44 Reviews
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Nautilus (2024– )
Watchable show for kids and teens
29 August 2024
I'm only a couple episodes in and the plot changes are questionable... Did the story need a female character? Probably... Does changing the backstory of the ship etc benefit the story? Not really... Beyond that the production is fine...kids will be quite happy with the FX and sets and won't mind some of the weak acting and derivative dialogue. The cast are ok although no-one is really standing out for me but sometimes that helps the story develop without actors 'overdoing'.

So, overall a bit cliche and unmemorable for an experienced viewer but definitely something that can be watched with kids who aren't too precious.
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Heartfelt but looking in the wrong direction
28 August 2024
I don't live in the US or in a very secular religious community so I will acknowledge that I don't fully know or see the experiences that some in the US may be having especially in some of the more fundamentalist groups so I can accept that for some this film may be a necessary expression and a call for more compassion.

But...as it stands the LGBT community are free to live and marry across pretty much the whole western world and I'm don't think arguing over dogma is going to win may new friends...

And meanwhile there is a much more persistent and intolerant threat to liberal values that has been taught to never feel guilt or turn the cheek...and the LGBT community needs to pivot forward and not back and prepare for the real danger that is coming.
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Red Eye (2024)
Cliche but enjoyable
28 April 2024
Not the same star power as Hijack but I enjoyed it at least as much. The show is significantly different to the film so don't worry about repetition.

Its pacey although it often involves the main characters running in circles avoiding the most obvious conclusions and decisions.

The lead actress is mostly likable except for some unnecessary jibes at the beginning however that helps the character move from icy and rude to someone we can cheer for by the end. I'm more familiar with Richard Armitage and felt his character was a bit too 'conservative stiff'.

Yes there are some OTT moments but nothing absurd and overall a reasonable wet weekend binge :)
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Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023 TV Special)
The 'comedy' happening in the real world is far more outrageous
27 December 2023
Heres the thing...

I live in a world where the reality is so much more outrageous and offensive than anything that comedians can offer.

I live in a world where Trump, a man who tried to overthrow an election, can be a former and future President.

I live in a world where antisemites can butcher and even 'r**e' jewish children, and film it....and then be described by politicians and academics across the western world as 'freedom fighters'. It makes jokes about Schindlers List seem a bit archaic?

Those same politicians and academics who would have been labelled Nazis a few decades ago, now call themselves 'leftwing' and 'progressives'.

Meanwhile 'feminists' in the west defend the hijab whilst real feminists in Islamic countries risk their lives by daring to take it off.

I could go on....but I hope you get the picture...

The hard truth is that the real world has left 'offensive' and unPC comedy far far behind.

And guys like Ricky are just taking air swings at the least outrageous aspects of modern life (disabled v handicapped really?) and ignoring the real hypocrisies and absurdities that truly DESERVE to be exposed and ruthlessly mocked.
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cheap copy of 30yo films with a toxic message
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are far better films than this made in the 90s...obviously starting with Fargo...look them up and watch any of them instead

Also, despite everything, Hollywood still thinks a man chasing and murdering an innocent women is so quirky and funny and still constitutes 'entertainment' even if there is not even an attempt to say or do anything clever?

Oh but the killer is deaf and fat so I guess that makes it progressive?

So the style and theme is already decades out of date and the humour is pretty much non existant and an occassionally talented cast (lets be honest Fey, Hamm etc have a mixed strike rate) just walk through and seem almost as bored as me.
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Golda (2023)
competent but too understated
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Helen does a adequate job but in a role that really doesnt ask her to do much except sit in a chair for makeup?

The film only covers a few days during the Yom Kippur war and there is nothing of her life and family except abrief anecdote to remind the audience that she was persecuted since being a child.

The 'war' is only witnessed through radio bursts, field maps and grainy images which will frustrate a younger audience who are fed on explosions and 'bang bang!'

Clearly the Director wanted to set a tone, however the issue will be that the tone is all it really offers. There is no great insight or message, just a woman who tries to keep a few men composed during a heated moment in their collective lives.

And personally I would like to see and know more about her.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Commentary too often veers into rich privilege
4 October 2023
The show has a strong cast and deals with a range of social issues covering race, gender, harrassment that are all relevant to a modern audience.

However sometimes the nature of the controversy and the reactions of the characters is a little too close to petty and bitter.

