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Typical Documentary Preconceptions & Biases
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While I found the subject material of this docu-series to be quite interesting, it unfortunately suffers from the typical shortcomings, preconceptions & blatant biases that have plagued & become synonymous with Hollywood, the news media, & much of the entertainment industry.

The main intent of a documentary should be to inform its viewers as much as possible on the topic of choosing, while hopefully entertaining them in the process. Yet far too many of these filmmakers fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors; by prioritizing shock/awe & injecting their own personal biases, at the detriment of remaining authentic & impartial.

Note: subtle spoilers below. While I'll refrain from sharing too many details, here are just some of the more glaring omissions & oversights from the docu-series that I felt effected its credibility & intent at remaining neutral like it should...

  • No real attention given to the possibility (and likelihood) that medication related to the boy's dental visit might have caused the seizure, stroke or epileptic attack his girlfriend reported.

  • No evidence or findings were presented relating to whether or not hypnosis can actually cause a delayed hypnotic response.

  • No interview with the dental office itself or coroner etc to see which medication was given & if an autopsy looked for dental related meds in his system, or if it's possible those meds wouldn't even show up at all.

  • No toxicology report presented for the first death, & no interviews with investigators regarding the suicides.

  • Complete dismissal of potential non hypnosis related causation of deaths (ex: breakup, teenage depression, failed SAT, bullying, etc), or how thousands of kids kill themselves each year.

  • No follow up or digging deep on the bullying messages or breakup (outside of just asking a friend).

  • No in depth discussion with specialists, police department officials, crime scene investigators or medical professionals regarding the circumstances of the deaths.

  • Only one certified hypnotist was used & questioned as the authority on the topic & on the possibility that hypnotism could have played a roll in the deaths.

The temptation of writers & producers to pander to a particular narrative is certainly understandable, though if you're incapable of doing so, & are too lazy to do actual research before basically depicting someone as an accomplice to murder, then you might want to reconsider your profession & get a job at CNN where being a propagandist & slanderer is a prerequisite.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Great Cinematography & Concept But Unrealistic Acting & Cookie Cutter Structure
25 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you have a fear of heights then this movie will frighten you like no other. From that aspect, the filmmakers succeeded tremendously. Where they failed however, was their script was very cookie cutter, lacked depth, included far too many tired and predictable scenes, and made no attempt at realism.

Some examples of the "lack of realism," include: the ability to climb down and back up 40+ feet of thin rope bare handed and bare footed (one of her feet) after having not drank or eaten anything for over a day, the ability to hold someone dangling with one hand and then pull her up (again, without having eaten or drank in over a day, and apparently after spending a year drinking herself stupid and out of shape from having not climbed or taken care of her body for over a year), the brunette thinking her friend was still alive for over 24 hours, the cell signal working at 1,950 ft up yet not at 2,000 ft, etc).

On top of that, the acting was over the top and unnecessarily dramatic, the actors were pretty unlikable, and the fact the girls didn't think to have a fail safe (letting someone know to come find them) in the event they didn't return home that evening.

Despite all of these complaints, I still recommend watching this movie for the fear factor alone. While I enjoy horror flicks, they never actually scare me or cause my heart rate to increase like this movie did. It's just too bad the writers didn't dedicate as much effort into the plot and character development as they did the cinematography.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Unnecessary & Overused Plot Concept
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood has a tendency of ruining movies by taking interesting plots and ruining them unnecessarily. This is one such example. There was no need to end the film with this tired wore out concept where the main character ultimately makes up the entire experience in their head. There must be two dozen movies that have used this plot device on the last decade alone. So much do that it's become beyond predictable.

It would have been far more gratifying in my opinion, for there to have actually been this hospital that was harvesting organs. The writers could have still introduced the potential that it was maybe all in the head of the main character, but to not resort to this actually being the case.

I just find it incredibly hard to fathom that anyone could experience all of these various events and somehow not have a single moment of clarity to where they'd realize their mind is playing tricks on them time and time again. And even if this is possible, the concept is so overdone that it's simply not worth doing anymore.
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The Menu (2022)
Focuses More On Metaphors Than Entertainment
24 October 2023
While it's evident the film makers of The Menu were able to effectively convey their metaphorical intent regarding the societal & cultural failings of America (or first world nations in general), I think they did so at the expense of entertainment.

