
66 Reviews
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Tracker (2024– )
Dated and boring
15 May 2024
What's good about this show? Hmmm, absolutely nothing. This show should be watched before a nap or at night before bed. 4 episodes later and it manages to put me to sleep every single time.

Boring characters, dated scenes and dialogues and pointless storylines in every episode. Some of the scenes are so cliche that they are unintentionally funny. My favourite is ep2 when the villain just started talking about our hero's father for no apparent reason and then gives him another taunt before the cops take him away.

Why the father and brother angle is being shown so many times after so many years is just beyond my understanding.

This is a show no one wanted and no one should watch.
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Biggest load of crap ever
30 April 2024
This movie has absolutely nothing to offer, it is a complete crap show of absolutely no content. If a film can made on just a concept without any screenplay or characters then this is it.

By far one of the worst film I have ever seen in my life. I don't even have enough words to complete the review of this complete piece of garbage.

Nick Cage needs to stop churning out one crap show after another so we don't waste our time and money over such nonsense in the future.

The Director should be locked up in a cage on a remote island so he can never torture us again.

If you still have the guts to watch this..God help you.
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Showtime (2024– )
Another Dharma money making scan
16 March 2024
Who asked for this show? No one!!

Here's what happened.. A combination of An actor who has clearly lasted in Bollywood way beyond his talent and a production house that would do anything to make money. Emran would have not even made it on TV if it weren't for the Bhatt's giving him a mainstream break. How a talentless actor who no one wants to watch is still good enough for Dharma and the studio but they cannot give opportunities to new actors? This is the sorry state of affairs in Bollywood.. So we get what is expected from Emran now a days...complete garbage!

This is a show no one asked for and no one is interested in watching...
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Mercy (II) (2023)
There are B grade movies and then this..
12 March 2024
Absolutely horrible! Horrible casting, terrible direction and pointless film. I don't understand who funds such garbage? Why is a movie which would probably be dated even in the 80s is being made in 2023?

The leading actress tries really hard but everything around her is just falling apart and eventually she also comes across as terrible.

The ending is unintentionally funny because everyone's performance hits rock bottom with cliche after cliche being thrown at the are left with really no option but to laugh at this sorry excuse of a film.

Hopefully the writers and director can find a regular 9-5pm job instead of wasting their life making films.
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Gaslight (I) (2023)
Another piece of garbage
3 January 2024
Some ppl with good studio connections have cooked up a piece of utter garbage to sell to studios for a profit. This has become a trend now. Take a few commercially flop stars, flop director and make a low budget movie. Then find a studio who is ready to buy it at a premium.

Who's watching this rubbish? Why are studios still approving such low lvl content?

The bigger OTTs must have a credible team that gives ratings to scripts and the final product before the price is fixed. If content is not the focus then these scammers will keep looting the studios and the viewers will suffer through such mediocre content.
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Kya mazak hai ye?!
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another rubbish film cooked up by a studio with good connections to make any garbage for money.

There is absolutely nothing interesting about this film. The start and setup is so thin and flimsy that you go numb watching the rest of the film. Nimrit Kaur is fine actor but all she does here try and act tough and embarrass her colleagues by her obvious deductions.

There are no emotions expressed by family or friends of Sajini, things just casually move on like nothing happened until Nimrit kaur comes and acts tough with everyone.

Don't watch it after eating or I guarantee you will throw up.

Can't believe things like this still get made.
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Shark Tank India (2021– )
After season 1 it's a disaster
7 December 2023
Let's be honest here, after Ashneer was removed from the show it has never been the same. These so call sharks are just one hit wonders who were at the right place at the right time.

It almost feels like most of the comments and feedback given by the judges are literally taken and translated into Hindi from the US version.

You can't expect the show to have any credibility when most of the sharks are unknown quantities who have actually become famous because of Shark tank.

I pity the ppl pitching who are there for funding and mentorship but the only thing that actually helps them is the visibility they get because of the show.
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Family Switch (2023)
Dated, terrible and stale
4 December 2023
Ok so I was extremely excited to watch this flick because of the talented leads but what unfolded was my worst nightmare.

This film is written like one of those 90's films we used to love because of how weird and unique the plot was but this film has absolutely nothing new to offer. We have seen everything before and even the screenplay and dialogues are stale and dated.

Full points to the actors for trying their best to salvage whatever they could of this absolutely terrible plot and screenplay but even God wouldn't be able to save it.

Direction is as dated as the plot points.

On the whole it is a torturous and difficult watch..
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The Killer (2023)
Absolute rubbish
21 November 2023
Had the unfortunate experience of sitting through this utter piece of garbage last evening. There film just moves at it own pace with so many repeated v/o in which the same lines are pointlessly being repeated.

