
3 Reviews
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reviews tainted by expectations
7 November 2003
After seeing Reloaded I was more than a little hesitant to see Revolutions. Fortunately, I was not disappointed. I found Revolutions to be a worthy addition to the trilogy.

The philosophical storyline could have used some work, but I have the same feeling about the whole Matrix series in this respect. It's a good idea but not executed as well as it could have been.

The stuntwork and special effects in Revolutions are IMHO the best of any movie yet produced (LOTR series notwithstanding). The level of detail invested in every visual element is amazing, and the CG animators did a superb job at creating a very real sense of size in this one. The big drilling machines really seem HUGE.

I recommend seeing this one. Don't let your views be swayed by the expectations Matrix 1 set, and the disappointment Matrix:Reloaded was for many. This movie stands on its own. 8/10
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Wit (2001 TV Movie)
Fabulously painful
2 March 2002
I think this was a great movie, but I really don't recommend you see it -- unless you're a glutton for emotional punishment or fancy yourself an intellectual connoisseur of great performances. Or if you want to see probably the most realistic depiction of the degenerative process of cancer (treatment).

Probably the most difficult movie I've endured watching through to the end. That's not to say I didn't laugh -- there are genuinely sweet, witty (sic) scenes in the movie. But you'll probably need to watch The Naked Gun or something afterwards to even things out.
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The positive in negativity
3 January 2002
Every so often, a movie comes along which disturbs me -- not because it is graphical or offensive in nature, but because it is genuinely upsetting to watch. This is one such movie.

And these are the movies I value highest, because they cause you to *think* -- whereas most movies intend to produce the exactly opposite effect. Although I would not describe this movie as leaving one with a warm fuzzy feeling afterward, I will say that I am better for having watched it. It was a powerful reminder of the real danger that ignorance and pride pose to each of us in this world -- a danger that, both ironically and fittingly, we may never come to realize because of circumstances outside of our control.
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