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4 Very Good Actors, Great cinematography and a slow, meandering Script
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever I see Monica Belluci in the credits, I assume the subject matter is going to be uncomfortable and this film is no exception.

The topic is pedophilia, and the three male leads, respectively, play an interrogating officer, his detective, and a wealthy man who has long ago said goodbye to his youthful days.

Pretty much the entire filming is centered around an interrogation taking place and in my opinion, they use the topic of pedophilia as an anchor so that the rest of the film didn't really have to be that interesting. There is some prostitution, nothing we haven't seen before.

A wealthy, older man, a beautiful young wife, and two raped and murdered children. All adds up in my opinion to kind of long boring dialogue and this is not a film I would watch again for any reason, unless I was trapped on an airplane, which I hardly see happening.

Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman are the principal producers of the film, so obviously they wanted to get it made, but really it is so unsavory it's not a film I will look back upon thinking I was entertained or saw anything meaningful. Yes, older men like younger women and wealthy older men can pay for the privilege. The end.
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A very well-made and hauntingly realistic film about the tragedy of real estate in San Francisco
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually remember when this happened, and by "this" I mean the entire western addition, and all the beautiful homes in it were fundamentally, stolen from generations of black families who lived there, and the families were exported to a part of the city that is known to be toxic, and that would be the projects between the city and the airport. It was absolutely tragic, and destroyed the beautifully unique nature of the Fillmore when it was fundamentally black. I never see a black man in San Francisco unless it's a delivery person. This is just one story, there are thousands of stories of people who've been disenfranchised from their homes, harassed out of their apartments by their landlords or just simply thrown away by the supervisors. Very tragic tale, but there isn't a false note anywhere in it.
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The Shallows (2016)
Very well made suspense film
10 November 2023
Let me put it this way, this is the only movie I have ever paid $3.99 to see again. Why? When I have 10 some odd movie channels in which to watch dozens of "free" movies. Because this is a very believable film about a woman stranded on a small boulder 200 yards from shore while an annoyed, very territorial and very big shark stalks her. She is wounded and trying to outwit a very determined prehistoric creature. She has almost no chance of survival. She has no tools other than a wetsuit jacket, a necklace, and a strong will to live. I love this film, because it demonstrates a woman alone determined to survive against insurmountable odds. I think everyone should see it.
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George & Tammy (2022–2023)
Very Watchable
19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a New York City girl who really never knew anything about country music, I can tell all you that I remember "stand by your man" but I had very little idea who George Jones was, I still really don't know the music that made him famous although I'm hoping to learn. But let's move on to this production, the telling of the story of these two people.

I've watched the first three episodes and I am still interested, I relate to these people, my heart goes out to them as individuals and as a couple.

I'm not in love with Jessica Chastain's rendition of stand by your man, I do remember this song very well and it was a bit more upbeat, and Tammy Wynette had a more powerful voice than Jessica Chastain does.

But the story is a classic story, the story of trials and tribulations that so many of us have gone through. Most of us know what a bear alcoholism is, and how hard it is to be under the kind of pressure George Jones must've been under and not drink. How difficult it is to love a man who is older and comes with some pretty serious baggage as well as being a woman with problems that women have.

To my way of thinking, this is a highly relatable story and it's well told. That's all that really matters to me and I will continue to watch it, because I don't know how the story ends, and I would like to.

I'm also a big fan of both lead actors, so I have no complaints, other than wishing Jessica really sounded like Tammy Wynette.
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Dog (I) (2022)
I absolutely love this movie.
10 November 2022
This is my favorite film and probably will remain so for a long, long time.

It is beautifully written, the soundtrack is lovely, and the issues it brings out are so important for all, military and civilian, to understand.

Let's face it, most of us are not thinking about veterans, and we're certainly not thinking about their dogs, and I hope this beautiful piece of work does something to change that.

Channing Tatum is so good as a wounded veteran trying to get back in the game, and I loved LuLu from the first moment we set eyes on her. But your heart breaks for both of them because they are both terribly damaged by war. They both desperately need to heal, and through each other, we see healing take place.

It's also very witty, very well written. I really encourage people to see this film, you can kind of tell that it is a work of love, but it's also a great piece of filmmaking.
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Literally Hysterically Funny
13 July 2022
I am very confused by the poor ratings here because this is one of my favorite movies in the world. I am an animal lover but I also love slapstick comedy, and this film had me absolutely weeping hysterically laughing. Literally...tears. I can't remember the time I laughed so hard.

Brendan Fraser has a rare gift for slapstick comedy, that is almost a lost art, and it would appear that some people don't really understand the genre.

He certainly has nothing to be ashamed of, he made a movie about an issue that is near and dear to his heart, I would assume, conservation and he did such a good job of turning the whole issue into a screamingly hilarious slapstick comedy without guilt trips. I was just sad that his comic chops are impeccable.

