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Impressive debut feature.
12 June 2024
A film more interesting for its unique characters than the somewhat episodic plot, Little Man Tate introduces us to a cast of isolated child prodigies and their confused adult guardians and proceeds to involve them in one imaginative scenario after another. The different worlds of being 'normal' and 'genius' constantly clash and the difficulty of trying to have a normal childhood when so much is expected of you is highlighted as well.

Jodie Foster does exceptionally well in her first outing as director, and the kid playing her son is such a natural it's hard to believe he didn't have much of a Hollywood career after this. If you look real close, you may just spot Niles from Frasier somewhere in the line-up. But nah, everyone knows Maris never lets him out. 6/10.
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Let's call it a Stalemate.
12 June 2024
Don't worry if you happen to not know the rules of chess, this film is more concerned with romance than the intricacies of 'The Game Of Kings'. Prodigy John Torturro (who the back of the box rather rudely describes as an 'introverted weirdo') falls in love with the much more down-to-earth Emily Watson (like Emma Watson, but without the insufferably woke activism) whilst simultaneously competing in a tournament, but the stress of trying to handle both worlds eventually takes it's toll on him, and...

Well that would be telling, wouldn't it? Rest assured though, that both leads are very impressive indeed and remain watchable throughout, even during the film's many slow patches. The flashback scenes for instance, which I thought went on for way too long. Just think of it like a game of chess: stifling build-up punctuated by moments of excitement and drama. If you have the patience, you'll be rewarded. If not, maybe try Jenga instead? 6/10.
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Some things about this movie 'needle' me...
7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, with all the talent in front of and behind the camera of Eye Of The Needle, why can't I really recommend it?

Good performances abound... no problems here. Donald Sutherland makes an excellent Nazi spy (not sure this is a compliment), and Kate Nelligan also impresses as a neglected mother who demonstrates hidden reserves of strength later on.

The setting is also great... you really get the feeling that this is wartime Britain on the cusp of victory, and the remote island where most of the action takes place is a classic claustrophobic location where there's no escape once the cat-and-mouse game begins...

No, the REAL reason is how annoying Nelligan's infant son is... his sole purpose seems to exist to be taken hostage by the baddie or say innocently incriminating things to get her in trouble and (as she point out herself) he could REALLY use a haircut. Plus, his squeaky dubbed voice... did they hire the same guy that does Mickey Mouse to talk for him? Talk about obnoxious...

Nah, just kidding (although, the above is definitely a factor). What ACTUALLY almost kills the film is the amount of stupid decisions supposedly intelligent people make, whereby anyone with half a brain would've made sure the movie ended after less than hour.

Find top secret photographs in a top spy's jacket? Instead of detaining them immediately, leave them in their pocket and confront them about it later need a beachside cliff, giving them a perfect chance to kill you. Discover an unarmed man who's staying with you just killed your husband? Instead of shooting or holding him directly with your gun, make mad, passionate love with him, head out into a storm with your drugged son to a remoted building and then... forget you're armed when he tries to break in. Oh dear.

The list goes on, and what started as a tense spy drama ends up being a bit of a farce. Sutherland and Nelligan have true chemistry, the action scenes (such as they are) are brutally effective... but if I can't believe the characters' decisions are designed to do anything more than pad out the film, how can I have any faith in them?

Answer: I can't. So no recommendation here. Sorry. 5/10.
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A Single Life (2014)
Short film with a funny but cruel ending.
1 June 2024
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What is the moral here? Make the most out of life, because it's gone before you know it? Don't play around with forces you can't possibly comprehend? Or always keep your record player close at hand lest a tragedy like this happen?

Who knows. I was too distracted by the 'bouncy' animation and the unique story to care. This intriguing concept could fill much more than a short of this meagre length, and I hope to see it one day utilised in this format.

A 6/10 from me all the way. Wellworth watching at least once, and you certainly won't feel you wasted your time.... it's called a 'short' for a reason.
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1 May 2024
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I love this film so much. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter make a great dumb duo, the historical figures are all hilarious and it's not surprising it's gone down as a cult classic over the years. So msany quotable lines... so many memorable scenes... (especially the ones at the water park and mall) it deserves all the success it's got and the two sequels can't hold a candle to it.

