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Road House (2024)
Gyllenhaal has finally slipped into C-movies.
25 March 2024
It seems that for a male actor this age is one of the most fruitful periods of his career, but Gyllenhaal demonstrates exactly the opposite. Instead of gaining weight as an actor and reputation, he starred in increasingly cheap and base films for the needs of the most primitive part of the population.

Although, against the backdrop of Jennifer Lawrence, who at the most fruitful 33 years for the actress slipped into the same trash movies, Gyllenhaal was able to last in the film business on a high note for 10 years more.

Where have the smart scripts gone, or at least those with which you can watch Hollywood crafts without constant rewinding?

Who is this all aimed at? For stupid teenagers?

The choice of script and director is key for a career. It's hard to get up. It's easy to fall.

The director here is a fairly well-known creator of passable action films and "thrillers". But it is not he or the actors who determine the quality of the film, but the script. And the screenwriters here are from category C. Therefore, the film is category C, and an extremely cheap and stupid remake of an old film.

And what benefit does such Hollywood bring to civilization besides the pockets of interested parties? After all, you can entertain people and teach something useful. What will this craft teach children and "adults"?

RIP Jake. We will miss you as an actor of high repute. Now your films can simply be ignored.
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Poor Things (2023)
A rough sketch of the modern artificial de-evolution of human consciousness and the coming world of "awakened" generations. Of course, with an unshakable agenda...
1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The next heartbreaking pseudo-intellectual cries of cream, in the vacuum of individual and collective consciousness, are presented to the venerable public.

Bon appetit!

The fanciful world presented by the creators as "Victorian" is nothing more than a general idea of the near future, which was artificially molded in the crazy heads of the modern generation Z and partly millennials - people with an increasingly greater consciousness of children, in an adult body. The main character represents a transitional link between generations (an obvious allegory for the millennial generation and the Z generation entering "adult" life and making demands on the older generations), represented by the second "awakened", after the second stage of the "experiment" of the creators (an allegory for the generations that have grown up in the pre-Internet era). With all the delirium and clip-like (chaotic) nature of consciousness inherent in them (the majority), superficial thinking based on primitive quick pleasures, simple emotions, basic instincts, but not to the depth of a developed multi-layered mind and then complex feelings based on this intellectual mental base.

Those who created them as such, the layer of "creators", are terrible to look at and even more terrible inside (after all, the purpose of their experiments is monstrous). Who have always (in the history of mankind) been helped by "useful idiots" (if only they weren't around sensible and decent people), without any principles, but sadly or with stupid enthusiasm, doing all the dirty work for the «gentlemen»-creators of the next frankensteins and thereby, themselves representing nothing more than exactly the same terrible monsters, despite the completely decent appearance of active people. You understand who we are talking about, right?

"We were just doing the work assigned to us. Why should we be blamed? We have to live somehow... it's not of us! It's all them, there - on Olympus"!

I was quite bored while watching this creation, interspersed with rather tedious and extremely drawn-out, pointless and primitive constant repetitions of variations of animal scenes (obviously to add entertainment and show effect - otherwise the crowd would not watch at all) and cell scenes, as was approximately the case in general, it's boring to watch the feminist, extremely overrated "Barbie" (an even greater apotheosis of the absurdity of the commercialization of modern mass consciousness) or the same "Triangle of Sadness". Because they did not give me (and my layer) any new intellectual food, for new productive thoughts, which I did not already know and had not thought about in advance. And the authors of this creation were not able to do everything at least beautifully, elegantly and at the same time multi-layered cleverly, in order to provide a non-boring movie (when you don't look at the clock - when will it end?), with a solid aftertaste, for complex and productive thoughts about future, on for more than 2 hours of screen time. Another not very successful show stating the rather obvious primitization of new generations according to the patterns by the kleptocratic layer of past generations.

