
2 Reviews
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Bloody Annoying
29 May 2007
Lovely scenery, wickedly good soundtrack - but obvious story line that leaks like a sieve. The plot is basically spun on a series of mistakes that are only mildly believable. Mistakes of the institution - bloated, clumsy and unable to adapt coupled with mistakes of the individual - emotionally crippled and rationally impaired. Half the time your thinking "stupid, stupid, stupid." "Can't wait for this one to get it." Leaving one without even a tingly of remorse for thinking such evil thoughts. This seems more gory and trite than "28 days later." At least in "28 days" the mistakes are understandable from the characters perspective, and there are some folks you want to survive. This had some suspenseful moments, but relied far too heavily on the crafty camera work and music. One must lull the audience with story, suspension of disbelief is critical to really scaring people versus just annoying people. So - go because we know your going to since "28 days" was so bloody awesome, and you best see it on the full large screen. But, don't expect anyone who doesn't love a gore fest or bureaucracy bashing to enjoy it or walk away thinking that was a good experience.
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Jellybaby (2005)
Wickedly Witty
26 May 2006
We thought it was hysterical. My parents saw it the day before at the RIFF, and raved about it. So, when there was a technical format problem with the film we were watching we convinced the "projectionist" to replay Jelly Baby for us. He had enjoyed it as well, so gladly replayed it. We practically fell out of our chairs laughing. It includes succinct dialogue, expertly delivered. It is filmed with the lightest hand, basically you truly feel the shot versus just watching it, but not so much that it distracts the viewer from the film. But part of the brilliance is the completely uninformed experience of seeing the film. My parents refused to tell us a thing about it, which is good because then we were completely open to the experience. So, if you like slightly dark or off-color humor - see it if you ever have the opportunity. We all wanted to buy it after seeing it, and just for fun the projectionist ran it again for us.
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