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The call with Agnes was important
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show. They skillfully dragged out the "who is Reddington" question for 8 seasons without in seeming too forced with lots of twists and turns.

Towards the end of season 8 they told us without quite confirming it that he was Keen's parent, but rather than being her father, he was in fact her mother having undergone a sex change. But crucially they never nailed that explanation down.

But since Keen died, he has been quite blatantly acting as a grandparent. And then in the conversation with Agnes in this final episode they got as close as they could to confirming it albeit in some clunky "you're being a mom" or similar line from Agnes and Red pretty much winking at us

Like most others here, I found the very end disappointing, but up until the final 5 minutes I thought we were building up to something special. Sadly we weren't. Felt like they ran out of budget, said "that'll do" and went home.

Nothing in the finale was resolved other than Dembe's status. But what about Harold? Donald? Cynthia? Nothing came of the aggressive FBI agent subplot. Was convinced the guy Dembe took the phone from was a Reddington plant too...

But there are good bits. Dembe's voice over was powerful. Spain looked nice. Actually thinking about it, the best bits were in the first part. Oh well.
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3 Body Problem: Countdown (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
One fundamental flaw really took me out of it
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So "science is broken" and all the particle accelerators in the world are showing the same completely impossible results. This is causing programmes to be defunded and all the physicists to be really depressed that our models appear wrong.

Aaaaaagh. This is the exact opposite of what would happen. Discovering that the existing models underpinning physics don't work is Nobel prize winning stuff. The scientists would be excited and be rushing to provide answers to make a name for themselves - finding something new is what scientists dream of and it's the whole point of research. They certainly wouldn't be moping around in Karaoke bars. All I could think is "the writers clearly did not speak to a single research scientist" and it took me out of the story.

Look, I can accept that Oxford has its own giant particle accelerator. I can just about suspend disbelief about the sky blinking at us (I mean it makes 0 sense but whatever). I can even accept the apparent age of the Chinese lady (seriously - she was at least 20 in 1967 so she is around 80 now). But scientists depressed at a new discovery that disproves Einstein? Nope.

It's a shame as otherwise the mystery is compelling.
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The Creator (2023)
Refreshing and Ambiguous
27 February 2024
An original story that isn't a sequel, a reboot or an expansion of an existing franchise. Great.

It's morally confusing. The "wait a sec; I don't think the American military are the unambiguous good guys here" was refreshing. Great.

I still have no idea whether Alphie is good or bad or neither or both. Great.

A lot of deaths of significant characters. Great.

Completely believable world with lots of little "we could use AI/robots for this details" making it feel like a 3D world. Great.

The only problem is that I can't work out why half of what happened actually happened. The plot seems a bit off for some reason. Not So Great.

Worth a watch though.
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The Marvels (2023)
Not as bad as others say, but well off Marvel's best
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this. I wouldn't say it's as terrible as other people say, it just kind of meandered.

There were some good bits, it is Marvel after all and I don't think they can make a terrible movie...

Miss Marvel has charisma for days.

Her family were a joy too.

The leads gelled well.

Effects were brilliant as ever

Potentially interesting film as an unexpected consequence from the ending of the first film

A few risks taken (singing?, cat escape pods?)

Fury in old skool comedy role

But these couldn't completely counteract the three big flaws for me

I still don't know who Cap Marvel is, except that she seems a bit sad

The structure felt off. I had no idea what the film was about for the first half

The villain should have been finished off in the first 2 mins such is Cap Marvel's power. But she had plot armour.
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Risky format reliant on the cast
6 February 2024
Many people here are complaining about the contestants and there is an argument that they cast toxic women and boring men.

But the format is pretty weak. They needed the contestants to be shady, to lie and conspire or it would have been tedious. Producers clearly knew it when casting the women but forgot that when picking the men. The only interesting man was secret millionaire and his utterly cluelessness about his privilege was more hilarious than compelling.

Imagine if they had all been like the passive men and never voted for anyone. Unlikely, but it could have been really dull.

As it was, I enjoyed it. There were some twists and turns and at only 8eps it didn't outstay its welcome.
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The Traitors Australia: Grand Finale (2023)
Season 2, Episode 9
Unintentionally Hilarious Series
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This started off a bit dull then became the funniest show I've seen for a while

I don't think Sam could have been more obviously a traitor had he literally twirled a mustache and stroked a white cat while saying "I'm a traitor", but every episode ended up being the same.

1 - everyone, including traitors agree to go for Sam.

2 - one of them leads the charge.

