
15 Reviews
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I really loved this one
1 May 2024
I haven't seen many German movies. I liked some of them, others were just fair. This one is really good and smart. It's one of those movies which makes you smile at the end. Although the end and many actions may seem predictable for many experienced viewers, the movie is witty and funny. The devil's daughter has to turn someone good into a bad person, and then her father sends her to the house of a very kind naive and silly girl who does not have a boyfriend. Right at the beginning, you can see that the bad girl willl have a hard time trying to turn that sweet girl into a wicked one. There's never a boring part. The pace is good and entertainement. It's just worth every piece of your time. Much better than a lot of nice American romcoms.
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Funny, but not brillant
24 February 2024
When this movie was made Leandro Hassum was really famous with a comedy show named "Os Caras de Pau" (Bare Faced Guys) and Ancine (Film Brazilian Agency) was investing a lot of money on good comedies. The problem is that even though this movie contains a lot of typical Brazilian jokes, it is still a copycat of American comedies. The plot is interesting showing Faustino (Hassum) going broke for wasting a lot of money, what is very common among the Brazilian culture. Then he wins the lottery and can do whatever he wants while he assures his wife that now he can handle money with responsibility. The audience already knows that he is going to spend money like crazy and get into trouble, I can tell you that you can laugh a lot with this flick, but that's all. There is nothing original that you have not seen on the average American comedies.
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Not good, not terrible
24 February 2024
A clever lottery ticket seller is run over by the car of Sílvio, a bohemian student son of a millionaire. The latter, as he had been drinking, takes him to his house to try to work things out quickly but the lottery ticket takes advantage of the situation. I confess I only watched this movie because.the leading lady (Rita Cleos) was Samantha Steven's voice (Elizabeth Montgomery) on Brazilian dubbing version of the American sitcom Bewitched. The movie starts with a good conflict and a funny relationship between father and daughter, but then the story is lost with carnival and dancing. There are enjoyable parts and some hilarious characters, but the plot is poor.
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Chispita (1982–1983)
A good 80s Mexican soup
27 August 2023
I loved this show. It is a story of a tenage girl, Isabel, who is adopted by a rich man in order to cheer up his daughter, Lili, who had been miserable after losing her mother. The soap opera is very dynamic in the beginning then after the first 60 episodes, its pace gets a little slow. Nevertheless, the main actress Lucero is brillant and play a cheerful and creative tenager. I consider this Mexican version better than its Argentinian original Andrea Celeste. The plot has few changes. In both Andrea Celeste and Chispita, there is the housekeeper who is in love of the rich man' s son and Lili's private teacher who picks on Chispita.
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Engel (2020)
Cute and fun
21 November 2021
The setting and landscape in this movie are just beautiful. The young actors are very good. Having a fantasy idea for a movie is not enough. You have to develop and structure the story, and this movie does it well. Worth watching for kids and adults too.
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Work of Art
19 October 2021
Soap Operas or telenovelas as we say in Spanish tend to be shallow, though this one is deep and a materpiece. The children actors are superb especially Ludwika Paleta, Flor Gurrola and Gael Garcia. The direction is very well done. Although it is a series for children, there are a lot of adult topics like cheating, fraud and law terms. That's good because you can enjoy it as a child and an adult. That is not a silly childish series. There is art, it makes you think and the adult cast is full of stars. I must have watched it four times and with Cuna de Lobos, I think it is the best Mexican soap opera ever made!
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Knives Out (2019)
Good, but with dark intentions behind
9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story is good and imaginative although it cannot come even near the best Agatha Christie's plot. A bad thing on this movie is the explicit and steryotipal political view as it intends to attack the right wing with some twisted ideas that some progressive people have about most of conservative. It is a pity and really petty from the writers who could have made a good movie without any stain on it.
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Recontraloca (2019)
Laughing out loud all the time!
26 September 2021
That was the first time I've watched a film from Peru, and it has been a positive surprise! I believe you are going to laugh more only if you have gone through most of the main character's problems. The script is well structured, the satire of certain kind of people is intelligent and the main actress is excellent. I don't know how much attention this movie was given, because it is a latin American film and these productions don't always have the grades they deserve on IMDB. In my opinion, it has been one of the best comedies I have ever seen, very similar to some of Jim Carey's golden movies!
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It Boy (2013)
22 August 2021
A fair good French comedy. Not very good, not very bad. The main actress is gorgeous and you don't believe a single minute she is 38, but the difference gap works well in the movie. I would recommend it for a cold night. If you don't have a lot of expectations, c'est marrant (you'll have fun!)
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Fun movie despite its political message
4 July 2021
I usually despise movies that try to promote a political agenda and unfortunately this one does it a little. However, it is a fun, feel good movie and the other non poltical health message is beautiful.
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The Black Widow Killer (2018 TV Movie)
Good Thriller
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The name of this movie in Brazilian Portuguese is Suspecious Past which is much better than the original one. The mystery and tension are good and I am lucky I didn't see the movie poster before watching the film because it looks a spoiler to me. I don't know why the producers chose that one.
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So so
14 November 2020
It starts very well then the movie gets boring and slow, finally the end is a little interesting. I would not recommend it for those who are looking for something new, but if you are curious of Mexican habits and customs you could enjoy this movie.
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Spanish Movie (2009)
Believe the reviews: it is bad!
7 November 2020
I usually do not give up watching a movie when I get more than 60 per cent of it, but I could not go on after 50 minutes lenght. The begining is kind of funny, but afterwards it gets boring, tasteless and unfunny. I only saw negative reviews here and I gave the movie a shot anyway. Please don't be as naive as I was and pick out something better.
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Pups United (2015)
1 November 2020
It is silly and childish, but very cute story for those who love soccer and puppies. There are some nice gags and the usual clumsy thieves present in family comedy flicks. Worth watching with your kid.
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Touching and Funny
23 August 2020
The movie has some flaws, the plot is not original, but it contains funny and touching parts. I have seen many Mexican comedies. This has been one of the best ones. Worth watching on a Saturday night.
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