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Good for a few laughs
26 February 2024
Anyone who eases this a 1 is a bigot. Anyone who rates this a 10 ought to see more movies.

It's truly a shame that this website/app IMDb has been taken over by a bunch of insecure baby men who are threatened by anyone other than straight cis white dudes. Review-bombing this movie (and other entertainment headlined by women or telling diverse/gay stories) is a hobby reserved for the weakest of individuals.

But it's also a shame that this movie is only a subpar outing in the Coen filmography. It has all the right ingredients and despite being edited to its bare skeleton, it's hollow. But funny! And entertaining.
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30 Rock: Queen of Jordan (2011)
Season 5, Episode 17
24 January 2024
Three stars for "my single 'My Single Is Dropping' is dropping"

One star for some of the background gags.

But literally everything else is trash. The reality show parody was obnoxious when it originally aired and it's even more obnoxious in 2024.

The sexual abuse storyline was downright insulting. The gay jokes are lazy and also insulting. 30 Rock is often risqué and spares no one, but this episode punches down.

It's just an unfunny episode of television. I suppose it's an interesting artifact from its era but it's a big miss for an otherwise excellent comedy series. Maybe they should've removed this episode instead of the Oprah episode.
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Sharper (2023)
Unbelievable predictable
15 December 2023
So you're telling me that this whole movie is about a bunch of con artists, and they don't expect the audience to suspect that the final act is all a con of its own?

It's a great cast and it's well directed and filmed and scored and all that but the worst crime a thriller movie can commit is to cut itself off at the knees and give away the game.

I'm struggling to think of a weaker third act of a movie I've watched in recent history. Sure, the con works on paper, but for the previous 90 minutes of the movie they established all of these characters as consummate liars and back stabbers. Really dropped the ball.
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Fun but bloated & messy
30 June 2023
It's fun at times! You'll laugh and be thrilled and feel nostalgic and enjoy your popcorn.

This would've been a great movie if they aggressively edited it down to a tight 90. But instead we get a bloated, overlong movie full of repetitive exposition scenes of dialog and too many bad CGI chase scenes.

During these drawn-out sequences were given plenty of time to realize that the plot makes no sense whatsoever and character motivations & allegiances change from scene to scene. You can tell this script went through loads of revisions and alterations.

Other good things: the cast is great, the de-aging wasn't too distracting, and the movie avoided being overly saccharine and nostalgic. And no Shia LaBeouf.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 23: The Spies (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
'Great' story told in a 'good' way
12 April 2023
I enjoyed this episode but didn't love it. The story was exciting but the script, acting, and production leave much to be desired.

Now that Mando has lost its novelty - and unfortunately shed its samurai/western pastiche - its quality depends on its story, characters, and spectacle. It has spectacle aplenty, that's the good news.

This episode crams a season's worth of exposition and plot into a few flat monologues. It "tells" and doesn't "show". The story has substance but the storytelling lacks finesse.

As for the characters - the show puts the entire weight on Giancarlo Esposito and Katiee Sackoff's shoulders because everyone else is hidden behind a mask. It's difficult to emotionally connect with masked characters and the production is allergic to the subtle and intimate moments that show who these characters are inside their armor and inside their minds.

I'm mostly disappointed by "what could have been" which admittedly isn't entirely fair, but my time is valuable and I'd rather spend it watching truly great entertainment.
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Classic but imperfect Connery-era Bond
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part I really enjoy this movie. The plot is an intriguing espionage caper, the acting is great, production is top quality and a vast improvement from Dr. No.

Watching in 2023 requires appreciation that filmmaking was wildly different 60 years ago - some of the effects and action scenes show their age. They don't detract from my enjoyment, but they are quite noticeable.

My biggest criticism is unfortunately that the writing (and possibly editing is to blame here too) suffers from a lot of glaring plot holes. For example, why would Red Grant tell Bond his actual escape plan, and why would Bond choose to follow it? There are a few weird moments that are easy to ignore when vibin' but fall apart on any amount of scrutiny.

Again - enjoyable movie!
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"I have news from outer space"
14 March 2023
I've read all the Fleming books and seen all the movies. "You Only Live Twice" is a weird one.

