The second season is even better. I don't think the negative reviews are at all accurate, and why can't Black people have so much fun and enjoyment. I am Black too - and this is great fun and I am pleased for it.
This was about the first season:
I really did not like it when I first saw it last year and could not watch for longer than 15 minutes. However, started watching it again, and it does get better, and I think my previous criticism was too judgemental, so this is my changed review.
I agreed with some of the comments that it feels clinical. But it did improve and people who have been slagging it, probably didn't even watch it all to the end, and those giving it a 1 are haters because its not that bad, in fact its good, but not good enough to get a 8.
It shows Black women in some of their glorious form - so don't knock it people. I don't think its insulting to Black women but the question is, what do we want to see of ourselves on the screen. What is wrong with how we have been portrayed here - please support this show with good wishes and not negative comments. Watch it until the end.