
2 Reviews
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Tarantino's Best
10 June 2006
I saw this movie for the first time when I was in college--at the time it was one of the few movies I had seen more than once in the theatre. Since then, it has remained one of my favorite movies of all time. The script, editing, directing, and cinematography are all top notch, and the acting reaches heights of excellence. John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis--all of these individuals are excellent actors at any time, but this movie truly highlights their talents. I especially enjoy Jackson in this movie--more so than in any other. The people who are hung up on the violence and profanity in this movie simply miss the point--this movie is meant for those with an open mind, a great sense of humor, and a true appreciation of cinematic excellence. Clearly, this movie's detractors should stay home and watch "Seventh Heaven".
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The Tall Men (1955)
I don't even like westerns. . .
10 June 2006
and I liked this movie quite a bit. Jane Russel was great--she definitely was the reason I stayed on AMC while I was flipping through the channels on my TV set. This didn't strike me as the typical western--there were very few shoot outs and more character development and beautiful scenery than I had expected. The three major characters were well fleshed out and interesting, although the more minor ones were often one-dimensional and sometimes hackneyed. Jane Russel's character was a strong-spoken woman who at times is a bit putting off because of her appearance as a gold digger, but this simply adds to the multiple dimensions of her character. Although she may not be consistently likable, she is sympathetic nonetheless, and makes the movie worth watching. I do recommend this movie--perhaps not to fans of westerns, but to anyone who likes old fashioned love stories with interesting and believable characters.
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