
11 Reviews
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Power Book IV: Force (2022–2024)
I Love Tommy Egan
29 October 2023
I have watched the original Power twice, not for the main character but for Tommy Egan, n the show wouldn't have been as good without him..

He's wit n charm makes me laugh even when his being serious He has that cheeky chappy charm about him that makes his character lovable but just like that he can switch that charm into a Psychopath that takes no chit..

I only watched a couple eps of the Tariq Power n that's all I could handle as I can't stand that kid, he's a great actor but I don't like the character he plays n I personally think it can lead kids down the wrong path just like it did him seeing what he's dad done in Power..

Force is way better than all the Powers put together n I really hope they do many seasons of this cos I will never get bored watching Tommy Egan stuffing his face in nearly every eps n the smirk on his face when things go his way, like they always do...

Keep them coming Best Power show yet...
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Creed III (2023)
Not as good as creed 1 n 2
31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched #Creed3 , not gonna lie, I preferred #Creed2 Creed 3 was good but it didn't have rocky in it which was a bit disappointing being as he got creed to were he was today, Plus his last main fight literally only showed 2 rounds then went straight to round 11 so didn't see hardly any boxing throughout the whole movie.. The story was good but the movie itself could have been better, specially as its been 4 years since creed 2.

It follows from when creed was a child with his Bro (best mate) n a fight broke out n his bro pulled a gun n ended up banged up why creed run, so wen his bro gets let out of prison there is some friendship followed by a big tension between them both which leads to the main fight..

I love the Creed Movies but I do think this one could have been better..

I think it's great how they have bought in the little girl who in real life is death so sign is a huge part of the movie too as in many movies nowadays. My auntie was disabled so sign was also needed sometimes so bringing it into movies as big as creed means alot as many viewers will understand of they have death family or friends.... Great work to the producers n cast ect ect.
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Wildcat (2022)
The most heartfelt documentaries I've ever watched.
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is most definitely the most heartfelt documentary I've ever watched.

It broke my heart when Khan didn't make it after seeing the bond that him n Harry had between them.

Harry's story is by far the sadest, I was in tears watching this documentary.. I just wanted to give him a cuddle and tell him he's done himself proud and never to think negatively because the love he showed for them cats was unconditional and them cats looked upon him like he was there mum.

I know how it feels to raise animals n I too have had them pass away in my arms at home n it breaks ur heart so much.

My animals r the reason I get out of bed in the morning n without them I don't know if I would here.

An animal will love you regardless of ur mood and an animal will love you more than it loves itself.

Well done Harry and Sam n keep up the good work, even though urve both taken the separate roads urve done the animal kingdom proud and u both deserve the upmost respect for what u have done and what u have achieved.. I'm so happy that Keanu learnt to live in the wild n that you gave him the best learning skills u could give him for making that huge leap into the wilderness.. Well done to you all <3.
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Very Much Enjoyable...
4 January 2023
I loved this movie right from start to finish..... Viola Davis is a brilliant actress and she played the part of Nanisca brilliantly, she is so fit n healthy she made me out of breath just watching her, as she is very quick on her feet n even quicker when it comes to chucking that Machete around...

I would love to know how they made Thuso Mbedu who plays Nawi look so young. She literally looks about 15 at a pish in this movie and I don't think cgi done that.. She plays the part brilliant as do all the cast.

This movie is over 2 hours long but, it felt like it went so quick as u really do get drawn into the film from the get go.

I don't have a bad word to say about it as everyone in the cast really did there homework n they got it off to a tee,

I love how they used so many women for the tribes n how they train to become the ultimate warriors fighting against men n proving that women too can be just as strong, if not even stronger than a man...

Well done to all.. Loved it...
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Couldn't Stop Watching...
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say one wrong thing about this programme.

The first season was all about Jens husband being killed in a hit n run accident and then jen attends group therapy where she meets Judy. Little beknown to jen that it was Judy n Steve that actually hit him in there car, Then jen kills Steve, they hide the body and the pair of become the very best of friends.

Season 2 is when Ben comes into it who's Steve's identical twin lol... I really can't go into it all cos it's something ur just have to watch.

I've just finished season 3 and I won't lie my emotions was all over the place... I had tears running down my face, it has certainly hit the mixed emotions button in my head. I love the show and they couldn't have got 2 better women to play these parts... well done to Christina Applegate for continuing with the show after finding out about ur MS as it couldn't have been easy but u still made season 3 and I'm so glad that u did... This is the best show ive seen in a long time... Kingdom is my other best show... I could watch dead to me over n over again as it will never be boring n I know it will still make me cry every time.