Based on the surprisingly high overall rating for this movie, apparently my opinion is of the minority, though I wonder how many of these viewers who rated favorably did so because they appreciated the satirical cleverness rather than their actual watching enjoyment.

I guess I just expected more, considering the quality acting and production. Not only did the film lack a protagonist (or at least one worth caring about), & lack a good plot twist (aside from the main premise introduced very early on), there was no explanation or reasoning for many of the behaviors & actions of the characters (ex: the allegiance of the Chef's staff, the refusal of the guests to take action even after learning their fate).

I also find the 'comedy' and 'horror' genres the movie categorizes itself under, to be highly misleading. While there a couple slightly humorous scenes, I don't recall laughing. As for the horror status, there's absolutely nothing frightening (let alone suspenseful) about this movie.

In my opinion, the writers of The Menu became so set on maintaining their satirical narrative, that they ultimately painted themselves into a corner with the story itself. While I found the movie to be somewhat entertaining (enough to watch through till the end), I wouldn't recommend it - unless you're one who favors artsy films that critics tend to fawn over.
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See (2019–2022)
A Challenge To Suspend Disbelief, Though Otherwise An Excellent Show
11 October 2023
While it's definitely a challenge to suspend disbelief and ignore the many oversights other reviewers have already mentioned (ex: how/why the blind dress in matching colors, use lighting, have the ability to differentiate the enemy from their own in battle & somehow always know where to strike in space, practice falconry, etc), if you're able to disregard all of this the show is otherwise very good.

Apart from the over-acting of the evil queen, and flaws mentioned above, I found the actors & actresses to be top notch, the battles very exciting & unique , the plot lines & dystopian world interesting, the complexity of characters intriguing, & the CG visually stunning.

My only other gripe is the writers decision to not explain to the viewers the backstory regarding certain characters & pertinent story elements... such as the details surrounding the plague that led to the death of most of the world's population / how only a select few were spared their vision & able to produce children who can also see / the origin of the silent shadow people and the purpose of the white paint they cover themselves with.

The ratings under 6 are completely unfair and likely from users who either didn't watch the show beyond an episode, or lack the imagination to suspend their disbelief. Give the show a chance and you'll likely find it to be quite entertaining.
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Black Mirror: Demon 79 (2023)
Season 6, Episode 5
Off-Brand, Lazy Writing, Ridiculous Concepts
9 July 2023
It's bizarre to read reviews of people justifying these lame episodes and how it shouldn't matter that the show has deviated entirely from the identity of the show that had been established over 5 seasons of the series.

Yes, it does matter. There's a reason Apple doesn't replace their iPhone and iMac with iFries and iMassages. An established brand becomes established because it's user base comes to expect a particular level of quality and familiarity. Sure, it's expected that not every offering is going to follow an exact template, but if you're going to deviate it should be done subtly and without sacrificing quality.

It's purely non sensible to go from 5 seasons of a show that focused solely on the potential and conceivable repercussions of technological advancements upon society... to this season's completely unrealistic and cliche teenage movie themes involving werewolves, talking objects and bell bottom wearing demons, and ridiculous armageddon scenarios that would be too far fetched for even Stranger Things.
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The Exorcist (2016–2018)
Started Off Great, But Quickly Lost All Sense Of Realism
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really thought this show started off great. Impressive premise, storyline, cast & actors. Though after a few episodes in it felt like the entire vibe of the show had gone from spooky & conceivable, to fantastical & a bit cheesy at times. In my opinion the writers tried to do more than what the story actually required.

For example... the incident on the train where the possessed girl shreds a guys insides, yet she's allowed to return home from the hospital as if nothing happened. And do you think there wouldn't be numerous cell phone videos of the event plastered across every news channel on the planet? I get that subway attacks have become commonplace in actual life, but not ones involving petite girls with demon eyes performing superhuman maneuvers like throwing a full grown man around & clawing out his insides with the strength of a rabid bear.

