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Wanted (2008)
Wanted- kick ass adrenaline!
3 October 2008
Best thing about this movie is its pace. I was so glued to this pacey action flick that I forgot having sip of my coke and pop corn till intermission! It reminded me of movies like Speed and Matrix. Sheer adrenaline and nothing else. The story revolves around James McAvoy's dull life and how he is losing everything. There comes our super sexy Angelina Jolie to pull him out of this mess and taking him to where he belongs- the world of non-stop action. It's a world of assassins called Fraternity and he is one of them. Based on calculations done by Fate- a secret society, these assassins with gifted skills are killing their targets. James, now in his new avatar of assassin is getting trained by Fraternity-led by Morgan Freeman, building his super skills and stepping into his father's shoes. Yes, his father was an assassin too and been murdered. James is now after his father's killer but there is more that meet his eyes. He is slowly getting close to reality which is not what he was told. What is that truth? Will he finally take revenge of his father's death? These answers are the crust of the story which is brilliantly supported by special effects and its star cast.

James as a loser and trying best to come out of his dull life has done a superb job. He is true to his character. He was brilliant in his earlier venture-King of Scotland too. Angelina is rock solid in such kick-ass roles and did a wonderful job this time too. Though I was bit disappointed with Morgan Freeman as he did not have much moments but Wanted is more about actions scenes and special effects. The scenes where the shots take turns in the air and hit the target, early car chasing scene and how these assassins kill their targets are brilliant. I agree that all these stunts are next to impossible in real but the way these scenes are clubbed with the pace of movie is mind blowing. The director is fast in narrating the story that you actually don't get a second to think what and how its happening. I suggest all you action freaks should give it a try.
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21 (2008)
Lucky no. 21!
3 October 2008
According to me, not taking risks in life is the biggest damn risk you can ever take! How can you live without taking risks? You need to take chances and go with your instincts. Taking risk is like living on the edge. Your pulse is pounding like hammer, heart will blow out of your chest anytime and you are sweating like hell. Getting this adrenaline is one hell of an experience. On this same theme, 21 is all about taking chances on your caliber with little planning. It is based on a true story of five MIT students trying their special skills to remember the flow of playing cards and trying it out in the amazing world of Vegas. Beautiful Vegas- The only place in this world where you enjoy only when you're lost! The movie starts with an amazing one long shot introducing Jim Sturgess-the central character. He is in desperate need of money required to study in Harvard. He is trying hard but that's not enough at all. He then joined his professor Kevin Spacey and gang of four students to explore the gambling world of Vegas. Plan is to make a quick fortune with their skills to count cards while playing. How Jim joins this group, gets addicted and finally, comes out of it is what the movie follows. Crisp narration by the director, well thought of script and excellent cinematography is enough to keep you engaging. Though you can predict the outline as what will happen next but the way it is been shot has made this movie an interesting watch. Jim as the main lead has done full justice to his role and so do Kevin Spacey. The supporting crew including Jim's friends and four students as partners in crime is worth watching. Laurence fishburne too looks so real in his character. In a good movie, every character is assigned to bring out specific emotions and feel like love, fear, etc. In 21, each character is for specific feelings. You can relate feeling of fear, love, betrayal, anger, affection, confusion and etc with each character.

Another best thing about this movie is the climax. I think the director knew that his audience is smart and they can easily predict what will be coming in the end. This is where director uses an interesting twist which excites the viewers and surprise them. In 21, my favourite scene is not one but various close-up shots of actors playing at tables in the casino. Brilliance of great camera work. Movie doesn't have punchy dialogues which I think is an deliberate attempt. Characters could've had become loud and over acted with heavy dialogues which is not at all required here. Characters in this movie have deliberately been kept low and close to reality. 21 gives a fresh feeling with its gripping script, focused narration and great star cast. And that's the reason why I thoroughly enjoyed the new hit formula of movie making called 21.
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Singh Is King (2008)
Akki Singh is the real King!
21 September 2008
'Balle balle te shava shava!' 'Oye! Chak De Phatte!' This is what you will hear loud and clear while watching this movie through out. 'Singh is Kinng' is a true example of how you package the ordinary idea with loads of no-logic but damn funny humor, jazzed up with some peppy nos, put a big tag of superstar and wrap it up with oodles of hype. This movie has created history in breaking all time box office records specially. The mass hysteria of Akshay Kumar is unstoppable. He is the next big thing and currently, Indian movie industry is betting more than Rs 150 crores on him.

