
58 Reviews
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Imaginary (2024)
Lacked some imagination
23 March 2024
Ironically, I feel like the movie lacked some imaginative ideas for a movie like this. Also, is it me or is nothing actually that scary anymore? The actors weren't bad, they would only act out what's in front of them but I liked the idea of this movie a lot but not what was delivered, sadly. Also, I didn't see any need for the husband to even be in the movie, that felt like a pointless character to be trimmed out. Additionally, there is always the same kind of family dynamics in these movies with a miserable angsty teenager etc, would have been cool to make the movie stand out and not always follow the samey blueprint.
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Road House (2024)
Jake yes, everything else No.
23 March 2024
Jake as usual was great, in fact all of the actors were fine with the exception of a clearly uncomfortable Conor Mcgregor. The storyline felt a bit flat with no real intrigue or explanation to it. The hype that surrounded this movie was so large because the original movie is a classic, Jake is a phenomenal actor in general, his body transformation and of course the fact that a super rich UFC fighter made his debut so I kept that in mind while watching, as I didn't want to expect too much. But regardless of ignoring the hype, I still didn't enjoy it. Conors strange walk and very blatant lack of acting ability, doing a half awkward smile on a nervous looking red face made me feel cringe and uncomfortable for him. I'm not sure who thought he was a good casting idea but I'm sure out of the many struggling actors who deserved that spot, any would have been a better choice than him. I hope to see Jake in something better soon. And I hope Conor stays off movie casting sheets for all of our sakes.
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Mean Girls (2024)
Read this if you didn't understand this movie
10 February 2024
Not to sound patronising at all, but I feel like this explanation is a good thing to keep in mind before watching this version of Mean Girls, which made it enjoyable for me. As soon as the movie stated I hated it, I wanted to walk about and wondered why I even thought it would be a good idea to watch this, considering the original is so iconic. Then after about 15 mins into the movie it clicked, this movie is just a harmless musical version - but on film. When I go to the theatre and watch a play or a musical that is based on a hit movie then it's usually an enjoyable experience being reminded of favourite scenes of the movie and sassy one-liners that were all supposed to laugh at together. That's all this movie was, its not trying to replace or upgrade the original. After I thought about that 10-15 mins into my viewing, I actually enjoyed it a lot more. And the actress playing Regina George SMASHED it, she was a great choice of casting!
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Saltburn (2023)
Not for the faint hearted!
10 February 2024
It's important to know that this movie is not for the faint hearted. It's crude, shocking, artsy, and it seems to take pleasure in shocking us to the core...multiple times! I was watching one scene through the fingers that were covering my eyes. Then when I thought I knew what was going to happen next, the wildest thing happened. Definitely not a predictable film. It's enjoyable with a lot of x-rated shock factor but if you can enjoy a movie that pushes you outside of your comfort zone then it's worth a try as Barry Keoghan and Jacob Elodi do a terrific job with their performances. And well, they bought back an early 2000's hit with Sophie Ellis Bextars chart topping hit! What's not to love!?
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Poor Things (2023)
Emma Stone is outstanding!
10 February 2024
I loved the depth behind some of the dialogue, and how Bella is not raised by societal restrictions and insecurities, she is fully herself. Emma Stone rightfully deserved the awards for her outstanding performance in this movie. Visually the movie is stunning, I did however prefer the first half of the story, I felt like the middle part should have been trimmed but I understand the point it was making by spending so much time there. Mark Ruffalo was amazingly witty and played his part beautifully. William Dafoe was also exceptional. I wasn't sure what the movie was actually going to be about but I ended up enjoying it, just felt like the middle part dragged a tad unnecessarily. Great movie overall. Highly recommend it!
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Female perspective on something I knew nothing about
10 February 2024
First of all, I'm a girl with little interest in sports and did not know the history of the real life story here. I had no idea what this movie was even going to be about. I love how the movie unravelled, the story took its time and characters developed, I enjoyed sitting back and watching it all unfold. I laughed, and I cried (a lot). This is such a beautifully told story and I hope that Zac Efron gets the recognition he deserves for this powerful and emotional performance. The movie touches on real life events within a professional wrestling family and the bunch of events that transpire, and had me on the edge of my seat as I had no idea what was happening next. If you are someone like me who really enjoys outstanding acting performances, you will really enjoy this as its a full house on that front. How this movie and its actors are not in any Oscars category is quite baffling to me...
