she's given, but she's not given enough to make an impact. Everyone else reminded me I was watching actors in a movie rather than making me believe in them.

The CGI of this movie is insanely bad. It actually negatively impacts the entire film, even scenes it's not present in because it makes the whole world feel flimsy and fake. It feels like we've gone so far in the opposite direction lately with special effects. Things no longer feel more realistic because of them, but rather more phony.

I wanted to like this more than I did. Sadly it's a pretty forgettable "B Movie" level watch.
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Fun and entertaining
29 April 2024
This is not a cerebral comedy that has aby ounce of complexity to it. It's predictable, cheesy, but it is funny. It's maybe not gut splitting, but it is surely amusing.

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson really do shine together. They compliment each other very well comedically, playing great off each other. They're a fun duo that carries this movie, but they also vibe with the supporting cast.

Cliche and surface, sure, but it does what it's meant to do and that's entertain. 11 years later it's a fun movie to throw on and chuckle in between some saccharine heartfelt moments that cross generations.
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The Boss Baby (2017)
Whacky, wild ride that winds up hilarious
24 April 2024
The first 10 minutes of Boss Baby I didn't know what to think. It came at me so fast with it's whacky, wild style that I was not sure how I could get through 90 minutes of it.

As the movie went on I started to really enjoy it. The humor was the type of stupid-funny that is actually hilarious if you're willing to indulge in it. If you're in the mood to watch something with the intention of laughing, it is a perfect animated movie for it.

Alec Baldwin really shines in this as a voice actor. He truly couldn't have been more perfect for this part. His delivery and personality ties the whole thing together.
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A magical movie that never disappoints
20 April 2024
Rewatched this movie for the first time in about 5 years, making it probably the fourth total time I've seen it.

It. Never. Disappoints.

Stunning, vibrant, and magical from the opening scene to the last. It also never lags; the pacing is perfect and the songs keep everything moving fluidly in an almost effortless way.

The performances top to bottom are fantastic, but Hugh is such a shining star. The definition of a leading man in this movie. He plays the part flawlessly.

The music is also unbelievably good. It walks the line of the show tune-pop blend with grace, making the songs easy to listen to again and again awhile staying true to the form of art the movie strives to be.

Timeless and sensational!
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Uncut Gems (2019)
The most insane thing I've ever watched
13 April 2024
I am... Speechless. In a bad way.

Five years ago this movie came out and it's always been one that's piqued my interest. Finally got around to watching it and I was truly shocked by the entire production.

This movie is so overstimulating it's unreal. It is a complete and utter jumbled mess. There are endless plot holes, countless questions, and it never actually turns into anything. I hated all of these characters, every single one. They were so irritating I literally laughed while watching it many times because of these sheer obnoxious audacity.

One star for Lakeith's acting, one star for the Weeknd's random as hell appearance, and one star for the basketball involvement/Kevin Garnet, the only truly entertaining aspect of this whole thing.

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What a boring bummer
19 March 2024
I'm nearly 20 years late to seeing the well-known "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" film and... Yikes.

I think part of my dislike for the movie comes from my expectations, which maybe isn't fair but I'm finding it hard to separate out my feelings. I thought this was a more serious movie. I knew it was a comedy but I didn't realize it was so hokey and cheesy and fake. I thought there was more legitimacy to their livelihoods as spies, not that everything was gimmicky and half-baked. That was a real letdown.

The acting by both Brad and Angelina also leaves much to be desired in this one. The whole movie is just smoldering and showcasing how attractive they are. It gets older about 60-75 minutes into a 126 minute movie that's for sure.

Some entertaining scenes and sequences but overall quite the dull dud.
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Not bad but it is underwhelming
9 March 2024
The Marvel influences were detected early on in this 2016 movie and continued to crop up throughout the entire thing. It gives the movie a more gimmicky time than the previous two films which was disappointing.

The story is not particularly inspiring or done in a way that I found compelling. It's simply like running through a bullet point list of items to check off the items that need to be covered. It didn't feel cohesive or all that interesting.

There were some good moments for individual characters that I enjoyed, a very solid and well-done action sequence, and a relatively satisfying ending.
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THAT'S how you make a thoughtful blockbuster
9 March 2024
What a magnificent and excellent film. Brilliant writing, magnetic production and cinematography, and absolutely amazing acting performances. All coupled with a chilling score; this right here is storytelling.

I was critical of the pace in Dune Part 1. I found the world building, acting, and cinematography to also be beautiful and well done in that movie but it drug along in several spots. These critiques from me hold up with that film as a standalone. With the second installment now available, it absolutely elevates its predecessor. Another mark of great storytelling.