3 - Sam says "no, I think you are the traitor" 4 - everyone looks puzzled at this apparently water-tight argument.

5 - everyone realises Sarah is going against her word. Again.

5 - everyone votes for the person who led the charge.

Every. Single. Time.

And the final faithful standing, Sarah, was 100% the worst at the game. She was kept in because she was so appallingly unable to keep her word that she provided cover for Sam. She single-handedly gave the traitors the win.

2 highly trained police officers and a clinical psychologist were unable to crack it despite multiple people literally telling them the same, correct answer before getting kicked out or murdered.

The traitors weren't bright either, and only survived by being less incompetent than the faithful. I can only assume Sam is incredibly charismatic in person.

Luckily the format is a strong one, and Rodger is very easy on the eye, but they need better contestants and they could take a leaf out of the UK one for the challenges too.
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
Approached with trepidation but...
17 September 2023
Never seen Clone Wars so can't compare it, but I found this to be a lot of fun with some surprisingly grown up themes in there. I enjoyed how most of the time, characters made intelligent decisions but it rarely lost it's sense of fun.

A lot of people have complained about the animation m. My take is that the issue isn't that the character animation is bad per se, it is just jarringly different in style when you compare to the animation on the machines, imperial bases, stormtroopers etc. Which look very similar to the movies. So much so that I forgot that I was watching a cartoon sometimes. Space battles in particular look very close to what we see in live action.

So definitely worth a look, and at around 20 mins an episode it isn't too much of a commitment!
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
A bit different
28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the attention to actual astronomy was welcome!

I liked the interaction, the back stories. Dialogue mostly felt natural with only the occasional clunker, usually around their emotional back stories (I thought there was at least one ex couple in the car the way they played it at times).

Genuinely exciting finale as you just aren't sure how the film will end. The additional character at the end felt superfluous though.

The only thing that annoyed was "we have to get back NOW, there is no time to lose or humanity could lose this data - but first we will spend a quarter of that time carefully packing everything up." Just leave it and go!

But otherwise I really enjoyed it.
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Earth (2023)
So much to love but for one glaring problem
28 August 2023
Beautiful, awe-inspiring and emotional. It tells an amazing story and, in more places than is usual for this kind of show, actually explains the evidence for the statements.

Chris Packham surprised me at being able to hold a bombastic show like this together. His shows are usually much smaller and more informal. He even sounds like Attenborough on occasions!

But the glaring problem? The script keeps using the language of creationism around evolution. It implies evolution had purpose, that organisms chose to evolve, that the Earth created conditions specifically to allow humans to exist. None of this is true. Evolution has no direction or purpose. It is just "whoever had the most grandchildren, their traits will spread through natural selection". I get that it makes for flowery prose, but it is misleading at a time where we need to be literate about this stuff.

The message it gives? Don't worry about climate change. The Earth chose to save us before and will eventually do it again (with volcanoes probably) so don't sweat it. We might even choose to evolve to cope with it. We need to understand the opposite.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
It's OK in the middle
28 June 2022
Started really slowly, and I nearly gave up. It got pretty good from about episode 3 or 4 in series 1 but ran out of steam towards the end of series 2.

It has its bad points which others have detailed. Not hugely original at times and the crew are sometimes a little whiny and unprofessional. The life gets sucked out if it with the bits set on Earth too. Plus at one point they randomly have a whole colony ready to go which made no sense on their mission.

The good points are the mystery around the Achaia themselves and their motivations (reminiscent of V) and the sense of peril is real. Lots of characters you get to know and like die random pointless deaths and are then replaced. The character turnover is high and other than maybe 3 characters who have plot armour, pretty much anyone could be killed at any moment which makes for some tense scenes.

So all in all it was OK with some really good bits in the middle.
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Another Life: Smoke and Mirrors (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Well I liked it. A lot.
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved all the "negotiation" stuff. I loved how Niko was a terrible negotiator and how the Achaia apparently were there in bad faith too.

We have a crew at their absolute wits end. They've just lost 2 more crew members and are jumpy as hell. Of course they aren't reacting in a calm measured way and when the apparently hostile Achaia cut the signal to Niko, naturally they almost panic. They are generally a highly skilled crew but they are also humans being pushed to the psychological limit.

And when Niko chooses humanity over her daughter? Brilliant. It's fantastic to see a character making the hard choices.

Other than Cas launching herself at the ship in a spacesuit based on the assumption that she'd be invisible, I didn't mind the technobabble nor the weird meeting of the daughter thing. Was it real? Was that the same ring or a reproduction? Who knows?
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More insects please. Not.
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I think I want to watch a movie about dinosaurs, I really want to watch a movie about big insects, crops being ruined and human clones with dinosaurs relegated to a few set pieces. Luckily this film delivered big time.