For someone who sounds so sorted and intelligent about his profession our killer tends to make a so many mistakes while he executing.

The direction is very impressive but besides that there is absolutely no story, our killer is a boring as a dead duck who keeps talking to himself and just keeps numb when he's interacting with others.

Overall this film is just a tedious watch and it will test your patience.
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Kaala (2023– )
Another squandered opportunity by Bejoy
26 October 2023
Ok let's understand why the same directors keep getting multiple opportunities even after they have shown so much times in the past they have no idea how to tell a story?!

Yes you want to keep churning out cheap pointless content as an ott just to show something new is available on your platform but please maintain some standards.

Either be Netflix or Apple tv but hotstar India content is questionable and seems lost. They keep releasing the same looking shows of applause and the others are also remakes.

My conclusion is - don't even watch this show if you have an existing hotstar paid account.
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If only..,
14 October 2023
Now let’s get straight to the point. I don’t think anyone can dispute that this is a well made film and the director definitely knows his art form. All the actors have done justice to their roles and I must say they have been well casted for the characters. The reason why this film has failed miserably at the box office is because Akshay Kumar is doing way too many films and the content of these films are not very consistent so that definitely leads to brand devaluation. The audience doesn’t rush to the theatre anymore for him and that’s why this film has suffered. If the main lead was Aamir then the box office story would have been completely different. All in all a decent watch when it shows up on OTT which should happen very soon.
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Jaane Jaan (2023)
Disaster after 20mins
25 September 2023
A decent first half suppoted by good direction and good acting but that's about how far you can go with a poor script and screenplay. The DOP has done a good job trying make this cheap film look decent. Same Locations and information are repeated again and again.

The second half is a huge disappointment. The film tries to be clever but unfortunately the suspense doesn't hold, logics are convenient placed and the very talented cast also start getting monotonous.

After watching the climax you wonder what was the point of this entire film? I'm sure the book and original adaptation to film might have been much better but this hindi version seems like a money making scam without any actual effort.
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Aseq (2022)
Palm on face..just terrible
13 September 2023
What is this?? Does the director even know the Abc of film making?

The first 10mins sets the tone for the disaster which is to follow..who knows what the criteria for casting films are anymore. There's absolutely nothing to like about this film so I'm struggling to criticise just one thing.

Starts with some random visions, disjointed scenes, followed up by a love song and then again some spooky cupboards opening and closing.

Now what I don't understand is why is this clown still living in a house that's spooking him? Why does he run outside when scared and then return back to investigate?

Conveniently information is revealed and hidden for effect.

I think the producer got conned into taking everyone for a holiday to London which was the true motive behind this film.
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The Freelancer (2023– )
Same old garbage by Neeraj Pandey
10 September 2023
This is recycled garbage by Neeraj Pandey who doesn't know how to make any other type of subject. The quality of script, screenplay, casting and direction is below par at best.

Pandey seems to keep churning out exactly the same content from his production house every 6mths.

In the time where we have so many options to watch on ott, this recycled content seems like it should be on zeetv instead of HotStar.

Good luck if you wish to attempt this absolutely unoriginal and boring excuse of a series and an award awaits you if you sit through the entire show. I had to skip so much to make sure I made it alive to the end.
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Neeyat (2023)
4 September 2023
This is as bad as anything I've ever seen. Horrid characters, production design and writing. Why did Vidiya agree to doing this garbage? Who's funding this garbage and why?

What a terrible mix of characters, the narrator is literally reading out who they are without any effort being put into establishing them. The casting is one of the worst I've ever seen.

If knifes out had a bad hangover after drinking desi daru this would be it.

I really hope someone at Amazon puts in more effort on the content instead of this garbage.

Watch it at your own risk and keep some alcohol nearby because it's going to be needed.
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The Calling (2022)
It was outstanding until..
21 July 2023
Excellent writing and casting of the main lead cop. The show starts of really well and gets you completely hooked. The way the scenes are shot and how the characters beautifully complement the excellent writing for the first case is truly remarkable.

But just then the first case ends and we move on to the next case.... Here's the biggest problem why this show slowly starts to nose dive - for some reason the makers start giving more meat to the female cop who starts to emulate the powerful performance of the male cop in the first case. This messes up the balance of the show and it doesn't help that the casting for the female lead is also very weak.

What was looking like a new age Sherlock turns out to lose it's fizz because the makers got confused..
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Kafas (2023– )
Nothing original
2 July 2023
We keep copying and then we copy some more. The one thing we request the ott makers is to put in some effort to make something original. These same shows are available in English with the dubbed versions. Why remake it?!

Now let's understand why this show doesn't work, the subject is interesting but it's a remake. The cast have not be seen in a million yrs on anything interesting so there is no interest in watching them.