This is a great movie for kids and parents to just leugh their butts off for a couple of hours.

Brooke Shiels also shows some great comic timing, and all I can say is I highly recommend this movie to anybody who wants to laugh. And laugh. And laugh!
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Everyone should see this documentary.
5 September 2021
An extraordinarily painful documentary that every single person should see. The unflinching video of early Covid victims in China should be enough to convince every anti-vaxer that they are on the wrong path. At the very least they should see this documentary before they've made their final decision, if it isn't made for them, in an ICU unit.

The experiences of the citizens of Wuhan were beyond painful, beyond unthinkable, and beyond, I would think, the comprehension of most Americans.

This extraordinarily brave documentary will keep you up at night, hoping and praying that no one you care for will ever have to face these choices. And your heart breaks for the people who have had these terrible options thrust upon them.

This documentary should win every award given to documentary filmmakers, but more importantly everyone who has had second thoughts about getting vaccinated should see this.

If you know and love somebody who hasn't had the shots and is dragging their feet or flat out unwilling, send them a link to this. You might save their life.
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A truly good film noir
29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A truly great film noir! I like this film a lot, it is appropriately suspenseful, the soundtrack is excellent, the acting almost hard to beat. Denzel is one of those actors who always gets it right, and so easy on the eyes! Jared Leto is also genius in his characterizations. With all respect to our Al Pacino, I think Remy Malik is the next Al Pacino. So, with all that said I do have one query. Why is it that we see all the female victims covered in blood, with their wounds clearly visible, but when a key male character is killed, we see no blood. And the wound is in a place that would normally bleed very heavily. It's not that I have a blood lust, or that I need to see blood, I just think what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Disturbing and Important
5 July 2021
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I've seen cinematic works about the holocaust, such as Schindler's list and Sophie's choice with much more straightforward plot lines, but I think it's important to remind new generations of the nightmare of the holocaust and how important it is that nothing like that ever happens again.

The subject matter is upsetting, so prepare yourself to be disturbed by the graphic violence portrayed. That being said, there are some joyous moments. One or two.

There's a lot of truth contained in this series. The US did offer sanctuary to Nazi scientists. Jewish children were sent to convents to be converted. And of course, 6 million Jews did die horrible deaths under the third reich.

It's so important to never forget, especially now that we are living in a country that is so divided along lines of race and religion. One can only hope, or wish, the travesties of the past would teach us to be a better society. In lieu of that, we must never forget.

Fun fact: this is the second time Al Pacino has danced the hora on film.
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Becky (II) (2020)
I didn't enjoy this film at all
11 March 2021
I didn't enjoy this film at all because I don't enjoy violence and gore. It was a bit much for me.
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Engaging Retrospective
14 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is much to say about the absurdities of this film, and reading the reviews, it really has all been said. Liz Taylor a Las Vegas showgirl? Well, a very petite, plump, aging one. That is really the biggest fault with casting. You try to forget that she's married to Richard Burton at the time, which is not easy.

Unfortunately for Liz, she often mistook "shrill" for emotional content and you wonder if anyone really wants to be married to that voice.

Warren Beatty is just gorgeous and totally believable as a younger man entranced with an older woman. Unfortunately, that's not how the script was written. But you do believe he is everything the script says he is.

As far as the script, I really had no idea this was supposed to be a romantic comedy. Because it's not played as one. I didn't even laugh at the absurd fishing scene. There is zero comedic timing to be had.

All that being said, it's a worthy watch made by some of the great powerhouses of the time, and it's worth seeing if for nothing else, the historical value. And a bit more.
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Should be titled '' Nick Hates Courtney"
4 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this twice before i realized I had gained no new information about Kurt Cobain and that in fact, Courtney Love presented the most credibility of anyone in this meandering film, whose total point was to convince people that she had a hand in Kurt Cobain's death.

Introduced to us by Nick Broomfield are a handful of drug addicts who don't like Courtney, her father who is trying very hard to make a living by castigating his daughter, and a very very sad alcoholic named El Duche who makes it clear he will say anything Mr. Broomfield likes if he will just pony up the beers. Sadly he dies. Plus the odd disgruntled former employee.

What I never found out was anything about Kurt's parents other than they put him out at age 16, but not why or anything at all about them as people.

There is a lot of pointless footage, such as a confrontation with some government official working in a building Kurt used to shoot bb's at.

Anyone with any meaningful information about Kurt, his motives or relationship with Courtney apparently declined to be interviewed. Unless it was some fading Seattle punk scene leftovers who doesn't like Courtney.

I thought she handled Nick Broomfield very well when he confronted her about things she did decades ago when she was young and new to celebrity.

The one interesting thing I learned is that Kurt and Kourtney knew each other about 2 years before he took his own life which is very sad. Imagine having a new baby, trying to get your partner into recovery and losing him in that terrible way. And then having to carry on in spite of a bunch of unsubstantiated rumors about how you killed the guy.

