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Hellboy (2004)
Even Demons Get the Blues
4 April 2004
I just saw this movie and I have to say that I really liked it. I like the fact that Hellboy, although a demon, is very human, and really wants nothing more than to make out with his girl and drink some beer :). The casting choices in this movie were excellent!

I also really like that this movie did not use CGI like crazy. They could have easily used CGI for the character of Hellboy, kind of like the Hulk, but instead, they chose good old masks and makeup, which made me very happy.

Overall, just a great movie. Made me laugh, made me cry. I think this movie could be enjoyed by nearly anyone, even people who don't really like comic book movies. The only thing the movie left me wondering about is, what happened that to FBI boss that H.B. was with and then left to get Liz and John and fight the monsters? Other than that, this movie gets a thumbs up.
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A great and very misunderstood movie
31 October 2002
So many people do not like this movie simply because they do not understand it. First of all, yes the movie is full of stereotypes, but that's the point. They're there to show how ridiculous these stereotypes really are and to show that in the end, you cannot change who you are, you just have to learn to accept it and get the people around you to accept you. Second, some stereotypes that I've heard people notice really weren't there. I don't think anywhere in the movie did they try to make Christians look stupid (hey, the homophobic Christians are pretty good at making themselves look stupid WITHOUT help). Okay maybe Megan's comment about "God is good, God is straight - hey that's pretty good," but still, I think sometimes people LOOK for something to be offended by. I think this movie does make fun of many straight people, who claim that gays are recruiting, when it is actually the other way around (as one can see by the existence of True Directions, and in the fact that when Megan asks them to teach her to be a lesbian, they tell her that they can't do that). All in all, this is a great movie and I really enjoyed it! As for people who didn't, hey, you're allowed to not like it, but if it is for reasons that really don't seem warranted, maybe you should give But I'm a Cheerleader another look.
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