This fantastical portrayal of demon possession is far too detached from reality, when it doesn't need to be. It's one thing to depict such unbelievable scenarios in an X-Men movie for example, where the audience is well aware that what you're watching is based entirely in fiction. Though what made the original Exorcist movie so frightening to many people, was the fact that demon possession is a phenomenon that may actually exist. It's why the most effective horror films are based upon either supernatural or alien encounters.

My point is... the further these writers deviate from reality &/or what seems conceivable, the more unbelievable & less creepy their story becomes. I've read some accounts of supposed actual demon possessions & exorcisms that were damn creepy. But what made them so, were the multiple people who claimed to have witnessed the occurrence. This adds to the credibility of the story, which in turn makes it more believable & scary. Anything that detracts from the believability only hinders the creepy factor.
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Cargo (I) (2017)
A Brilliant & Touching Film
20 March 2023
There've been a few apocalypse style movies & films that have been effective at incorporating the use of strong character relationships into their story writing. 'The Walking Dead', 'Black Summer', 'The Book Of Eli' & 'It Comes At Night' are a few examples that come to mind. 'Maggie' & 'The Last Of Us' are a couple more that apparently succeed at this as well, though I've yet to watch either at the time of this writing.

I'd have to say though, that of all the films or series I've seen in this genre, Cargo is the only one that caused me to tear up a bit. Which I find pretty incredible considering the outcome becomes apparent after just 15 minutes into the film, & the fact that there's not much time dedicated towards character development.

I think what allows for such a strong emotional response is its combination of excellent casting, acting, characters & writing. I'm actually surprised this movie doesn't have a higher rating. In my opinion Cargo is deserving of an 8/10 for its fresh take on a genre not known for much deviation from its familiar formula.
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Dumb Decision Making Turns An 8 Into A 6
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoyed this movie, but the same lazy plot holes and ridiculously stupid decision making (particularly by the victim of course) plague this film like so many others. I find it odd why so many film makers (whether producer, writer or director) decide it best to have their protagonist lack any common sense whatsoever, and why there must be scenes that defy all logic and reality.

The first blatant head scratching moment came after Jules survived the scene at the cliff. I was able to look past that, but to see her doing full sprints through the woods a day or so later was just over the top. It would take weeks, if not months to recover from the injuries sustained from what happened to her.

But apparently the Director/writer/producer felt there wasn't quite enough disbelief for one movie. They decide to borrow from the cliches of every cheesy slasher flick ever written and have their protagonist / victim avoid every possible chance of escape, fighting back, or killing their attacker when the opportunity arrives. And in an ultimate act of stupidity, Jules decides after actually escaping near certain death, that it be best to return with a knife, knowing full well that Jackie is a marksman, that there are guns on site, that she is injured and at a severe disadvantage physically.

It would have been slightly more plausible if she had orchestrated some sort of plan, but instead she haphazardly and loudly burst through the door and roams the house where even the most inexperience of killers could have taken her out with ease.

The other oversight by the writers is having Jackie decide to make the lake her kill site, especially considering her association with another girl's death years prior. There were a couple scenes that indicated Jackie's strong attention to detail and measures taken regarding her killings, yet she somehow overlooks the fact that a coroner could easily notice the severe injuries sustained prior to the reported fall of her wife's supposed 'accidental' fall? Which combined with the fact two neighbors show up missing at the same time (one of whom was her best friend at the time their other friend 'drowned' in the same lake while swimming with Jackie?

Despite all of these oversights, I did still enjoy the movie. The acting was good, and the dynamic between the two women was convincing. I can also understand how people in abusive relationships can act without logic. I just think the movie could have easily been much better if not for a few basic oversights. One last gripe mentioned by another reviewer is how Jackie mentioned an insurance policy as the reason for her actions, yet in a later scene she hints towards other motives.

My reasoning for leaving critical comments in reviews is in hoping filmmakers read them and avoid the same pitfalls in their future creations.
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Hush (I) (2016)
Familiar Plot But Effective Suspense Regardless
1 June 2022
This is one of the better home invasion movies I've seen. The lead actress being deaf and vulnerability is quite effective at creating a sense of suspense that far exceeded the home invasion scenes I've seen in flicks prior ('John Wick' 'Clockwork Orange'). Though to be fair, those movies aren't horrors and were likely not intending to convey the same emotion.

