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Love Moffatt as a writer concerned by reviews.
29 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Major fan of Moffatt.

Teen writing on Press Gang.... tick.

Comedy farce on Joking Apart.... tick.

My favourite British comedy is Coupling....tick.

Best ingenious Doctor Who episodes....tick.

Doctor Who showrunner..... oops, bit too clever for own good sometimes.

Inventive Sherlock.... 10/10 tick.

Jekyll, Dracula, Time Travellers Wife.... all enjoyable.

Inside Man probably his best straight drama.

Now we have what appears to be his most high profile drama and reviews were troubling.

Maybe I give Moffatt too much credit but some of the criticisms seem misguided to me.

"Woke" characters are obviously meant to be exaggerated charactatures intended to get the reactions they have because in my view the reactions to these exaggerations highlights how the anti-woke think of any "woke" person characteristics and think they are accurate portrayals.

Personally I loved this aspect of the show and enjoy the superior sense of self I feel at the anti-woke reviews.

Putting aside the Alex Kingston role (one of my less enjoyable characters to watch) the 3 main characters of Madeline, Douglas and producer Toby were superb.

Toby first. Vile man completely ignorant of what is wrong with own behaviour. I genuinely believe that this is how Weinstein, Louis CK, et al feel about themselves and no amount of comeupence will show them otherwise. Ben Miles was almost too convincing at portraying this :)

Douglas next. What a normal middle aged man he is. Out of touch with times but thinks because he is media savvy and has 1.5 million X followers he isn't. I think this character can be studied more and I don't want to do big spoiler but his complicity in what transpires is reflective of what goes on today from all parts of society and the "woke" (as imperfect as they may be) are not going to accept the bystander defence on these things. Bonnevile again is superb especially in his initial complicity and subsequent outrage during interview/defense.

Madeline last (was that her real accent? Never settled with me and I know she is Scottish). What a performance. Scenes with Toby in hotel remarkably uncomfortable to watch but perfectly conveys how the "just walk away from a job/promotion/opportunity if put in that situation" is not easy. In that moment you genuinely feel that she knows if she walks to protect herself then career is over and how to navigate that. Who can question (there will be many that will and do) that if she did go through with anything it would not still be sexual assault. This along with the interview of Douglas were just outstanding.

Moffatt's story and writing. I hope this was all intended as a pro-woke pro-metoo story and he is not going all Jerry "you can't say anything nowadays" Seinfeld on us.

To the viewers who are frustrated when people get frustrated at the accusations by people against celebrities of inappropriate behaviour and sexual assault. The story gave you resolution of evidence (photos) and a confession. It is these things that the aforementioned people require before they give any credence to an accusation. Moffatt was able to show how impossible this would be in the real world and that leaves victims with only the unsubstantiated accusation or walk away and forget career. Very clever story.

Conclusion: superb verbal comedy when done, thought provoking social commentary (the fact that I can't still work out Moffat's views may be naive but I can't with confidence decide) and though not quite the Colonel Jessop confession a really tense dramatic interview.

You may guess I am a fan who may demonstrate some simplistic liberal views but thete you go.
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Under Paris (2024)
Great fun
15 June 2024
Admittedly confused by some plot holes/inconsistencies at the end but can honestly say I really enjoyed it.

Complaints I have seen? Bad decisions! Come on.... every disaster movie is filled with them.

If you can't feel superior to the idiots making bad choices where is the fun.

Ecological bit heavy handed? Well, subtlety does not work deniers out there so heavy handed is fine by me. If just a handful of new people learn about the huge rubbish site in the ocean and are outraged then gotta be a good thing.

Don't take it too seriously, just enjoy the bloody carnage and the pretty good shark CGI.
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22 December 2023
$166m investment for this. WOW again.

What would I at a minimum want for my money from (no judgement) a Star Wars style movie?

A few decent action scenes...... not a single one. A few slo-mo single person action pose. Perhaps a decent screen saver but nothing more.

A few relatable characters - NOPE.

A few inspiring characters - NOPE.

A relationship to invest in - NOPE.

A scoundrel to amuse - NOPE.

A villain to scare, intimidate or even have an ounce of interest in - NOPE.

Surely visuals to bathe in - NOPE.

Not once did I have any emotional response to any single thing in this movie other than my thought of "$166m for this! WOW".