As an example, a waitress is pressured into licking spillage on a table for a $20,000 tip. And sure it is embarrassing and a bit unprofessional. But its also a silly prank (in bad taste) that is consented to and probably repeated a thousand times for fun at student parties across the world.

In the real world ppl would do a lot more for less. Ppl clean toilets for minimum wage, have sex for $100 and leave their families for many months for jobs that pay less. The central character acts like she has witnessed a rape but she is just living in a spoilt community with bad manners.

And so the show often loses credibility on social issues and devolves into looking like a show made by privileged ppl about their favorite subject...themselves.

And of course, race is always dealt with in the hypocritical American way...every balck person is exploited, every whte person a racist who is guilty of things that happened 100s of years ago...

A black 'comedian' tells her audience 'you all did it (slavery)' and we get a snapshot of the mood in the US for race shaming but this kind of show would never have the courage to say that slavery is a reality for many living in BAME communities today and it is only white communities that are even bothering to take inclusion seriously.

And so we end up with a show that is well made, well acted , but not nearly as current or insightful as it tries to present itself.
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Hijack (2023–2025)
Last time I fly with Kingdom Airways
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin:

-Lets start by saying we were never served a meal -And then the inflight entertainment was not working -And then some idiots hijack the plane and boy these clowns were amateurs -We are nearly shot down at one point -The passengers around us were very gossipy -Multiple fights broke out -At some point I think someone else hijacked us back from the original hijackers only to find out we'd already been hijacked back? I mean this kinda nonsense can ONLY happen on Kingdom airlines am I right?

-Then we nearly got shot down a 2nd time? I mean honestly...I'm not even making this up.

The ONLY reason Im even giving this terrible flight a 4 star is because we did eventually land safely and I got to chat with a nice sinlge bloke called Idris.

And the toilets were fairly clean (cept for the one with the dead passenger)
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Deadloch (2023– )
Madeleine Sami is the new JarJar Binks!
8 June 2023
What might have been a quirky show with some humour and a serious side has just been ruined by a single character that adds nothing and ruins every scene she is in.

Someone made a decision to add a character that is grossly overdone and out of any context with the show and it just doesnt work.

Edit her out and the rest of the show might be watchable? But how many times are we supposed to laugh at someone not being able to pronounce a 3 syllable word? Is it even funny the first time if you are older than 8yo?

Ultimately the show seems to be suffering from not knowing what it wants to be or what the tone of the show is. And there is too much time spent on bad dialogue with bad characters.
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Just so forgettable
25 September 2022
This is the TV equivalent of a big house that obviously cost a lot of money and contains overpriced appliances but is just lacking in any real talent, vision or character.

They spent hundreds of millions of dollars on CGI clones who are being pumped out of unis across the globe. And then they work 60-80 hrs a week on the texture of a door or the colour of a cloud...

But all that can only make it look real...it doesn't make any of it relevant.

The dialogue is just sooo bland, the acting and directing so uninspired... There just isn't a an audience or a society anywhere that would listen to this story and feel that it challenges or motivates them to do anything except maybe watch the next episode...
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Keep Breathing Review
1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
She's lost in the wilderness but this series spends most of the time looking back on her life.

The problem is that there really isn't much to look back at...she had a manic depressive mum and a sick dad (sob) but now she's grown up and honestly just not likable.

She works in a boring money oriented job (securities lawyer) and she beyond rude and even abusive to everyone she meets (colleagues, doctor, pediatrician)

And her BF came across as more than a little bit desperate and manipulative.

So why are we supposed to care what happens to her? And I didn't...
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Interceptor (2022)
What film crews make on their day off
14 June 2022
I like to imagine that a major movie has finished filming and the crew have a couple hours before they need to pack everything up...

So they make use of the time by doing another quick movie...

Of course the movie is utter garbage....but its a profitable way to fill a couple hours...and they can probably let someone's 12yo kid write and direct it for fun.

I hope that is what happened here.
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The Northman (2022)
'I see dead people' meets 'Creepshow' meets 'Clannad music video'
3 June 2022
A creepy king is killed by his creepy bro and then avenged by his creepy (entitled?) son...

At least we can all agree that history, illiteracy and traditional tribalism just sucks?