People should watch it again and again, and learn just how such an enjoyable film can be made about a couple of dummies who end up changing the world forever. It's the kind of talent that doesn't come along too often, but when it does it can create true magic... as seen here for now. 8/10.
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Mind Games (1998 TV Movie)
I may need therapy after this... no, not from HER.
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Another one of those melodramaic made-for-TV movies with an interesting concept but completely overblown delivery.

This particular flick features a psychotic therapist who ends up tearing an unsuspecting family apart by making the wife confess to an affair she had years back, sleeping with the husband while wifey is outta town, pretending hubby abuses the daughter when he rejects her later, manipulating the son into setting fire to their house, then later murdering anyone who steps on her toes.

You know, the usual. Maybe it's time to find a new specialist.

Discard all pretensions that this might be an intimate study of her mental illness at the door, everything here is simply done for cheap thrills... mentions of the psychiatrist's childhood abuse at the hands of her dad are slightly touched on, but are swiftly swept under the carpet as she spins her web of seduction and lies. At times it's fun to watch, but you'd forgive your brain for shrinking considerately whilst you feed it this trashy junk food passing as entertainment. You should feel bad, I know I did.

What really sinks the movie though, is aside from the ever-growing sensationalism which becomes more and more grating as it carries on, is how stupid it treats it's audience. This therapist is supposed to be pretty smart, right? Well, how come the mother is able to break into her house to discover evidence of her past crimes... by finding a KEY hidden underneath an ornament outside?! Who even DOES that anymore? Probably a dumb scriptwriter desperate for a ciggie who couldn't think of a better way to get from point A to B. Hey, at least he didn't write that the therapist left the door unlocked. That would've been REALLY stupid...

Oops, sorry I forgot... he saved that 'gem' up for the climax, when our insane psychiatrist just strolls into the remote log cabin where the family are hiding from her. They know they're in danger... it's the middle of the night... and she's allowed to waltz in to steal their little daughter. And frankly, what happens next is beyond belief... the psychiatrist spends all night dressed up in the mother's clothes, then waits until the crack of dawn to steal the daughter, then she takes off in the family car... which promptly crashes. The family rescues their daughter from the burning wreck, but the therapist obviously decides to kill herself for some reason so stays behind to die in the explosion. Umm...

It's the kind of conclusion that gives the term anti-climax a bad name. We've suffered all the way through this drivel... for THAT?!

Maybe the ones playing the true 'Mind Games' here are the makers, to see how we'd react. Only, instead of giving us a twist ending, they decided to throw us the stupidest one ever.

Well guys, if you're reading this right now and it was your stated aim to tick me off something royally, then congratulations! Mission complete! Now go out there and complete your paper, because I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours.

You utter gits. 4/10.
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Mediocre Molly
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Molly is a Russian girl who gets relocated to America with her family in the middle of the Cold War. Bullied at school for her 'strange' clothes and 'weird' accent, it's only when her mother designs a special Soviet doll for her for a Thanksgiving class project that she starts to make friends.

This Academy Award-winning short could really have been expanded to feature length status, as the solution to all Molly's problems is achieved far too quickly for my liking. Sophia Eliazova is excellent as the put-upon heroine, and the kids playing her school 'mates' also do a reasonable job, but you can't help feeling, with a bit more fleshing out of the intriguing premise we could've had something special here.

Instead, we have a bit of name-calling (led by the typical blonde female bully of course) easily rectified by unconcerned parents and an 'inspiring' speech by a teacher which solves everything. A nice message and moral no doubt, but enough to solve all Molly's problems? Doubtful. More realism, less fantasy next time, please. 5/10.
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Megamind (2010)
MEGA indeed.
18 April 2024
Megamind is a fun film that mocks the conventions of superhero movies while simultaneously celebrating them. With an all-star cast of celebrity voiceovers (which seems par-for-the-cause in those days days in BIG animated movies) it's a tale of redemption, romance, humour and a MASSIVE TWIST that I never saw coming. Let's face it, neither did you. Liar.

There's action-packed fights and gadgets galore, and while it may not be the funniest film around it has it's fair share of amusing moments. The story about how a born outsider with a bald head and blue skin turns from good to bad and then back again is an affecting one, and the soundtrack is full of random groovy songs you wouldn't expect to hear going in.

