22 Reviews
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True Detective (2014– )
The Worst Season Yet
19 February 2024
When I start a series I'm compelled to finish it, so I'm grateful season.4 only had 6 episodes to endure. I think this will be my last season of True Detective since each season gets progressively worse than the one before. Season 4 is not the fault of the principal actors - I just don't think they were given much to work with as far as the storyline goes. The whole thing was a snooze fest - the endlessly bleak, dark locale, the dialogue, and the incredibly predictable outcome of the story. Complicated, thoughtful slow burn character studies are what I prefer to watch, but there was not much that was thought-provoking in this season. I thought season 3 was bad - you had to watch 8 episodes of terrible to get to the last 5 minutes of wonderful, but there was no such reward at the end of this one.
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Feud (2017–2024)
Very Disappointing
2 February 2024
I loved the first season Bette and Joan - well-written and well acted. I was looking forward to this one about Capote and his "swans" because I find these people fascinating on paper, but there's not much "fascination" in this series. I've gotten through the first two episodes and it's been a hard slog. For lack of a better word, it's just boring - the writing and the acting. I should say that I'm not a Naomi Watts fan at all and have never liked her in anything. I guess she's a competent actor, but there's something about her that puts me to sleep. She's never had a real breakthrough role that's increased her popularity and exposure, so maybe I'm not the only one that feels this way. On this storyline, the rest of the cast isn't doing it for me, either. I consider it time wasted and give it a hard pass on future episodes of this particular season.
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Love This Show, But...
8 November 2022
Not so much this season. I love British tv, and in years past this show is amazing and entertaining, but this year it's a bit of a dud. The judges and presenters are still fun to watch, but the bakers this season don't seem to be as talented, and the bakes haven't been very good. As popular as the show is, you'd think the show would have it's choice of fabulous UK bakers and all the contestants would be outstanding. This season makes me now wonder what their criteria is for contestant selection. Nothing else to say except I may not be interested in watching next season if it continues to.recruit mediocre talent.
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Cobra Kai (2018– )
Love Johnny...
26 August 2022
Can't stand Daniel. Ralph Macchio can't act his way out of a paper sack. As Daniel, he comes off soooooooo arrogant and rigid in this series. William Zabka, on the other hand, makes the series a joy to watch. I'll cheer for the underdogs every time. The young actors playing the teens in this series are very good, as well. Daniel's daughter comes off very entitled, but perhaps that's the way the character was written. I was never much of a Karate Kid franchise fan - only saw the first movie, but I'm looking forward to season 5!
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Better Call Saul (2015– )
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A perfect ending to a perfect series. I wanted Jimmy to come clean, show regret, and confess his humanity, and he did - just as Kim did - but not before he showed us glimpses of the old Saul, which was awesome. I wanted to see Kim as a lawyer again, and them sharing that cigarette like they did in the very first episode just made it come full circle for me. I adored all the characters in this show and BB, and will miss them - until I decide to watch all over again!
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The Old Man (2022– )
Promising Start
15 July 2022
I gave this title four stars only because I thought the first three episodes were interesting and I like Bridges and Lithgow. The fourth episode was a little tired. When the writers decided to turn Zoe into Yoda in the fifth episode, that ended it for me. I watched part of the sixth to see if things would improve - no luck, and I deleted the recording. Overall, a waste of time, as are a good many shows these days.
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Gaslit (2022)
20 May 2022
I lived through Watergate and remember watching the hearings during a summer off from high school. I had high hopes for this show. Parts of it are entertaining, some nostalgic - fashion and so on. I've watched all of the episodes to date, and it seems like a silly parody of what happened - was it suppose to be produced as a comedy? For me, a waste of time I wish I could get back.