It was sad to observe the ambiguity of lamentations about the poor and unfortunate, somewhere below this artificial world, about the need for humanity and immediate help for the orphaned and wretched, unpretentiously, while taking away (stealing) money from the creators of the "World casino". Immediately with an instant curtsey on the screen about the pointlessness of these attempts, for the snickering layers of rich "ellois", since the alms will still go right away to the hungry beginners and the nimble, cunning and vile predators from the servants. Therefore, there seems to be no point in sharing. Let's leave everything as it is. This is the unpretentious simplest excuse for rich ghoul monsters. For some reason, in reality, sharing is always offered (and by force), not to these ghouls publicly (all sorts of "Gates", "Bezos"," Rothschilds", "Rockefellers"," Waltons", "Mars", "Kochs", "royal" families, etc., i.e. The "human foam", thus less than 0,01% of the population, which takes away the results of labor from the remaining 25% of the real productive layer on the planet, throwing scraps into the remaining crowd of "neo-lumpen", for the sake of their support, at the next pseudo-"elections"), but precisely the most active layer of the population, the productive (for the scientific and technical progress of civilization) part of the "middle class", which earns money through real, useful labor, in contrast to the financial/banking parasites and the same bureaucratic kleptocracy, which, like an octopus or a cancer, has entangled the whole world with its tentacles of total corruption and decline in morals, in the absence of powerful and merciless opposition. The authors of this creation declare on their behalf that charity, i.e. The qualitative distribution of the stolen results of labor should also be handled by certain representatives of the productive layer, and there is no need for the "ellios" to strain themselves,.

And this two-faced message comes from those, from the mouths of those very actors and creators fantasy who have never given even a little bit of big real money to help those in need in the world.

There's no question about serious sums for their own fat wallets, stuffed precisely thanks to the creation of primitive shows, to satisfy the primitive, animal needs of growing generations, adults with the brains of children, created according to their own patterns. Remember all these stupid franchises like Marvel.. Instead of the opportunity to truly change the world for the better, through hard personal intellectual work, for the possibility of positive changes in the civilization of people, and not the creation of a civilization of moral and mental monsters. Their charity is only exactly to the cynical extent that they are guaranteed to remain, at the same time, at the top of the human pyramid, which is increasingly built on artificial restrictions on the development of future generations. Otherwise, manipulation of the consciousness of an overly educated population becomes too heavy a burden for a narrow kleptocratic stratum. And they, Hollywood, contribute to this, rather than actively resisting it. Essentially a fictitious "war" against evil, but "lunch" is always strictly on schedule...

The result was another boring self-flagellation of the bohemian crowd of Hollywood and others like them. Which are elements of support for that same cynical and two-faced system, monstrous creators of new generations with the brains of a child in adult bodies, for the sake of profit and maintaining their own influence/power.

Casting of the main character is quite successful - her characteristic eyes and gaze emphasize the image of an unprincipled predator, literally from the era of neo-dinosaurs, a kind of "neo-raptor", which grabs the desired, simplest and visible target in the field of view, without complex motivation for decisions or complex emotions (on the face almost all the time there is an indifferent mask of a half-animal, and not a hard thinking person, torn from within by emotions, due to the many possible contradictory consequences of his decisions - for this you need to have a deep and versatile intellect/outlook) and assessment of long-term risks, going ahead towards the desired without unnecessary complicated thoughts. The motto of these new generations is "You are to blame for the fact that I want to eat." Assessing long-term implicit risks is not the job of new generations; they are simply unable to understand the long-term risks of their crazy actions. So far, in the background there are still the founding fathers, the "gods," who are still able to partially wipe away the crap behind these generations entering adulthood, which they also gave birth to with their monstrous experiments. But the old generations leave the stage and only the frankensteins they created remain...

And of course everything will end very sadly for them, these new generations, with an increasingly more primitive consciousness, in an adult body. The less effective collective efforts are, the more civilization loses to the forces of nature, which is inexorable.

The predictable end of the civilization of Homo Sapiens, which themselves led to the return to the stage of history, first of Homo Erectus, whose transitional representative was played by Emma, and then of representatives of the increasingly animal world (Margaret), still in the outer guise of a human. And again, with the active support of the masses of "useful idiots".

Well, the funny thing is that even in such a creation, a cry of despair in a vacuum of sanity, the modern "agenda" was strictly followed. Otherwise, this creation, by decision of these terrible creators, of such a world of the future, simply would not have been allowed on the screens. Everything goes on as usual, towards the end of human civilization. At the same time, the creators of this new world are as self-confident as possible in their monstrous actions, regardless of the already obvious and terrible consequences. But real nature, the Universe, is cruel and merciless, in the end, to everyone, without exception...

A curtain. Amen.
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Unconditional (IV) (2012)
Manipulation of facts with a clear agenda for humility and obedience on the part of Christian communities.
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Key dialogue from a black alcoholic woman at 01:15:05 with her grandson:
  • You know, there will be
a shortage of good men in this world, Macon.

