
82 Reviews
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Beetlejuice isn't a bad guy...
11 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As the title says, Beetlejuice isn't a bad guy...but he keeps getting used! I watched the original and said the same. I was hoping he would be vindicated in this one. Alas, no. For me, Lidia's facial expressions were overdone, especially in the final act where she is at the wedding. BJ's ex-wife seemed to be a waste of a character, like what value did she really bring to the plot?. She was defeated so was the ghost boy. The ghost boy, I could see being defeated bc that was BJ's motivation for marriage, but still. I would've loved to more of the custodian (Danny D). The stepmom gave too much Moira Rose, IMO. Honestly, the ending was so lackluster. I would have loved to see Lidia married to BJ and developing some type of powers. And much more BJ!
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Bones and All (2022)
Good, but...
28 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Browsing Prime, the trailer caught my attention, so I watched immediately. The actors all did well. The script was a solid enough, but I found it a bit too long. After Maren (main character) met her grandmother, the story was pretty much over there because she found out her mother was adopted. Even still, we pushed on because we wanted to see her Mom. And in that scene there was nothing to get excited over, except the shock factor of her mother's arms having been self-cannibalised.

This story lacked a big reveal...there was no history of these type of people given at all...a big missed opportunity of tying it in to say...Dracula...or...magic...or aliens...Sully was prime real estate to deliver the reveal, especially since he popped up again. But no. He was only a stalker who wanted a friend.

Lastly, the MM s*x scene was so unnecessary. They could've just as easily flirted and the end result the same. No s*x scenes were necessary...and the kissing only okay because it's a "romance". Solid 6, but I'm
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The Turning (2020)
Done Already...
8 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As stated in the title, this plot has been done before...overall, I do not think this movie terrible, but that it's nothing new...admittedly, I started the movie really hoping that "the turning" was going to be the kids turning into a vampire or werewolf. Imagine my disappointment when all the big (but sort of elusive) reveal was hereditary mental Give the movie a try, as it's not so bad.

This is the end of the review so the remaining words typed are purely to me the required characters necessary to leave a review of The Turning movie. Thank you for reading the extra words. Enjoy.
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Antebellum (2020)
Suspense and Climax Done Right
4 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. I watched a few seconds of the trailer, mostly because trailers tend to be too long nowadays, in my opinion. The bit I did watch didn't prepare me for the actual plot of the movie...and after being pissed for a few moments after the first reveal was made, I actually fully appreciated it. My pisstivity was because I did not sign up to for "that type" of movie; however, learning that it mostly wasn't was, in my opinion, how a suspense is done! The script gave a satisfying ending, in which the protagonist was her own hero and based on her past life, it was not hard at all. The low reviews calling the movie boring should be ignored.
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Actually Good
4 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I hesitated to watch because I thought the previous trilogy was good enough, but I have changed my opinion, after watching. The storyline was pretty tight and did not go in the direction I thought...was so sure the audience would get to see bonding day and during the ceremony, something would happen. Nope.

That said, my immediate thought about the human was, "were she get ripped jeans". Also, the antagonist, for me, wasn't the king, but his gorilla captain- he was the one who destroyed clans and killed apes. Another thing is the whole, "bend the head",...okay GoT writers, we see you. LOL Lastly, the king said, "duplicitous". Really script-writers!?!? Overall, not bad at all and recommended.
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Yes, monster in the hood...
29 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was more drama than horror, but in all fairness, there are plenty of so-called horror movies out there with the same issue. All-in-all, I think the actresses and actors did a good job, but the script could have been fleshed out a bit more. As another viewer stated, this was Frankenstein in the hood.

Spoilers below... I had issue with making the little girl sound creepy and naive, it just didn't fit. In her entry scene, she was helping the protagonist with learning elements, but was punished by reading the alphabet?

The gangsters scenes didn't do it for me. I think maybe the scenes could've been switched to where viewers watched a bit of the protagonist's life before her brother was killed- that way we could really side with her. Also, how did she discover her lab? Of course, this being a fictional movie, viewers suspend logic, but at least show us how we actually got there. For the scene when the boy was killed and the protagonist witnessed him dying, she should shed tears. Also, besides the bit of "ketchup" on her glasses, she was never dirty after being in her lab and lastly, when she brings her creation to life, seems some perspiration would have been in order.

