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since having read the comic, i'd been hyped for season 2 until it got cancelled
15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bruh, like, we'll really never be seeing utopian and grace get killed, chloe's son, little flashback to skyfox, and beating down in the end. Really dissapointed. Audiences are just impatient.
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28 December 2020
Youtube rewind went from bad to stupid, to cringe, and then to being lazy
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Jeez, is that it?
25 December 2020
I have never watched this series, probably never going to, but this made me feel sad
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I'm glad that they followed the source material 100% and didn't butcher it like what hollywood did to Batman: The Killing Joke and Superman: Red Son
31 October 2020
Simple, because the source material is either 1st or 2nd the most beloved batman's graphic novel of all time, therefore, they didn't want to screw it.
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I thought my country's TV shows are worse
10 September 2020
I don't know how to describe this, wow, just wow. Even a kid would make a better show than this.
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Batman Beyond (2014 TV Short)
9 September 2020
Thanks for this scene, i miss watching both Batman: TAS and Batman Beyond so much
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Watchmen (2009)
I think i'm never going to get bored after watching this for 10x times
5 September 2020
Nolan was definitely right, this movie was ahead of its time. Despite some comic inaccurarities, this one managed to be one of my favourite movies.

Don't get me wrong, i remember only thinking to watch those modern superhero genre movies, and somehow, i found them unrewatchable, i had never understood why until i understood this movie therefore i understood why The Dark Knight is top 4 most rated movie by IMDb.

True, i did say "until i understood this movie" not "until i watched this" because when i first watched, it was seriously beyond my understanding, but then when i understood it, i can never get over when Dr. Manhattan stopped rorschach and yea you know what happened next.....

If this movie isn't perfect to you, then read the graphic novel or watch the motion comic.
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The Sandman (III) (2017)
Wanna be Neil Gaiman's Sandman. But thx god it's not the same story or didn't take any full inspiration from it
1 September 2020
Yeah ofcourse, some or few of these characters were taken from the comic series "The Sandman" A.K.A The best DC Vertigo's comic series or one of the best if not the best.

So they made the little girl(kinda inspired by Unity Kinkaid) a modern reader here... They mentioned boogeyman(which was also mentioned in the comic series) and made the sandman a lame mummy.

Predictable and cheesy. Looks like modern horror movies are getting terrible
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Contagion (2011)
The top elites took the idea from "Eyes of the Darkness" , "V for Vendetta" , and this movie
31 August 2020
Realistic movie,

even they took one of the ideas from here,

"Eyes of the darkness" mentioned "Wuhan-400" as a biological weapon for depopulation and "2020" , the book was released in 1981.

"V for Vendetta" also somehow showed a scene that mentioned "2020" and "Virus" in news. Although that movie is really different from the graphic novel, it doesn't matter.

This movie portrayed how it began and spread.
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So that's it? Waiting for almost 3 years just for this?
31 August 2020
Wow, i mean, could you imagine a movie that was projected in 2015, casting was done in 2016, and the filming was done in 2017, and then got delayed for 2,8333... years,

and during the delay, there was no improvement in 2,8333... years and they just went along with it.

2,8333... years should be quite enough for a story's improvement, but guess it didn't work for this. Very dissapointing.
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Constantine (2005)
People are just crying because "nOt aCcUrAtE tO cOMiCs"
26 August 2020
The one is simply one of the most underrated keanu reeves's movie and one of my favourite DC's movies. Don't listen to crybaby comic nerds, they haven't learned the word "adaptation" and keanu's constantine is the darkest constantine and he's so badass in here.
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