So, to wrap it all up then, I recommend you watch this highly diverting CGI animation. Possibly not the sequel to it though, based on what I've heard... 7/10.
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Blue Crush 2 (2011 Video)
Apologies in advance for my awful surfing terminology.
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Only in the fantasy land of Hollyweird could an 18-year old white rich Californian girl, disillusioned with life in the rat race, turns up unexpectedly in South Africa and instantly befriend a group of travelling bohemian types who just live for the surf, man. Oh, she has her money stolen upon entry, but this is no obstacle to a down-to-earth socialite such as her! Soon, she's hitting those waves to reignite her mother's dying wish to see all the country, whilst falling in love with the local Nice Guy who fixes boards for a living, and rejecting the advances of the arrogant POS who traffics in stolen elephant ivory. BOO, HISS to him, I say!

As you can probably see, there isn't much to get your shackles in here, aside from some very healthy tanned 20-somethings who look great in their bathing suits hitting those gnarly waves and looking damn fine while doing it, too. You probably don't need to be a screenplay genius to figure out that our main character patches things up with her estranged father, gets her new bestie a spot on the all-girl surfing team and succeeds in her ambition of visiting every 'hidden' South African surf spot in existence. In fact, happy endings all round. Totally radical, man!

The only problem is, this is all very laboured, dull, unimaginative material to say the least. So if you want good vibes with barely a hint of actual quality, this may be the jam for you. Otherwise, it's like, a total wipeout, bros. Adios, amigos! 4/10.
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16 April 2024
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If you enjoy movies tailor-made to heap on the schmaltz with every syrupy spoonful, that are shameless in extracting every last drop of moisture from your overworked tear ducts, and where nothing remotely surprising occurs so you can show it to your granny safe in the knowledge she isn't gonna have an aneurym halfway through, this may be the flick for you.

Otherwise, this stolid tale of an old lady who enlists the held of an unrelated foppish boy-band reject to be her 'grandson' because her real family neglects her may be a tad too predictable and bland. I could've also done without the supporting cast of 'colourful' pensioners in the background giving regular commentary on proceedings. Some may find them delightfully charming... I, it must be said, did not.

Why was she staying in a hotel long-term In London when she obviously couldn't stand it there, anyway? If I had that much money, I'd go on a nice extended cruise, or something. Not hang about with a bunch of irritating oldies and hire Mr Boring to be my comfort blanket. I don't see what was wrong with her real son and mother, anyway... sure, they didn't go up and see her straight away, but people have LIVES.

I've reread back what I've written, and it does make the film sound worse than it is. I just like a good rant, is all. This is a perfectly acceptable watch if you keep your expectations low, and don't mind an ending which is Treacle Central...

...Which isn't an underground station, sadly. Believe me, I checked. 5/10.
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I Don't Like Mondays (2006 TV Movie)
Interesting mini-documentary that doesn't tell us much we didn't know already.
15 April 2024
Brenda Spencer, the 16-year old school shooter who inspired the Boomtown Rats song of the title, is up for parole 25 years after killing two and injuring nine in 1979. During this process, the makers of this doc speak to her parents, those who were at the scene on the day and others who's lived have been touched by this tragedy.

While it was intiguing to hear especially from Brenda's nearest and dearest for the first time, the fact remains a lot of this is second hand info (apart from the allegations of parental abuse, which should naturally be treated with skepticism).

She comes across as a typical 'remorseful' inmate during her rejected appeal, who would've been released by now in almost any other country in the world... but in America's somewhat harsh prison regime, such a possibility is remote to say the least.

Whether this is a good or bad thing is up to the viewer. But what isn't up for debate is the less you know about this case, the more likely you are to enjoy it. Just don't watch it at the start of the week... 6/10.
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Caught In The Spider's Web.
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Teenager Lia has a mother who doesn't pay any attention to her, a dad who abandoned her long ago, a bestie who she doesn't seem to get on with that well and a larger group of 'friends' that only seem to want to bone her. No wonder she falls for the charms of a much older man called Tom, when he listens to her for hours and compliments her endlessly. As you've probably guessed by now though, things aren't always as they appear...

Both a cautionary tale and a sad indictment of today's youth culture, the rather oddly titled Palm Tree And Power Lines is a depressing but ultimately absorbing view of a young girl's attempt to find some level of meaning and value in her existence, even if it may harm her in the long run.

The acting is universally excellent, with Tom every inch the deceptive creep you inititally think he is and Lia a quiet and vulnerable girl who makes plenty of bad choices along the way, but considering her dead-end life, you can understand EXACTLY why she does what she did.