Sharman has fallen from Glory to the floor face first because of some terrible decisions and he's looking like the kid's grandfather with his hair dyed. Nobody even remembers mona singh.

All in all is another low budget show which was made with the intention to make money and it has no intention of engaging or entertaining the viewers.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Original and well written
29 June 2023
Jason Segel has always been an actor who has a very interesting take on different subjects. He might not have always gotten it right but the effort and intent cannot be questioned.

This show needs a couple of episodes to get used to the characters so please watch it with some patience. The casting is fantastic and it's always good to see Ford on screen.

The relationships between all the characters are so well written and treated. You can see the effort that went into getting this important aspect right especially because it is a show that is totally dependent on it's characters.

I would highly recommend watching this.
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Citadel (2023– )
Couldn't have been worse
29 June 2023
2 stars only for amount of money that was spent on this flimsy subject. After a point i thought everyone just wanted to go around the world for a holiday at the expense of the makers.

Priyanka is the biggest let down of this already weak screenplay. Her one liners go so flat that you pause and think if it was meant to even be funny.

The twists are so predictable and cliche but still the makers think they work.

The rest of the supporting cast are decent and the action sequences are well executed but it's difficult to ignore the craters in the script.

I highly recommend staying away from this show because there are so many better options out there.
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Bloody Daddy (2023)
15 June 2023
IDs giving 10/10 to this are obviously from Shahid's PR team because they all read the same. Faking reviews doesn't make it a better film.

When copywood hasn't been working recently then why attempt this again?

People praising Shahid should understand that his last 4 films have been remakes and he has done nothing original recently.

Kabir Singh was a fluke at the box office and now Shaahid thinks this remake formula is a sure thing at the box office.

Over rated director and actor come together to make a disaster which the makers had no guts to go to the theatres with.

This film is just another piece of garbage you will get to see for free on the OTT.

If you really want to watch this film then watch the original or south remake which are much better.
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Flip (2019– )
Is this a joke?!
15 May 2023
Seriously, what garbage is this? I can't understand how these shows get green lit? Do we not have any better writers and directors?! Zero originality!!

For the first 10mins you have no clue what's going on in the show. After 10mins you are just glad that you don't have to waste more time on this rubbish.

Horrible Direction, casting, writing and costumes.

The show has too many pointless closeup and slow motion shots of the actors because they probably had no budgets for any decent locations or VFX considering it's funded by EROS.

God save us from such amateurish garbage in the future. If the makers want to burn money then better buy fireworks next time.
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Dahaad (2023– )
Just okay
14 May 2023
This series is just so flat throughout. It has nothing in terms of highs or lows and it keeps flowing at the same flat graph throughout.

Let's start with the pros The cinematography is excellent and so is the background score. I think if these were weak this show would have been unbearable.

The casting across the board is excellent apart from Sonakshi.

Now for the cons The Direction is mediocre at best. This is probably the weakest part of this show.

The writing is extremely convenient at places and most twists are very obvious to someone with basic common sense.

Sonakshi seems like she's in a salman khan film and clearly is not in sync with the mood of the show.

Overall this show tests your patience.
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Farzi (2023– )
Shahid is a let down
23 February 2023
This series could have been something else if the makers would have casted a more sincere actor instead of Shahid. He arrogance and false overconfidence just ruins his character beyond repair. Good thing is the other actors are in top form, the directors show how good a grip they have on this webseries format.

Bollywood's overhyped actors like Shahid, Varun, Siddarth, Vicky, RajKumar, Ayushman etc. Who have no recent performance at the box office are about to get badly exposed even as far as their acting is concerned.

This OTT format will create a lvl playing field and these overpaid actors will be shown the mirror.
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Aayan needs to stop making films!
22 February 2023
This film is about Ranbir and Aaliya pointlessly staring at each other, falling for each other because that's what the script says and then one song after the other keeps popping up. Between this sometimes the thin story line progresses with some information just given to you randomly without any thought. How did the makers spend so much money without a decent script.

Bollywood needs to decide who to back for such high budget films, Aayan is not even a director, he just happened to catch Ranbir at the right time and reap the benefits of it.

Terrible joke on the audience is what this film actually is..
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Fursat (2023)
22 February 2023
I don't understand who's funding this garbage? VB has proven again he's just an overindulgent gimmicky director. Ishan is not even tv serial material but the benefits of being shahid's brother has pushed him into the correct circles.

VB would have been better just shooting an ad for the iPhone instead of making this utter piece of rubbish!

There is no story in the 40min bore, but a songs pops up every 3mins.

If it wasn't shot on the phone i wouldn't have even bothered with this but since hotstar has released it I feel it's only fair to expect some basics...From the story, acting, cinematography, music etc, everything is just pure torture.
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