
22 Reviews
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How I Met Your Murderer (2021 TV Movie)
Very boring
3 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looked good from the preview, but as usual, watching the preview was better than watching the actual movie. So many pointless scenes like arguing and sex. At that point, I didn't care what was going to happen next, I just wanted the movie to be over. And just like deceitful dating (the movie that aired the other week), as the movie progressed, the plot twist became more and more obvious. I swear these lifetime movies are becoming more and more predictable every time. I only gave it 4 because of the husband, Henry's acting. Otherwise my rating would have been 3.
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not as good as the prequel, here's why
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this Samantha lady is so stupid! She was so dumb and naive enough to trust a complete stranger who just came up to her while she was having dinner. Hasn't she learned from the previous movie not to trust some random dude you don't know?

Second, she was also so naive to just hop onto a random van, without giving it a second thought. The van looked suspicious, and had "stranger danger" written all over it. It became clear that she regretted her choice of entering the van when the driver started driving recklessly, taking them to the kidnappers.

Third off, there was too much punching kicking and slapping in this movie, which I don't find very appealing in a lifetime movie. The people who direct these types of movies are in no condition to work for lifetime! not hating on them though, just my opinion!

And last of all. Samantha being stupid again. She would know better than to take a glass of champagne from a man. Since I saw Cesar put something in her drink before offering it to her. Again, she is naive and very stupid enough to still trust a complete stranger, especially after the events of the previous movie.

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Brutal Bridesmaids (2021 TV Movie)
Is this a thriller or a reality tv show?
27 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So many flaws in this movie, as to name a few. There was too much drama and arguing over petty stuff. Like for example when one of the bridesmaids had taken a photo of one the other women, and she got upset for some reason. So much arguing that it felt like I was watching a reality tv show that one of my sisters watch. There was a few other fights and arguments, but this was the most memorable one since I hardly paid any attention to this dumb "thriller". Aside from that, I have a ton of other complaints. Like how obnoxiously loud and overpowering the music was. I mean, has lifetime not looked back at their other movies to know that they should NOT make the background music so overly loud? The plot was extremely convoluted and confusing and the characters were too unlikable to care less about what happened to any of them. And my last thing to talk about is the usual "climatic" lifetime movie scene. The ending was weak and anticlimactic, so much so that I couldn't wait for the dumb movie to end.

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The Evil Twin (2021 TV Movie)
Not good
31 January 2021
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This is yet another lifetime movie where the main character finds out she has a long lost twin sister. This storyline has become so overused, to the point where it has become boring and unwatchable. There's not much to say about this movie, other than the surprising twist when I thought it was Emily who was meeting with Vera but it was actually Charlotte, when she killed her.

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Fatal Fiancé (2021)
2 hours of my life I'll never get back
4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of bad Lifetime movies over the past few years, but to say this one is bad, would be an understatement. I love Brittany Underwood, she's an amazing actress, and I love all the movies starring her. But not this one. And there were a lot of things wrong with movie, like the background music.

There was this loud, obtrusive rock music that played throughout most of the movie, that was so loud and distracting. I wish it had just played in that one scene where Mark/Brian was strangling Faith after he had untied Leah, and never played again after that.

Another thing I should note is the poorly done and unprofessional editing that made this movie unwatchable (as well as the aforementioned background music)

Also how the heck did Faith suddenly appear at the institution? I thought Mark had killed her because he had poisoned her tea. Also, when he attempted to kill Faith in her hospital room, did he successfully killed her in time for the doctor to arrive, or was she still alive? We never see her again after that.

Last but not least is the rushed, and extremely underwhelming ending. When Priya knocked out Brian with the flower vase. The movie just ends from there and never shows what happens to any of characters. You could say I was quite disappointed!

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Psycho Sister-In-Law (2020 TV Movie)
Good movie, but it has its flaws
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie, it had mediocre acting and a nice dialogue, but there were a few flaws and plot holes here and there, When Reid was attacking Nick and Haley while they were asleep, you could clearly see that it was a stunt double. If you're going to use a stunt double, don't make it so obvious and make sure there face isn't showing. After Zara had killed Reid, his body was never found (although his construction hat was) as if he had just disappeared into thin air. I've mentioned this in my previous review on cheer squad secrets, that one of my pet peeves is that after character gets murdered, their dead body just vanishes, it's really annoying. And this is one of the many issues that I have with lifetime. Other than those 3 flaws I would definitely recommend this movie!