An extra star because the actresses and actors did their best.
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Matriarch (I) (2022)
Ish is weird
20 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very weird movie, but starts off interesting enough, for the most part. The suspense holds once the protagonist goes back to her hometown and sees that only her childhood friend seems to have aged. For me, at this point, maybe a show of a few more people than the one neighbor who sells fudge and the protagonist's mom would've been a storyline plus. A flashback would've even worked. From there, she goes home and is immediately rude to her mom, and mom does some weird things, but is seemingly nice in the day. Another place a were a flashback might've been good- it could have been done as one big one, that way we can see the non-aged neighbors and the childhood abuse. Also, the fudge lady says something weird about the mom not stopping her from selling her chocolates. Anyhow, it takes the mom a while to be mean in person. But then, the daughter ends up killing her minutes after learning of the other dimensional being being worshipped and how she was for me, that shows she wasn't so innocent anyway. Besides, up until her overdose, her mom didn't even know where she was, so at what point did she take responsibility for her own life? Anyhow meh movie with a weird script. Kind of creepy though.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Surprisingly boring...
17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As another reviewer stated, this series is entirely boring! I said it out loud, then checked this website to see the consensus and m, despite that high rating, the comments agree. It really took the last two episodes of season one for something to really happen. Then season 2 episode one comes in and is just as boring, but with two sex scenes (and to be fair, I grew tired of the soft p*rn in GoT because aside from knowing there was intimacy, none of it really moved the plot forward, IMO). All-in-all, this show is enough to casually watch, but if you watch only the last 10 minutes of each episode, really nothing is missed.
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Invasive (2024)
Good Watch!
18 May 2024
This movie was much much better than I expected and I am happy about it! I put this movie on for background noise, thinking it was gonna be a goffy script and even goofier acting, but surprise surprise!

I have to say.that I low key hoped that the villain would be a Yes, there are a few things that happen that require suspected reality or better yet, for the viewer to not take the movie as different than any other fictional movie. That said, there was also a part of me that kind of wanted the heroine to have a change of heart and join the villain, buuut that desire did not last long at all, more like a brief thought. Kudos to every actress and actor. Kudos to the director and every person that made the movie possible. I have no complaints.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Watchable but long...
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watchable but long in the tooth. At the one hour forty minute mark I was ready for the movie to be over. By then, I felt the movie had already made its point, but it still found more scenes to show. By one hour forty seven minutes, I almost turned it off, not because the movie was not good, but because I was over it.

On another note, a Reviewer commented that the movie was racist because there was as a solider that died in Vietnam and he was black. The reviewer stated the movie attempted to perpetuate the falsehood that most of Vietnam soldiers were Black, clearly an annoyance of the reviewer who seemed the film racist...hopefully that stretch caused the reviewer to pull a muscle. :)
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Immediately dislike, but some will like it
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As stated in the title, immediately disliked this unnecessary remake. I have watched Friday Night Dinner many many times and will rewatch again in the near future. Seasons -one through four are my favorites (in case you wanted to

The opening scene was already out of place...actually the first few minutes were out of how they introduced the family. It seemed like a rush to get to the "funny" with no actual build up. Another commenter gave this show a detailed comparison and reasons why this remake does not work and I couldn't agree more (actually many viewers broke it down, but one reflected my opinion the best).

For true fans of FND this will miss the mark, but the show might find a new fan base. The dad is goofy instead of odd and well meaning. The brothers on FND have a solid bond, but played pranks on each other - the remake has them in a sort of a bully versus victim essence and that doesn't translate well for me. Not to mention how old they look. LOL.

