
17 Reviews
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The Dig (1995 Video Game)
THE DIG - the best idea of game ever - NOW THE SEQUEL IS HERE
13 May 2009
This was the best game I played so far, I'm here to ask Mr. George Lucas, to make an upgrade of the game, with new amazing graphics and features, all tech improved, maybe we could extend the game's history and make something unforgettable again, that had big sales.

The concept of a any person, being part of a "movie", on its development, inside the adventure, being a character, be part of the team and have the chance to explore something for the 1st time, with the bless of a great team and his leader "George Lucas" the father of Star Wars...come on!!!! Give us what we want!!!! There is so much that we can do to make the best "actual" game and mark this next generation.

People are asking for this... HE NEED A GAME LIKE DIG or DIG 15th yrs Anniversary.

I played a lot of games before such has FIFA, all GTA's, all AGE of EMPIRES, strategy, action well I could spend a whole evening writing games. But DIG, nothing compares...what an adventure...what a mystery...what a game
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Something went wrong
27 May 2009
I don't know what happen to this movie quite sure, but it's wasn't so good as the first one, it stooped being so magical and the new character Kah Mun Rah it look ridiculous instead of being respectful and serious...among other things this movie did not surprise me at all...I saw the trailer and I liked the idea but 106 minutes without magic it's too much.I don't know what happen to this movie quite sure, but it's wasn't so good as the first one, it stooped being so magical and the new character Kah Mun Rah it look ridiculous instead of being respectful and serious...among other things this movie did not surprise me at all...I saw the trailer and I liked the idea but 106 minutes without magic it's too much.I don't know what happen to this movie quite sure, but it's wasn't so good as the first one, it stooped being so magical and the new character Kah Mun Rah it look ridiculous instead of being respectful and serious...among other things this movie did not surprise me at all...I saw the trailer and I liked the idea but 106 minutes without magic it's too much.
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Disaster ending...disaster movie !!!
18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
spoilers ------------------------------------------

3 Things very wrong about this movie


2-Killing Han Solo !?!?! Really ??? Favourite Character ?!?! The supporting soul of this saga...

3-giving all the viewers the desire to see Luke in action and only seeing him for seconds in the movie about to end...really?

This episode is really bad conducted, i just hope you resurrect Han Solo in the next episode with a good excuse or I and most of fans wont see it (VIII) in cinema or even buying a copy!!!
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We need another one for 2022
21 February 2019
To be honest, I've seen always movies like this, since Lemon Popsicle, Porkys, and American Pie is one of the best ever! Movies like this with so much carisma on caracters and how funny they really are together we all would love to see possible another reunion, can we count with Mr. Adam for writing? Please hire the same actresses/actors team, because if not it ain't worth it.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Keep calm and carry on...
26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching Interstellar this one won't reach a quarter of it ...

It's not a good thing but I've seen this movie Ad Astra a week after watching Interstellar for the first time (yeah I know 6yrs delayed) no other user will understand me if they haven't seen both.

First of all, this movie doesn't get real attention until Brad Pitt sends a message in Mars, I thought after this scene the movie would really get interesting.

I guess they tried to do something with "interstellar flavor" but that didn't worked!

They worst about this movie is the fact they forgot the most important thing "scoring" this movie without a real soundtrack design and spirit, turns it into a pale shadow movie without the energy it could have been transmitted...there are some scenes that made me feel that with proper score it would be much better.

Brad Pitt made his best but he's character on this movie reflects and reveals it more empty than human. To succeed, the human feeling must be there.

The message of the movie is not new, it's important, but lately very used and still a valid one.

"Protect the planet, execute orders with mind and heart but mankind has to be preserved and family is the most important thing. Therefor obsession can turn people defocused of their real life purpose".

In the end of this movie I understood that loneliness in space can be a major problem to human mind and that the rest of the crew activated a harming signal to earth to provoke a team to go there and pick them up but it was too late already.

I'll say it's a 5 because the actors efforts and space fx.
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Tenet (2020)
Confusing not worth it
8 February 2021
I've been watching movies for the last 35 years and I can say that this movie makes no sense, not just the whole piece but the the small pieces inside the movie. The idea of watching 3 or 4 times to understand, just don't work like it did with FIGHT CLUB, or others. Anyway, don't take just my vote and see it for your self. To be honest I fell asleep 2 times while watching it.
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Cruella (2021)
This is Hollywood has we know it
3 June 2021
Best 2021 movie so far!

