
19 Reviews
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White guilt on steroids
3 October 2023
This documentary is very informative, but not in the way the producers intended.

Most white people would see it and think that they should do better, but instead of listening, they should just watch, understand that you never help and always making a bad situation worse.

Never work against nature, never push the scale of evolution, you are just creating an unbalance with an impact beyond your life and ego.

Africa was in a perfect balance before white aid took hold. Misplaced altruism is always pathological, when you ignore your own tribe, what happens next to you, and go to help people on a different continent, you can be sure you are doing harm.
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Badly produced semi-documentary
25 August 2023
The mix of newsreels and the personal stories makes it seems like it's a history lesson, but comes out as subjective as asking any political activist involved to write about the Yugoslav or Cypriot wars.

The emotional aspects masks any factual mistakes or general aspects of war, it's all black and white, good vs bad. I don't want to break or make anyone victime status, but the ending is beyond laughable to anyone that knows any post war Romanian history.

The production is abysmal, the images presented have almost nothing to do with the narration, at some point the disjointed pictures makes the movie frustrating and tiresome, like searching for words in an alphabet soup.
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Spy/Master (2023)
Eastern movie made for the western audience
21 August 2023
The production is very good, the acting is above the grade and the story better then the typical Hollywood oversimplification you would expect, but the political aspects are as caricatured as you can get.

What is the difference between a hero and traitor? Does being a sociopath, always acting selfishly and immorally, and stepping over bodies for your own interest, make you a good person? The answer is simple, if you are on the winning side it doesn't matter.

As someone that is interested in this part of history I know we will never get the whole picture about Pacepa's betrayal, story that inspired this series, as the coverups and ideological spins are still perpetuated to this day.
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Good production, weak political statements
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The artwork and production is excelent, above most high cost/high end animations, but for a Romanian that doesn't hate himself, the situation felt too common and hard to sympathize with.

The same story where the grass is always greener on the other side, where strangers value more than family, where ideology makes you blind to the obvious and poverty is the perfect excuse for your own shortcomings or mistakes.

Claudiu Crulic may be a victime of the Polish justice system, but foremost he is a victime of his own mind, as he basically sacrificed to improve the justice system in a foreign country, he fought to improve a society/reality that had no connection to him, one where he had no value or influence.
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Made for the western audience
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary is just following around a homeless gypsy family living filthy and abusively in a natural reserve in the middle of Bucharest, acting like it's their birth given right to do so.

The american equivalent would be a family of illegal aliens setting camp in New York Central Park, acting like it's their property and right to do so.

There are no words that could describe the hypocrisy and double standard of the filmmakers/producers and NGOs involved in perpetuating this clown show. If it was a family of white romanians acting so ridiculously, absolutely nobody, and rightly, would have taken their side.
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Why Knot (2016)
Complete waste of time
19 May 2023
This autobiographical documentary is just a reflection of the director personal sexuality, mostly finding reasons to deconstruct monogamy and build up polygamy.

It's an interesting topic but this document doesn't add anything worthwhile to the discussion, doesn't answer any questions, and doesn't clarify the topic, it's 90% personal vlogs with 10% "expert" interviews, and comes out as narcissistic and borderline political than anything else.

Reading a wikipedia article on the topic is infinitely more informative and less of a time waster. I can't exagerate the banality and mediocrity of the director personal life, and it's nothing wrong with it, but not worthy material for a documentary.
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8 May 2023
It's naive to expect anything but propaganda from this documentary, but the ideological part of it is all over the place, proving that not even the scripts writers are women in this movement.

The activists that degrade themselves for attention, come as damaged as the sexual exploration victims they pretend to fight for, and ironically it proves that regardless where you stand politically, the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us are always the most abused and exploited.

Another irony is that they oppose the church that offered some structure and protection to women, even if antiquated, with an revolutionary ideology that offers nothing, whose only purpose is to destroy and create a void.
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17 August 2022
Find it funny that people high vote this episode just because of the subject and spin, instead of the content. Louis comes out so desperate to expose some controversial content, or trigger some exaggerated response, that it makes him look more like a clown that the people he is interviewing.