No criticism of pace this time around. The near three-hour run time slipped by quickly. I was ready to rewatch it as I was leaving the theater.
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A solid adaptation beautiful on screen
8 March 2024
The novel Lessons in Chemistry is one of my favorites. I always have a mix of excitement and trepidation when those books get made into a movie or show but was optimistic about this one.

Despite the changes made, as are always inevitable, I really enjoyed this adaptation! It was brought to life on screen with care. I could feel the meticulous details in the writing of the screenplay the same way I felt them when I read the book. It resonates with the audience well, inspiring hope and the courage to change.

Brie Larson was a solid casting. At times I felt her delivery too stiff or dry (in my mind, Elizabeth Zott had a bit more quirky, ironic comedy to her) but for the most part she did a good job. Her chemistry with Aja Naomi King as Harriet felt palpable and real. One of the more important friendship dynamics I've ever read or seen.

Well done to everyone who worked on this! A really nice offering from Apple TV, very well worth the watch.
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Still good but felt more basic than the first
27 February 2024
While it was enjoyable to jump right into the action now having established all the characters and their relationships to one another, I still felt something about the plot was a bit lacking. It's probably unfair to this movie that I'm watching it 11 years later and have since been inundated with superhero movies that all follow the same arcs. Likely, "Star Trek into Darkness" would have hit harder and felt more substantial at the time of its release.

With that said, it was still a great space-action film that expands the Star Trek world even further in its film version. It was a good, solid movie from start to finish that invites viewers to watch the third installation of the trilogy.
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Every scene feels individual; lacking flow and full storytelling
17 February 2024
The acting was good, the scenes regarding the music and the artistic creativity involved in the endeavor were good, and every scene individually was fine.

What this film lacks is actually direction. It felt disjointed and choppy from the very beginning. It was hard to keep straight what was going on and why. The motivations of events were hard to follow, and conflicts appeared and disappeared without a trace. The actual flow and arc were kind of non-existent in this movie.

I felt the scenes between on-screen Bob and Rita and Bob with the band were the absolute strength. There was chemistry there that felt natural and that felt like I was really getting a glimpse into Bob Marley at this period of his life.

It's so close to being a really good movie, but the lack of continuity in the storytelling robs it of reaching the potential.
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Star Trek (2009)
Engaging and immersive
16 February 2024
Admittedly I've never seen the original Star Trek series, so I'm judging this movie on its own. And what I watched I really, really liked.

I found the story to be engaging and emotional; I was invested from the beginning. Also the special effects for the time were outstanding. 2009 wasn't yet top-tie CGI but they nailed it visually. Really impressive and awesome to watch.

The cast was great and had good chemistry together on screen. I enjoyed everyone's performance. Chris Pine as the lead does a great job of endearing you to James Kirk throughout the course of 2+ hours. Again, I was invested in him from the beginning.

Can't wait to watch the rest of the trilogy! (I'm late to the party, but better than never.).
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Movie made for popcorn entertainment; delivers what is promised
3 February 2024
First of all, anyone complaining about the language of this movie just wants to complain. It is rated R for language, provides a disclaimer explicitly about language, and it stars Snoop Dogg. So if you want to ignore all three warning signs, that's on you haha.

This is a movie that's good for laughs and entertainment. It is the perfect kind of stupid movie to watch when you want to turn your brain off and just pop some popcorn to have 90 minutes of fun. It's corny and cheesy and yes, extremely profane. I didn't expect anything different from the trailer.

It was incredibly predictable in its format, and some of the jokes didn't exactly land. Some parts were a little clunky and could've been better for the sake of comedy. But overall, it was exactly what it should've been. A fun and raunchy underdog story.
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Tetris (2023)
I did NOT see that coming!
20 January 2024
First and foremost, hats off the Taron Egerton for his performance in this movie. The accent, the quirks, the emotions, the line delivery were all superb from the opening scene.

This was one hell of a ride. I certainly knew absolutely nothing about the history of Tetris, but even so, I thought I could have a sense of what to expect. Boy was I wrong. What a wild tale that unfolded across two hours! I was fully invested in this story, and while dramatization is a given for movie adaptations, I couldn't believe just everything that went down. I can definitely see why this got turned into a movie!

Well worth the watch. A great production from Apple.
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Delightful fun
13 January 2024
Every time I see the rare unicorn of a movie made nowadays that isn't in the dichotomy we have created of being either a superhero movie/giant action blockbuster or slow burn artful drama, I am enthusiastic about watching and giving it a chance.

"The Family Plan" is great for what it's meant to be; mindless action with family-oriented comedy. It's endearing and cheesy in all the right ways, and Mark Wahlberg with Michelle Monaghan is fantastic! They had great chemistry and played their roles perfectly together.

The biggest thing working against it perhaps is length. This clocks in at 2 hours and a runtime of 1:40 would've likely been perfect.

Worth the watch. Pop some popcorn and go on a lighthearted ride!
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