  • It's like the Earth only allows so many
of them here at a time.

  • Now, Joe...
  • he's a good man,
probably why he's dying.

-It ain't fair.

-That's just the way life is.

-Ain't nothin' in the world you can do about it.

This is manipulation in its purest form, which is implanted in naive young minds like this, leading to stereotyped, slavish behavior in adulthood...

You can do a lot and you must fight all your life from the moment you realized yourself as a person in your youth until your mental death, which may not coincide in time with your biological one. You are obliged, as a decent and progressive person, to be principled and tough against any manifestation of evil. And submission and obedience to evil individuals who use obvious demagogic techniques is an obvious manifestation of evil, as is the lack of critical thinking and constant fact-checking.

It is your responsibility as Homo Sapiens to always check what is told to you and not take anything for granted.

The church (any popular and mass one), and this craft is put together with the support of Christian communities, as is clearly indicated in the credits, forces you from your youth to use stupid faith instead of checking facts, rational and critical thinking. To manipulate the most stupid part of the population, as conveniently as possible, to those whom they actually serve - the powerful kleptocracy, which skillfully parasitizes the productive and progressive layer due to the connivance of the latter.

And it has always been like this. When the majority of the population is lazy to check the facts and act inexorably on them, evil triumphs.

The plot itself is simple and primitive.

In the credits we learn that the prototype Joe has seven children of his own. The film briefly mentions that he was supposedly a programmer at IBM. The question is, how many of these seven children surpassed him in intelligence? After all, if this doesn't happen, it's essentially an existential defeat for the parents, right? What is the point of bringing so many new children into a crowded, aggressive world if they cannot change it through intelligence and progressive principles, increasing their influence on the world, thanks to a better education and understanding of the world than their parents?

And what will a crowded world do if everyone has 7 children?

The Church promotes things that precisely lead to the destruction of human civilization by the forces of nature. Do they offer to reconcile and submit to the forces of nature? But then any church that preaches this is an enemy of humanity.
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The Palace (2023)
Polanski's last word on a civilization fading into oblivion?
13 January 2024
Realizing that he himself would soon go into oblivion, he probably said his last word to this rotten and two-faced world, in which not a hint of decency and principles remained.

Almost all the characters and their actions are clear who they represent in the real world, although in some places there is a little fog. Quite a funny, superficial grotesque look at what has happened to the world in the last 30 years.

But Polanski's characteristic subtle style is weakly visible here; rather, this is the work of two other Polish screenwriters, as the main "traction" horses; he was on this list rather as a consultant and architect of the general line; he most likely has not had the strength to create everything himself for a long time . Everything is too rough, especially the ending. It does not shock at all, but rather saddens, recalling Polanski's old works.

The subtle, complex acting and skirmishes that you expect from Polanski's films are practically absent here.

Is it worth watching? Against the backdrop of that endless wave of sludge and bad taste, Hollywood certainly, perhaps his last venture in his life, deserves it. The trouble is that he does not present deep thoughts, everything is too superficial. For the sophisticated public, everything quickly becomes boring, but for the inexperienced it is rather pointless.

The sophisticated public on the planet understands perfectly well what the remnants of the former civilization are moving towards quite quickly, but the unsophisticated public is more and more busy with animal survival and has no time for self-reflection and assessment of the situation in the world.

It is clear that this creation will certainly be hated in the USA (and this is mutual from Polanski personally) and quite strongly in Europe. That is why the rating is intentionally low and there are no large number of ratings. The majority of the population has neither critical thinking nor the self-sufficiency of outlook to independently shape their destiny and evaluate what is really happening around them - they are shaped by it, skillfully forcing them to follow the indicated track leading straight to the abyss, like horses rushing in blinkers...
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Nolan disappointed, in a hopeless attempt to make a historical film, and not another of his fantasies.
27 November 2023
It was supposed to be a film about science and characters, mentality, quite consistently and monolithically telling the life story of an outstanding person and his immediate environment, as far as possible, with its gradual interweaving into the largest scientific project of mankind of that time.

But the fabric of the film turned out to be lightweight and at the same time pointlessly confusing, with short dialogues and picks (albeit quite entertaining, especially considering how America has gone to the left by 2023), leading essentially nowhere, with a small set of deep thoughts and subtext. There would be too much emotional stress and self-flagellation on the public for what they have done, forgetting about the main thing along the way. Too little space was devoted to attempts to rationalize terrible decisions. There was also a lack of confrontation and discussion within the team.

