
8 Reviews
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Suspicion (2022)
starts out OK but becomes sloppy
11 July 2023
Combined with some pretty poor acting, sound quality- a lot of mumbling, and many of the characters not being believable, what they do and why, the movie is like a grand effort where they just could not pull it off the paper. Plus the ending is just ridiculous, a big let own after suffering the slow confusing mess for 8 episodes.

Some of the characters are interesting. But Uma is not at all believable in her drab outfits and subdued demeanor, she looks more like a cleaning lady who came to visit the site.

The primary villain is great.

The dialogue quality is poor, at least for older people and in this movie the accents add to the problem. Had to change my sound settings, and put on subtitles, but those disappear in 1 second during fast dialogue so I had to replay way too many times.
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One sided story telling - why come out now?
5 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Two middle aged men who felt scorned and betrayed by MJ but coming out now 10 years after MJ death with detailed moment by moment descriptions of their relationship with MJ.

They never had the guts to tell anyone before the #Me Too movement, but now all public figures are at risk of getting these sex abuse allegations thrown at them, I guess hoping something will stick and pour the money in.

A family willing to move from one continent to another, live in an apartment rather than in their own home, leave their husband/father behind, just to be close to MJ? WOW. I think the mothers were just as infatuated with MJ as the boys were. I'm sorry but I cannot understand how the parents went along with this nonsense - hours and hours of talking on the phone, the overnight visits leaving their child to sleep with a grown up man. Unbelievable.

The only shocking NEW information these stories reveal - being fully and 100% true and well documented here - is the stupidity of these parents involved in these extremely strange relationships. The parents should have understood it was not mentally healthy for their young boys to think they were soooo special at such a young age; they should have understood that Micheal would not continue the intensity of these friendships once the boys were older because MJ himself was like a 9 year old. Of course these boys would only be disappointed and heartbroken in the end. The parents should have realized that since MJ was drawn to young children FOR WHATEVER REASON to such a very bizarre extent, it would not end well for their sons no matter what was happening in the bedroom.

This documentary did not make me any more convinced of MJ's innocence or guilt. But I think naive parents should see this movie for what it is: a great example of how NOT to raise your children, and how dangerous idol worship is. Children need boundaries for their mental health. My take is that this is a movie made for money by to two bitter, scorned men. I hope they feel better and get the help they need.
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Wentworth (2013–2021)
LOVE this - can't get enough! Each season a real treat!
25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's amazing how the writers can keep this interesting, season after season! The characters are so real I forget it's TV. Love the Aussie dialect!T And I love the surprises at the endings of the season. Serason 5 did not disappoint. I watch Hulu and NetFlix because they are bringing these non-US shows to TV, these are so refreshingly different from what we usually see. I also like a lot of the EU and Turkish shows - excellent entertainment, worthy of binging!
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Bloodline (2015–2017)
Loved the first two seasons but this season 3 sucks!
31 May 2017
I really had a great time watching the first 2 seasons! The plot, the location, the characters were novel and quite believable. Then came final season and what happened? The season turned out to be sloppy and messy, kind of all over the place like the writers did not know where they were going. Too slow and not much anything happening, boring to the very end. Stylewise I also hated it. The whole last season could have been summed up better in a single episode, not wasting my time for hours. I want to encourage Netflix to create ORIGINAL programming, but please.... do less experimenting!
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American Crime (2015–2017)
Why was this series renewed for another pretty boring season?
4 February 2016
I struggle to watch the first season and was really surprised to see it renewed while some other, better series were dropped. This is too much dialogue and "character development" with too little happening. It's like watching paint dry, especially now after I finished watching last season of Homeland on Showtime. There is one piece of evidence (DNA) which has not been explained yet, or did I miss it? The story is partly ripped from the headlines - I hate to watch reruns. I don't know if this season will end any better than the last one, but that is the reason I guess why they make this series. This kind of series of the 1% taking advantage of the poor is just too easy and predictable.
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Velvet (2013–2016)
Powerful, addicting with awesome characters and great acting
18 January 2015
As a period piece, drama, and budget TV series this is time well spent. All the characters are excellent, the story is intriguing (if you just go along without analyzing some parts of the plot line.)

Ana and Roberto look like a genuine couple. Their past history makes them seem authentic even while they come from different social circles. As a female viewer I felt close to "Ana" much more than I usually relate to movie roles.

I'm waiting on edge to see what happens next season. How long will the wait be? I saw this on NetFlix in USA, and hope they add new episodes soon.
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The Departed (2006)
Action movie, with the good guys and bad guys exposed right away
18 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was predictable, even the ending. Acting was excellent and made the movie enjoyable. Directing was OK, but editing was at times choppy. I enjoyed watching the movie even while it had no value other than for entertainment. Good cops vs bad cops. With so much death I kept thinking of Pulp Fiction....

If this is the routine work of police at these type of jobs I wonder what type of people are drawn to it. The jobs certainly would not be for for the peaceful, live-and-let-live people I seem to know. I don't personally know any cops and wonder how much of this movie's carieer presentations can be considered to be accurate.
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A must see!
30 November 2006
I wish this movie could be on every TV station for 24hrs every day until we change what we are doing.

The movie would be improved by cutting out scenes with Al Core looking out various windows. The Bush/Gore election scenes could also be removed to avoid making any political references. Also, if you don't like Al Gore, don't ignore the message because of the messenger.

My views of Al Gore have greatly improved due to his excellent presentation. No wooden or cowboy style here. Too bad he did not make this movie before his failed election campaign. He comes across as an excellent spokesman, intelligent, witty, ethical, and responsible. His role in history will be far greater as a spokesman for this cause than as a president of a nation which is rapidly loosing the respect of the international community.

The fact that New Orleans will be rebuilt at the same place where it was destroyed is totally irresponsible. If Mother Nature takes a house away, no rebuilding should be allowed unless the house is rebuilt to withstand another disaster, with possibly greater impact.

The "2K problems", which were predicted, never happened. But those predictions were based on faulty technical understanding of how oil, electricity, water, and food is produced and delivered. Now the fault in thinking is that Mother Nature will fix this, or other people will change.
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