Great costume designs!

Amazing Soundtrack!

Emotional, exciting, intriguing, suspense with an Amazing twist!

Terribly "great" performance by Emma Stone!

The best of all is that this movie was completely unexpected

Cinema is my favorite entertainment, OT makes us dive in another dimension, dream, hope, cry, laugh and feel through characters so many emotions.

Thank you Disney This is Hollywood has we know it.
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He's All That (2021)
Great movie "can't buy me love" kind
29 August 2021
It's a fresh air movie with very actual themes and with a very high moral 80s kind.

Love it.
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Rob Schneider led me to watch this! Can I vote 7.5?
9 October 2021
Why does Netflix put Rob Schneider on the cover when he's almost not in the movie!? I would say clickbait, but it's was a nice one, I enjoyed, it's funny or stupid funny but still funny. I was expecting to have some great laughs and I did.

If you are an 80s kid with a good sense of humor you going to like this movie with the overall.

About Rob Schneider, since his performance in Home Alone 2 I thought this guy has something funny, then after we made suck a really great movies, Deuce Bigalow, Animal, Hot Chick, 50 First Dates, those are movies that I bought it for my collection. His kind of humor is very well appreciated here in Europe.

I was attracted to see a NetFlix movie "The Wrong Missy" because he was in the cover but his role was really small but funny has ever.

This guys still rocks! I wish I could see him in more movies.

I find it absurd that is not in more comedies.
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The Guilty (2021)
Clickbait - 1h30m almost slept for 2 times
10 October 2021
Forget the popcorn, if you are having a hard time to fell asleep this is the right movie.

Do you remember the ´phone booth' movie?

If you do, acknowledge this movie is basic the same But you don't get to see out of the phone booth. Like always, Netflix ir order to save money hires some cute half known from the public, try to look credible with a good trailer, amusing suspense soundtrack and a very good photography director and that's it.

The only that safes this movie is maybe the moral. But definitely not good or at least expected entertainment.

Good luck.
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Escape Plan (2013)
Can't stop seeing it, it's has a strong chemistry!
7 December 2021
It's maybe the 7th time I see it either if you catching it randomly playing on tv it's one of those movies that thrills you all the time you see from the beginning to the end.

Great reunion of my actions hero's. First time I watched I gave it 9, but now changed to 10 because simply you can't simply skip it.

Just to take this movie but it's classification 6.7 now in IMDB go and see it you will be surprised.
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GOD! So boring I fell asleep twice!
9 December 2021
I really don't know what's all the fuss about these movies, where is the bottom line message ? I've been always a super hero's fan movie, like Superman, Batman, WonderWoman, Iron Man, etc but this is not even popcorn entertainment, then I see total reviews 8.4, compared "Braveheart" Oscar Winner 8.3...well I must say that IMDB is full of "deceived" voters, I doesn't feel right to use other word... Next time you search for a movie with total reviews scored 5 or 6 something, always give the benefit of doubt. Because true real entertainment cinema lovers/voters are just a few in IMDB.

I'm voting 1 because true voters must know what's going on in IMDB. Otherwise I would vote 6 for the efforts and respect for the cast and production.
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IMDB true voters vs schemers
9 December 2021
Honestly this is a great movie that you just can't stop watching it after it starts and even if you already see it, the only thing I dislike is not having more Jack Reachers sequels and real life too.

I'm an 90s teenager, in fact we were raised watching movies back than with action and fantasy but always with a good moral of the history.

In fact I'm returning to this movie to change my vote from 8 to 10.

After this 2yrs (still) pandemic life, I'm like most of people watching Netflix, not series just movies, and obviously you'll know where I'm gonna get...

...all TV movies/series networks filled with 80% of bad movies and wannabe's and then when you come a across with a movie (on Netflix) that you have already seen (Jack Reacher) but really don't remember what's gonna happen next ... you keep watching...just like I did.

This movie is really thrilling and emotionally touching and also very very inspiring...wouldn't it be great to have more people in real life like these characters ?

You eventually change the score like I did, because you are fed up with so many bad movies and here he comes this again and wins them all.

If you are 90s teenager with lots of love and dreams still in your heart and love good entertainment, action, suspense just go and see it!

About the lastest reviews I see...we'll just look into the avengers movies charade number of voters and their classification and then you can see who is mass and class of pseudo people that are voting.

Bytheway my brother was born in 1998, likes the avengers and love this movie too. Different home education and values says it all.

