
8 Reviews
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Tooth Fairy (I) (2010)
Another One Where The Kids Seem Bored
23 January 2010
I set through two screenings of this movie. Sadly the funniest parts were pretty much in the commercial. During both screenings, there were very few hard laughs, a couple of chuckles and long silences from the audience of mostly kids.

Dwayne Johnson did his best to add comedic timing to the material, but the script is the real weak point here. As another poster said, I won't rehash the plot here - its pretty predictable and filled with prerequisite clichés - the sullen kid who needs encouragement, "fairy jokes", the old guy that finds his way and redeems himself along the way...yadda yadda. Billy Crystal was unpredictably NOT funny (no laughs from the audience AT ALL) during his appearance which I found really sad. Julie Andrews is a delight but her character is pretty much the same character from other (better) movies like The Princess Diaries.
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Even the Kiddies Weren't Buying It
2 January 2010
Today I had to sit through this movie several times. :-(

As an adult, it wasn't funny or entertaining. But what amused me was the reaction from the kids in the audiences. Almost none of the kids laughed out loud during the matinée viewing (the showing with the most kids in attendance).

Some take away comments from the mouth of babes: "Is it over YET?" "I'm bored" and my personal favorite "That wasn't so funny at all." (poor kid said it over and over again with the "big" jokes.) Plus, I had never seen so many kids ready to leave after the first 15 minutes.

It didn't get better over the course of the evening.
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Oh Dear...
24 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My expectations for this movie was already lowered based on the trailers which seemed overly melodramatic, Lifetime-like and heavy on tissue- laden acting/screen shots.

After watching the movie, I was even more disappointed by the cinematography as well as the crappy script. I guess the movie would be OK if you had never read the book although I seriously doubted it. There were far too many characters dumped into the process without proper set up and development (consider the hospital scene towards the end of the movie - who were those people?)

Many other commenters have discussed the many important departures from the book. But the most unforgivable was the completely ironic and sad ending used in the book. The substituted ended was simply ridiculous and completely anti-climatic. If the writers wanted to depart from the book - why even cover the lawyer angle?
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14 February 2009
This movie was god-awful. I tried my best and even had FREE tickets. After nearly 45 minutes of near complete silence save for one chuckle, the audience didn't seem to enjoy this movie anymore than I did. Its shame because of the collective talent in the cast, but the script really killed this movie. It tried to hard to be cute and relevant.

You know you are witnessing a train wreck when the best scenes were the lame scenes from the PREVIEWS. :-( I'm from B-more and really wanted to support a movie set in my hometown but this was just not funny. I didn't feel sympathy for the main character, I wanted her to get hit by a bus.
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Alex & Emma (2003)
The perfect cure for insomnia
24 August 2004
I watched this movie on a day off from work early in the morning. It was so boring it nearly put me back to sleep. This is billed as a romantic comedy, yet there is nothing romantic or comedic about it. I can't think of two more annoying characters, so when the "romance" eventually danced into the movie, I couldn't have cared less. Perhaps it was because I was in a coma by then. This was, by far, the worst Rob Reiner movie I have ever seen. I didn't become a fan of Katie Hudson or Luke Wilson based on their performances. With a contrieved and ridiculous plot, boring characters, there is little to look forward to in this film. Avoid it all cost. This movie could be the cure for insomnia.
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The Bad Seed (1985 TV Movie)
Dreadful Remake
3 March 2004
Why not leave a classic alone unless you can actually improve it? The little girl reminds me of a robot reciting her lines and lacks the believability of a "scary" murderous child. Additionally the changes in the script for updating purposes actually work AGAINST the story line not for it. For example, one of the charms of the original was the fact that any violence was left out of the view of the camera and to the viewers imagination. This version includes a visually graphic depiction of the little Miss Penmark's actions. Why bother to partially update the story instead of making a movie based on the original and using more "modern" and original ideas?
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Not So Funny
12 April 2003
The previews were so funny that I couldn't wait to see this movie. I just got home and I have to say I couldn't have been more embarrassed at this movie. Yes there were times where the jokes were funny, but the stereotypical roles were painful. Joan Plowright is a fine actress but the scene with the "negro spiritual" was just in poor taste. Needless to say the laughs were few and far between in the movie house for a largely white crowd (I was one of a very small handful of blacks).
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8 February 2003
This movie was horrible and I am typically a fan of James Bond movies. I have to say, this movie caused me to do something I have never done in a movie theater - fall asleep. I don't know what was more painful - watching Pierce Brosnan, past his prime as Bond or Halle Barry, prance instead of act her way thru a character. I just wished this movie had Died quicker and gave with my money back.
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