
5 Reviews
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Hellraiser (2022)
The Priest and Cenobites for the WIN
11 October 2022
Jamie Clayton absolutely nailed it as The Priest. The cenobites and the visuals were all fantastic. The allegory was extremely blatant and lead me to not root for any living character to continue living. Allegory aside and just seeing it for what it is, I still did not like any of the living characters and not for a lack of talent - everyone was really quite good! I empathized with their struggles but whether they lived or died did not matter. The real prize here was Jamie Clayton as the Priest and the cast of cenobites, all with their beautifully unique traits. The makeup and the costumes were glorious. I would place this up with the first two original Hellraiser movies. It's one I will see again and I do recommend.
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Tone Deaf
2 July 2022
I normally love Amy Schumer but this was an extremely offensive show. Jaye McBride was the only saving grace. She was really, really good. After Chris DiStefano, we turned it off, he was so awful. So disappointed and really surprised that Amy would promote this sort of "humor" which was really insulting.
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First Period (2013)
You're welcome. ;)
3 March 2015
My goodness, this movie sure is a treat - I don't even know where to begin! It's campy with incredibly smart dialogue, and the cast is amazing! I saw it twice in theaters during its run and will be buying the DVD when it's released this year. Be ready to be surprised by what you see and hear. This is not a conventional movie and there are times when you need to ask someone next to you if you really heard what you think you just heard. Yes, you did. It pays a wonderful homage to '80's flicks so there are special references you'd pick up if you are from that era but even the ones that go over your head, you still laugh at the humor because it's still new to YOU. So do yourself a favor. Have some friends over, pour some cocktails, and pop this DVD in. You'll thank me later. You're welcome. ;)
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The most fun you'll ever have in Hell!
21 May 2012
Already a mega fan of Repo! The Genetic Opera, I found out about The Devil's Carnival JUST IN TIME to make their Encore show/stop in LA. I was so excited and it DEFINITELY did not disappoint which is why I am writing a review. I can't wait for the Blu- Ray! The soundtrack was a really smart iTunes purchase for me! I def recommend checking it out on DVD/Blu-Ray when it's available. Its based on some Aesop fables but it's not predictable because, well you know, Darren and Terrance.

Not nearly as bloody as Repo but just as creative. It takes place in Hell, after all, and has an abundance of oddities. Great cast! I cannot wait for the next two parts and I hope Alexa Vega is in those too!
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New fav film
25 January 2009
Repo has taken the spot as my favorite film. A truly amazing (and eclectic) cast, killer soundtrack, and one of the most visually appealing films of all time, Repo is not to be missed. Dark, violent, sexy, and funny, it's a film you have to see at least once in your life, unless you're like so many that see it over and over and over again. I saw it (for the 3rd time) last night and the energy was simply amazing. If you're cool, you'll quickly learn all of the songs and not be able to get at least one of them out of your head. It didn't get a full theatrical release so grab the DVD. If you didn't already love Bill Moseley or Sarah Brightman, you will after this. They better make a sequel!
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