The autobiographical film did not work out - the key time of growing up and maturation of the main character was completely rejected. It was necessary to call it something else, like the Manhattan Project or something like that, because... Oppenheimer himself is revealed here extremely superficially as a person.

The sex scenes were completely unnecessary. The cast of actors was almost annoying because the same faces kept becoming familiar, except for the main character. The director and casting team did not have the courage to find new actors, as was once the case in Hollywood.

The director and screenwriter clearly could not resist from pure fantasy during the course of the film, especially towards the end, forgetting that this is not another fantastic creation where they can manipulate reality as they wish...
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Into the empty wasted potential and Ana's youth...
22 April 2023
The beginning is beautiful, and then another stupidity for teenagers, which is performed by an actor in his 40s and a woman in the prime of her beauty, which is monstrously sad.

No one writes smart scripts. The first part seemed to be written by a person, and then, from the moment the hero appeared in London, apparently the screenwriter generated this nonsense through ChatGPT. This is the only way to explain what happens next, causing nausea. I turned it off right away.

What do we have in the luggage of Chris and Ana's years? Chris has "Gifted" 2017 (also so-so, but without fish and cancer fish) and perhaps everything, except for "Before We Go" 2014. He could not do anything else good for his already rather big film career. Sadly.

Ana, who has just passed the age of Jesus - 33 years old (remember Sharon Stone and Basic Instinct 30 years ago..) and is approaching maturity, in just a week she will turn 35, about half her life.. What does she have in her luggage? And nothing! Well, except for the beauty of the moment in War Dogs, where she played a cameo role - what a charm then! Nothing at all in 35 years of life. Although she started too late for a film actress, alas.

She would like to get a beautiful but strong script, like Closer 2004, but no luck... Today's Hollywood has become a circus on wheels, nothing serious in the last 3 years. Just an amusement park for teenagers.

It is so sad to watch beautiful actors on the screen (who, as you can see from the first minutes, are capable of much more) in the prime of their lives and the emptiness, complete stupidity of the script..

I understand they make money, like everyone else in this world. But still, some principles and honor, dignity must remain in order not to agree to such "projects"..

I want to literally go to an alternative universe, where these first beautiful minutes will go on, developing more and more strongly and complexly, with an adult-only rating (R +), reverently and passionately, so that at the end there is a stun for experienced adults, as ever then Hollywood could do something like that, but it evaporated...
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The Whale (2022)
Completely empty film...
13 March 2023
In addition to playing Fraser, a wise person will not find anything there, except for complete disappointment in the script and direction. In general, the academy acted wisely this time, giving an Oscar only to Fraser and for makeup. Because there was nothing more to give. Although, given what the Oscars for the main film ended up being awarded (a complete dummy), the politicization of the Oscars is obvious to any really smart person, which is very sad.

Since for me the main thing is the script and directing and the sound atmosphere, I put only 1-2 point. Although Frazier can be put 7-8. Well, something like Paul Hauser for playing Richard Jewell, but there the film itself, despite the obvious failures in the script for 2020, can be rated much higher.

I do not like the work of all Arafonsky, apparently it not for me. His last "creation" only confirmed this. He is a very obsessed person on religion and everything connected with it...but he obviously hasn't been able to say something logically, rationally, connectedly and beautifully for 30 years in a row...
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Bandit (2022)
Completely immoral film and also complete nonsense.
17 December 2022
Lying Hollywood initially lies about the fact that it is based on facts. The film has nothing to do with real events and is an immoral glossy fake fiction for idle and stupid townsfolk.

The actors are hopelessly old and dull. The real "hero" was under 27 when it all started, and the actor is almost 50, not to mention his real wife...

People did not see anything that showed the real story of a person who got into the criminal world from his youth. Liars from Hollywood are not interested in this and in some ways they are very similar to crime from the film - to fly at the viewer with brilliance and luxury, grab the jackpot and run away, leaving behind moral fasting and decay ...

Do we need this kind of Hollywood? Definitely not.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Glamorous fantasy with elements of brutal cruelty and childhood naivety ...
6 August 2022
With the pleasure of the authors of this "creation" show the murder of people and at the same time modestly omit how the main character kills rabbits, speaks of their obvious sociopathy and malicolism (yes, there are already too many people on the planet).

