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The Silliest movie I've ever seen and I mean that as a compliment
5 November 2023
Not at all horror but I can absolutely see why Terror-Fi festival included it. This is by far the silliest movie I have ever seen, and I mean that as a high compliment. I thought No One Will Save You would be the most wordless movie I would see this year, but I was wrong. There are about 3 actual words uttered in this one. Content warning - Hundreds of animals die in this one but every animal is either a person in a costume or a plushy puppet so you'll be alright. When you first start this very entertaining live action looney tunes movie you will wonder how they can sustain it for a full feature length run time but they absolutely manage it and it's always hilarious and entertaining.
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Bleak, brutal, unflinching
3 November 2023
The film festival screening I was at to see this movie had a little video shot by the Argentinian director just for New Zealand about how he loves Peter Jackson and Nz and how he'd love to make it down here. He was such a nice, personable fellow... then came one of the most bleak, brutal and unflinching movies I've seen in a long time. If you are used to being in safe hands that will cut away from certain things rather than show them Demian Rugna is not the director for you. There is also zero levity or fun in his movies yet you have fun anyway if you're the right kind of horror obsessed weirdo. Here's a content warning though - if you don't like when violence happens to kids or animals in movies, you should probably steer clear of this one... or just remember that it's only a movie.
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A throwback but not to the era you think...
3 November 2023
The poster would have you believe that Joe Lynch's latest movie is a throwback to Gordon & Yuzna's Lovecraft flavored movies of the 80s (Re-animator and From Beyond) and that is a little miss-leading. Suitable Flesh is actually more of a throwback to those weird erotic thrillers of the early 90s. You know the ones... they often had Shannon Tweed, Joan Severance or Alyssa Milano in them and they were a chance for people of my age to see boobs late at night on TV. The fun gore of Re-animator is still there, as is the awesome Barbara Crampton, but the 90s gauzy thriller vibe is a swing I was not expecting and I actually really appreciated it. I'm sure many will be left scratching their heads though, especially people who don't remember that seedy era of movies.
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The Seed (II) (2021)
Bugnuts indie sci-fi body horror
12 March 2022
3 women head for a weekend away to a swanky house in the desert. Two of them are social media influencers and one is not. In fact she isn't on any of the things and has a flip phone. A weird lil creature comes down in a meteor show and things get more and more body horror and bugnuts crazy from there. It takes awhile to ramp up and feels a little like a short film idea stretched thin in places. But once it does ramp up there is some gnarly visuals and practical gore effects and it gets very fun. It's a strong debut independent horror from a brand new director.
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Dark white trash dramedy
3 January 2022
The Death of Dick Long (2019) More A24 goodness from one of the Daniels that made Swiss Army Man. This is a Dark white trash dramedy about 3 dudes who have a band called Pink Freud. One night after band practice they decide to get a little weird, one thing leads to another and one of them dies. The other two freak out in their inebriated state and drop him off outside the hospital assuming he is still alive. That's how the movie begins and it gets very messy (in the best way) from there. This is such a well crafted and acted story, apparently lifted from the headlines, about simple folk making all the wrong decisions because none of them are particularly smart and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Wait til you find out how Dick Long died... it's messed up.
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Candyman (2021)
Salty "horror" fans with their 1 star reviews
5 September 2021
Sheesh! There are a lot of salty horror fans in this review section who apparently completed missed the social commentary in the original movie and just liked it when the hook guy got all stabby. I loved this new take on it. It both lovingly continues what the first one started and strives to do it's own thing. It's also beautifully shot. Nia Dacosta is one to watch.
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A gorgeously odd fairy tale.
31 August 2021
Every shot of this film is like a painting. It's really quite remarkable. It's not even really the way it's shot It's the meticulous design and layout of everything in the shots that is awesome. The camera isn't doing anything particularly tricky It's just lingering on exquisite stuff. This is a fairly simple fairy tale but I was never bored watching at all. I really wish I had been able to see this in a theater and I also wish a fox would deem me worthy to hang out with.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Do not expect John Wick. This is not John Wick
26 August 2021
This movie simmers with intensity the entire way through. But while Uncut Gems simmered with anxiety and Hereditary simmered with a growing dread what you don't realize until it's too late is... Pig is going to make you cry a lot. I was bummed I didn't get to see this in a theater cos of Delta but now I'm kinda glad I watched it alone so nobody could see my face just gush fluids non stop. Pig is such a beautiful movie though and Alex Wolff continues to impress me holding his own against acting legends like Adam Arkin and Nicholas Cage. Do not expect John Wick. It is not John Wick.

