
52 Reviews
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Not like trailer
19 August 2022
It's nothing how the trailer protrays it to be. You can easily figure out most of the film, maybe not the exact ending but the general ending. There is no big twist at all. It's not a bad movie, just was expecting something different.

Another thing I hate in all movies that do this is the make your own ending. It fades out with what's she going to do. I freaking hate that to me it's lazy lame writing.
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The Sadness (2021)
Only one thing to be said
10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is ultra violent and gore ridden movie and not for the squeamish at all.

Spoilers Any movie that is brave enough to have a seen in which an elderly man gouges a girl's eye and then while still alive proceeds to skull********, well you should be able to figure that out.
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Squid Game: VIPS (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Very ignorant people
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Did they just go out and grab the first white people they saw off the street and said would you like to be in a movie. Everything about them felt like low class from the wrinkled s***** suits to their unkept appearance and then really bad accents and acting.

Plus like one other said why didn't they just run across the beams.
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Infinite (2021)
Same old S*@t
12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It could have been so much better, so much cooler, but noooo. They got to go the stereotypical cliche like every other present day set action movie. Bad guy wants to destroy the world and ex best friend good guy has to stop him,member of good guys team sacrifices himself it says better be worth it, when he really didn't have to as you'll see the defense system this person had. I'm going to repeat what a lot of other people on here have said.

Backyard is only reincarnated anymore so he wants to destroy everything on the planet that has DNA so there's no chance of that happening but yet that guy has a bullet that can download his so-called soul into a computer chip and doesn't have to be reincarnated so instead of shooting yourself in the head with this magic bullet he would rather instead destroy the world and when bad guy has the chance after waiting lifetimes to end it he decides to wait for some reason, I guess it's so they can have one more epic battle on an airplane before bad guys killed and good guy dies and gets reincarnated while narrating a cheesy speech on Hope.
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11 July 2021
I would have given it a higher rating if it only had damn subtitles for the signing parts and speaking parts.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Super cheese especially the end
5 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well you know what they say an ending can kill the whole movie and this ending killed it for me. It's like rewind to the 80s where everything had to have a happy ending, it just added to the stereo type cliche ridden cheese fest end. If there's one thing I hate really hate in movies is plot armor. I can't stand it when one thing kills the character but then for some reason the main characters loved ones are perfectly fine. Had they have not made it I would have given this an eight. The effects were awesome the fight scenes were pretty cool, not overly drawn out especially for a fight movie I don't like long fights and movies because they usually all the same. I would have liked to have seen them actually have a tournament but if they did then I would probably have said "can't you do anything original" I do love that they actually added in the finishing moves and didn't PG the movie.on that aspect anyway.
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Stash (I) (2007)
4 the luv of God
7 May 2021
What if you do do not make the same mistake I did and give this movie a try but if you're looking at this you probably will it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen my life I hope Prime didn't pay for this movie it's it's indescribably bad the acting is horrible so so horrible that's all I got to say.
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Wer (2013)
8 stars start 2 end
23 December 2020
I have never watched a movie that nose dived so rapidly at the end, do yourself a favor and stop at 50 minute.
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Countdown (III) (2019)
OMG went good to S@#T
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you like cheesey, cliched crap this movie is for you. Start of the movie and the movie itself all the way to the last 3 minutes were good, I was going to give it a 7 or 8 even, even though it kind of reminded me of final destination. The one other movie with a just as bad ending They Reach was worse but not by much _-----------------SPOILER----------------------------- What look like was going to be kind of an original ending by not having plot armor for the main characters and having them die. Turned into cliched crap. The older sister figures out but she just has to kill herself before her little sister's time runs out before hers so she kills herself with a morphine overdose. If you see at the beginning of the movie a heroin addict was brought into the emergency room and they saved her with a Naloxone kit. So as you should guess she has it written on her arm the lock zone kit inject here so her little sister could take the syringe and inject it and she would live therefore technically beating the demon super super cheese if they had it where I thought it was going and she's going to kill the doctor who tried to rape her which would have been fine that I could have swallowed I'm going to leave it at that because I'm just too pissed at this ending.
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Half Moon (I) (2010)
Stay in porn
24 September 2020
Almost all the actors/actresses are porn stars and they should stay there, well if any mainstream producers see this I should hope they will tell them to stay in porn. I usually have a rule if the movie shows bare breasts they get an automatic point lol, and despite there being a few scenes with boob I still could only give it a 2.
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Inner Ghosts (2018)
Don't just don't
21 September 2020
Please do not watch this, it had what seemed like the production value of 1970's Doctor Who. JUST DON'T WATCH THIS
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Ravenswood (2017)
Don't, just don't
2 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can not write all the things wrong with this movie, characters saying things that contradic things they had said earlier, For the love of all that is holy please heed mine and others warning. Do not watch. The horrible twist at the end isn't good at all I would not even call it a twist really. Spoiler now Why wouldn't the hospital staff lock Sarah in a proverbial rubber room after she killed her first inmate, it is an asylum. Also as if the authorities wouldn't believe a reputable Doctor and staff over a psychotic patient. So when the spirit of the doctor says he had to keep the killings hidden cause they would accuse him for it is so stupid.

