
7 Reviews
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Damn them,damn them all to hell!!!
30 July 2001
Well, I can't damn them ALL to hell. Some of the movie was really good. But most of it just didn't work. Let's get to it. 1. The Good; The Make-Up; There are only two words to describe Rick Baker's make-up: In-genious. The guy has always been the best and now he has surpassed even himself. His ape-make-up is flawless. Even apes with a short amount of screen time have amazing detail and individuality in their features. Baker easily has an Academy Award coming for his work here. The Acting; The Best Actors wore the most make-up. Everyone in an ape suit busted their butt and delivered first rate performances. Maybe they had to work harder to overcome wearing tons of make-up, maybe I just credit them with good acting because they were wearing all that make-up, all I know is that the made up actors were more expressive and convincing than the barefaced actors. 2. The Bad. They cut out it's brain, those bloody baboons! Sorry, I coudn't resist. That's a line from the original movie. It gets the point across. All the great satire that the original possessed is gone,cut out, eliminated. The book was mostly social satire and the original movie was pretty true to that. But not this one. It flirts with satire,it dabbles in it,it buys a ticket to the game but never gets into the same ballpark as the original movie as far as the satire and social commentary. It's watered down. I know they were excpecting lots of kids to flock to this flick, but I think the apes brutality was really underplayed. I'm not even talking about violence , much of which occurred off screen. Except for Thade and the profiteer Limbo, the apes weren't all that nasty to the humans. There is even an Animal Rights group that supports Human Rights. I never felt the overwhelming,oppressing menace that I felt with the original movie. Also, when the two big silverbacks locked up for their Big Fight, it was so anti-climactic. I expected fur and blood to fly when the arch-rivals met, instead I saw a slap fight between two mincing flight attendants. The Acting; Amazingly, all the actors without make-up were about as emotive as a wooden bedpost. There was no need for the humans to talk in this version, none of them said anything worth hearing. That's it. I hate, and I mean I really hate to say it but the "Making of.." video is a better time
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Pale imitation of a recognized classic
20 June 2001
You know what I'm talking about; "The Adventures of Robin Hood" starring Errol Flynn. Comparing that classic film with this Costner drek is like comparing "Road Warrior" with......"Water World"? The Flynn version is fun and light hearted. Costner's version is only pandering to modern sensibilities.C'mon, the movie reeks of political correctness Maid Marion fighting in black armor? Great a strong female character, Morgan Freeman as Robin's sidekick? Hey, the wise token ethnic character.(Sorry Morgan,you were good, but unnecessary)Christian Slater? Stick him in for more youth appeal. If you must watch it, fast forward through any parts that don't feature Morgan Freeman or Alan Rickman.
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Who's laughing now?
20 June 2001
If the ozone layer vanished,many scientists have theories about how this would effect life on Earth. I guarantee that none of these theories comes close to the one put forth by this movie. Turns out that when the ozone goes, all the animals on the planet go ICKY-BINGO and band together to wipe humanity off the face of the planet. It's not really dynamic but it is fun watching cougars running through Denver's suburbs scaring crossing guards, mailmen and dogs out of 10 years growth. The best part though, is when crazed hiker Leslie Neilsen goes kamikazee against a murderous grizzly bear. He actually tries to bite the beasts ear off! Needless to say this is a very short,but entertaining scene. There is also an attempt at drama and inter-personal tension, but luckily the creators never try too hard with that part of the film
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Sssssss (1973)
Antidote to Jar-jar
20 June 2001
SSSS makes up in suspense and b-movie star power what it lacks in production values. Strother Martin is a classic 2nd string villain. Dirk Benedict, you might remember him from battlestar or A-Team. And the female lead,Heather Menzies, played one of the Von Trapps in the Sound of Music. She was also in Captain America with Reb Brown,who has a small part in this movie too! Nope, this movie came from a time when FX were cheap, shaky and down played but the movie was fun and exciting none the less
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Dobermann's out-act humans!!!!
20 June 2001
The doberman's are the "gimmick" in an otherwise average movie. However they are an impressive gimmick.The trainers get the dogs to do some amazing things. Imagine a "Benji" movie for grown-ups. If you are interested in animal training or dobermans, you'll like this movie.
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Billy Jack (1971)
It's all about The HAT!!!
20 June 2001
Violence is golden in this, the first and best of the Billy Jack films. However, you can't dismiss this as empty-headed blood and guts,although the action is superb. If you watch all 3 movies you can see the evolution of the character Billy Jack from a guy who solves his problems with his fists to a man who uses his intellect and wisdom to overcome obstacles. Also, if your in support of Indie film makers then you should see all of Laughlin's work. The film also introduced Hapkido to America, a martial art that combines elements of Akido and Tae kwon do.The fight scenes are GREAT, some of the best ever. The hippie kids are a scream and Howard Hessman is pretty funny. The troupe he works with was a pretty infamous underground comedy group back in the 70's. But above all, it's about The HAT!!!!!!!!
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More in common w/Joseph Campbell than Bob Hope
20 June 2001
It's easy to overlook the societal importance of "Shakiest". Most academics consider it a vapid re-make of a "superior" Bob Hope film. However my consensus is that Hope's movie simply Overemphasized the comedic aspects of the story and downplayed the sociological importance and mythical underpinnings of it. I don't fault Hope since his comedic talents are such that only his fully grasping of the genre and paradigm in its epistomological sense would allow him the proper frame/reference to "dim" his comedic talents enough to let the nuances of the story's deeper meanings emerge. Not so with Don Knotts. His performance is neo-subtle in the sense that he draws attention to the pre-Scorsesian templates of story entwined with yet seperated from, meaning, by overexaggerating Hope's performance to a Vonnegutian level. Example; his performance as Painless Jesse in the film's opening sequences underscore the relationship of Man the Creator with Man the Destroyer and Man the Dentist. In Barb Rhoades we see an equal but lesser voice representing tenets of Post-modern imperialism as well as Proto-Schwarzeneggerian grandiosity. Yet, it is Knotts, initially passive who redeems himself in the end, triumphing over Rhoades and all she symbolizes as well as echoing the pan-universal theme of the hero transformed by "plumbing" his own depths. This is shown particularily in the mine scene, where we read "mine" as "Subconscious Id". Simply put, not sense "The Incredible Mr. Limpett" has Knotts blended Transformational Mythology with Wellesian Cinematography and Jerrylewisian slapstick. BRAVO!
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