5 truffles out of 5.
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A horror movie with something to say... about horror
19 July 2021
I love a good horror with something to say and this one has things to say about something near and dear to my heart... horror. I can't really say much about this one without spoiling stuff but if you like horror I recommend this brand new one from Italy. Stick with it to the end. If things feel familiar to you there may be a reason for that...
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The Toll (I) (2020)
A really smart low budget horror movie
18 July 2021
This was way better than I was expecting. Its a low budget horror movie that works because of the solid acting of the cast and the really savvy concept. It's about an uber/lift driver and a passenger that break down on a country road and well... stuff happens that I won't go in to because it's better experienced without any expectations. The movie just plays with the obvious anxieties that come with being a woman in a ride share situation but also gets in to the surreal and supernatural. It's a really effective ride that actually had me on edge in places.

*watched on Shudder *
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... about the man in a hole.
27 June 2021
This is a really simple concept for a movie but the tension builds masterfully due to excellent writing and performances by the cast. It's grounded in reality so people will call it a thriller but I think it's about the horrors of having a psychopath for an older brother. I really liked this movie and I can not recommend it enough.
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In the Earth (2021)
What a glorious trip
7 June 2021
This movie is a trip! It's for people who saw Annihilation (2018) and thought "pretty good... could be weirder though". I wondered if writer/ director could be the British Ari Aster after I saw his film Kill List but after seeing this I'd double down on that comparison. It's kind of survival/ folk horror with a surreal psilocybin coating and I was captivated the entire time. I also completely understand why many of the more meat and potatoes horror fans hate this thing. It's not at all for everyone.
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
Builds to a brutal crescendo.
20 April 2021
This is a slow tension building burn survival horror movie that really builds to something very brutal in the end. I'm not sure I would recommend it to everyone but if words like bleak and brutal make you want to watch a thing this may be the film for you. It's beautifully shot, expertly acted and that crescendo... oof. This movie will stick with me for a bit.
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Come True (2020)
Goosebump inducing greatness
30 March 2021
I was thoroughly creeped out by this mesmerizing movie. It's very goosebump inducing. It's about a runaway teen who is having trouble with nightmares and sleepless nights so joins a sleep study. The actual dreams you see are a bit early Tool music video but where the movie goes is very compelling. I'm very glad that I don't personally have those sleep paralysis waking nightmares starring the shadowy figure with the shiny eyes. Solid effects work for an indie film and I like the synthy Drive like soundtrack on this one too.
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Honeymoon (2014)
A glorious pivot from romance to tense body horror
28 March 2021
Honeymoon (2014) This movie starts out very sweet and romantic...almost too sweet. Rose Leslie is just the cutest a person can achieve and then after a bit of newly wedded bliss the weirdness begins. This movie makes a glorious pivot from romantic lake house movie to tense body horror and I really enjoyed it. Great acting, writing and a strong directorial debut by a director I'll be looking out for in the future.
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A lot of people missing the point here.
27 March 2021
I can't really say a lot about this one because the less you know going in the better. Just know that it is a tense, really well acted and beautifully shot cat & mouse thriller. Meat & potatoes horror fans will be divided over this one over perceived mistakes that the protagonist makes but I believe the filmmakers were making a point about abusive relationships that people are missing.
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The Empty Man (2020)
Disney did this movie dirty
25 March 2021
This movie got absolutely reemed by the Disney acquisition of Fox. They had no idea what they had and how to market it and so it was pushed out late last year with a dumb poster and a misleading trailer that makes it out to be a Slender Man knock off. There are elements of that but then things get really weird. This is cosmic / Lovecraftian horror at it's finest and deserves to be seen by a lot more people. I really can't say more than that but if you like the sound of weird nihilistic cults this is for you. I really hope brand new writer/ director David Prior gets to make more stuff.