Loved the show. Love the performance the cast put in n I have give this 10 stars cos it deserves it...
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The Missing (2022 TV Movie)
Would have give 0 stars but there isnt a zero
19 October 2022
Firstly I am watching on my apple tv box on a movie site.

Secondly It advertised the missing about 5 high schoolers disappearing from there hometown, obviously the write up was probably regarding an older movie as this one I've sadly wasted an hour n half on was about a women's daughter being taken from a daycare... The movie itself is very poor, they play music over every scene so it's like ur struggling to hear what the actors r actually saying, u have an abusive husband that loses his rag with his wife just for her breathing the same air as him basically.. The acting is quite poor The music is terrible If I was you I would give this movie a very wide birth n scroll on to watch pinocchio (2022 with Tom Hanks) cos that was 100% better than this movie...
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
Enjoyable Movie n I Would Watch Again...
14 September 2022
I really enjoyed this movie, but then I like all Scott Eastwood movies.

He plays his part real well n I love how some of his lines he sounds just like his dad Clint... If u dont mind blood n violence then I'd say defo watch this film cos there is plenty in it. Would have liked to have seen more but the storyline was good n I enjoyed it.

I give this an 8 star rating simply cos I love Scott Eastwood. ..

Just a shame the movie wasnt longer cos I persoanlly think it could have been carried on a little longer with a little extra fighting scenes ...

Ok keeps saying I need to write more but there isnt much more to say' apart from watch the movie n see for urself if u like it or not' as everyone has diffrent taste in film n tele so it's easier to just watch it n find out for urself if u like it or not.
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
What A Show.. Brilliant 👏
3 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is the best programme on Netflix I have ever seen. I am almost on s3 n this is my 2nd binge of watching it..... The acting is outstanding n I have never been glued to a show as much as this drew me in. How Jay never won an award for this programme is beyond me, his acting is through the roof n I actually felt his pain , never b4 have I been drawn into a show. Its like ur part of the show, u feel everything they feel. From getting the heroine addicted mother of the streets, to seeing Jay become the light weight champ of the world in cage fighting. This show has everything. Nate played hes part brilliantly n played a gay cage fighter that was scared to tell the world of his sexuality, the last few episodes of s3 had me cryin my eyes out. Never b4 have I felt the way this show made me feel. U get drawn in from the start to the end. This is one show no one would have a bad word to say. Ive told many ppl about this n not one has said a bad word. They thanked me for telling them about a brilliantly played out programme that deserved many awards but didn't get any. THIS IS ONE PROGRAMME YOU WILL LOVE FROM S1 EPS1 TO S3 EPS10 ... YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH THIS. you will feel part of the family, it will have u hooked and it will even have you flooding in tears by the end. I was in bits after watching this both times... R.i.p Baby Winter ... much respect to the actress who played Lisa, after losing her baby in real life then playing the part of an expectant mother n losing the baby 7 months into the pregnancy. U deserve an award for just getting up n getting straight back into the show n doin what u done. I couldnt have done what u did n you r a strong women for doin what u did. Much respect to the team, to the actors n to the whole crew for making such a brilliant n resect to all x
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
Spoiler . Dont read if not watched yet
1 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Omg I have binged Kingdom for a week n im on the last eps now, Before even the credits at the beginning started I was in tears.. didnt see that coming n poor Nate, loved him n Jay. Family from hell but would fight to the death for eachother. I used to do jujitsu many moons ago n watching this had me on the edge of my sofa like i was in the ring with the fighter busting out me little moves lol. I loved this programme n 10 stars for the acting, the producers, Lisa for losing her baby in real life then playing that part in acting brought tears to my eyes n my daughter is 10 days out to give birth to my 1st grandson n when i see this I paused n msged my daughter at 2.30am telling her I love her n that baby n that il always be there day, night n on my death bed. I would be broken but chin up smile n back to kingdom, well done everyone. Well played out n so true to life it made u believe everything was so so true/real n u was goin thro it all with the characters so well done to all.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
So much better than I expected
22 April 2020
I see this pop up as a preview so gave it a go. Needless to say I couldn't stop watching it n binged the whole season in a night til early morning. I loved the storyline and the way it shows how the rich lived compared to the Less fortunate, I will defo watch this again as theres always that 1 scene u may have missed 1st time around that u see the 2nd. If u like progs that actually have real life meanings then this is one to watch. I dont think ur be disappointed as I surely wasnt.. 5 stars from me.x
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14 January 2020
What a brilliant programme. Tissues at the ready as it will have ur emotions all over the place. I cried loads. Not ashamed to admit it.! Great family drama n alot will relate. 10/10 from me x
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