In emotional terms, thanks to strict sound accompaniment, it looks impressive from the first unassuming gaze of a simple audience, but not from the point of view of the skilled eye.

Special effects for 2022 are few, they are carefully laid out (clearly due to the strong restriction of the budgets of the departed for other goals) by timecode, but the bloopers performed are clearly visible to a professional and even a child who sometimes watches National Geographic, take the same scene with a bear that looks completely unrealistic and unnatural. But violation of the laws of nature, mathematics and simple logic, which is constantly limping even from the point of view of the shown in the frame earlier - who will you surprise with this in Hollywood fantasy?

A fragile main character would rather have a role in the sitcom or some kind of love melodrama with the same type of face and body, and not in the role of brutally a warrior hunter-nothing in common between her and women. For what reason did she choose her? Apparently she cost producers and investors are many times cheaper than more decent candidates. I would remember Gina Carano here (here she would have approached perfectly at the age of 30, she is just now at the age of the last time something else can forcefully, approximately like Daniel Craig in the role of 007)), but alas, she is already old(?) for such a role, if writer do not rewrite the script for a certain widow in years...

Sound accompaniment (although, as well as in the video, plagiarism from the early works of other directors and screenwriters is clearly visible) and the types of nature of Canada is the only thing that fastens the whole idea.

I generally agree with the TOP1000 voters (in theory, I belong to them and belong to my experience and experience on IMDB, if you discard the ratings), which does not even reach 6 points, but in my personal assessment, well, only at the expense of 2-3 by the general atmosphere... In the leaky scenario is to take the same hint of a certain nobility of the "predator"-hunter, which he in the course of for some reason violates for completely stupid occasions. And why should he kill some funny snake if he is in armor? She is like a worm for him, and the wolf too ... well, okay, a bear weighing half a ton ...Obviously, everything is done in this way for the desired emotional mood, but constant illogical holes in the plot this very mood quickly ruin their childhood naivety. Against the backdrop of brutal murder of people, what do I care if the rabbit was freshened in the frame? Well, it's funny ...

In general, if you turn off the brain and just surrender to emotions, it will come down at a time, and the calculation, the hot holes in the plot and constantly, suddenly, lame dynamics, even with the brain disconnected, raise questions ...
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In Netflix nails are hammered again by microscopes...
12 March 2022
The script does not even pull on a teenage level. Poor children are driven into the Middle Ages by science.

Actors try (money pays them). But it's all useless, even against the backdrop of some pretty decent fragmentary dialogue. The film itself is empty and worthless. The clip thinking of new generations is again involved. Sadly. And for these children, who are being told this, to build a "bright future" ...
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Stillwater (2021)
Finally, at least something worthwhile in 2021 against the backdrop of endless mediocrity!
31 December 2021
Without a doubt, this is the best drama film of 2021, although it was filmed in 2019.

Against the background of shame in the mediocre "Don't Look Up", with a collective of "shining" stars with DiCaprio being released in circulation, Jennifer Lawrence turned into a doll (from film to film) and turned into a mummy of Cate Blanchett, yes, the old woman Meryl Streep, this is just a completely different movie, of a different level. Much higher.

As always, Matt Damon gave DiCaprio one pinky finger in 2021. In collaboration with Abigail Breslin (well done, growing up!) And the team filming this work. Thanks to the director (did not disappoint) and the writers. It was possible, of course, to strengthen the script, to make it harder and more smart (it was just for this and the time was right), but against the background of the slag that Hollywood gave out "to the mountain" in 2021, it's like a breath of fresh air, after the musty darkness of mediocrity and stupidity in for a whole year.

Undoubtedly Hollywood's Person of the Year is Matt Damon. And how he chooses a job for himself. I think, there is no more Oscar in 2021 and there is no one and nothing to give, since there is nothing to remember and nothing special against the backdrop of endless mess and slag.

Well, the best tragicomedy, of course, is not the miserable "Don't Look Up", but "Breaking News in Yuba County" in early 2021. That's where the sparkling humor and sarcasm that Americans didn't like so much. And rightly so.
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Dune (2021)
One of the boring stuff in the Sci-Fi genre...
28 October 2021
No high-quality script, no acting, no atmosphere, no stunning special effects for 2021, no memory music. No emotions, no even brief accompanying bright dialogues and picks. Another mediocre "creation" of Villeneuve. From Villeneuve 10 years ago, only a pitiful shadow remained.