Especially during the ending, which others may rage at but neatly ties into everything we've seen so far of the characters. All I can say is, she should've listened to the waitress... 7/10.
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Definitely worth seeing.
6 April 2024
Watching this not knowing what I was getting into, I was VERY pleasantly surprised.

The acting was great all round, from the starcrossed multiracial central couple that were never meant to be, to the guy's racist sister who's one of the most repugnant individuals I've seen on screen in quite some time.

For a low budget film made in Africa, it's very well shot too, particularly a pivotal dinner room scene when the camera spins about a round table when tensions move to a head.

I don't know what else to say... the plot had me gripped from beginning to end, the period detail felt spot on and whilst there may be certain plot holes which aren't quite ever filled in, for a film which I approached with low expectations this surpassed them and then some.

A 7/10 all the way.
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Ben & Ara (2015)
A boring 'romance' with the biggest downer ending ever.
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ben is an atheist writer. Ara is a Muslim student. They meet together at an art gallery and fall in love more-or-less straight away, even if they don't realise it yet.

They have lots of pretentious conversations about culture, religion and philosophy, which to these ears at least was the epitome of boredom. Still, not to worry, eh? At still have the romance to look forward to...

Well actually, no we don't as he is as dull as ditchwater, and she is a bit more interesting but doesn't really have that much chemistry with Mr David Duchovny-lite.

After a while, Ara falls pregnant and they seem ready to settle down together, but then out of the blue Ben finds out he made another woman who he was seeing before he met Ara 'in the family way'... and she plans on KEEPING the baby.

So, what does Ara decide? She dumps him on the spot, has an abortion, fully commits back to the religion she's spent most of the film being a passive follower of at best and worst of all, agrees to an arranged marriage with a dude who she doesn't even like.

Wow. Just, wow. I can understand having second thoughts over your boyfriend because you find he's expecting a child with someone else, but butchering your own future in the process? I believe they call that a 'self inflicted injury'. In any case it sucks, and doesn't just end the movie on a bad taste... it practically empties the entire bottle of castor oil down your throat.

I suppose this seriously unsatisfying conclusion is meant to prove the point that 'some things just aren't mean to be' and 'the gap between their two lifestyles was too wide', but I just saw it as a tacked-on finale which was probably put into not offend any religious sensibilities out there. In other words, fear wrote the script.

So what was a very tedious film to begin with full of padding in the middle turns into an absolute horror show by the end, because they take any possible happiness for our characters and throw it back in our faces with a 10 ton weight attached. I'm all for 'surprise' twists, but when they feel as disheartening and frustrating as this one...

Nope. Not having it. Get ye gone. 1/10.
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18-Year-Old Virgin (2009 Video)
Let's make this review quick, shall we?
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's all a movie like this deserves.

If you like plentiful nudity from BOTH genders, then congrats... you've come to the right place.

If, on the other hand, you enjoy any semblance of humour, character, or God forbid a half solid plot, then look elsewhere.

WE get one cringeworthy attempt by our titular heroine to pop her cherry after another, until finally she gives oral to an old man in a coma.

Yes, you did read that right. And we're talking about the comic high point here.

This is a film that turns the pursuit of sex into the most boring and unpleasant thing imaginable.

Quite the feat. 2/10.
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'Mr Blunden''s in the film alright, but it's definitely not 'Amazing'.
3 April 2024
Two children go back in time a century to save a couple of orphans that are targeted for assassinations by their stupid uncle's evil parents who want their inheritence. They come across as ghosts in the future, but are in fact invisible projections that only children can see. Can they change the future....?

Despite some generally good performances from the younger actors (it's harder than it looks to be a genuinely endearing child star) coupled with truly loathsome adult villains (if it was the writer's mission was for the audience to detest them, then they succeeded admirably) I did not much care for this misshapen hodge-podge of sci-fi and family film.

It seems the makers threw everything at the screen to make it a classic, but for all their unique ideas and original notions, it's all a bit of a mess. I would prepare a list of everything here that didn't make any sense, but let's be honest... who would even read it?

My only impression is that those who really love the film either have very different standards in which to judge a 'classic' movie, or are blinded by nostalgia into propogating The Amazing Mr Blunden with some of the happier times in their life.