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Pieces (1982)
Horror porn
6 August 2023
I enjoy the older horror movies, and whilst this movie had a somewhat good plot it is unfortunately one of those old fashioned horror porn movies that fill a lot of time with random female nudity for zero reason. Completely unnecessary and we actually began to find it hilarious each female that was on screen since it quickly became apparent that we would be seeing every female sexualised before being killed pointlessly. However I realise that the pointless female nudity is very much a thing back in those days. That, along with the clear very low budget just lost me. It is not a total waste of time if you can look past those things and still enjoy a movie that lacks creativity and a solid plot.
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Disaster but not beautiful
17 May 2023
We can't put all the blame on the actors, for example the male main character wasnt too bad and was only acting how his character was written for this movie version, I didn't dislike him. The female lead however, I do think it was a poor casting choice for her. She was unnecessarily rude, whiney, cocky. Also, it's not fun to watch a guy obsess over a horrible woman who we (the viewers) see no reason for him being attracted to her. This makes it hard to follow or route for their relationship, it's all a bit odd. I did smile though as I though South Park could do a really funny parody of this movie.
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Creed III (2023)
Probably my favourite Creed movie out of the 3
3 March 2023
First let me just say Jonathan Majors is an incredible actor and that combined with the creation of a great character made him really stand out, I was routing for him from start to finish just because he was so believable and the character seemed effortless to him so well done to the casting because I really enjoyed it all-round. I feel like the movie wasted no time, it got straight into the story and there was no boring time-filler scenes like most movies have these days. The story telling was good and people that enjoy watching any type of boxing would likely love this movie. I'd definitely be excited for a Creed 4 if they have more intriguing strong likable characters like there were in this movie.
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Barbarian (2022)
Not what I was expecting - totally unique!
29 October 2022
I didn't watch the full trailer as I immediately liked the look of the first 15 seconds. I had a rough idea of what was coming due to the suspense that was building and the usual typical movie formulas. This did not follow any typical formula whatsoever! It was a totally unique movie that thought outside the box and used its own ideas and creative writing. If you are someone that can appreciate thriller/horror movies and story telling together that are not generic - I bet you will love it too! The acting performances were great all-round, and I can promise no predictable ending from the start unlike most "scary" movies. Best movie of 2022 for me.
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Supernatural Thriller
2 July 2022
Suspenseful movie centred around a school kids that go missing. All round the movie was a lot more than I expected, the acting was phenomenal - Ethan Hawke, the school kids, the dad, his kids. My only criticism would be that I wanted to see more and know more about the creepy kidnapper guy (Ethan Hawke character). There will surely no doubt be a prequel or a sequel or something!?? We need to know more about this eery interesting character. I need answers!!
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Men (2022)
If you're open to interpretation you'll like it
2 July 2022
I notice a lot of people are either shocked or offended by the last 15 minutes of this movie. Im a pretty open minded person when it comes to movies, here is my take on it. Its a creepy "what on earth is going on here" suspenseful movie, that is supposed to be open to your own interpretation. If you just go with it and absorb the movie for what it is, its great and so deep actually. If you're a woman I'm sure there is at least a few male characters that you can relate to having met before. Whilst I agree that the last moments in this movie were "a bit much" i was not expecting it at all, and after reading about what it was trying to symbolise I thought it was very clever. However, yes, it definitely should have came with a warning for some folks!!! Really enjoyed the truths and the depths and the exposures through this movie.
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Brazen (2022)
Had potential if not so predictable.
23 January 2022
I totally understand that not all movies can be completely realistic, but the idea that two detectives would allow a random author to push their way into help resolve an important case, and push her way into questioning victims and suspects, super strange and silly. No one even suggests that she could be swaying the case with her biased involvement, and what kind of psychological qualifications do authors have? Weird and didn't even end interestingly unfortunately.
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Lucky (IV) (2020)
Important message in this movie
4 April 2021
As soon as this movie begins it has you gripped and wanting answers for the crazy going ons. I was super intrigued to where it would lead to. As much as there were some comical parts, and it kept me gripped throughout, i felt like it ended all of a sudden and I was left without answers. I had to go on the internet to read explanations of what it all meant, which I think the message in this movie was a good and important one but maybe if it ended with May doing a monologue or something would have explained it a little better and wrapped it up nicely and would have felt less or a sudden ending.