And this burden was stretched for 2.5 hours.

Movies for the money for not so (to put it mildly) smart teenagers. A new stupid "universe" in the likeness of Marvel crafts for today's kids ...

I remember the low-budget Archive 2020 and this boredom ... just an order of magnitude superior to it in everything ...
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Ritchie's final falling down..
5 June 2021
There are directors who grow with age, and others who degrade. One of them is Ritchie.

A completely stupid and empty film. Again, a hint of some kind of government special services amusing for some unknown reason and for what. What are people killing for? For what purposes? The topic has been completely omitted. And then the dumbest and absolutely illogical action.

As a plus, this "creative" product can only be put on the fact that do not sympathize with any of the main characters, and you meet the death of the main character's son with satisfaction. Karma has overtaken. Some former military men with a broken psyche have done justice to the rats. The scythe hit the stone...

ps, the only work that I remember from this director is RocknRolla, if not by logic and strong script, then by a certain grace and style of presentation.
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Archive (2020)
A very beautiful, stylish film with a powerful emotional ending...
13 March 2021
I haven't seen such a movie for a long time. It is done very schematically, superficially, somewhere even stupid, but the way it emotionally tightens and finishes at the end is indescribable. There have already been films with a similar outcome, like the closest, if you remember, Serenity (which practically did not touch me and did not come in). I still remember watching Blade Runner over 30 years ago. So, for the first time in so many years, I felt close sensations, although then, of course, it was grander and I watched on TV, not even in the cinema, I was younger and much more emotional. But the way this simple work touched me so much now, in my already thick mental skin due to age and is wiser by life experience, says a lot ... Do not look for logic in this picture, this is a film about feelings and emotions. Because a rushing soul always is darkness...
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An extremely touching film with a poor ending
11 February 2021
For the beginning the film is 9-10, for the middle 6 from the point of view of a man, but the ending with a purely female speech crossed out the entire film. This speech looked like a dissonance against the background of the shown her mind. How could she say that at the end, in such a way? Realizing the compulsion of certain actions? Let me remind you, Joe Biden, the beacon of democracy recently said - violence is a forced measure, as the last argument. Let me also remind you that in his inauguration speech he said the following - "And I promise you I will fight for those who did not support me as for those who did." These two phrases from 2021 from the President of the United States probably best characterize the final speech of the main character, showing the constant duplicity of the real world, in contrast to the world of idealists.
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A simple story about extremely difficult questions of life...
13 January 2021
A very strange movie. Contradictory.

For example, the director of the film assures in an interview that a guy who met two girls on a bus, I quote literally: "I didn't want him to be romantic. I wanted him to be a nice guy with relentless intentions. "

And where do we, the audience, see the "nice guy"? He clearly understands that he takes advantage of the vulnerability of girls left without money in a foreign city. And the shot when they are holding their fingers at the column, and he is trying to kiss the sister (kind of like a cousin, although this is completely unclear from the film) of the main character, clearly shows that this business is completely unpleasant for her sister, but she is forced to do so in order to solve the problem with money. Nice guy, you will not say anything ...

Further, I do not understand the scene where the main character suddenly snapped at her cousin, who literally gathered all her nerves into a fist so as not to break loose and help her fallen sister, at a critical moment, which, according to the plot, has already managed to sleep with 6 guys, yes even in all conceivable options for sex from the age of 14 ..

In general, the film is straightforward, as if we are watching someone's stream on the net.

I understand the high rating of the film among men - Talia Ryder is so charming (with constant close-up camera shots) at her adorable 16 years old at the time of filming that most men simply physically cannot take their eyes off the screen, literally, as if enchanted, since they managed watch up to the moment where she first gets involved in the action. She literally magnetically attracts the gaze of the male half of the audience, forcing them to wait for the next shot with her. I would have been able to watch most of the male half of this creation if there was not such a charming lady as a supporting actress, I think not even a rhetorical question.

Obviously, the director and screenwriter of the film deliberately wanted Talia to be the magnet that will keep the male half from stopping watching the film in the first quarter. The idea is brilliantly executed, although this is not exactly a pleasant trick (if you think about it), given what the film is about - about sexual exploitation, about the female share in the modern world and the right to control oneself and one's body in a general sense, regardless of gender, but here and men in most countries do not have many rights, one can even openly say that most of the world's population are slaves to their kleptocracies.