5 empty bridge bottles out of 5
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Spree (2020)
A new twist on the found footage trope
19 March 2021
Spree (2020) A brand new fresh take on the found footage genre that I'm actually surprised took this long to happen. A drive share driver and wannabe social media star decides to live stream his killing spree over one night. This movie was so well done and packed full of multiple screens and scrolling text that you could actually watch it multiple times and see different things every time. That may not be to everyone's taste but I really enjoyed the ride. Steve from Stranger Things does excellent work not being his usual funny, charismatic self but actually shooting for cringe worthy, pitiful influencer wannabe Kurt. I appreciated the effort in portraying that very specific type of person. He must have watched so many YouTube channels with very small follower numbers to prepare for the role. Also David Arquette absolutely nails the role of Kurt's cringey small time DJ father and it was great to see him back in a genre movie.
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Becky (II) (2020)
A brutal Primal scream of a revenge movie
17 March 2021
I was actually blown away by this. I was expecting a fun comedy horror because of Joel McHale & Kevin James but this Is actually a brutal Primal scream of a revenge movie. Kevin James plays a neo nazi fresh out of prison with absolutely zero comedy and nails the intensity completely. I have no idea where Lulu Wilson managed to summon all that rage from...she's literally 14 years old. With the Home Alone comparisons you kind of expect this movie to pull it's punches a bit but it really doesn't.

5 Coloring in pencil shanks out of 5 for this one.
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The Vigil (2019)
A refreshing Jewish take on a well trod catholic horror trope
16 March 2021
It's a Jewish custom to watch over a newly deceased person so demons do not enter the body but this movie asks what If that body already has a demon that is looking for a new soul to hang with? This is another slow tension building burn of a story that really had me creeped out at times...and I am a hardened horror fan. I've also seen many catholic flavored demon/possession things it was honestly refreshing to see a Jewish take on the old trope.
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Antebellum (2020)
An important watch.
12 March 2021
There's not much I can say about this one without giving it away. In fact watching the trailer gives you the complete wrong idea and that is by design. That being said I really enjoyed this film. At first I wondered why the relatively low score on imdb but it totally makes sense now. There is a certain percentage of people who will no doubt be rubbed the wrong way by a movie where white people are the villains. They tend to be the same people that feel attacked when a horror movie has a point to make or underlying messages. I think this is an important movie and should be watched my a lot more people.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
The writer of the original updating a tired old horror trope.
1 March 2021
Wrong Turn: The Foundation (2021) This film is really pissing off the "true blue" horror fans (by which I mean conservative) that absolutely love this franchise and I totally get why. This is not your average urbanoia, inbred redneck cannibals in the forrest movie. I knew that going in which is why I watched this new one. I was actually expecting a slow burn A24 style "hipster horror" style thing because I knew that would piss off the old Wrong Turn fans. But I have to say this one really surprised me. It was still relentless and brutal survival horror but it took some twists and turns that I was not expecting. It's still a "a diverse group of teens head in to the woods, take a Wrong Turn and run in to the wrong people" movie but by the end has become a very different beast. They probably shouldn't have called it Wrong Turn but it is the original writer and he has absolutely updated the formula here. I really like this iteration.
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Revenge Rom Com? that's not it
11 January 2021
Really interesting and tense movie. It's a revenge rom-com that at times feels like a feminine spin on Falling Down or Cape Fear. It has a really good cast of great people being the worst people they can be. It's weird to say I enjoyed it since the subject matter is so dark. It's even weird to call it dark because it's actually a really candy coloured movie... maybe it's Old Boy but with well, a Promising Young Woman.
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A really good Werewolf movie
8 November 2020
Jim Cummings is great. He wrote, directed and stars in this movie about a small town cop on the verge of a nervous breakdown while dealing with multiple grizzly murders. The great Robert Forster stars in possibly the last role before his death as the cops elderly and frail father who also happens to be the Sheriff of the town. It is a horror comedy but in a more dramatic and serious way than many other horror comedies tend to be and I really liked it. Jim has a Nicolas Cage-esque intensity that makes for a really compelling watch that can make you laugh but can just as easily make you cry and it's kind of amazing to watch. This joins my favourite Werewolf movies list along with Dog Soldiers, American Werewolf in London and The Howling.
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Scare Me (I) (2020)
A pleasant surprise
2 October 2020
This was a really pleasant surprise. A horror comedy that had me grinning from ear to ear until I was legit creeped out. It's just about people trying to scare each other with scary stories in a cabin but the writing, acting and visual tricks from a writer/director/actor who absolutely knows their horror movies make this a really good time.
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