The story of 'Singh is Kinng' is simple. Akki is a panic button for his village. People are so bugged with his non-sense that they decided to send him out of the village. They some how emotionally convinced him to go abroad and bring back another son of soil who is now an underworld don. Om Puri also got tagged along with Akki in this journey. In between, he meets his love interest Katrina and what follows is a no sense roller coaster ride where not only he has to bring the village son back to his roots but also, win his girl's heart.

It might sound nothing great then how come its such a big hit breaking all overseas records? The answer lies in two powerful words- Akki and the music. Akki aka Akhay Kumar is the current king of Bollywood. He is power packed and Singh is Kinng is a true example to prove it. He'd hold the front all alone with his witty performance. Katrina too has her moments but just moments. Kiran Kher is a sheer waste of talent. Om Puri is just fine and Ranvir Shorey is something i don't even want to talk about it. What a waste of talent. Javed Jaffery is funny and played an interesting character. This movie is not focused on building characters because it can only happen with a good script. But here it's not about script but Akki and only Akki.

Music is really nice and has lots of variety. Pritam has done it again and has given another super hit soundtrack. 'Teri Or' is a surprise delight with beautiful vocals, music and video. The reason why I like this song is not just the melody but an add on of some Rajasthani folk song playing in the background. Another interesting song is 'Jee Karda'. Solid Punjabi beats forcing you to break free and just dance. It's extremely catchy. The title track could've been better if they've got some other singer than Mika. He did a horrible job. Snoop Dogg did his first act in Bollywood singing the remix version of title song which is way better than the original. Another very interesting song is 'Bhutani Ke' which is very funny. It's a leg pulling song for the groom at his marriage. I can imagine this song getting played at every marriage and grooms just getting embarrassed.

It's an interesting movie and I advise every one to go with their group of friends and you'll be coming out laughing from the movie halls. Akshay has reached a status where he should take movies where he gets a support from a good script and some less silly things to be seen in the movie. Apart from this, i don't thing any other reason why you should not and go watch this full time pass movie.
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Rock On!! (2008)
Rock On!!...bring it on!
16 September 2008
Rock is all about employing electric and bass guitars, thundering drums with a mix of organ or piano or synthesizers giving you all a severe head-banging session. Well, that's what rock means to me and Rock On! is a great attempt bringing the same feel to 70MM! Rock On! is an ideal example of bridging cult with mainline Hindi cinema. Kudos!

The movie is about how 4 talented friends with same passion for music creates a band called Magik and wanted to become 'somebody' in music industry. The movie focuses on how they stay together, achieve what they want to, broke up with each other and re-unites one last time. Director has done a marvelous job in bringing all characters alive. He didn't allow more characters floating all around and coming in between. He simply focuses on Magik and their select close ones.