I suppose someone like Putin might think this is a story about justice and not just a bunch of emotionally damaged thugs using violence because its the only thing they understand.

Cinematography is acceptable, but its a Hollywood flick so we shouldn't expect anything less than technical competency.
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Barbie: Spy Squad (2016 Video)
aged 5 and 7 said '8' stars!
28 May 2022
My nieces are 5 and 7 and they enjoyed the film and had a few giggles...

TBH I watched something else quietly but it seemed suitable for pre-teens.

Its not a film they are going to remember for the rest of their lives but definitely something that is ok for kids to watch unsupervised.
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The Cellar (2022)
better than average Shudder production
27 April 2022
Its a made for tv horror so don't expect the best horror film ever made

But the film is better than most of what Shudder throws out and there were some good moments.

Overall if you are a horror junkie then you will have seen a LOT worse than this.
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The Batman (2022)
the reviews are more fun than the movie
22 April 2022
The movie is literally playing in front of me right now and I'm more interested in the comments here.

At the most superficial level I suppose this is a competent film made by 'professionals' but I'm about an hour into it and I'm sooooo bored.

Between the dark lighting (nothing to look at) the dialogue vacumn (nothing to say) and the lack of real tension (nothing to fear)

How are we supposed to feel anything watching some Bat clone fighting the Riddler, Penguin and petty street crime. The real audience today is facing so much more from religious and political extremism, Covid depression and real supervillains like Putin.

Frankly Gotham just need more rubbish bins...and the modern audience needs more fun.
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7yo loved it
15 April 2022
"I though I would be too old for the paw patrol movie but I was very surprised how funny it was"

That's the verdict from a discerning 7yo.

As an adult I half watched and had a couple laughs too.
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The Bubble (2022)
Comedy is dead
7 April 2022
Historians may remember this as the most boring, self conscious decade in history...at least I hope so because imagine if it gets worse?

Lets face it, modern culture is just too insecure to tell an edgy joke. Hollywood is too worried it might offend itself or even worse some boring 12yo girl in boringville might have a meltdown because someone degraded something of importance to someone else.

So...expect another decade of heated debates about gender pronouns because grammar is something we are all so passionate about.

Ok, I got to the end and there were a couple funny moments...so it goes from 2 to 3!! But make sure you are multitasking...
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Sci-fi addicts and multi-taskers only
23 March 2022
I'm about 4 episodes in. The show follows a popular sci-fi and fantasy genre premise, basically a bunch of strangers stranded...this time in pre-civilization USA...

Expect backstories, goodies and baddies, dumb decisions and govt coverups etc

None of it is especially memorable, but on a rainy evening with some admin/ txt/ emails to do this can pass a bit of time.

When I was a kid this kind of show would hook me so maybe best for a young/ teen audience who like sci-fi soaps.
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From (2022– )
Generic but watchable
12 March 2022
I'm only a couple episodes in and I expect they will have to introduce some extra elements to make this a complete show (talking every night won't be enough)

'Wayward Pines' probably had a more promising start but If you have a weakness for over the top supernatural/ conspiracy scenarios then this is a time filler.

Probably better for younger audiences who will think its original.
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Cosmic Dawn (2022)
refreshing with a dash of 70s
28 February 2022
Just watch it as an antidote to the cycle of generic blah that is coming out.

If you don't take it too seriously and are mature enough to overlook the budget then this film offers some genuinely great moments.
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Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021 TV Special)
bit lame tbh
31 December 2021
The worst joke he has about Islam is not taking your shoes off?

And the rest of the show is puns about things like 'legless' and short people...

Take out the swear words and it was a bit sterile.
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If it was a horse...
15 December 2021
Once upon a time there was a group of women who were (mostly) fun and unapologetic for who they were and how they wanted to live...

Then they all just disappeared or changed into insecure, miserable shadows who just want to apologise for the way they look and talk.

Its a sad reflection on how American may think it is changing but women will always be the truly oppressed.

Its not funny, not clever, not progressive

Just another reminder that America needs to stop talking about social issues and just listen to other countries that do it so much better.
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Movies like this aren't supposed to be reviewed
9 July 2021
I haven't even seen it but I know exactly what it is and you should too. So just watch it if you are in the mood for this kind of film!
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Infinite (2021)
25 June 2021
Just do something else and keep it on in the background.
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