This film maker should not be given a budget.

Finishing note. There are many of the poor big budget action films by Netflix that I have enjoyed but this is NOT one of them.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Season 6. To all reviewers.
19 June 2023
Some advice.... go and re-assess Black Mirror past seasons before saying it is rubbish now.

I have never believed that Black Mirror is a perfect show. I have never believed that everything Charlie Brooker is either funny or spot on.

What I DO believe is that Charlie Brooker always has interesting ideas that intrigue or interest me and cause me to think on something in a way I haven't necessarily considered.

The episodes he puts out are never perfect for every viewer and his theme is not always clear or his point not made hugely well. Some episodes are just fun and some I think are more for Charlie himself because "screw everyone else's view, I just like it".

So again I say reflect on past episodes, I think EVERY episode satisfies the "i wonder what this one is about" requirement of Black Mirror and if the execution of every episode is not successful I DON'T CARE. Genuinely, I enjoy every episode for every idea and enjoy the "would I have explored that theme that way" post viewing debate and discussion.

But that's just me.
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Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
Most typical Black Mirror of season.
19 June 2023
Ok, we all know we are watching to see how Charlie Brooker takes on technology advances and ideas and shows us how they our going to destroy us all physically, mentally and society as a whole.

The ideas in this episodes ticks all the boxes for a Black Mirror episode, and is one of the more fun episodes.

Cast were great and who can resist falling for foul mouthed Salma Hayek, a joy to watch.

Surrealest moment of the shi***ng in the church with a penis on her forehead is one of my favourites though I would have loved to have seen Cate Blanchett recreating that scene.

I think it makes the rewatch list but I just wish it went a bit further and darker. But good start to season.
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
True crime satire perhaps?
19 June 2023
First thought when reviewing series in bulk... Black Mirror is GREAT at casting. The 2 documentary film makers in episode are great and unique.

Feels like a take on a camp fire urban legend story being told. Any shocks? Yes but then it is oh of course, it had be..... so maybe not a classic.

Theme-wise, crime-docs and how we forget the real people and they are our entertainment... maybe. Just enjoy the story and cast and the liberal use of the C-word. Can't have a Scottish story with the characters using the C-bomb all the time.

Rewatch perhaps not but it was a very novel episode that I enjoyed.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Mixed episode.
19 June 2023
Score 10 for the set up (so intriguing) 6 for what they did with that set up and 8 for the pay-off.

I really thought this'll be a good one, the marquee episode of the series perhaps. The 2 guys were good. Harnett is an under rated actor when given the chance.

I suppose as the story progressed they did avoid going to the obvious but the obvious may sound like a good story but Brooker does not go obvious and it normally pays off.

I have strong suspicion I may be in the minority of fans here in not really liking the whole episode.

Not every episode can make it to the rewatch list and for me this one misses the cut.
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Black Mirror: Mazey Day (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
Solid episode.
19 June 2023
On the list to rewatch?? Maybe not. Really liked the lady who played the paparazzi and would happily watch her and the character in a generic TV show.

Celebrities turning predator on the normally predatory paparazzi? I'm assuming this is the theme here, may feel clunky and/or obvious and heavy handed but when reflecting on it I felt oh yeah, clever! Hard to criticise something as obvious when it it goes in direction you weren't thinking to make that point.

Surreal touch that normally amuse but on this occassion miss.... the housemate, what was that all about?

Solid but forgettable and not too lonh. Onto next episode.
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Black Mirror: Demon 79 (2023)
Season 6, Episode 5
Loved this episode.
19 June 2023
What a great episode. The Anjana Vasan was a delight.

I know there is meant to be a theme to all Black Mirror episodes, and there are hints of various ones but even without a clear overriding one I just sat back and enjoyed it.

I don't understand the low rating but I guess the ........

I won't go there actually, who knows if the ethnicity and racist commentary are why people down rank.

I just know when I selectively revisit past episodes this is one of those I'll watch.

The vision and mind of Brooker and co-writer on this one... Boney M!!! What possessed them? It is those surreal little touches that I love.
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Moonfall (2022)
7 stars for a reasonably good ending.
15 August 2022
Good opening 5 minutes, and enjoyable last 20, but the rest is awful.

I know I should not feel sorry for any director who still makes a living when producing mediocre films for 25 years but I do.