The main character stoically endures all the torture on the way to her goal, but mentally she is clearly a very strangled person. Another story with the emptiness of understanding the situation (not described enough) at the beginning. But whose story, faceted by the miraculous effect of Talia, on a purely emotional and visual level, you want to watch to the end and she does not let go until the last frame.

Some of the scenes at the beginning of the film and during the "interrogation" scene give rise to incest. But when the director herself does not quite know what she is doing (read above about her comment about the "nice guy"), one has to guess what it was all about ...

I cannot judge the correctness of the description of some of the procedural moments - it is necessary to be deeply in this topic, therefore it is necessary to describe only the emotional and logical connection in the film.

This tandem, thanks to the play of a well-chosen tandem, in an almost reality show, bewitches, time flies by quickly. The ending is simple, like the rest of the movie. But the background is so complex that a lot of copies will be broken about this ...
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A simple story about extremely difficult questions of life...
13 January 2021
A very strange movie. Contradictory.

For example, the director of the film assures in an interview that a guy who met two girls on a bus, I quote literally: "I didn't want him to be romantic. I wanted him to be a nice guy with relentless intentions. "

And where do we, the audience, see the good guy? He clearly understands that he takes advantage of the vulnerability of girls left without money in a foreign city. And the shot when they are holding their fingers at the column, and he is trying to kiss the sister (kind of like a cousin, although this is completely unclear from the film) of the main character, clearly shows that this business is completely unpleasant for her sister, but she is forced to do so in order to solve the problem with money. Nice guy, you will not say anything ...

Further, I do not understand the scene where the main character suddenly snapped at her cousin, who literally gathered all her nerves into a fist so as not to break loose and help her fallen sister, at a critical moment, which, according to the plot, has already managed to sleep with 6 guys, yes even in all conceivable options for sex from the age of 14 ..

In general, the film is straightforward, as if we are watching someone's stream on the net.

I understand the high rating of the film among men - Talia Ryder is so charming (with constant close-up camera shots) at her adorable 16 years old at the time of filming that most men simply physically cannot take their eyes off the screen, literally, as if enchanted, since they managed watch up to the moment where she first gets involved in the action. She literally magnetically attracts the gaze of the male half of the audience, forcing them to wait for the next shot with her. I would have been able to watch most of the male half of this creation if there was not such a charming lady as a supporting actress, I think not even a rhetorical question.

Obviously, the director and screenwriter of the film deliberately wanted Talia to be the magnet that will keep the male half from stopping watching the film in the first quarter. The idea is brilliantly executed, although this is not exactly a pleasant trick (if you think about it), given what the film is about - about sexual exploitation, about the female share in the modern world and the right to control oneself and one's body in a general sense, regardless of gender, but here and men in most countries do not have many rights, one can even openly say that most of the world's population are slaves to their kleptocracies.

The main character stoically endures all the torture on the way to her goal, but mentally she is clearly a very strangled person. Another story with the emptiness of understanding the situation (not described enough) at the beginning. But whose story, faceted by the miraculous effect of Talia, on a purely emotional and visual level, you want to watch to the end and she does not let go until the last frame.

Some of the scenes at the beginning of the film and during the "interrogation" scene give rise to incest. But when the director herself does not quite know what she is doing (read above about her comment about the "nice guy"), one has to guess what it was all about ...

I cannot judge the correctness of the description of some of the procedural moments - it is necessary to be deeply in this topic, therefore it is necessary to describe only the emotional and logical connection in the film.

This tandem, thanks to the play of a well-chosen tandem, in an almost reality show, bewitches, time flies by quickly. The ending is simple, like the rest of the movie. But the background is so complex that a lot of copies will be broken about this ...
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Run (I) (2020)
In 2020, Hollywood is pulling everything out of the attic ...
11 January 2021
The inconsistencies in the film are monstrous. But everything immediately destroys the beginning ... when the viewer is asked, like a complete m****n, to believe that in the modern world a mentally unhealthy lady (and even one who has been caught in the same clinic) can safely steal a child. In the modern world, it is no longer possible to even kill a person with impunity, cameras and a bunch of advanced forensic methods are everywhere (if you want to find, i.e. start to actually work, and not intentionally sabbat the investigation), not to mention to steal a child and live peacefully with the stolen for decades. Complete nonsense. What i***t writes such scripts? It is necessary at least elementary to be friends with logic and at least somehow correspond to the real world, and not do something that can only go in the genre - fantasy and utopia...