I place my bets that in the next iteration of this episode Louis will go after random twitter users that retweeted pepe memes.
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25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Besides the obvious framing and pretend outrage, one clear lie presented here is that the right-wing political commentators are pushing their propaganda via youtube, when 90% of them are banned there. Not sure where they got the footage as most videos presented are not available on youtube, and some of content creators actually changed sides.
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J.E.S.U.S.A. (2020)
All over the place strawman
14 February 2021
This movie consists mostly of progressive activist "preachers", conflating everything from neo-con, hollywood, blm, anti-nationalist and anti-gun propaganda with traditional Christian-American values, in order to justify their political interpretation of the Bible. As always, their interpretation is the correct one, and everyone else is wrong.
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Coastal Elites (2020 TV Movie)
TDS Anonymous
14 September 2020
Based on the title I'm not sure if this is meant to be sarcastic or a form of self-criticism, but if you want to waste 90 min on TDS you can find breadtube videos more entertaining and with better production.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
A double revenge soap opera
27 June 2020
First of all I have to praise the visual/cinematic and sound design, they are top-notch, and also the gameplay is decent, with some bad AI and repetition. Where it fails abysmally is with story and characters, the most important part to this types of cinematic games.

They took some risks, which I respect, but disappointed in the execution, as if their main priority was to destroy everything the original built. All new character (including mature Ellie) are unsympathetic, petty and exaggerated at the same time, with an unrealistic/forced feel, and their interactions are mostly monotonous and irrelevant to the game world.

Personally I wouldn't had a problem with the creators progressive agenda if it wasn't so focused on, especially at the end, the biggest disappointment, a anticlimactic whimper that left me feeling like I finished a gay sidequest.
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This is not a documentary
24 June 2020
Character assassination by the book, starting with children telling emotional stories, some "homophobia" and "antisemitism", and ending with Trump references. Before you find out anything real about Roy Cohn you definitely know he is the most awful person in the USA, worst than Stalin, constantly repeated, over and over. ALL of the people interviewed are biased, at least politically, or with a personal vendetta. They also try to imply that the Rosenbergs were somewhat victims even though KGB archives proved them to be spies.
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Exactly what you expected from a foreign left-wing elitist
26 May 2020
The crimes of Franco regime are undeniable, but the presenter cynicism (or better said nihilism), and anti-theistic and anti-nationalist bias is caricatural, almost to the level of old communist propaganda, and to exaggerate even more he completly ignores communism from the historical context.
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Good luck british people
25 May 2020
This cheap propaganda piece is a good view on a growing a part of british society you don't often see. It's two contradicting worlds colliding, or better said in conflict, and, unlike the asinine presenter, I won't put my bets on the western side.
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One-sided and biased
20 May 2020
I'm not brazilian, but you don't have to be one or an expert in their politics to see that this is not a documentary, but an agitprop piece. At best this could be considered simple voter emotional journey, but for this you have ignore the director history and family connections, the production company and Netflix distribution.

The movie is standard propaganda so I'll just focus on the issues I personally see with Brazilian politics, from the perspective of a guy living in a former communist and currently corrupt ridden country: * People always have the leaders they deserve, * Nationations are different and democracy is not suited for all, not even for first world nations. Just look at history of democracy around the world, * Brazilian people are too emotional and "messianic" in mentality order to have democracy. Political parties are like religions there and you can see this from how little of the discussions here are on values, principles and rights, * Idealism is self-defeating and utopia is never a vote/revolution away. Real change takes a lot of work and time, generations, * Politicians are not saviours, the best they can do is to leave you alone, * Corruption is human nature, and comes in different forms, material but also ideological, * Between military dictatorship and communism I would choose the first :)
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Searching Eva (2019)
19 May 2020
Take the most defective young women you can find, preferably a junkie, add some radical modern feminism and critical theory, and you get this movie.
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Stretched out and biased
3 April 2020
It exposes incompetence and holes in the justice system but the actual subtitle of the documentary is "ACLU guide to drug dealing: How to get out on a technicality". The most biased and tiresome part is that the drug dealers and their goodwill defence attorneys are present as the victims and good guys, and judges and prosecutors as the bag guys. Even the main corrupt scumbag, that served only 18 months in prison and cost the taxpayer millions, is presented as a victim in the last episode.
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The Terror (2018–2025)
Good TV
27 July 2018
Good cinematography, cast and acting, story telling, soundtrack, etc...almost all the things lacking in big budget modern series/movies. The most astonishing thing is that it does very much with very little, and is relatively true to the historical context (very rare nowadays), the big exceptions are the supernatural inserts along with the naive credibility and reverence given to inuit religion, and the lack of condensation when breathing (you can't really excuse this, but I asume it is on purpose as it may have looked bad or tiring on video, or tough on actors and production costs).

I haven't read the book that is based of, and is evident that it was not faithful to it, but the only personal objection I have is with the last minutes, it looked very forced, pushing the "noble savage" myth, as to compensate and please the modern self-hating political ego.
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