A few weeks prior to seeing 'Hush', I watched 'See For Me' (a 2021 flick with a blind lead role). While I found it to be a decent watch, I thought 'Hush' was better for a few reasons... The lead character was far more likable and made relatively wise survival decisions, while the 'See For Me' character was highly un-likable and continuously made bizarre decisions with her life on the line. Also, the villain in 'Hush' was more effective. His being omnipresent created a lingering sense of threat & suspense throughout the movie. 'See For Me' can't really say the same, though what that movie had going for it was a more unique plot. 'Hush' was quite predictable, but still strangely satisfying.

Apparently there are quite a few films depicting handicapped persons in home invasion scenarios. 'Wait Until Dark' is a 1960's flick staring Audrey Hepburn as a blind woman who's terrorized by three burglars... and 2016's 'Don't Breathe' (released the same year as Hush) also stars a blind lead, though apparently takes a unique approach in that the protagonist(s) are the invaders as opposed to the resident.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Decent Movie But Frustratingly Dumb Lead Character Decisions
18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually somewhat enjoyed this movie, though I found it impossible to root for the lead actor (the female) due to her moronic decision making. I'm confused as to why the director, writer, producer decided to show the protagonist as such an incompetent fool; who if not for movie luck, wouldn't have survived beyond the first half of the film.

Here are a few examples to prove my point:

1) After escaping from the cabin (which was odd to begin with, considering the ease to which she was able to escape), she decides to take the most obvious route - the road leading up to the cabin. Yes, I understand that she was shoeless for some reason (apparently the madman thought far enough ahead to de-shoe his captive, though not secure her enclosure), which would make it difficult to run through branches, though I'd think if I was in a similar scenario I'd eventually venture into the woods to make it more difficult to spot me.

2) As she's running down the driveway she can't seem to prevent herself from moaning loudly due to the discomfort to her feet, and then screams at the top of her lungs when the branch enters her foot. Sure, it may be tough to refrain from vocalizing the pain, but again, I'd like to think that I'd be able to avoid repeated yelling knowing that the consequence of being caught would entail torture and murder.

3) As she exits the river, instead of remaining quiet and stealthy (crouching, moving slowly and cautiously), she once again decides to act in a way that would draw the most attention to her.

4) Rather than striking the hunter more towards the head, she decides a hit to the body is in her best interest. How anyone would think a chest strike (especially from a female) would cause someone to go unconscious is beyond me.

5) While pleading with the hunter to get her to safety, she fails to mention some basics that I'd think would be pertinent to convey a sense of extreme caution in case they encountered the madman. Sure, she may have done so during their trek to his truck, but as witnessed during the encounter scene at the fallen tree, he seemed far from cautious in his allowing the madman to approach.

6) As the madman attempts to fool the hunter with his claim that the woman was a crazy runaway, it drove me mad how she doesn't feel the need to tell the hunter to stop turning away from him. She should have at least moved to the side to get in the hunter's line of sight do that he could avoid turning his back allowing the madman to gain ground and make an inevitable run for the gun.

7) After finally escaping the madman for the last time, and using the opportunity to gain plenty of ground while he was burying the hunter, she instead decides to enter his Jeep, despite not knowing if the keys were left inside. Not only that, she gets in and shuts the door before even checking the ignition for the keys. All while the madman is just 30 feet away with a gun in hand.

8) And in another moment of brilliance she decides to not put back the phone she finds in the console prior to crawling to the back of the Jeep. That is then followed up by yet another questionable decision as she decides to attempt a conversation with a 911 dispatcher. I suppose she felt confident enough that random voices from the rear of the car was a safe bet. And with the phone being unmuted, did she not consider that an incoming call or text would be an instant giveaway?

10) After the Jeep crash she exits first and finds the tire iron. Rather than taking advantage of the fact he was still trapped in the car, why not approach the driver side and finish him off for good? He was already beat pretty good from the fight leading up to the crash, so it would seem likely he'd not put up much of a fight upside down and already half beaten to death.

Yeah, I get that this is a movie and people do stupid things, but someone needs to tell these directors, writers, producers that an incompetent and frustration inducing protagonist doesn't do their movie any favors. If not for such an un-likable lead, I'd have scored this flick higher. I'm being generous with my 6/10.
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