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FANatic (2017 TV Movie)
25 December 2020
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I loved everything about this movie, the plot, writing, directing, and soundtrack. I really liked the retro theme that was added to the background music. And as for the plot, it was original, but also the typical fan obsessed with celebrity movie, but this one was different than all the other ones I've watched. Also, I like how when Tess Daniels knocks out Nikki during the climatic part of the movie, it cuts to scene of her character beating the villain in her show.

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Cheer Squad Secrets (2020 TV Movie)
Oh my!
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was probably my second least favorite movie out of all of the movies from the "fear the cheer" movie event (the first being the wrong cheerleader coach). Anyways, everything about this movie was not good. The acting, writing, directing, and plot line. Let's start off with the acting. The acting felt so forced, especially Nina's. At times you could totally tell they were acting. And can I talk about the writing? It's even worse than the acting, there's not much to say about it. The main character Amelie kept acting bitchy throughout the entire movie, and it just made it unwatchable. At least Kelly, the mom, was more likable, but that doesn't mean her acting was a bit better than everyone else's. There were also a few plot holes here and there, such as how Nina easily got away with murdering three people. She killed her coach by running him over with her car in broad daylight, while there were people watching. The people witnessing the murder would've called the police, and Nina would've been arrested. Also how did Ethan just suddenly die in the middle of the road? And how come there was no investigation regarding his death? and lastly what happened to the drug dealers body after Nina killed him in his car, he just seemed to disappear into thin air after his murder and was never mentioned or seen again. It's clear at this point that lifetime is getting a bit lazy, and is running out of ideas. Please skip this one!

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Death of a Cheerleader (2019 TV Movie)
Decent, but it cannot beat the original version
29 November 2020
The new version of the original lifetime movie death of a cheerleader, was okay, but the original 1994 version is and will always be my favorite. They are many reasons why. First of all, whoever found the locations must have forgotten that the events of this movie took place 20 years ago, unless they wanted to make the remake take place in the late 2000's, Bridget's house looked so out of place and didn't look like something that would exist in the 90s. The acting by everyone was mediocre, as was the storyline that was based on true events. But what I'm really saying here is that a remake of this movie wasn't really needed, and they should've just stuck to the original.

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Finding My Daughter (2018 TV Movie)
Boring and bland, and unoriginal plot
29 November 2020
This was your typical murder mystery missing family member LMN movie. As if this plot line hasn't been done over a million times. This movie was abysmal! with bad acting, unlikeable characters, and unoriginal plot, as I had said before. I barely paid any attention to it and couldn't wait for it to be over!

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Um...... no
27 November 2020
This movie was horrible, with bad animations and worse voice acting, especially from the pink car. At least it wasn't nearly as bad as "ratatoing" which was much worse. The only interesting thing about this abomination was the fact that the police car literally had a torpedo with him.

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The Wrong Cruise (2018 TV Movie)
One of the better "wrong" lifetime movies
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of the wrong movies on lifetime, and this is one of the better ones. For once the villain actually doesn't get away in the end, and for once it was nice to see vivca a fox play the role of the lead actress, rather than a detective or school principal.

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Overexposed (2018 TV Movie)
Great movie that teaches you about the dangers of sexting
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the many LMN movies that teach their viewers a life lesson, but there were several plot holes and flaws that I must point out here. I mainly gave it 8 out of 10 stars because they never pointed out how Erin's friend (I don't remember her name) suddenly died in her car. Why was she killed? Who did it? I have no idea. There is also another big plot in which Erin buries Taylor's body after she accidentally kills him when she tried getting her phone back from him. Any person in this type of situation would just call the police or an ambulance to get help, but I guess she was still in shock after his accidental death, but still. I wish they got somebody else to play Erin because her acting was so stiff and wooden she was like one of those mannequins you see in malls. I did like the acting by jimmy though, and he was the complete opposite of Erin, completely full of emotion in his acting. If not for those three complaints, I would've given this 9/10 stars