And then the inadequacy of adults just rushing. As if they are all from a madhouse. Although it is still possible to believe in their indifference and lack of civic principles in the selfish-individualistic "developed" world of capitalism. But not the starting conditions of the film ..

In a normal film, it would take at least an hour just to explain how this lady managed to steal the child. This is already a separate film ...
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Radioactive (2019)
Devastating shame ...
6 January 2021
I just do not have enough words in a civilized version to describe this miserable job from a hustler's studio (which is typical, NetFlix and Amazon have already become synonymous with stupidity and primitiveness among smart people, indulging the herd and its base passions). Such a stupid and shameful scenario, probably not to be found about such an outstanding person, a couple and their life ... Such a "screenwriter" should be issued a wolf ticket to the writers' guild until the end of his life, as well as a "director" who agreed to shoot this nonsense.

Shame on the head of Rosamund Pike who, apparently for the sake of money (they don't smell on the account, right?), Not because of her great mind, agreed to participate in this huckster's horror.

It is enough to open even Wikipedia, so that on the basis of the facts set forth even there and on the basis of the biography of matter from her daughter to deliver an outstanding biographical film of such a level that it simply could not be bypassed by many Oscars and, most importantly, by the recognition of an adequate public around the world. Her story, real, huge, difficult, life-affirming, intelligent and passionate and at the same time extremely sad, could only be screwed up by a down-and-out idiot. But it is precisely these idiots that get the story into their clutches.

I am very amazed that Roman Polanski never made a film about his outstanding compatriot .. I wondered if people asked him why he didn't? He made a film about a spy in 2019, but it was about Marie... that would be his best work and the end of his film career. Apparently he decided that he would not pull the level...

The winners write history. And who won on planet Earth? I think for the remnants of intelligent people, people of progress, this has long been a rhetorical question ...
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Noah Baumbach runs out of steam?
4 January 2021
His films always contained something elusively subtle, elusively sarcastic, elusively smart, but here ... here, as if his soul had left his movie ...
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Very simplified script...
6 March 2020
The main actor's play is wonderful, it can give him an Oscar (Alas!), but the film itself is very one-sided and quickly hides, leads into the shadows, the bosses of all the "villains" in the picture, channeling the anger of the crowd on the grassroots figures, but it never happens in life. Some scenes are too emotional, where it was not necessary to spend time on them, but to expose the power. But the director did not go for it. For the 90s this is a good movie, but not for the 3rd decade of the 21st century..

I still recommend viewing it, Hauser's game is outstanding, as is the direction, the atmosphere. But the scenario is frankly weak.
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Custom propaganda
4 March 2020
This piece quickly scatters according to the logic of the plot, everything was done rudely and hastily, not withstanding any criticism. In fact, this is the opposite of the Joker.

It was commissioned by the EU authorities to scare off immigrants who flock to Europe and England for high benefits (and there are just key phrases in the beginning). Black film to scare off immigrants. The dummy end proves this clearly.

If everything would be so bad in England, the EU and the USA, powerful emigration would come from there, in reality everything is exactly the opposite. That the authorities are trying to distort reality with such deeds and reduce the flow of immigrants, scare them off so rudely and stupidly.
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Typical Gilroy work...
5 August 2018
The shine of start and a dull, empty end. Te end destroyed the whole film.

10 points for the beginning of the film, 7 for the middle and 1 point for the end.

It is quite obvious that poking at the mentality of Americans and their society is allowed only to a certain extent, beyond censorship or self-censorship, if the critic wants to continue living normally there.

Denzel is a very good actor, atmospheric. It is a pity that his era is going away...
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5 to 7 (2014)
Superb and classic Story for all times.
9 October 2017
Everything in this Movie is perfect...from begin to End.

Pure romance and feelings, first-class drama, stunning power and atmospheric magnetism of relations! Many thanks to the actors, the director (him and as a screenwriter), the cameraman, the composer/sound technician, the entire staff who made this magnificent creation! For the sake of such beautiful Movies (with big letter!), people still want to watch Hollywood movies. Unfortunately, all less and less often..

And RIP Antosha! You played here your best role in life, unfortunately, too short.
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