
2 Reviews
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The Rat Patrol (1966–1968)
Oh Rats!
17 September 2006
I remember watching this show on the air in the 60's as a child. It was a highlight of the week. There are comments made that this show is not very authentic. Of course it is not authentic. It is just for entertainment. It has the same qualities as a Western where the hero shoots all the bad guys using the gun that shoots 100 rounds without reloading. I laughed so hard when I saw the episode when Troy throws a tiny vile of ether at a German truck about half a block and the truck blows up. Or the times that they will karate chop someone with one blow and that person is "out". That is cartoon style but who cares. It is still great entertainment.
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A Great Movie?
28 August 2006
Sex and violence. Another "great" film. If this is the best film of the year, we are in trouble. Why are all of today's movies about dysfunctional,weird people? Aren't there any normal couples left? Aren't there any normal children left? I know everyone has some hang ups and problems but the movie industry would lead you to believe that nobody can function without adultery, using drugs, screaming filth at each other, and of coarse shooting each other. This one even has a man chasing after a teenage girl. That's wonderful! And let us not forget the gay couple next door and the gay want-a-be on the other side. Whatever happened to "Spencer's Mountain" type drama. They had troubles but nothing like these people. Let's get together as a society and let everyone know we want decent movies. Maybe a clean movie about well adjusted people is "not real life" but let's pretend like it is.

Frustrated and scared
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