I, on the other hand, am not, and rank it as the average also-ran mostly forgotten 70's British flick it is. So there. 5/10.
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Reviewed on April Fool's Day... and I feel like an idiot.
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A trio of doctors working'together at a mental hospital get together to discuss their latest cases, and this template basically takes the form of three allegedly horror tales that show why each of their patients ends up in the booby hatch. Let's review each one in turn, shall we?

1. A teenager (who looks about 25) doesn't want to introduce his girlfriend (who's one of the worst actors I've ever seen) to his parents, who happen to be bald telepathic aliens. The premise is a LOT more interesting than it sounds, and after around twenty minutes of nothing she accidentally discovers them on a home visit, isn't remotely bothered and HE ends up cracking under the pressure. No humour, shocks and with an abrupt ending that makes literally zero sense. Terrible. NEXT. 2/10

2. A washed-up TV producer ends up killing a guy who he owes a lot of money to, and ends up trying to hide the body whilst a comedy laugh track echoes all around him. Funnily enough, the terrible sitcom pilot which ultimately bankrupts him in this segment is STILL better than anything we get on screen here. Can we have a full length version of that please, and get rid of the rest of this nonsense? 2/10

3. Ah, now THIS is more like it... well, not really. It's still near-total rubbish, but at least this tale of a fashion photographer who goes bonkers after an anonymous source sends him a vinyl record has a half-decent finale where he goes around insulting everyone: think Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar. Plus, in showing his addiction to listening to the brainwashing record which ultimately costs him his sanity and career, it makes an interesting (albeit clumsy) parallel to uncontrolled drug addiction within the industry. Apart from those (very) minor redeeming features, total pants. 3/10

Now, you'd think by rounding those scores together I'd rate this as about 2/10 overall... well, the narration device of the 'doctors' telling the stories has an okay twist at the end that I didn't see coming, so let's stretch to a 3/10, shall we?

'Still not good at all, but has brief moments of lucidity'. Write that on it's chart.
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The Salesman (2016)
Giving Me The Hard Sell.
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't watch too many Iranian films... this may be the one that helps change my mind.

A brutal tale of trauma, revenge and the aftermath of a life-changing event, the performances are great across the board and every reaction and conversation feels real and honestly earned, instead of something out of a fictitous movie.

There was a bit near the end when I thought a certain despicable character might get away with an unforgivable event, but fortunately this was just a red herring. Thank goodness for that, as it would've SEVERELY blunted my enjoyment of the film.

Good stuff all round, then. Recommended. 7/10.
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Underrated, from what I see on this site.
3 February 2024
A very enjoyable thriller which starts stronger than it finishes, The Marsh King's Daughter is about a young woman stalked by her criminal father after she starts a new life away from him after he abducted her mother many years previously. Can she sever the still-lingring attachment she feels towards him forever?

I must say, I was surprised to discover the low rating for the movie on here. As far as I'm concerned, it gripped me it's mixture of our titular protagonist adapting to city life with her new family after spending so long in the wilderness, and the tension-packed present when she discovers her supposely dead convicted papa might not be so deceased after all.

So after both the drama and suspence are both top notch, the fact the film ends with one of those oh-so-predictable violent struggles struggles out of the Hollywood playbook was a tad dispiriting, not not enough to stop me from giving it any less than 7/10.
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Blush (2019)
Xander needs to be locked up.
2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Blush is one exhausting film to watch. There's enough material crammed in here to make a whole mini series. Sometimes it felt like I was stuck on an out-of-control spinning fairground ride, unsure what direction I was heading but enjoying myself despite the occasional bout of nauseous dizziness.

The film jumps from one idiosyncratic character to the next, and we barely have enough time to process one scene before the next one begins. This doesn't exactly help with getting to know them, but it does mean you'll never get bored anticipating what random craziness will unfurl next.

So if dysfunctional relationships, midlife crises and obnoxious teenagers are your kinda jam, you could do a lot worse than to check out this oddball indie drama. For once though, it would be nice to watch a film featuring a cute cat where it doesn't end up on it's last life by the end.

By my own personally cat-alogued statistics, felines die in 70% of the movies they feature in, whereas dogs survive in 0.05 in their pictures. This is blatant canine favouritism, and I demand a full and thorough enquiry right now.