Soul of this movie lies in its music. The music of Rock On! is packed with extremely catchy kick ass numbers. Though all the numbers are rocking but my top three favorites are 'Zehreelay' 'Pichhle Saat Dinon' and 'Ye Tumhari Meri Baatein'. 'Zehreelay' is the heaviest soundtrack of any Indian movie so far. It's wild, full of energy and extremely noisy. Lyrics are weird and the interesting part is the vocal. You can do extreme screaming when you sing in English but when it comes to Hindi, it's a different ball game. It is tough to sing so loud and extreme that too with perfect vocals in Hindi. Simply hell yeah! 'Pichhle saat dinon' is a song that grows on you and later, you can't live without. The song is so popular that they have made a spl video for it. 'Ye Tumhari Meri Baatein' is beautiful song with a tinge of jazz to it. It will make you feel as if it is made for you and your love. Another wonderful track is 'Socha hai'. It's like back to roots, real rock song where lyrics come out from no where. Title soundtrack 'Rock On!', 'Sindbad the sailor' and 'Fir Dekhiye' are simply outstanding. Another special song is a slow rock ballad 'Tum ho to'. In age of one song wonder soundtracks Rock On! is a surprise package. Each and every song is a chart buster. In fact, I'm now so used to listening Rock On! songs where ever I roam! Office, Pubs, Music stores and channels, Radio its every where! It's like rock music in its purest form with a strong, insistent back beat, and a catchy melody!

The movie is well crafted but the plot is not something new. It's a predictable movie and you know exactly what will happen next. Also, dialogs don't have that punch like the songs and its theme. I like Farhan Akhtar as a director, singer, and actor but excluding his voice. I do not know why but some how he is not that great when he talks.

There are so many well crafted scenes that had lit up this movie. My favorite scene is where Magik performs at a local society to raise money. I will not reveal much of it but I just couldn't stop laughing like mad while watching it. Also, the scene where Magik performs at a music contest then fights with each other and split. Its sheer delight as director sketched those scenes brilliantly.

Rock On! truly justifies its title with some heavy dope of rocking music and acting. More important, it's the simplicity of the movie which will make you happy while coming out of the movie screen with a message to all- know matter what may come... keep rocking!
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17 August 2008
There is just one thing that differentiates a legend from ordinary man. It's his fight with inner demons to over come all his fear. That defines a legend. And this is what Batman stands for. Batman is not just another comic character but it's a complete saga of how you stand tall in spite of losing everything, walk fearlessly even when you are lonely and how you fight back against all odds and over shadow your own fear. Fear- the most dominated emotion, mankind has ever witnessed. Batman is no exception, he still has fear, he still gets scared of losing those who are close to him and he is still in doubts when it comes to decision. But what is interesting and inspirational about Batman is that he has the ability to use wisely the biggest and most dangerous weapons of all time perfectly- BRAIN! That's why he is my favourite comic character and this time, Batman is putting everything on the line to save the world from out of control freak- the Joker.

A spell bounded performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker. Though, he is no more with us but his immortal act as joker is an Oscar winning performance and will always be remembered. Your heart comes out to mouth to see the horror Joker creates. In start, I was bit confused as his performance reminded me of Jack Nicholson from the first Batman movie but later, I realised that this is for real. He did not imitate Jack but showcased the true and horrible side of a real joker. The best part about Heath is that he displayed the flip side of a joker- FEARLESS. There are many times when we feel that some one could have done better with certain roles but not here. Here, Heath is perfect as a joker and from now on, I will call him Heath 'Joker' Ledger!

The story is about a terror that has shaken the underworld of Gotham. The fear of Batman is getting in to criminal minds and all of them are now thinking where their money can be saved from Batman's reach. And that's where the Joker comes with a plan to these criminals- kill Batman. Now with his perverted mind, the Joker is behind Batman's life and what follows is a scary hell of a ride of hide n seek game of faith vs. courage. At one end, Joker has no fear and on the other, Batman has a responsibility of saving Gotham. Now the important question is that who will win and more than that at what cost?

Apart from breaking box office records, this movie is also able to break the pattern of film making. Batman series is an action series. When you make an action movie you give the required pace in a movie by focusing on elaborating the action scenes but here, the director builds the movie with a mix of action as well as other emotional scenes. Step by step movie gives its audience action and emotion at the time when it's required but with an unexpected style. Dark, intense and a complete Batman style.

The Batman movies are famous for its back ground music and The Dark Knight is no exception. Specially, when there is sound of a whistle in background of some intense scenes in the movie. I felt a rush in to my blood and boiling my brain. My eyes popped out while watching those scenes. To mention, Batman's grilling session with the Joker is a masterpiece. The scene was simply awesome mainly coz of background music.

