
10 Reviews
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
I guess this is just my cuppa tea.
21 June 2024
I get that this might not be for everyone...but I'm a sucker for a sci-fi/comedy mix, especially if the comedy is on the dark and absurd side. A little social satire poking a bit of fun at the upper class and tourism is always welcome.

The cast is fantastic. It's great to see the great Hugh Laurie getting back to his comedy roots, Josh Gad is wonderfully obnoxious as the narcissistic rich idiot man-child, Rebecca Front plays the American "Karen" stereotype to perfection, and so many of the other actors are so well-suited for their roles (Nikki Amuka-Bird, Andy Buckley, Suzy Nakamura, Kyle Bornheimer, Lenora Crichlow ate all stand outs).

But...I gotta's Zach Woods that steals every scene he is in. He plays his character in a way that had me laughing out loud, and was so incredibly satisfying in his apathy. Woods is amazing in everything I've ever seen him in, but his role and performance took my rating from an 8 to a 10.

Again...not for everyone, I get it. What is? But I enjoyed it an lot and would love to see more. Enjoyable, I would think, for fans of Hitchhiker's Guide, Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Good Omens, The Four Baristas of the Apocalypse, and I Don't Seem So Bright in a Well-Lit Room...all mixed with a heavy dose of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Office and anything by Albert Brooks. I know...weird, right?
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I want to love this but...
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this movie several times throughout my life and as much as I love cheesy B-movies, this one always rubbed me the wrong way. Tonight, at the age of 50 while watching it yet again with my teenage daughter, I have decided that, besides its many of the reasons why I don't like this movie is that I really wanted THIS to be the movie Dean Wormer from Animal House (John Vernon) finally wins. And he doesn't. I think if he (police chief Mooney) had of won the day, I'd have felt like the movie had some worth. The guy (any character he played ever I mean) needed a win, and this should've been it. Saving his town against stupid pranky awful teens AND killer clowns from outer space. Win win. But alas no. Long live John Vernon in our memories! Played a jerk like no other.
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Jack is becoming more and more of an a-hole
25 March 2023
Forcing anyone, especially your own father, to take off his clothes for a yoga class is horrible. Especially in this day and age. And the jokes that came out from it after are insulting to the men who enjoy it as well. I have nothing against nudity...but no one should be forced into this on camera (even if set up ahead of time). Especially your own "daddy". This series gets more and more "entitled young privileged guy continues to get upstaged by his MUCH funnier (but also insultingly privileged and staged) father as it gets further and further from feeling real. The thing is, when it's sincere and heart-felt it actually works SO WELL and is way funnier than when they are trying too hard. And Jack just comes across as a di*k more and more... even more-so than normal (when he's trying so hard to be funnier than he usually is). I'm starting to wish for a Michael only travel show. Maybe with Winston. Really though...JACK STOP TRYING SO HARD AND JUST BE SINCERE. When Jack gets real, and shows his heart, the show gets better. No more trying to make dad uncomfortable or take his clothes off. Ugh. Maybe take a page out of Eugene Levy's reluctant traveller show? Find your heart boys...don't press anyone to take their clothes off. I know you will...the show ain't over yet, but this episode (obviously) just rubbed me the wrong way.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Bombad Jedi (2008)
Season 1, Episode 8
I'm no Jar Jar hater, but c'mon.
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have an issue with Jar Jar from the film, but I DO understand the dislike after this episode. It's almost like the producers of this, knowing he was not a liked character, went out of their way to insure that opinion was kept up and he remained eye-rolling and cringe-worthy. On top of that...the vaguely racist and unlikable Vireroy....and the whole Roger-Roger goofy battle droids getting old REALLY quick....the whole mess feels very juvenile..the humour old and stale. Only redeeming factor...the Rodians (one of my fave alien designs) didn't end up shooting first (😉).
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Spoilers. Not giving this episode a rating. Just tired of shows doing this.
6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers runners decide to kill off a fan favourite...AND an under-utilized alien sub-species...AND after making a big deal (for good reason!) of casting an actual blind actor (the amazingly talented Canadian actor Bruce Horak) to play a blind role. And I LOVE this series (AND this episode up until that moment). I'm tired of shows taking away my favourite character. I will stick by you my lovely Star Trek show...but c'mon. You don't have to find this "review" helpful or not. Doesn't matter...I'm just being pissy over this, lol.
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Timelock (1996)
12 June 2021
Gonna chalk this up to good actors (Ayre Gross, Maryam D'Abo, Jeffrey Meek, Nicholas Worth, Martin Kove, etc) blackmailed to be in a student film. Wow.
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Supergirl: All About Eve (2019)
Season 4, Episode 17
Trading in suspense for frustration.
28 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some of the reviews, I realize this isn't a popular opinion, but I just can't get into Jon Cryer as Lex. Nothing against Cryer as an actor, but Lex in my head was a big foreboding man with a certain seriousness, charisma, and charming confidence. Cryer seems more of a Riddler.