Obviously I'm being sarcastic (need to point this out online).

Cool feathered dinosaurs, and weird Edward Scissorhands dinosaur notwithstanding, this just did not feel like a Jurassic Park/World film. Even some of the CGI at the start was ropey, and flawless dino CGI is kind of the one thing you should expect.

That said, it's fun enough, just don't expect to want to rush to see it again.
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Criminal Minds: The Anti-Terror Squad (2016)
Season 12, Episode 5
Alvez is in danger
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Garcia and Alvez. I can only assume that they are building up to her murdering him.

First she hates him for having a girlfriend. Then she decides she likes him for no real reason. In this eo she showers him with unsolicited gifts which she gets upset about because he wasn't grateful enough. Then she buys another unsolicited gift and tries to decide for him that he isn't coming for drinks then punishes him for disobeying by telling him he has to pay.

This is controlling and obsessional behaviour with a hint of gaslighting and the BAU should see it from a mile off.

Her skills at illegally hacking into private data to build a hugely problematic database notwithstanding, she should be fired for workplace harassment before it escalates.
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Enjoyable but forgettable
18 June 2022
It's sweet and nice and gently humorous without being rip roaring. It has some tender moments and what look like quite a few improvised scenes but doesn't seem to really be saying anything much and the acting choices are a bit ropey in places.

I'm enjoying it, but I don't think it'll be that memorable.
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Senior Year (2022)
All over the place but not awful
23 May 2022
It's a series of different set pieces glued together. Sometimes it's a fantasy, sometimes it's social commentary, sometimes it's silly, sometimes it's slapstick and sometimes it turns quite dark (as in the cameo taxi driver bit).

Characters behave inconsistently, emotional moments seem plucked out of nowhere.

But you know what, it somehow hung together and was a pleasant enough distraction.
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Enjoyable fluff
2 May 2022
This isn't going to win awards, but it's an enjoyable diversion if you take it at face value. The cast is clearly having fun and there are some genuinely funny lines and likeable leads, even a couple of really good moments. Don't over think it, I don't think it's supposed to be analysed too deeply.

It's certainly not deserving of a 1* review like so many on here. There's nothing to actively dislike.

Plus, if you know Hamburg, this is a treat! It's not a common film location.
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More interesting than a romance
24 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very thought provoking, but I don't think you can class this as a romance. Famke Janssen's character's personality is no more real with Picard than when she switches effortlessly between three different personalities in 10 Forward. The writers seem to want us to understand she is just a mirror (the director even shows that in some shot framing), but also want us kind of forget it later in her stunning scenes with Picard.

What I think it is instead is an interesting insight into Picard, what he wants and his seeming inability to get it due to his sense of duty. You see a relaxed Picard here which is new, but I like to think he knows on some level it isn't "real" and he is making her in his image. Interestingly he basically ruins her life though.

Famke Janssen somehow makes this all work which is no mean feat.

Very good ep.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Drumhead (1991)
Season 4, Episode 21
Remarkable episode.
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Peak Picard as moral leader

Classic dodgy Starfleet admiral trope

Plot that seems more relevant today than when the show came out.

Powerhouse guest star performance.

Great make up hinting at character's mixed race

Brilliant direction and pacing with many nice touches

As close to perfection as an episode can get.
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Community: Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas (2010)
Season 2, Episode 11
Poignant perfection
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout the series it's established that Abed processes everything through pop culture references as a coping technique. This is cleverly used here to create an inventive and detailed fantasy that is consistent with the rest of the series.

This was a joyously funny episode, but with a genuine undercurrent of sadness throughout. A lot of thought has gone into it (John Oliver's professor literally ripping into the fantasy whenever he spoke was a brilliant touch) and it all works and builds up to an incredibly powerful, earned climax.

I think this is absolute perfection.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Someone to Watch Over Me (1999)
Season 5, Episode 21
Just about holds up in 2022
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I get the My Fair Lady thing but two male characters betting over the datability of a female character has not dated terribly well. Plus If it were made today perhaps Seven might have been asked about gender of potential dates... they've fixed it in Picard 20 years later!

But it does generally avoid most pitfalls it could have fallen into and is warm in its approach. I could listen to Seven and the doctor duet all day.