Harvey Dent's character could have been better post he becomes 2-faced. I was expecting his character to be more involved and longer in the series. Rachel Dawes is also a very strong influencing character in the movie. Her involvement in the movie is much focused than Katie Holmes in Batman Begins but the point I'm making here is the glam factor in this movie. She was not given that much footage in a glamorous way. Nevertheless, the plot did not allow audience to think that way either. Action scenes in this movie are well thought of and will chill the audiences' spinal chords. My favourite is the chase scene where Joker is trying best to catch Harvey Dent and how Batman comes in between. This is where Batman says 'asta la vista' and welcomes his new girl friend- his damn new bike! It's called Batpod! I can imagine how excited you will be when you know that Batman is now going to catch the Joker and Joker is happy that Batman has missed his shot. This is sheer delight to watch the creative involvement of special effects blended with brilliant cinematography.

Unlike other Hollywood flicks, The Dark Knight is a lengthy movie of more than 2 ½ hrs of non-stop adrenaline but you won't mind spending that much time watching it. Many times we feel that some movies could've been shorter and some lengthier but with 'The Dark Knight' that's not the case. It's mainly because the movie ends up at the time when it is required to scroll the curtains down. I was so satisfied while coming out from the movie hall. Perfect ending!

Well, The Dark Knight is just a beginning. Now I'm expecting the Penguin and the Riddler to come in to the picture and take this battle ahead.

As I said earlier, I'm a big fan of Batman and after this movie, I'm mad about not just Batman, but each and every part of his movies, music and, The Joker!. Now, while I'm rushing straight to the nearest movie store to buy all original movies and soundtracks of Batman series, you go ahead and enjoy a fearless life just like the Joker or Batman- choice is yours!
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Hancock (2008)
Here comes the Hancock!
5 August 2008
He is alcoholic, least bothered about your concerns and doesn't even give a damn about huge property loses the city faces with his heroic stunts. Thats Hancock for all of you!. This is a brand new super hero with a twisted mind and weird lifestyle. Its really good to see some one not coming out of a comic book as an adaptation. So, all you other super heroes get comes the Hancock.

What is interesting about this movie is that none of the promotions were focused on highlighting any of his heroic side. A hero is some one who fights for justice and his people but here, nothing like that. That triggered lot of excitement and a new set of fan-following for this super hero. Well, I'm also one of them! I admit I am a big fan of Will Smith as an actor and as a person but this is primarily because he is a real hard working, dedicated and confident individual. A hero in reality. The best part about Willie is that you really see and feel the efforts he is putting into his work.

Like any other super hero movie, this is not about fighting with a super villain and his mission to conquer the world but self exploring of an individual with extra powers. And thats why I like this movie. Something different. The director and script writer has done a good job narrating it. Movie is technically very advanced with some amazing special effects like Willie throwing the whale back in to the water, catching some junkies who have stolen money from a bank, all his flying scenes, stopping the train and fighting with Charlize Theron.

The story starts with scenes about how Willie's boozing all day, catching some freaks, and how people of the city hate him. He is least bothered about any one, not even him self. Story takes a twist when he saved life of a PR guy. This PR guy has nothing exciting in his professional life and trying hard to make a good life with his wife (Charlize Theron) and son. This whole incident of Hancock saving his life hits him with an idea to do a makeover of Hancock. From bad to good, from stubborn to be humble and kind to others, from 'who cares' to 'I care'. Watching this whole shift is the most interesting part of the movie. How he convinces Willie to go for a surrender to police and Willie's inner fight to stay in the custody with out using his powers and how he eventually takes on the role of Hancock- the savior. It's sheer fun watching it all that happening in front of you.