Edition: Overall, this show lacks character development. Every episode has each character play the exact antic...Greg gets embarrassed, mom is high strung, etc. And why does the neighbor (I like him though) just walk into their house??? IMO, the fans of The Middle will enjoy this show.
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Black Is King (2020)
I felt the love
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Took me a while to watch, but when I did, I shed happy tears and 'I'm finally seen' tears. Mind you, I enjoy art. This is an artistic interpretation of The Lion King with Beyoncé as the narrator. I loved it! The early scene of Simba being born from the stars and reminded to return, is where my tears started. This is a love story of great. The scenes with the "mood" sleep masks are equivalent to when Simba was living the life with Simon and Pumba -mind you the cheetah covered car ride was his journey there. All in all, I love this artistic version of The Lion King and now have a new respect for Beyoncé. Enjoy.
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Documentary About a Documentary
4 March 2024
Another reviewer nailed it, when they dubbed it a doc about a doc, and I add, about a movie (other commenter might have mentioned that too, but I cannot remember while typing). LOL I was 25 minutes in and questioned what this was about. Jennifer Lopez definitely seems to want the reviewers to know that this was financed from her own bank account. It is entertaining enough, but I still have 40 minutes left. If I have more to add to this review, then I will come back and make an update. Until then, I will add more words to fill the character requirement for posting reviews on this platform. Enjoy!
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23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just did not do it for me. Obvious CGI within the first 5 minutes. Storyline boring/ the mom went for the bad boy of her own volition, then she died. The bad boy clearly loved her, because he tried the save her in her afterlife and not to mention, he changed for her. The only time it was expressed that hat he was was being misled, was after battle had begun. Sis ran away because why? The BFF was kinda annoying and honestly, the lead actor was kind of stale. Overall, my opinion is that the plot needed more than work. Probably lowest Marvel movie on my list. Character limit being met now hfjfkh.
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Entertaining and Enjoyable!
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it on Netflix and decided to give it a chance, so glad I did! The lack of backstabbing, lack of bickering, and lack of fights is half of the reasons I continued to watch episode after episode, then finding myself at the end of season one. I genuinely laughed episode after episode! The housemates seemed to naturally get along with one another and I love that for them and for Black culture. I also genuinely tested up a few times, when members of the cast shared some of their stories.

I admit, in the first couple of episodes, I was worried about the dynamic, with Stacey there...not because of her political views, but because she seemed very closed off and shy. I think Slim called it right, she was more sensitive than the others gave her consideration. I also agree with the cast, in that she maybe could've made more effort to join in. Honestly though, I believe the producers would've keep her on the show for unnecessary drama.
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Goosebumps (2023– )
An okay watch...
12 November 2023
...give it a try. So, I admit that I almost turned it off during the first episode, because there was PC casting and character connections that made me roll my eyes because I'm so very sick of it in every new movie/show, especially the remakes. Instead, I stayed the course and am okay with my decision. I did find the script a bit annoying, because I thought it came off as more college freshmen-ish or sophomore-ish, also their looks. I have tried to brainstorm other titles for the series and did not come up with one that I like, but I think maybe the current title should have included more words. In other words based on the title, I expected short, unrelated stories.
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Okay, but preachy
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I find it to be an easy watch, but who immediately stands out to the viewer is how quickly the protagonist chastises everyone. On one hand, maybe it's reasonable but on the other hand, the protagonist was mean to her mom, goes back in time and immediately sees the flaws in which teens are partaking. How do we know that she never? I found it annoying. For the most part, the rest of the story was decent. If you're not careful, you might find the movie playing in the background, so make a concerted effort to put away your phones. I give it an extra star, because I found the acting to be very good.
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Harlem (2021– )
Relatability Scarce
15 July 2023
In a way, all 4 characters are written the same way...valley girl-ish. I'm on S1, and wonder what bonds these women together...perhaps that will be revealed in S2. I agree with another reviewer who said too many sex scenes -that did not add value to the story lines -(and to be fair, I don't like any show or movie that relies on sex to engage viewers-I don't like watching P when I'm watching a show for substance.) I think this shows has huge potential, but maybe writers need to be Issa Rae's Also, a bit of timeline measurement would be good- no holidays were celebrated in season one and there're literally holidays in ever month, in America. I don't believe Goode/Camille as a professor at all- even the narration sounded like a Grad student. Angie is a little too on the nose for me and what is her value to the group dynamic? She's seems to often be upset, a mooch, and unemployed. Her character traits don't come off as comfortably having a bi boyfriend. That seems more fit of the trust fund baby character's alignment. Ty's character is cool with me, but BFF with 3 straight girls just don't seem real life. Straight girls, if any, usually have Gbff. Lastly, these men were clearly written by women.lmbo I'll keep watching, because I like the foundation and believe with different, in-tuned writers, this show is bomb! 🤞
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Solid 9
4 July 2023
I waited to watch, having a bit of low expectations and in a way, I'm glad a did! I found the entire story to be solid, intriguing, engaging and it kept me on the edge of my seat! The new foe was formidable and I hope to see him and the Wakandans work together on future goals! I enjoyed Namor and his people's power and uniqueness so much, that I was nearly rooting for them!

