
13 Reviews
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Buffalo (2016)
Effective short film
2 February 2021
I enjoyed this short story of the characters interactions and the overlaps of personal stories Shows a range of emotions, beliefs and prejudices. Worth the 20- minutes watch.
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The Beast (2020)
Italian Action
2 December 2020
I enjoyed the movie. Lots of action, some suspense, and a little twist of the ages old story between good and evil, with its shades gray.
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Tye Sheridan
23 June 2020
Tye Sheridan isn't right for this movie. He didn't pull-off the Asperger Syndrome role. He's done better acting in his previous acting roles. He needs more practice for an Asperger Syndrome role. Story-line is interesting.Overall acting was acceptable. Worth a one-time watch. Other actors in thismovie were better suited for the roles s/he held.
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Really more like a 6 or 7
8 May 2020
Some far fetched AI powers, like the ability to loosen restraints without some conductance. Entertaining movie while half-watching.
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Abducted (2018)
3 May 2020
Just sit back and watch. Actors honing their skills. Familiar theme plot taken in a slightly different tangent, so as to weave the story into a different sphere dimension. Acting was good to excellent with Michael Anthony Spady getting my nod for the movie's best actor. All the actors have promising futures in movie making & they may make the high bar in the challenging world of movie entertainment. Best wishes for all involved in the movie from actors and director to grip and maintenance.
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Extraction (2020)
Enjoyable action movie
24 April 2020
"Extraction" is an action movie along similar lines of many other rival movies. It's worth the watch because there's little deep plot. Actors, new ones and seasoned one, honed their talents and provided a good showing. Enjoy!
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Fun to watch, with twists
7 March 2020
Had a fun time watch Spenser Confidential, with its multipart twists. I enjoyed the story and action fight scenes. First time I watched Winston Duke - he done good. It's been some time since I watched Alan Arkin - he done good.
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Interesting story
2 March 2020
I enjoyed this movie. It's interesting how it develops. Possible future superstar actors, if life blesses them so. 4.8 rating is much too low; it's more like a 7+. So, I gave it a ten to plus-up its rating. Good watch.
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The Code (2011)
29 February 2020
Highly enjoyable to me. It brought to mind some things I had learned many years ago and rejuvenated my strong interest in numbers and patterns. Thanks to all of you who made "The Code" -2011- possible.
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Enjoyed the twists and turns
28 February 2020
A different way to tell a cowboy story. I enjoyed the gentle twists and turns. Well worth a watch.
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Jonah Hex (2010)
Corny, but worth the watch.
27 February 2020
No doubt, this is a corny movie, being somewhat trite. I enjoyed the show, being in the right mood for viewing it. Have fun. Get your favorite drink and pop some corn, then set back and watch without having to think hard.
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Put your thinking cap on
24 February 2020
Put your thinking cap on to enjoy this movie because of the various moving parts involved in telling the story. Go with the flooooow. It's a movie that's not to mainstream taste. Stay with it and embrace the experience of the story. Acting is tolerable to good. Listen for one-liners and metaphors.
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Excitement and fun
18 February 2020
I really enjoyed the action and comedy. It has some good actors I've enjoyed watching for years and some new actors who did fine in an entertaining motion picture. Thanks for the many rides in beautiful cars. It was a fast time.
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