Well, there are some instances where I feel Hancock, as a movie, lacks that 100% punch. You think of Superman, Spiderman, Batman or any other super hero and what comes first to your mind is the image of that hero with a unique background score. In case of Hancock, there is no such theme song and that's something the producers could've have done it. Hancock is a new super hero, never thought of, never ever imagined. He has a different style with unexpected attitude and a theme song or a special background music would have helped in establishing a strong image of Hancock in to audiences mind. As I said earlier, its not about fighting with a super villain but still I wanted to see more actions and stunts. Sorry, I can't help it! But its a super hero anyways and everybody likes to see his or her super hero doing loads of action scenes. The movie is brilliantly executed till the climax comes. The reason and explanation of who is Hancock and what relates him with Charlize Theron is just too fast for the audience. Director could have taken little more time in explaining all this by providing more meat and content. Especially when you know that its all about exploring the inner you and what are you made of. This thing is very tricky and how you handle it and explain all this to audience is a real challenge. The name-Hancock, is also bit strange and totally unwanted. I couldn't believe it when I heard this name for the first time! Why Hancock? try something more edgy with more substance loaded with some punch.

It's a sheer excitement watching Willie as a super hero and joining the league of Batman and Superman. You will always get appreciation on doing new things with lot of hard work and ideas put into your work. Same with Hancock. Audience have liked Hancock and his fan-following will grow day by day to give much needed hype for his second stint on 70mm silver screen. Just to add, Willie almost looks like Paresh Rawal (One of India's greatest character artists) in the poster where they are showing a close-up of Hancock's face wearing dark sun-glasses. Its like Babu Bhai of Hera-Pheri wearing shades instead of his typical glasses!! For those who do not know who is Babu Bhai, suggest you should watch a movie called 'Hera-Pheri' with subtitles.

In the end, here's a big round of applause on behalf of all Willie fans waiting arms wide open to give him one tight hug! Welcome on board Hancock.
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Jaane Tu... Young, restless and rock solid!
16 July 2008
How about feeling good even if it's something obvious? How about walking not to reach somewhere but just to hold hands and feel good? Well, I felt the same while watching 'Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na'. The debut director, Abbas Tyrewala, is well-known for his script and dialogue writing. But here, there was no actual story! Jaane Tu… is about a group of normal friends with common issues, simple feelings and obvious set-up. Still, you'll love the movie! Is it some magic? I think yes. It's the magic of crisp narration backed by superb acting from the young lot of Bollywood.

As I said, the set-up is simple. Story revolves around 2 close friends- Jai and Aditi. They are so close that everyone else thinks they are in love but they don't feel that way for each other. They even go ahead and decided to choose right person for each other and that's where the problem begins. Seeing each other with some one else sparks jealousy and missing factor in both of them. So what are they going to do now? What will happen? Will they be together again as lovers? Yes, you are damn right! This is so typical, too filmy but here's the catch. Beauty of this movie lies in a simple way of narrating it.

Now let's talk about the star cast which can be bucketed in to three parts: 1- The leading pair Imran Khan as Jai Singh Rathore and Genelia DSouza as Aditi, 2- The group of friends of Aditi and Jai and 3- All other characters with small but strong presence. Imran and Genelia are so vibrant and full of colors that you clearly see actual CHEMISTRY between them. While Genelia is bubbly and true to her character Imran has shown the substance of becoming the next superstar. First impression is the last impression and both of them have filled in so much in to the character that it's tough to figure out Imran and Genelia in them! To match their caliber, all 4 friends have done a good job. The Fantastic Fours are true to the characters and have given right shades required for their roles. The interesting part of this movie is the group small characters that will keep coming through out the movie and make it very interesting. Abbas did a good job in fitting such characters in the movie. Aditi's mom & dad, her boyfriend, Imran's girlfriend, Pappu at the party all are short and sweet characters. Paresh Rawal as corrupt cop was the good refreshment as seeing him doing doing same standard comic characters in all movies was getting too much. Though he was funny as a corrupt cop but here, he didn't make funny faces or done some stupid stunts. Its his crisp dialogue delivery and expressions stealing the show. Ratna Pathak Shah as Jai's mom and Naseeruddin Shah as his father was the highlight. Ratna played the role with required simplicity and charm both at the same time. Impressive! Naseer as a dead photo who talks to Ratna on his bravery and glorious rajputana family was unexpected but interesting. Though I felt his role could have been better or at least lengthier. Point to note that its not just Naseer's acting but the concept of 'talking photo' clicking the funny button and making all of us to laugh and enjoy. Sohail and Arbaaz Khan as stupid playboys riding horses was too stupid till we get to know the reason behind all this at the climax. Very filmy but funny and you'll enjoy watching it. Again, kudos to Abbas.