I love Independence Day, I can watch it again and again and it arguably deserves a higher IMDB rating.

But Roland has tried for 25 years to recapture that fun and excitement of that movie with event movie after event movie and has just failed miserably.

One day, I just hope he manages it and I think he deserves it.
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Survivor: Game of Chicken (2022)
Season 42, Episode 8
Very sad low ratings for this episode.
11 July 2022
So, we have discussions about gender discrimination, orientation discrimination, strength, intelligence, trans etc on the show without much objection, especially gender and physical.

But a black person speaks on how they feel in response to 2 consecutive black contestants being kicked off and there is outrage "no one cares" and "not the place on Survivor"...... perhaps those sentiments really does validate Drea's feelings.

She even received the response from a white male "calm down you are being aggressive" I'm sure not racist but I guarantee Drea has heard this many times when speaking her mind in an honest way.

Racism..... not necessarily, but a lack of care or interest in a social dynamic/topic in what has always been a social experiment in the guise of a game show definitely leans that way.
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Severance: Good News About Hell (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
11 April 2022
1st episode down.

Avoided spoilers. Love watching a new show where I have no idea where it's going.

By end of episone one I have zero clue and eagerly moving onto next episode.

Can't wait to see where this is going, hope it doesn't disappoint.
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Silly but not silly enough.
1 February 2022
It took me a while to clock whether it was badly made cliché filled mystery or a spoof.

Personally, I think they should have played up on clichés a bit more.

Perhaps if a 2nd season gets made they can build on the humour.

The payoff on the mystery was not great but generally enjoyed it and I guess it all fits with the idea of show.

Cliffhanger at the end..... maybe a bit of Flight Attendant spoofing coming up.
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Too much
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Tries to cover how men/society/other women create a variety of situations that make everything much more difficult for women at home, at work and socially.

Obviously there are some very lazy reviews on here that say more about the attitudes of the reviewer than what they are reviewing. "Woke"! I love that word as an insult - I'm woke and proud.

I just think it takes on too much, sexual harrassment/abuse (a reviewer actual says it was not in the show... well at least not really, it was consensual!) Of course, a 30+ year old boss and a 16 year old.... consensual? Of course it is. And these people are allowed out in society!!!

But I digress, we have the above, the cheating husband, deceptive husband, abusive husband, a boyfriend who is a coward, a bitchy gay man. Any 1 or 2 of these could make a compelling story, having all the men being misogynistic is not going to push any agenda forward in a constructive way because of the attitudes i state in previous point.

Women don't escape either from harsh treatment from writer. We have the bitchy friend obsessed with being beautiful and negging on her "friends", the women cheating with her boss ("friends" husbands), a busy-body neighbour, a mother who resorts to crimes and complicit in murder. The female cop proved incompetent by actually not solving case and to top it off the woman who is actually starts the investigation is a cliché written HR person who is rathe bland, but whose behaviour seems to confirm some of the husbands allegations of mental issues and for the people like the earlier reviewers will excuse his abusive behaviour as being justified. Oh I forgot about her mum who is cliché (again) mum knows best who interferes and screws up daughter's life further.

I almost forget my point here, but.... oh yes, basically every character is flawed to varying degrees but so obviously that there is no subtlety or nuance that you end up not caring if there was an ulterior motive in Sam's final redemption. Because everyone is so nasty unkind that yes, she could have had ulterior motives other than moral justification.

Could have been good, and the writer has missed the opportunity to write something that can be intelligently discussed to raise awareness of some VERY genuine societal issues with regards to gender discrimination.

Maybe she thought.... this is my one chance to get all this across to an audience, I'm going for it. I just hope she has not blown her chance, because despite all the above, she tells a pretty good story.

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Eternals (2021)
Pleasant surprise.
12 January 2022
My ratings are genre specific by the way.

This is a 9 based upon the Marvel films. Not compared to others. Just my own system. For me Shawshank is also a 9 but obviously a better film.

Anyway, I digress. Eternals is very good, genuinely interesting plot and not too generic as many Marvel films can be, plot twists and individual character development that really kept me interested. An ending that even though CGI heavy was not overwhelming mess as other Superhero movies have been.

My only gripe was the repetitive clashes between heroes and creatures but not overly annoyed.