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Son (I) (2021)
Be in the mood for long story development then you will enjoy
3 April 2021
Some people may find this movie slow to start, you have to be in the mood to watch the story develop as I was aware before watching, therefore I enjoyed it but I can see why not all people will. I enjoyed that it was a bit of a satanic movie with twists and turns along the way. The kid actor played his part well and the ending was good.
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Seemingly cute couple practice Satanism
3 April 2021
An elderly couple, who are so sweet and cutesy (strangely, I know!) follow a satanic renaissance in an attempt to get their granson back. There are dark challenges along the way, with scary "hide behind your palms" moments. Its not just a movie full of scares though, I enjoyed how we had flashbacks to help us understand the lives of all those involved before we got to the present day in the movie. Will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what the hell is going to happen and how is it all going to be played out. Really impressed.
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Psychedelic and Stylish Horror
3 April 2021
Very artsy and psychological thriller, the neon lighting in most scenes really set the psychedelic tone well. Not overly gory, but those weak hearted may look away once or twice. Really impressed with both main characters acting as they display a wide range. Would definitely recommend this movie to anyone that enjoys brain ticking thrillers with some classy acting. Bravo on this one!
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Glad I found this movie!
1 April 2021
Psychological thriller with a strong story to follow. Not a jump-scare movie or a horror, so don't expect anything like that. This movie has a fun start that quickly leads to chaos then questions and mystery before the madness ending. The actors did so well and I stuck with it as it kept me intrigued to find the answers to what the hell was going on. Very unique and well-thought out movie with some deep fan theories that I read after watching so that was interesting too.
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Fear of Rain (2021)
28 March 2021
The actors in this movie played their parts well, and at first I was intrigued but after strange scenes where the characters did not quite gel together and it just felt awkward, I guessed the big reveal and was disappointed that I guessed it so early on with no further twists in the movie. Not the actors faults as its supposed to be non-engaging for another reason. Also, the trailer made it look like a horror which it definitely was not.
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Saint Maud (2019)
Oh Maud, you crazy as!
21 March 2021
This movie is dark, but deep! Maud is played beautiful by the actress, infact she plays it so well that its believable yet uncomfortable to watch in some parts but you will be gripped in your seat waiting to see how it all unravels. I did jump once or twice like "damn" but its not that kind of jump-scare film, its more of a tension build up and air of mystery before the big ending.
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Fatale (II) (2020)
A modern "Fatal Attraction"
21 March 2021
I love an eery thriller, especially with a psychotic vibe and this film was that! I will admit some parts dragged a little long but I enjoyed the ride and feel like all acting was played well. The settings were stunning too. Hilary Swank, oh sis, you never let me down - great to see she still got it after all these years.
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Brainscan (1994)
A monster in your video game?! Loved it!
6 March 2021
A really original movie, and the 80s nostalgia really brings the whole movie to life. At first the main character kid was doing my head in but it didn't distract me too much as the storyline was really going somewhere. Sometimes when you watch movies like this its easy to pick fault as they are so many years old now, but the monster-feeling 80s mystery movie is a fun watch.
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A fun movie with a gorgeous culture
5 March 2021
If equality, progression and culture offends you then it looks like this wont be the movie for you. Yes a couple of CGI moments that are questionable but its not claiming to be a big sci-fi film, you shouldn't be over analysing that; take it for what it is. I watched the first movie as a kid, im now 33 so am old enough to remember the references and young enough to understand the celebrity cameos; so I personally enjoyed this. I absolutely loved the dances and culture was very 'in your face' and beautiful. Definitely not for those people who are offended by people who celebrate culture so loud and proud. Shout out to Leslie Jones who made me laugh non stop throughout.
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Just dont bother. Watch the original.
6 February 2021
It lacked the 90s angst and attitude, likable characters etc. The original, as usual, is much better. There, I saved you 90 minutes of your life. You're welcome.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Better than the movie?
6 February 2021
Very controversial, I know. I do genuinely think its better than the movie however I realise that in saying that you cant appreciate that statement unless you have seen the movie to appreciate all of the sentimental moments. SO much comedy, suspense, fun, empowering moments (especially if you are a martial arts practitioner or even fan). The fact that the same actors are playing their roles from the movie is genuis and works so well. I dont want to wait an entire year, I need nore episodes now
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