The plot of the movie is surprisingly straightforward (yet completely ridiculous) - someone is stealing spacecraft in orbit. It's ambitious for 1967 and many of the effects are great, while others haven't stood the test of time.

In the first act of the movie the culprit is traced to Japan and the rest of the movie is Bond preparing to infiltrate the lair. The movie is far more interested in showcasing 'exotic' Japanese culture than sending Bond on a world trotting adventure. Which is fine in theory but the movie is too horny for its own good - Bond eschews his typical charm for downright crass perversion.

It has all the stereotypical elements of an early Bond movie - which is fun in its own right - but is a pretty flimsy spy thriller outside of those trappings.
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Thunderball (1965)
A Bond movie that finds time to breathe
10 March 2023
There are a lot of silly elements to this Bond movie, but there's far more to enjoy.

It's a straightforward story with a few convenient beats for Bond (he's practically magic anyway) but the more interesting parts of the story are when he fails. He drops his gun, he gets stuck in a few places, etc. Connery plays it all great: charming, frustrated, concerned, clever.

The underwater scenes are absolutely awesome: 60 years later they still took great. The movie takes time to appreciate the beauty of the Caribbean, and the "slow" scenes serve to illustrate how foreign the underwater world is to humans. The action is frenetic and messy, the violence is visceral and frightening.

It's a 60s era Bond so it suffers from some stereotypical women characters, but while Domino and Fiona are sexual objects for Bond they also have some autonomy outside any man's control.
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Dr. No (1962)
Good for a completionist, but a thin movie
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen every Bond movie multiple times, and I'm finally getting around to rating each for my future reference.

I've seen Dr. No five or six times and it's the same as I remember it: some incredibly iconic moments but mostly dreadfully dull scenes. The story is a 1:1 retelling of the book. It was a thin book and it's a thin movie. It's a must-watch for a completionist but a must-skip for anyone wanting to genuinely enjoy their two hours.

From a filmmaking perspective it's a solid movie from 1962: Great cinematography, great music, great acting (from the important roles), good costumes, and good sets.

From a storytelling perspective it falls short. The story is a bit too sparse - Bond more-or-less just serendipitously wanders his way through the plot. The dinner between Dr. No and Bond is interesting enough but the action that follows is just dull.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 6: The Prisoner (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Paper-thin and cheesy but entertaining
2 February 2023
This ep is like a Saturday morning cartoon: cheesy but entertaining. It's fine but could've been great.

The Mandalorian isn't trying to tell complex stories, rather it allows us to just explore parts of the Star Wars universe not seen before - with a bit of blaster fire. It's OK to tell an super simple story - but this episode falls short because of some bad production decisions.

The individual acting performances are all fine, but edited together they're disconnected and mismatched. Bill Burr by himself is great, but the rest of the ensemble drags him down. Richard Ayoade has a perfect droid voice but his costume and movements are laughably cheap - like a bad 1960s episode of Dr. Who.

The cinematography and editing are film studies 101 basic. We should expect more from such an expensive series told by industry veterans. Most of the episode is just characters stalking around hallways - there are ways to make this tense and exciting but this episode fails to do so.
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Great production and acting, bad script
6 October 2022
There's a lot to appreciate about this movie: the acting, the visuals (sets, costumes, effects), the action and dancing choreography, the score. Even the high-level story is interesting, as are most of the individual characters arcs. I can also appreciate the the themes the movie explores, namely 'what is strength?' and 'responsibility vs. Revenge'.

Unfortunately the whole is less than the sum of its parts, and the script is to blame. A lot is predictable due to on-the-nose foreshadowing, and the rest is formulaic.

If the directing, cinematography, and editing were all a bit more daring it might've masked the weak script, but unfortunately those were all pretty straightforward and formulaic as well.

I really wanted to love this movie, and I enjoyed the time I spent in the cinema watching it, but it's a flawed movie, therefore 6/10.
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30 Rock: Believe in the Stars (2008)
Season 3, Episode 2
Worth finding the DVD for
4 October 2022
Liz talks about Oprah a lot in the first 2 seasons, so this episode is a big moment for the show and for her character. This episode is very funny, features some legitimate character development for a few folks, and actually takes time to explore a few political and ethical subjects.