There are apparently people who love and care about Courtney given the trouble Nick had making his poison pen documentary but we never meet them.

Worth watching for the complete freak show if you like that sort of thing.
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
A Violent Snoozefest.
28 October 2017
This film was so awful, and put to waste the fine acting talents of at least 3 people (not saying which ones).

I'm a huge Costner fan but he has really done some dogs! He could have just about phoned in this performance. All I could think to myself was "this script was the best choice he had in 2006"? And the same went for every other actor in this violent fiasco.

A terribly violent film that congratulates itself on it's cleverness all the while boring it's audience to sleep. I actually fell asleep. By this stage we've all scene enough gore to last a lifetime at least I have.

I really miss the Costner I fell in love with in "dances with wolves". Why he wanted to be this ugly I'll never know. And by "he" I mean this entire cast.

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Blindman (1971)
Possibly the worst film I've ever seen.
27 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly the worst film I've ever seen. Ringo must have been really worried about finding work! Demeaning by design to every character and just plain perverse. If you like Mano a Mano genital torture, half naked women being chased across a barren plain by men on horseback, repeated rape scenes, and mindless murder, you'll love this film. Just plain awful. If Ringo was smart he would have used his Beatles royalties to buy every copy and make it disappear forever.
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Enjoyable, Feel Good, Holiday Film
3 September 2017
I really enjoyed this film and of it matters, found it to be believable in a big budget, top tier acting kind of way.

The humor is great, everyone gets a good line or several, even the kids. Especially the kids and yet, the family drama resonates.

Funny and heartwarming, definitely worth seeing. Great soundtrack too.
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Really did not like this film
2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
All the boredom and gratuitous violence a person could ask for, and less!

Plot A- Boring!

Plot B- Horribly violent.

If you can call either of them an actual plot. I don't mind violence, obscenity, the art world, abortion, divorce, hillbillies or even rape in a plot until you make it mind numbingly repetitious and gratuitous.

Amy Adams actually looks like she doesn't want to be in this film.

Don't waste your time.
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One of My Favorite Films
20 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really love this film. As a recovering alcoholic/addict myself, I greatly appreciate the straightforward, honest telling of this story of the intersecting lives found in a recovery house and AA meetings.

The plot is centered around Michael Keaton's character Daryl Poynter, a man whose cocaine addiction has wreaked havoc in his life and those he has touched.

Daryl needs a safe haven to hide out while he figures out how to clean up the mess he's made. While having no intention of getting or staying sober, he cannily surmises that he is untouchable in the anonymity of a recovery house.

As a recovering addict I can tell you many people end up in recovery believing they are the only person in the room who really doesn't need to be there, and it is only an accident of fate that led to their being in treatment.

I greatly admire Tod Carrol for writing a character who at the outset is not meekly begging for relief from addiction and is instead brought to the realization he is an addict in spite of his repeated denials.

In 1987 this country was suffering from 2 decades of cocaine saturation yet many people in the grips of addiction were unaware there was a place to go where people successfully conquered their need to self destruct.

This timely and honest film brought to the forefront the dilemma of the everyday common man caught in a cycle he is not prepared to acknowledge, whose life improves with recovery despite his every attempt to sabotage it.

Along with superb writing and Michael Keaton's unflinching portrayal of Daryl Poynter, Kathy Bates brilliantly portrays Charlie, a fellow addict trapped in a codependent, addictive relationship, with Morgan Freeman playing Craig, a savvy, world weary counselor who believes in recovery.

The stellar supporting cast play their roles without a single false note, particularly M. Emmet Walsh as Richard Dirks, the man who becomes Daryl's sponsor.

Despite being 20 years old, the premise of this film is as fresh and relevant today as it was 20 years ago, if not more so.

I looked up the film awards for 1988 and this film was not on anybody's radar, which was a shame. How many people could have been made aware of the choices had this film received the accolades it deserved?

I read the Variety review of "Clean and Sober" describing it as "too grim" and I just have to say I wonder what they were snorting.

"Clean and Sober", more than anything, is an honest foray into the pitfalls of alcoholism and addiction and the inevitable outcome most of us would succumb to in similar circumstances, yet it is not grim because of it's strong message of the hope found in recovery, if we just give it a chance.
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The Gloves Are Off
22 December 2007
This movie, while first seducing us with familiar ensemble characters, and the humor we've come to expect from them, pulls it's true punches in the last 1/4 of the movie. With Catherine O'Hara as his muse, Christopher Guest shows us just how ugly the business of show really is. Catherine O'Hara turns in a brilliant and brave performance as the Oscar hopeful without any real hope of ever truly being recognised for 40 years of shlock parts. She truly brings home the ultimate frailty of every Hollywood hopeful and the exploitation endemic in the institution we call "Entertainment". This is not a comedy, it is satire at it's sharpest. Bravo. ************
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