
6 Reviews
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Nightride (2021)
Brilliantly executed thriller
27 March 2022
Woefully underrated thriller. Brilliantly shot directed and acted. Actually a bit of a gruelling watch because it is so well done. Only negative is the name.
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On the whole very informative but US gets a whitewash
25 August 2021
A very interesting and informative documentary but it does seem to have let the US off the hook. It's pretty well known the the US goaded the Russians into invading Afghanistan in order to give them their Vietnam, this documentary paints their involvement as almost benevolent and maybe Vc a little naive.
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Line of Duty: Episode #6.1 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 1
Trying to hard
22 March 2021
Previous seasons have been very good, this one, based on first episode, seems to be trying too hard. Rather clunky.
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Greenland (2020)
4 years of education make this more believable
12 February 2021
Four years ago many Americans would have incredulous to the inhumanity that this film portrays. It is one of The legacies of the last four years and particularly the last few months of Trump's presidency that Americans have had theirs opened to how appallingly their brothers and sisters can behave. I'm not singling out Americans as being especially depraved but they have had an incredible belief in their own virtue that isn't matched by the facts.
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Next (2007)
Absolutely awful
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Awful film and boy does Nic come across as creepy.
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Red Dwarf: Pete: Part 2 (1999)
Season 8, Episode 7
Absolutely appalling.
18 January 2021
We're it not for the legacy of this show this season would never have been commissioned. Not remotely funny, utterly arbitrary plot, lazy as f;(/ writing. Fails on every level except somehow getting a budget. Embarrassing.
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