Every Tuesday night we watch a terrible movie we call it terrible Tuesday and this movie sure lived up to that.
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Hollows Grove (2014)
Worth a watch
29 August 2020
2 characters were annoying as hell Rog and Tim a little over the top childish. For what I imagine this had a super low budge but was still very well made, there is a couple scenes you could notice especially. The one with Lilah. I normally don't watch any year 2010+ with Lance Hendrickson cause most are crab but he is hardly seen, I can honestly say I got a little creeped out and I haven't been creeped out since the Conjuring first came out.
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Lost Child (2017)
NOT a Horror!!!!
16 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Even the trailer makes it look like a horror. That's pretty well all I have to say about this movie is that it's NOT A HORROR movie, not even a Thriller 100% drama. it's a good movie though, so I'm kinda glad it said horror for I would not have watched it other ways.
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Solid 4
3 August 2020
It was entertaining but still cliche driven stereo typical action movie. The only thing that stumped me was they didn't play the song "Black Betty" in the end. If you watch it and read this you'll understand.
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Mimic (1997)
28 July 2020
If you like predictable cliche driven movies with wicked amounts of plot armour for the main cast then this is for you. I will try and find the director's cut and compare because this was the studio cut which he disowned.
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The Domestics (2018)
Not worth a 2
20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I guess nobody can write an original anything nowadays. This movie is one giant cliche after the other you don't have to watch this because there's nothing new in this whatsoever you can predict everything, like one bad guy you think is dead but you know he's not dead because he's got to chase him down, the wife is annoying whiny can barely function as it is and then all the sudden she turns into g i Jane. Baby chemical release from the government I guess kills 90% of the population but somehow this woman's family survives and her husband survives I'm going to get the man haters of course got to have those in there now and then people think are good or bad same s***.
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Almost Dead (2016)
I'm going to tell you the end
10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just some forewarning but I'm going to spoil the whole movie in this review to hopefully save other people the hour-and-a-half of misery that I just went through. Some people me like this movie this was not my cup of tea. Every negative review on here is true it's entirely shot in a 25-yard radius of a wrecked car in the middle of the Woods I don't know how the car got that far off the road it's a bit crazy. This true she whines and cries you're 90% of the movie but I don't agree with other people saying she's a CDC scientist so she should be hardened what they forget is she had amnesia from the accident so this is kind of reset her, imagine waking up with no memory being surrounded by zombies would be kind of freaked. **************NOW FOR THE END*******"""**** I don't know if this is the big twist that other people are talking about I didn't find it a twist at all and I think it's a bit unbelievable as well then after being told she had the antidote somewhere with her that she took the wrong bile off of her brother-in-law which she let die and get eaten by the way only to find out the very last minute that she's wearing the freaking thing around your neck the whole time give me a break and then movie cuts to her wandering along with the zombie horde end credits
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Zombie Night (2013 TV Movie)
10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What in the name of God where these known actors thinking when they signed up to do this film. It was absolutely horrible everything about it was bad in the end was even worse daylight stops the zombie apocalypse and then one character goes "what happens tonight"please just read that spoiler and then know not to watch it.
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Zombie Undead (2010)
Worth than two
10 July 2020
This movie was an all that bad I watched it was entertaining reaction was half-decent wasn't the greatest I don't know why everybody hates on it so much I wasn't disappointed I watched it let's put it that way
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9 July 2020
Not much to say about this film just keep in mind what you watching and take it for what it is a low budget intentionally funny zombie movie I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it but if it's a lazy afternoon I don't know what to watch I have seen a lot worse,
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They Reach (2020)
Holy crap
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first 15, 20 minutes I thought this movie is not that bad, what were all the negative reviews for, then I watched the rest of the movie and saw just what the bad reviews were for. The story of a marked one is pointless, the acting was not the absolute worst I have seen but it was by no means good or even adequate. ********MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD******

if you intend to watch this do not read further or if you want to watch it maybe this will help.

SPOILER-whole movie sucked but then in the last 5 minutes I thought it redeemed itself and I could have given it at 3 instead of 1 because it seemed that everybody dies and then she magically transports back to the past and everything is all good and everyone is still alive and completely wiped out the whole point of the whole movie so there you have it I should have listened once again I did not to the other reviews hope this helps.
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You have to expect-
17 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It to be bad! Your typical B movie cliches. But to its credit the acting was totally horrible. Sorry if I'm all over the place with this review I had to lengthen it. but as you should realize you can not take this movie to seriously the plot is ridiculous and the decisions the characters make are shake your silly, like why would a convict choose to escape, even though the guard said he would cover for her, when she only had a couple months left on her sentence. How long does this have to be jeez you really do not have to write a novel to get a point across. I have never had to before.
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Gwen (II) (2018)
Not a horror
16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not a horror, not a horror, not a horror at all. Did I mention that it is not a horror movie. My low rating might not be fair to the movie but then shudder should not try and pass it off for what it's not, a supernatural thriller.
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Romina (2018)
I should have listened
13 June 2020
That's pretty well all that needs to be said, is that I should have trusted what just about every other reviewer said and not watched this crap.
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