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The Ex Next Door (2019 TV Movie)
Decent movie, but the ending was so disappointing
4 November 2020
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This movie was alright, but the ending was so anticlimactic and I was very disappointed! The film's "climax" had the crazy ex break into Katie's home and and try on her dresses. Katie catches her and says she is crazy, and then they both engage in a small cat fight witch ends with the crazy ex falling to the stairs. Really??? That was it???? Other than the climatic part of the movie, it was alright/decent. But not a must watch

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Negative is the best way to describe this 1 hour and 23 minutes of travesty
4 November 2020
I agree with another reviewer here, saying this movie was negative, it was, and they are many other ways to describe this movie, and none of it is good. This was the typical movie where a girl is kidnapped and held for ransom, yeah, very original! Oh and can I talk about the acting? It's horrendous, and they were a lot of miscast actors, like the mom, and the younger brother of the kidnapper. This movie should've never seen the light of day and should be avoided by everyone!

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Mommy's Prison Secret (2017 TV Movie)
Leaves viewers hanging
2 November 2020
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This movie's climax had left me with a lot a questions, what happened to the villain? It's like when she drove her car into the lake she just disappeared from the movie completely. I must say the ending left me unsatisfied! Aside from that, this movie wasn't that good anyways! The characters acting was as wooden as rocking chair, and the mom was less than convincing as a villain. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone else!

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His Secret Marriage (2019 TV Movie)
Slow and boring but I still thought it was decent
28 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a boring decent and slow movie, not much really happens but I still waited for the typical, climatic ending, that we all see too often. The climax was kind of disappointing ngl, it was very obvious that Kelsey wasn't married to Jason and that he was actually her concierge. So the twist didn't really surprise me. Also the title makes no sense, when I read it I thought that the husband was secretly married to another woman, and that she had to find out before it was too late. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, and there was no "secret marriage" but that wouldn't have been a good plot line to catch my attention.

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Typical lifetime man obsessed with women movie
27 October 2020
Decent movie with typical, overused and overdone storyline with a man who has an obsession with a woman character, nothing really special about this movie, would watch if you're really bored and you have nothing else to do with your time.

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25 October 2020
Pretty much everything about this film is bad! Unlikable characters, slow plotline, annoying background music, and overall low budget movie! I can't believe 95% of the movie was trying to find out who the killer was. The other 5% was the reveal, which wasn't all that special. It's safe to say that this is Lifetime movies at it's absolute worst, and I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.

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Boring movie with stiff and wooden acting
23 October 2020
Don't waste your time on this movie like I did, nothing much happens and the acting was very wooden and dull and the villain of this movie was very miscast.

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A Dangerous Date (2018 TV Movie)
Hilariously bad!
23 October 2020
This movie was so awful it had laughing so hard, especially the climactic part. It made absolutely no sense, and it felt like I was watching a drama or soap opera rather than watching the usual lifetime thrillers. This movie should've been called "A horrible movie that should be avoided by all"

2/10 stars: don't waste your time
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The Neighborhood Nightmare (2018 TV Movie)
Good movie but horrible audio and loud soundtrack
22 October 2020
This movie was good, and the twist at the end was surprising and unexpected. But my only complaint is the music. It was so loud and overpowering to the point where I couldn't hear what the characters were saying. I thought it was an issue with the tv, but upon seeing other people's reviews here, I realized it was part of the movie. It's so infuriating when movies make the music so loud up to that point, the music should be about 50% of volume at least. Speaking of the other reviews, I noticed that most of them were made way before this movie premiered almost a week ago, then I realized that this movie was made all the way back in 2018, two years ago! Lately I noticed that LMN has been bringing back films that were made at least two or three years ago and calling it a "premire" and airing every Friday. I don't mind them doing this but they should air an ACTUAL brand new movie made this year once in a while.

Other than those complaints, this movie was nice and enjoyable. 7.5/10
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