The other best part of the movie is its music. AR Rehman- Mozart of Asia has done it again. Songs are very peppy, romantic and full of energy. Kabhi kabhi Aditi is a clear winner but I also like Pappu can't dance and jaane tu. There is one more romantic ballad Koi to as well. I can go on and on but to sum it up, its about beautiful numbers best for this kind of movie. hail Rehman! There will be lot of people cribbiing about this movie in terms of no story etc which i think its coz of the perception of such audience. Though its about young college guys but its not about their college life. Its about their life as friends and beyond college drama. I understand that no movie will work only because of star power (Rajnikant is an exception!) of halo publicity. Its about the story which is the substance of any movie. But here, the outline of the story is very simple and focused more on developing characters who will take it forward. So better enjoy it that way.

If a movie is about characters then go watch it that way and appreciate it. Movies like 'Yuva' , Dil Se, 'Dillagi', 'Swades', 'Saawariya' will never be in my list of excellent movies if I start looking all of them just on the basis of story or script. Kudos to Abbas to give us a simple movie with strong characters. He has a talent to pull out best from its cast.

Well, that's what I think about this movie. I strongly suggest this movie to every one. It'll be worth watching at least once!
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Saawariya (2007)
Saawariya rocks!
28 November 2007
This movie will be framed in gold as one of the most astonishing movies ever made in Indian cinema. Each and every scene gives you an impression of 2.5yrs of real efforts done by the great Sanjay Leela Bhansali. He has truly evolved the Indian cinema with his unique way of movie making. He has emerged as one of the most daring movie makers in the world, specially in India. This masterpiece is about an imaginary world about 2 lovers and their journey towards true love.

Raj played by Ranbir Kapoor and Sakina played by Sonam Kapoor have done marvelous job as the lead pair. Both are looking immensely confident and amazing in this movie. They are going to be the new superstars of Bollywood as they have shown a lot of talent and amazing chemistry. They both are so true and close to their roles that their characters-Raj and Sakina will be remembered in lines of DDLJ, QSQT and Bobby.

Ranbir is sure-shot a star material and so is Sonam. The movie starts with Ranbir coming to this imaginary world and how he mesmerizes Gulab, a prostitute played by Rani Mukherjee and gets in to her heart as a special admirer. With her help, he manages to stay with Zohra Sehgal. An old women who found his lost son in Ranbir. The movie then takes you in a steady journey of Raj meeting Sakina and how they found or lose their love. To be honest, I'm not a great fan of sad-ending movies but Saawariya is a true exception.

Remember those days when your grandma or mom tells you a story about fairy world? How an angel comes to help a small girl and singing a beautiful song for her which led trees, rivers, birds to rhyme and enjoy all together? This movie is exactly about that kind of world with lots of hope and sacrifices for the true love.

Understand, there is no set of format to make a movie where a movie should have a flow from A to Z. Its all about understanding the movie with a different set of mind. There are some classic movies like Satya and Company which are so true to real bad world. But with Saawariya its not about how true or logical you are, its about thinking all good things and getting in to the flow of the movie.

Zohra Sehgal as an old lady who helps Raj in this new town is also a strong pillar to hold this movie in terms of acting and appearance. Salman has done a descent job in a cameo appearance and Rani is wonderful in her performance and dancing.