These negative reviews are so ridiculous. A part of me is not surprised... Anyhow, I need another one-hundred thirteen characters to qualify this refer a post-worthy, so I extend my time by typing these words for the reader.
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Solid Movie Watch!
11 May 2023
Okay, the negative reviews almost kept me from a good watch! I enjoyed the comic relief and the aliens were so freaking scary to me! Based on the less than 7 star reviews, I went into this watch thinking it would be only background noise while I milled about completing chores. Nope! Solid 8 stars from plus 1 more to offset the negative reviews. I do agree with one reviewer who stated that Chris Party's character tried to be more than it needed to be at times (and really I think that's just his acting style). Also, it seems no of the female soldiers wore Lastly, um eyewear. Please Enjoy!
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Pretty Hard Cases (2021–2023)
1/2 through S1E1
8 April 2023
Okay, just want to say, "where's your belt detective?!" Also, "why are your shoes untied!?" Okay, carryon. I'll come back and review later, but I'm still typing to meet the required minimum character count.

It seems like this is going to be a good series. The script seems okay, even though it did irritate me that Squad was full blown guns drawn on the kid (media PTSD, maybe) and the main lead spouted crap about 'rules and losing there jobs'. Anyhow, I scored a 7, up into this sentence, but now I've decided to bump to an eight, because as I watch, it already seems to be improving. So there you have it folks. Thanks for
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Somewhat boring...
13 March 2023
The main character, Galadriel, is s very boring. And honestly, pretty all of the other characters are too. I'm not an ardent fan (no reason why not) of the novels (although I have read the LOTR series once before), but this this series seems sort I started tuning out, part way through episode two. Perhaps, it is because much of the script seems more of a goal to say things in an eloquent, but old way. What I mean is, the dialogue by itself, as only a table-read, sounds beautiful...there is an adage in nearly every line any of the characters speak, but therein lies the problem...the viewer focuses on what they're saying, but non of the plot (including who has said it).
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NewsRadio (1995–1999)
Seasons 1-3 are hilarious and witty
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 1-3 are hilarious and witty. I watched it for the very first time January 2023, after hesitating because of the laugh track that chimed in within the first minute of season one episode one. Then, I tried again and was delightfully pleased! The first three seasons are absolutely hilarious and witty and I could barely get enough. In season four (which I am currently, literally watching as I type, am on episode seven), it seemed very antic-y for whatever reason. Like, Bill bringing in and playing a piano in the office, etc.-what in the world!? Matthew seemed a caricature of himself and also the Efficiency Expert had one too many episodes. I hated the station manager swap, it brought nothing to the series/office dynamic, IMO. Lastly, why were Bill and Dave redheads?
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I thought it was a comedy
9 January 2023
I am disappointed that this not a comedy. I knew that it was a dark comedy, mockumentary, but I didn't get comedy from it. It could have included more ridiculous or hyperbole scenes or lines. This movie reminds me of the wonderful, engaging show Greenleaf, except that show was supposed to be a drama and it delivered that way. I think Regina and Sterling (and the rest) did an awesome, awesome job of becoming their characters. That's all I have, but I need another one hundred twenty...wait one hundred seventeen more characters to make the minimum requirement for this review. I think this one is good as background noise, mostly.
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The Lost City (2022)
Meh, unexciting but watchable
20 November 2022
Whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about how uncomfortable main character must've been, by the time she was kidnapped. Quite apparent that the her one piece is literally a costume to stand out against the backdrop of the movie (though it is cute). On the other hand, perhaps it was very good quality. Loved seeing"Oscar" and the manager reminded me a bit of Queen Latifah. Sandra does the 'awkward stutter acting well' and so does Channing. Also loved seeing Daniel as a villain and Brad was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, the script relied a little too much on canned, predictable humor. I recommend as a popcorn flick, but I doubt I watch a second time as a first choice.
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