
2 Reviews
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Being Human (2008–2013)
Fang Bang
5 March 2009
Intelligent script great acting from the three leads and a menacing performance from Eric the chief vampire. You really should give this series a go I missed the pilot so episode 1 was my first taste of this it was a slow start but interesting and has got better and better each week. I have found no-one at work who has seen this and whenever you try to tell them about it you find yourself saying " Well its about a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost who live together " you find them looking at you as if your mad or thinking you have discovered Rentaghost ( 70's BBC Kids series ). But the point is it is so much more than the thread of its story it deals with friendship,love,isolation and many other human emotions and it is very funny at times. Give it a go this series is original and you don't get that too often these days do you ........ Life On Mars was the last time that happened
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compared to some sword and sorcery films of the 80`s this fairs somewaht better
20 November 2002
Difficult one this, yes as piece of cinema it comes across as cheap entertainment but compared to some of the sword and sorcery films of the 80`s it fairs somewhat better.Effects were certainly a step up from films like Krull with final dragon battle quite impressive.Jeremy Irons performance is something to behold quite remember the last time I saw ham so thickly served,Bruce Payne ( king of the B movies ) is his normal sneering self and was nice to see Tom Baker, brief though it was, making an all too rare screen appearance.All the younger actors in this film came across as quite a likeable bunch and refreshing for one of them to be killed and remain that way all too often in these films people have a funny way of reappearing in the final reel which does tend to lose some of the dramatics along the way.
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