Its sheer delight listening such a soothing music after very-very long time and my favorites are 'Jab se tere naina', 'Yun shabnami' and of course, the title track-'Saawariya'.

All said and done, its a lovely movie with great performances from Ranbir, Sonam, Zohra and Rani. This is the first movie which has impressed me with its looks and cinematography. Hail Sanjay Leela Bhansali!
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Bhagam Bhag (2006)
Run with less fun...Bhagam Bhag!
19 January 2007
Everybody was damn excited about this film. More than 22 crores of budget, perfect star cast, Priyadarshan and amazing promotions. But Bhagam Bhag doesn't go well compared to all the above mentioned jazz. Govinda is back after a very long time but there is nothing much to do for him! He is the biggest star when you call for an effortless dancing and perfectly framed comedy but look at him in this movie. There's no solo dance no. for him, no perfectly timed comedy and he is looking old and fat. We all know, for Priyadarshan movie, don't use your brain to find out some logic in that movie. You just enjoy the trail-rail of all the comic scenes lined-up just to make you laugh! But here, nothing so great and nothing to title 'perfect comedy'. Akshay Kumar has repeated his same old comic style that has been done and re-done in Hera Pheri, Awara Pagal Deewana, Garam Masala, etc.

Still, the movie has lot to offer. The first half is fast and you'll hardly have time to understand what's going on! Govinda still has that charm and Akshay, Raghuvir Yadav, Shakti Kapoor have done justice to there roles. Not to forget, king of all comedies, Paresh Rawal! Doing all villainous roles in his earlier days and now, full-fledged comedian and character artist Paresh has also got his own space to lead some hilarious scenes. To be honest, he could've performed better. Lara Dutta is looking pretty and has some moments.

The confusion scenes between our heroes and the funny underworld guys are too hilarious and one of the highlights of the movie. The combo of Govinda and Akshay goes well all together and in spite of lesser footage value to Govinda, they both look funny and equal all together.

The music is totally in. The title song, 'Signal' and 'Tere Bin' are major hits already and ruling all the music/ video charts. Though there was some controversy with the music and story of the film. Bhagam Bhag is a re-make of a famous Tamil movie and the producer Sunil Shetty, famous Indian actor, faced a law-suit on not taking the permission before re-making. Sunil ended-up paying 75 lacs to the producers of that original movie. The music director, Pritam, has been charged of copying an English song and using that melody and tune in 'Bhagam Bhag'-the title song. In fact, all of Pritam's so-called original compositions in movies like Dhoom, Gangster, Garam Masala, Apna sapna money-money, Chocolate, Who lamhe, Pyar ke side effects, Fight-club, etc., have been lifted from other international music groups! All said and done, the movie is a good time-pass and watch-able for once. So please, do not hesitate and watch 'Bhagam Bhag' without finding any logic in it!
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Yuva (2004)
One of the most striking movie ever made on Indian youth!
5 September 2006
Wow! what was that!! this will come out from you once u watched this movie.Mani Ratnam has made a movie which will be a favorite for me 4evr!His control on the direction is simply superb and he has explored the true n real characters out of his star-cast.But my best character is Lallan played by Abhishek(hottest star in bollywood!).Perfect to bring out the brutal and wild shades in a negative role and its only after this role, he has got recognized by evry1.Kareena as the love interest of Arjun is looking too hot and her secret lies in her hair-style! (ok, i'm getting biased but i truly like her skin!)Another best part about this movie was its music.AR Rehman has done wonders in giving trance cum more hip music specially for the young listeners.The movie didn't do well in the box office as they just didn't publicized it well.Sad but true.Another sad part was the role played by Vivek as Arjun. From start till the end, he has got beaten up all the time!Any how,Yuva is one of the best Indian movies that I can proudly recommend it to any1. The linking of 3 diff parallel running stories at the end is the best part of this movie.Ratnam is agn doing a movie with Abhishek named 'Guru' and people who have seen the promos, r going gaga abt it!
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