It's odd that this episode was removed from streaming solely because it includes blackface. Yes, they could've told the same story without blackface, and yes the blackface exists for humor. But in my perception the reaction by the others characters - pure repulsion and an explanatory of how hurtful blackface is - is a fair way to handle the story. There's more screentime dedicated to talking about how offensive blackface is than actual blackface on screen. I wouldn't call it 'educational' but it takes a firm stance against it.

I found a copy of 30 Rock season 3 at my library, and for folks who want a complete watch I recommend you find this episode.

And now I have to go reflect because I think I just defended blackface. Maybe I've been watching too much Jack Donaghy.
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Frustrating episode
27 September 2022
I hate myself for saying this, but the episode was... filler. With the exception of Elrond and Durin, nearly no significant story development occurs. For an 8-episode season, I expected more momentum by the end of the 5th episode.

The showrunners are building characters for a multi-season show, unfortunately at the expense of this fundamentally important first season. If we look at comparable other series of sprawling casts: Game of Thrones, Lost, Deadwood, and Friday Night Lights managed to balance world-building, and character development while simultaneously progressing the story.

Instead of story progression and captivating action we get character development, but I find it to be pretty underwhelming despite the grandiose score and melodramatic acting. Instead of telling us why we need to care about these characters through labored dialog, please show us! We hit a point of diminishing returns in episode 4, and episode 5 results in frustration.

I'm optimistic for this show. There are interesting characters in interesting situations. I just hope the writers can deliver on the opportunity.
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The X-Files: Space (1993)
Season 1, Episode 9
Coast to coast
20 September 2022
It's an okay episode of a great show. But skippable.

I enjoy tv/movies as a product of their era and budget. The X-Files had a shoestring budget, so the bad effects are forgivable.

What's not forgivable is this episode is a 10, maybe 15 minute story stretched to 45 minutes. And in that extra time they give Mulder and Scully nothing to do - no debates about folklore, no real peril to escape, and certainly no meaningful philosophical discussions about science vs. Faith.

I'm also detracting a point because the most monsters are a reflection of our real fears and problems. Sure, if you squint your eyes you can see an allegory for NASA funding, but it's far too thin.
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Enjoying it, it's harmless
9 September 2022
I understand it's fruitless to argue with grouchy internet fanboys, but here goes.

I've seen all the MCU movies & TV shows and I find zero reason for the vitriol and ire for She-Hulk. It's not going to win any awards but I do find it entertaining as a lighthearted comedy, simple legal show, and superhero TV series.

I knew it was panned by vocal fans so I went in with low expectations but genuinely laughed several times (which is good, as it's a sitcom.)

Sure the CGI is a bit weak but who cares, we're already suspending our disbelief that the MCU is plausible. I will say that it's the actors that hold up the entire show, everyone in every role is committed and delivers great performances.
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Lightyear (2022)
It's fine
7 August 2022
A fun concept but ho-hum script. A cookie cutter movie, surprisingly lacking the typical Pixar excellence. The characters and actors keep the movie afloat and there are enough successful gags. A watch-once, glad I waited until it was on D+
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Funny but skippable
26 July 2022
Streaming services removed this episode due to blackface, so I dusted off my DVD collection. It's a good episode of Sunny - you will laugh - but ultimately skippable. Season 4 is incredibly strong and the omission of "ANTPBMC" actually makes the season stronger as a whole.

Dennis and Frank's storyline is the highlight of the episode. 'America's Next Top Model' is a dated reference at this point but it's comedy gold whenever Denis falls victim to his insecurities.

Mac's storyline is amusing but 'The Bachelor' has been parodied to death and this take offers little new.

Dee and Charlie's storyline - a commentary on attempting to become "internet famous" - has some amusing moments but is weakly executed. The humor is supposed to revolve around "Dee is blind to how egregiously racist these characters are" but the real egregious issue is that it's not funny. A big swing for a very small payoff. Luckily for us, years later the show will find a funnier and more appropriate way to tackle blackface and Dee's racist characters.

Overall - worth watching if you have access but not worth investing in the DVDs or pirating.
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Classic Steve Martin hijinks
18 May 2022
Steve Martin, Diane Keaton and Martin Short are outstanding in this film, each a master at their unique type of comedy.