Anyway, a definite above average entry into the MCU and compared to how I felt about future phases of MCU after Endgame having seen this and a very enjoyable Shanh-Chi I am keenly looking forward with optimism.
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Unbelievably bad.
6 January 2022
Having enjoyed the first one I was surprised that even before watching this sequel I just knew it was going to disappoint, but what surprised me even more was just how absolutely, totally and completely awful it was.

Not one moment of fun, excitement or chuckle throughout.

How on earth can a film be so awful.

Roll on number 3.. ha ha.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Thoroughly enjoyed.
27 December 2021
From the director of The Big Short is another classic, obviously this time not based true story. But boy does he appear to dislike self-serving business leaders, especially those that try to sell themselves as altruistic.

When I state not based upon a true story, substitute comet for covid and substitute Meryl Streep's President Janie Orlean for any of the inept world leaders during the pandemic and I guess it could be true story.

It's not subtle but hey, I guess for most satirist, subtelty is just a waste of time these days, you have to lay it on thick because subtlety is often lost on the target of the satire.

But hey, just enjoy, especially if a fan of The Big Short.
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But for the 3 minutes.
27 December 2021
Low expections but thoroughly enjoyed the experiences.

I loved the set up, it all worked within the Matrix story. I loved the commentary, whether on social media, society or big business, it gave me a few laugh out loud moments. Especially when I could anticipate the anti-woke reviews and outrage it would cause.

Anything that annoys the anti-woke crowd always gets a couple of extra stars from me.

Great routine but just did not nail the final landing.

I can't immediately think of what would have made a better ending but it did seem a bit....oh, let's just stop there.

But overall, it is a good fun film.
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The Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
Oh dear
26 December 2021
Was really enjoying the series so far, some bits more than others.

BUT the finish the series with such a clunker!

Oh my God! No excuses for that episode.

They better pick things up in season 2 damn quickly.
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The Wheel of Time: The Dark Along the Ways (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Only 1 Episode left (sobbing)
17 December 2021
OH MY GOD!!!!!


Opening scene - absolute kick ass. Bring on the Aiel.

The ways - different to book but will stand out against other parts of story locales.

Lan & Nynaeve - really brings their love story alive. Really buying into it more so than in the books.

Dragon Reborn - finally, no more than 1 of 5 rubbish.

Everything else - Top Draw, congratulations for delivering a superb penultimate episode.

1 episode left next week a binge rewatch of 1st 7 then finale.

Side note: more than 8 episodes next season please.
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The Wheel of Time: The Flame of Tar Valon (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Already second guessing if below is fair.
10 December 2021
Started ep. 6 & saw it was over an hour long woohoo.

An hour later & Grrrrrr.

Glossing over a lot of Matt's story, please say it's just been moved.

1/8 of the whole Season spent on stuff created for the show.

1st Episode that I'm hugely disappointed in. 😪
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The Wheel of Time: The Dragon Reborn (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Also a Great episode for the book fans.
26 November 2021
Not relating to how viewers who have not read the books are enjoying the series - I sure hope they are as they are vital to the future of show, but as a huge fan of the books I really liked this episode.

The pacing, storytelling and character development of this episode were spot on.

Ok, some differences of course but I'm already over that and happy. I would gladly have many episodes like this with only concern it feels it would need more long episodes to finish the story.

Biggest takeaway from this one.... Nynaeve is by far the best character in show despite being one my least favourites in book.

I cannot wait to re-read books with this Nynaeve in my head.

So sad only 4 episodes to go, but all the reviewers who saw 6 episodes say the best is yet to come.
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The Wheel of Time: A Place of Safety (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
My fave episode so far.
19 November 2021
Nynaeve is a bad ass at the start.

Thom is better cast than I imagined.

Tinkers..... unsure for now.

Already hate Liandrin.

Worst thing about episode 3 is the wait for episode 4.
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The Wheel of Time: Shadow's Waiting (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Enjoyed that one.
19 November 2021
Best things....

Shadar Logoth - impressive.

Bit of history - story had to be told and it did not drag in the telling.

Favourite Teases for future....

Perrin and the wolves ❤

Dain Bornhold - better than how I imagined him.

And finally she caught up.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Blood and Bloody Ashes
19 November 2021
Woohoo, enjoyed the first episode.

It only took me 20 minutes to accept the actors playing my beloved characters I've been reading about for 30 years.

So happy with it so far.
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