You think I'm joking? Well I'm not. Get it done! 6/10.
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Authentic and gripping Great Depression drama.
1 February 2024
This is the American South that they wouldn't dare depict in movies made these days, with all the harsh poverty, blatant racism and sexual inequality you would expect.

And all-star cast including Sally Field, Ed Harris, Donald Glover and John Malkovich give their all, in a tale full of hardship, tragedy but ultimately life-affirming hope in a small local community.

The period detail is marvellously captured throughout, and there's one part involving a gigantic hurricane which will have you on the edge of your seat.

Not a perfect film as some bits could easily have been trimmed, but still a marvellous treat for those who enjoy well-made realistic depictions of life in the USA during the early 20th Century. A 7/10 from me.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
For Movie History Lovers, Or Just Lovers Of Good Movies.
13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this story about a young Jewish boy growing up to find his true place in life as a film director, while familial upheaval and the changing trends of the 60's all went on around him.

Having had no idea it was directed by Steven Spielberg before viewing it, everything began making sense as soon as his name appeared in big letters afterwards. Not only becauise there are obvious parallels, but just considering how well made it was.

Every character has their own uniquely intriguing personality (even our main's two bratty sisters) and the beauty of it is you may even begin liking those individuals you originally despise. Now, THAT'S what I call complexity.

The development of each intricate story thread, from the big family moves, to the extramarital affair is slow, deliberate and keeps you wanting more, and even at such a length I could've spent an extra hour with these fascinating folks.

It's also unbelievably refreshing to see a picture made at a specific place in time that actually FEELS like it's set there, not a 21st century alternate version which would involve shamelessly forced propaganda and the ticking of many boxes.

Such decisions have ruined more than a few recent historical dramas I've watched, and most audiences don't appreciate the blatant inauthenticity of such moves.

But the studio keep doing it and even seem to be ramping up their efforts in recent years... fortunately, when you're a famous filmmaker like Spielberg is I suppose you can sidestep such artistically-damaging yet usually compulsory quotas.

For anyone else though... 8/10.
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Blueberry (2021)
Just because you can make a movie, doesn't mean you should.
13 January 2024
Two lonely lesbians meet each other on the road. They inevitably fall in love. Lots of smooching, hugging, extended heart-to-heart chats by the side of the road and dirgy royalty-free background music follow. Bet you're looking forward to this one already, aren't you?

If you like films with literally no plot and several of the most boring people in the world talking nonsense for the best part of 70 minutes, this movie is for you. If, on the other hand, you value your spare time and don't want to waste it in the company of these absolute dullards, go elsewhere.

The most disappointing aspect for me is the film is called 'Blueberry' and I usually love blueberries, yet there's never a clear reason as to why this is (unless I missed something on the very many occasions I nodded off). Thanks for ruining the reputation of a beloved fruit, Mrs Director. Dirty pool, indeed. 0/10.
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Left me cold.
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Surprised to see think rank so highly on here. The only thing interesting about it is it's the first Icelandic movie I've ever seen, although surely even a nation of just 500k people can do better than this.

It's about a depressed English guy on holiday there meeting up with an native woman who's had mental health problems, but it's not a romance.

The movie focuses mostly on their budding friendship, but seeing as the obsequious dude tries too hard to be 'nice' to the point of being slightly creepy and the subdued lady is so quiet most of the time she might as well not even be there, this onscreen partnership doesn't really work.

Things liven a bit in the second half when the woman's relations to stir the pot a tad, and the sad Brit really starts to lose control of his random mood swings. But by then it's too little too late, and I'd already tuned out before the credits rolled.

Some good moments here and there, a flash of witty dialogue or a genuine shred of emotion but certainly not enough to justify the stil-too-long running time of 82 minutes. A noble failure then, and hey... at least I learned a few new words in another language! Good bi. 4/10.
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Hi there everyone!
10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very unknown Australian family film, based on the fact that this is the first review for it here twenty years after it was first released.

A couple of orphaned Chinese children run away from an Aussie detention centre after their mother dies, to return to China because they don't want to be taken to separate orphanages. Along the way, they're helped by various people including a young Aboriginal tracker, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the authorities...

I predicted the ending to Southern Cross long before the ending credits rolled, but getting there wasn't entirely boring. It's fun spending time with these kids and the colourful characters they run into, and ultimately despite not being great art in any sense I certainly got more out of the experience than I expected.

Nothing special, but an okay diversion nonetheless. 5/10.
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