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The movie we need for 2020
16 December 2020
What should I write about Wonder Woman 1984? The unique and breath-taking choreograph and action sequence inspired by Cirque du Soleil? How Ms Gal Gadot is perfect for the role? She is strong, determined, heroic and beautiful, you just can't take your eyes off her. Should I commend the skilful direction of Ms Patty Jenkins? Who portrays female power so well? This is not a good year for movies, and also movie fans. First, cinema closure. Then, many movies are forced to push back their screening dates. Will the experience of big screen be finally replaced by streaming companies? I really hope not. After the release of wonder woman in streaming, we know that a perfectly clear digital copy will be available on the web, and this will affect the box office of Wonder Woman 1984 somehow, even diminishing the efforts of Ms Gadot, Ms Jenkins and the entire movie production team who have worked hard for this movie. But let me assure you that no digital copy can replace your experience in the movie theatre. This is a chaotic year, but with the vaccine in the horizon, I believe hope will prevail once again. In this chaotic year, we need a movie like Wonder woman 1984.This movie had brought me into a journey to another world, and let me lost in this world happily. This movie has reminded me how I love movies as a kid and shows me there is hope if we still believe. If you share this love for the movies and are still a believer, go and watch it.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Do you still believe….?..........
21 May 2015
The world is coming to an end, mankind polluting the environment till a point that Mother Nature gets angry and retaliates, people killing other innocent people in the name of misinterpreted beliefs, we claimed the world as if it is our own and waste natural resources as if there is no tomorrow….is there still a future for us? Or we are just walking towards our inevitable destruction? I wandered into tomorrowland when I was feeling very down and tired, but I am so glad I have "touched the badge". I think Mr Brad Bird still has the heart of a child, and it takes the heart and eyes of a child to understand the message of the movie. The message is so simple and basic, but our innocence is lost to this complex adult world. Sometimes we forget to dream, we forget to believe….We have forgotten that in order to have a future, a tomorrow, we ourselves have to believe, and to step forward to make a difference…… When the movie had ended, the sky had already darkened. I step outside and the skyline was obstructed by skyscrapers and neon lights. But in the midst of all these, I am glad that I can still see a few stars shining brightly, refusing to submit to the darkness. I gazed at them quietly and remembered that I have forgotten to look at the stars for such a long time…… If you still have a heart of a child, if you are willing, touch the badge I have handed to you, let me hold your hand and let's fly into tomorrowland together ,mankind can still have future if you are willing to step up and make a difference…….. I still believe…….
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3096 Tage (2013)
The human spirit cannot be kept captive
3 September 2013
I have watched this movie about 2 months ago and was surprised that no one has submitted a review for it yet. In my personal opinion, I think that we should not focus on the saucy news or inappropriate statements made by the cast of the movie as this will wrongly divert our attention from the movie. All movies, whether artistic or commercial, should be viewed as an independent work. I have not read the book but I am sure it was an extraordinary story and to bring it to screen would be a challenge. I am glad the director did it skilfully, not focusing on the abuse of the victim but on her thoughts and feelings. The perpetrator has tried various means to make her give up the hope on freedom, but the human spirit just cannot be kept captive. As humans, we all long for freedom, this is engraved into the deepest part of our soul and nothing can change that, that is why we write books, poems ,composed symphonies ,build monuments and even free a nation. Some shots of the movie let the audience perceive the world through the victim's eyes, and even her thoughts and dreams, you can clearly see although there is so little that she can see, all these glimpse of the world have gradually built up her inner strength. The drastic weight loss of the actress adds a level of realism for the movie and her nakedness make a lot of audience quiver in fear to imagine how much abuse she has taken.
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Cold Eyes (2013)
A terrific thriller which will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish
30 August 2013
I am lucky enough to attend a premiere of Cold Eyes. Without any expectation or prior knowledge of the movie ,I was drawn into the movie within 10 minutes. I do not want to spoil the movie for anyone but if you are into terrific Korean thrillers like Man from nowhere, The Chaser etc., Cold eyes is definitely for you. The characters are vivid, the action is exciting and heart pounding, the fight scenes are well choreographed and believable, the cat and mouse tracking between the detectives and the villains will keep you on the edge of your seat. The jokes are natural and laughable too, which are inserted at the correct points of the movie to create a tense and loosen effect, catching hold of the audience and letting go a while when necessary. Go and watch it, it is well worth your time. Hollywood productions, better buck up as Korea movies are coming strong.
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The Smurfs 2 (2013)
Fun for the whole family
30 July 2013
When I was invited to the gala premiere of smurfs 2,I have my reservations about the movie.After ten minutes into the movie I have decided to discard all prejudices and just enjoyed the movie.I do not wish to spoil the movie so I will not go too much into the plot.But I truly enjoy the adventure with the children in the theaters as laughter filled the whole cinema.The characters are lovable and cute,even the evil ones have sparks of cuteness in them.The effects are well done,the golden waves on Smurfette's hair make me understand why she is so well loved by other smurfs.There are many scenes intended to be watched in 3-D,the jokes are funny ,and the adventures bring you through a journey from start till the end.I love the beautiful scenes in Paris too.If you can throw away your adult nature for two hours and choose to believe that smurf village truly exist,go and watch this movie.If you have very young children who enjoys cartoons and a nice adventure,do bring them along.Please stay for the whole credits out of respect for all the hard work of the cast and crew who make this movie possible and you will be rewarded with a surprise stinger after the credits.Enjoy the movie.
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