I wanna say thanks to all the cast (it was brilliant) and production and specially to Tom Cruise (our favorite clickMOVIEbait), I just wanted to love so much running like he does in all of his movies haha, at least keeps him in shape. He's very serious in all the parts he does very credible and charismatic...what a pro! It's because actors and actresses and professionals like him that cinema is still very entertaining. Age is just a number in your head, some people are just like Port Wine, older the better.

Thank you for reading my review, if you find yourself in it just express your feelings.

From Portugal with love.
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Everything Phenomenal but the score...
21 March 2022
This movie is probably one of the best of the great five Netflix movies so far, the tune for a great picture is ready but the only thing that it makes "Hollywood" movies great is the score! It's the only thing missing here unless besides being great, it could be memorable, which is the hardest part.

I'm movie lover born in 1980, I've seen lots lots of movies in my whole live, and I can tell you that I'm very skeptical about Netflix making "Hollywood" amazing entertainment, so when I see a Netflix trailer I can tell by far how big, expensive, techs, and experienced crew hired for...

Let me tell you, Netflix surprised me in 5 movies so far, one of them was almost lowcost but with a good well known leading actor.

Here's some tips for success: Good script! Even if it's around the "seen topic" An experienced director selected according with the topic of the movie and ability.

Well known leading actors! Resurrected count!

Supporting actors make such a big difference every time ... A score! Is mostly 50% of the movie...John Williams my all time choice but there's a few good other and new alternatives.

Credible and good High-techs based on real science. Without exaggeration!

The best photography director you can find.

And the hardest part, always trying to contradict or supreme the viewer with the unexpected!

And to be perfect, all the project workers really must really believe and love what they are doing, when it's made with love..."we can feel it" but never without a strong score.

This movie gets an 8 because it deserves it and it's my vote of confidence to Netflix... I feel "you guys" are almost there.

Thank you for reading.
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On the Line (II) (2022)
Totally waste of time!
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I never rated a Mel Gibson movie 3 stars out of 10, but this one just avoid! Even if you love Mel Gibson like me, this movie has everything to be good one... has the "Phone Booth" 2002 perfume all over it but not exactly, the performances are good but a movie not made for those one who like disclosure, despite whatever that is. There's tons of movie out there and this one I know for sure I'll never watch again or buy a copy etc. If you are fan of Mel Gibson I know you will see it like me, even if the rating is around 5 or so. But eventually in the end you have to agree with me. The only think that's is good is the message we all know since kids like the story "The boy who cried wolf".

PS: I fell asleep once and had to playback again.
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Here's why IMDb score isn't trustable anymore.
13 February 2023
If you choose to see this movie because IMDb high score, or you heard in the news it was the 1st candidate to win the Oscar for best Picture, then you're not the only one.

This movie physically hurt to watch. I mean it. Some one took large quantities of cheap LSD eventually cause them a "bad trip". This movie is boring, so dull, I can't remember the last time I decided to stop watching a movie. After 30/40min I was already having fun in my phone completely disconnected with this movie.

Let's just pretend you are looking to see a new movie, and you decide in order to choose the right vibe of the movie you want to see the trailers.

If you weren't convinced about this trailer you probably not gotta like this one either.

Just go and watch and put write your opinion here.
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Very good entertainment with good actors
22 March 2023
If you looking for good cinema entertainment this is your movie with action, mystery, good laughs also. I Rate this movie with a total 8 out of 10 because the latest movies through the past years been really disappointing, if not I would give a real 7. This movie gets you stuck takes your all attention form the beginning, nice action scenes, wonderful landscape sceneries, amazing photography plans thank make all the difference. About the movie is a non stop action with non cheap good humor scenes. I would like to say that the best actor here would be Hugh Grant made the most amazing and credible job, the others remain really good too. It's good spy action movie that we can see another time soon because it's not boring and got my full attention and I'm very demanding when it comes to entertainment, Statham continues to hit hard with style and credible fights scenes and other that everyone can relate too. The new girl is also a good chemistry and also the pearl harbour actor does it really good too. Many people talk about the director Guy Ritchie which I don't know much of it but delivered a good job. To be honest, Apple movies, Netflix, Disney etc do not fulfill my excellent movies kind and specially the amount they spend on good scenes and amazing effects like this one. So if you were born in the 80s like me and seen many movies over your life like me. You will enjoy this. I recommend.
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