Bonus marks for not implying Seven "owed" the Doctor anything because he loved her and another for the mini twist in the sitcomesque b-plot where the expectation from the supposedly pious leader was that the envoy should have indulged a bit.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Course: Oblivion (1999)
Season 5, Episode 17
Silver blood is magic but it isn't the point
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is about 2 big questions. What makes a person a person - their memories, experience and appearance or something more? And "Does any of it matter when we are forgotten?"

Any questions about the pure logistics of forgetting or duplicating Voyager off screen or whatever is kind of missing the point. It's just set up for the questions above. Plus, the "silver blood" did not have its properties outlined to us, so it can be basically treated as magic and any such questions can just be handwaved away. It was established that it duplicates non-bio matter as the copies in DEMON weren't naked, so why not an entire starship?

I love this episode for the questions it poses and also because this duplicate crew outperformed the real one in terms of getting home. Docked a point for not killing off Neelix on screen.

(And 7 was DEFINITELY in the original episode DEMON despite other reviewers thinking it's a plot hole)
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Mixed bag
6 March 2022
Some fun with the challenges, particularly early on, but some stress tests were too easy. Presenter was ok and judging panel passable. Nice mix of contestants and I liked they didn't know each other. Some people definitely drew shorter straws than others and the stony faces on some when they got eliminated was funny to see. That said, there was a general sense of camaraderie between teams too.

I think my biggest criticisms are:

1 I got distracted about how they were wearing the same clothes all the time - I wondered too much about laundry regimes behind the scenes

2. The definition of "edible elements" was so loose as to be meaningless. Maybe they meant "not toxic and technically digestible". Even the food judge picked "edible" modeling chocolate off a few items.

3. the amount of food waste is obscene. I just kept thinking "There are people starving in the world."

But it was ok. Will be surprised if there's a second series though.
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Foundation (2021– )
Good, but missed the basic point of the books
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read the books when I was about 15 and loved them. They were the first Sci-Fi books I'd read which seemed intelligent and painted a big political picture.

There is a lot this gets right. I get the sense of decay in the empire, each planet has a distinct feel. I liked a lot of the changes, expansions and additions necessary to make a continuous narrative for tv. I liked the cast (perfect casting for Hari Seldon)

But there are 2 things which I think the show misses completely...

The first is that the main point of the original story is that the ebb and flow of civilizations is independent of the individuals involved. Psychohistory has this as a basic underpinning and is said to fail when you rely on how an individual is unique (according to the books anyway). This Hardin is just too unique. Her psychic nature and effective superpowers loses the sense of Foundation's rise being just a matter of probability once Seldon set up the initial conditions. This is the main point of Asimov's Foundation

The other thing is that in a tv show based on Asimov's work, the absolute minimum requirement is for any robots to follow his 3 laws. Here we have a robot who has no problem breaking the first one and harms at least 3 humans. These laws are the whole point of Asimov's robots. (I know there is a zeroth law but this really doesn't seem to apply here).

That said, I really enjoyed the spectacle, and so much looked EXACTLY as I imagined all those years ago. I am hopeful for future seasons.
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The Titan (2018)
It's about the wife
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not great, not terrible. Sam Worthington plays a plot device to support the real lead, the wife.

She starts a bit wary but idealistic, and goes on an emotional journey as the reality becomes clearer. She is the only character with agency and we very much see this all through her eyes.

The only other character of note is the lead scientist who has some more levels to him than "evil scientist". At least at first.

It's worth watching once but I probably won't bother again.

(As a final note- if they have the technology to turn "Nitrogen into breathable oxygen" as they claim twice, then they have mastered alchemy which is a stunning achievement)
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Enjoy it for what it is - well made modern SciFi.
3 December 2021
Let's start by being very clear: this is not Star Trek of the 90s and this seems to upset a lot of people.

Unlike nearly everything up to now in Trek, it isn't episodic, instead it feels bigger and more epic with overarching story lines running for an entire series. It has dared to redesign some elements and dared to not focus on the captain (at first). It even does some audacious retconning, and indeed canon/continuity in the first 2 series is treated loosely. Its characters are different to what we've seen before, not all are likeable even. It deals with emotions and consequences far more than it's predecessors too and episodes can even be very character led rather than event-led.

I really enjoy it - it does have its flaws of course. Burnham is basically a superhero and there is sometimes too much emotion wrangling when the plot is trying to tell us they should act with urgency... but no show is perfect!

To be honest, if you only want 90s style Trek with a mystery of the week then this isn't for you. Nearly all the negative reviews are about it not being this (or weirdly, the diversity of the cast gets some people riled too).

But if you approach it with an open mind, you will enjoy it as it is well made and at its best can be amazing.
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