The villain of the movie is Annie. The movie shows unlimited (yet at many time frustrated) love and support from her parents but she seems determined to make her engagement and wedding as horrible of an event as possible.
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Terrifically acted but overstuffed in the editing room
8 March 2022
Nightmare Alley - written and directed by Guillermo del Toro based on the 1946 book and 1947 film of the same name.

The movie starts with Bradley Cooper working at a freak show carnival in the late 1930s and after 150 long minutes it turns out the movie is as paper-thin as a carnival barker hawking a sideshow act.

I'm tired of saying "the movie was too long" but it's impossible to review this movie without acknowledging how unnecessarily long it is. I could've easily cut 30, maybe even 60 minutes out of this movie and it would've been more exciting and emotional. This chaff is the worst kind of excess: full scenes of dialog and blocking that don't actually progress the story or develop the characters.

Del Toro has always dialed the aestethic and pastiche to 11, and Alley is no different. It's a visually beautiful movie, even when the scene is graphically violent. But the movie worships the noir genre to the degree where style far exceeds substance: That's a beautiful Art Deco building, but did we need a full tour of it? Did we need a scene of Bradley Cooper smoking a cigarette while reading a letter, only to re-hash the letter in dialog in the next scene, then (I kid you not) yet again in the following scene?

The acting is phenomenal from the entire cast, and Bradley Cooper deserves some recognition. There are a few astounding scenes between him and others that make the movie worth watching, it's a shame the movie loses momentum between them.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Terrorist Attack (2002)
Season 3, Episode 5
Uneven, but great final act
14 February 2022
The conceit of the episode is very funny, but the handling is a bit mismanaged. The writers struggled with balancing the seriousness of terrorist threats while also keeping the show funny. If it were made nowadays in the 2020s, it would've been a complex episode looking into the character's fears and relationships, but instead it's more or less a "safe" episode of Curb. The emotional payoff is muddled.

The second half of the episode is very strong, with some great Larry moments and hilarious final scene.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Baptism (2001)
Season 2, Episode 9
Dated, but still hilarious.
9 February 2022
The specifics of air travel are outdated - a crazy reminder of pre-9/11 life - but the unease and unhelpfulness of the airline industry is as true as ever. Leads to a brilliantly funny second half of the episode. Cheryl has some outstanding moments in this episode, too.
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PEN15 (2019–2021)
Very funny, very heartfelt
28 January 2022
They'll hook you with on-the-nose nostalgia comedy but the genuine love between the two weirdos Maya and Anna will make you want more.

The first season is very funny and straightforward, one of the best comedy seasons I've ever watched. Season two is less comedic and tells some deeply personal stories. The season two (and as of now, series) finale is a very fitting send-off for the show and the characters. Will be a good rewatch in a few years!
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PEN15: Yuki (2021)
Season 2, Episode 11
A good short film, but a miss for Pen15
12 January 2022
It's a really well made 30 minute French New Wave inspired story. Full of heart and provides a lot of depth to a character who is usually overshadowed by everyone around her. (Which is the point of the episode.)

But it's a bit of a disappointment as a Pen15 episode. I know there's a trend in TV comedies to have one episode per season explore a tertiary character - Dave and Mythic Quest have some amazing examples - but for me this episode doesn't scratch the itch I expect from the series. Pen15 is side-splittingly funny, even at it's more brutal and most tender. But this episode trades the comedy for a character study.

I can appreciate it for what it is, but I have to give it a 6/10 for its context as an episode of the overall series.
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It's the ninth F&F movie, what do you expect?
31 December 2021
Of course it breaks every law of physics and of course it's completely unrealistic, but by the ninth outing you know the heightened reality of this universe is ridiculous.

One of the weakest in the franchise but still a thrill ride with a few surprises.
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Ted Lasso: Carol of the Bells (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
Overly sappy
12 October 2021
Ted Lasso has been on the cusp of too feel-good at the expense of relatability, and this episode goes over the edge. Sure, it's a sugary sweet Christmas episode with a decent few stories, but it's low stakes and doesn't develop any characters.

It doesn't progress the season story forward, so it's skippable. I'm glad others seem to be enjoying it!
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