But that is neither here nor there. I find myself cringing with this storyline. Politically I'm with it, I like what they are tackling...but the whole "turn everyone against Supergirl!" is kinda old and hack, and people turning on her so quickly...we'll its not suspenseful. It's frustrating.

It doesn't have me binge watching, not being able to wait for the next has me rolling my eyes and thinking "I can't wait for this part to be over with" and fast forwarding.

I love the show and many of the casting choices. Just having a hard time with this chunk of episodes. But just one opinion. As you were.
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Are We There Yet? (2010–2012)
No. This is not "racist"....however it is chauvinistic and lazy.
21 August 2019
Ok, white folk saying this is racist is just stupid, but after watching the valentine episode where the toxic machismo was dripping off of all "it's not ok for boys to like flowers unless they're gay", lots of references that men shouldn't be sensitive and some kind of cruel "some kids are just unlikable and need to be left out so they learn to be more likeable" BS left a horrible taste in my mouth. I GET that Terry's character is supposed to be flawed and learn , but it often turns around that he's right after all and that the women and sensitive male characters are constantly belittled. I can only image those that like this are old-fashioned straight Christian chauvinistic wife bashing, gay belittling, emasculating people....who need every poorly written joke spelled out for them. Terry has since showed he's better than all this. He ain't no poor man's tv version of Ice Cube....he's better than that. Way better than that. It feels so out of character for him, it feels unnatural. HE is funny. This trite is not.
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Arrow: Collision Course (2018)
Season 6, Episode 14
Frustrating and unlikable
2 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So...we are suppose to dislike Oliver & Co, we are suppose to dislike team (very hypocritical) Wild Dog & Co. Even sweetheart Curtis and BEST actor Paul anyone likeable anymore? Add boring Law and Order courtroom blah and horrible unoriginal mobster (mealy-mouthed Kirk Acevedo...who is usually quite good so I blame writers...made me roll my eyes to the point of vertigo).

Just frustrating to feel so much dislike for so many characters I used to love. It's like the writers couldn't decide on a bad guy (they had one they killed too early...brilliant Michael Emerson) so they just made everyone awful.

They even made the only likeable Russian Guy unlikable. "You are my favourite let me change my character up and be awful."

So why am I watching this again? I'm almost at the end of my rope. The biggest burn was Lovable Echo Kellum making me angry. Maybe they needs some one-off bad guy episodes, the loooooooong burn of a whole season seems too much.

I want to like it. Give me back likeable characters...any....any at all. Start with the title character.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Death Wish (1996)
Season 2, Episode 18
10/10 for casting alone.
18 January 2019
It was not only brilliant casting de Lancie as the original Q...he has the perfect sense of play, humour and arrogance...but it was ingenious casting the wonderful and underrated Garrit Graham as a second Q.

Graham (Used Cars, the wonderfully campy Beef in Phantom of the Paradise, Class Reunion, MULTIPLE television appearances, genre films and sequels) was perfectly cast. Not only is he well known for humorous horror, and quite capable of playing a de Lancie-type trickster Q himself, he sold us on a sympathetic adorably selfless and philosophical Q.

He maintained the Q humour, but where de Lancie plays (to perfection) fun arrogance, he played sweet whimsy. I also give this episode kudos for showing a pathos side of (de Lancie's) Q. One that feels. One that understands immortality perhaps, even if he doesn't wish it upon himself like his counterpart.

Graham fits the Q family perfectly (above Bernsen or Plakson). He and de Lancie (along with some fun writing) showed a very entertaining yin and yang to the Q continuum.
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