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Julia (2022–2023)
More Fiction
3 April 2022
I was looking forward to seeing this because I'm a fan of Julia Child and Sarah Lancashire. I would give it a one star rating if it wasn't for Sarah Lancashire. Once again, as in so many shows these days, a character is fabricated to be more "inclusive". If you know the real story then it's unwatchable.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
A Complete Waste Of Time
7 March 2022
I won't get back the time I spent watching this. Usually I'll try to slog through if I've invested a couple of episodes of my time, but I had to cut my losses on this one. I made it through 3 episodes and had to stop. This was a mess - the story, the music, the acting - all of it. I started watching it because of Toni Collette, but she's not that good in it - neither were the rest of the actors, but the one that played the daughter made this show completely unwatchable for me - she's really awful. Just don't bother with this one.
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Billions (2016–2023)
Hoping For Better
28 February 2022
I'm a Billions fan from the start because Damien Lewis (Homeland, Forsyth Saga) and David Costabile (Breakin' Bad) are two of my favorite under-appreciated actors. I've also enjoyed Paul Giamatti as AG, and Asia Kate Dillon is not someone who I was familiar with, but I'm now a fan. Mike Prince was good as a side story and I'm trying to get used to him as the principle because I've invested several seasons of watching this show and must see it to the end, good or bad. The saving grace of this season is the new role for Condola Rashad playing Kate Sacker - good character and fun to watch. Prince's second puts me to sleep and I hate what they've done to Wags.

I was hoping this would be the last season but heard last week it's been renewed for one more, so I must endure. I must endure because I've read a couple of recent articles that quoted Damien Lewis and the producer of the show saying the door has been left wide open for Lewis to return to the show, and that he will consider it but not as a principle player. I want him to come back in the last half of the last season and kick ass, take no prisoners and then disappear again, but this time with Wendy.
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Spencer (2021)
Why, Why, Why Cast Kristen Stewart???
8 February 2022
No spoiler alert in this review, because we all know she's a terrible actress. I wanted to like this film, but Hollywood seems determined to shove Kristen Stewart down viewers throats and insist she's a viable actress. Well, she's not. She's still the worst actress to walk the face of this earth. So annoying with her eternal twitchy mannerisms, breathy voice and the rest of the ;package that comes when she's in any film. Terrible accent, terrible portrayal. Go ahead and give her the Oscar, Hollywood, and get it over with, but it still won't make her worthy or even a passable actress.
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29 January 2022
I was looking forward to watching this film but it didn't deliver and fell flat for me. So-so acting, with the exception of Irons, and the arguments between the two friends were overacted and ridiculous. They seemed like children dressing in their elders clothing and play acting. Made for tv caliber like so much produced by Netflix these days - quantity over quality. Another reviewer.mentioned the quote In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king- an apt observation.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
First Episode Enjoyable
25 January 2022
I've waited a long time to see this show and I'm not disappointed, so far. Good characters played by good actors so I'm looking forward to seeing more.
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Bloodline (2015–2017)
I Wanted To Smack All Of The Characters
22 January 2022
I watched this when it first came out and I just finished watching it for the second time. I barely remembered what happened in the third season and the last two episodes were terrible. That being said, the first two seasons are the reasons I watched this series again. Funny, I usually have to like or respect at least one character in a series for me to keep with it, but I disliked and was contemptuous of them all. If that was their goal then the actors excelled. Sissy Spacek grated on my last nerve in every scene she was in. She ended every sentence whispering and was just in general so annoying - please cut your bangs, Sissy. She almost redeemed herself in the last episode giving off a "Carrie" like personna that was quite creepy.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see a continuing series with father and son. If they were going to hook them up then they should have kept it going for another season or two. I guess the reboot was simply to reconcile the dodgy ending in the original Dexter. It's fitting the son killed him, but NOT YET!!! I don't think the person playing Dexter's son is dynamic enough to carry the show if they decide to continue it. Michael C. Hall is the only reason to tune in. It would have been fun to have Baptista and Dexter's cop girlfriend chasing father and son around the country. I also wished they hadn't killed off Hannah and that she could have turned up at some point.
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Needs New Writers
14 December 2021
Because the ones writing this reboot are not in touch with how these characters would/should have evolved. As hip as these women were in the first show (with the exception of self centered/self serving Charlotte), does anyone really think that Carrie and Miranda would not be just as sophisticated in 2021? The writers make them seem as if they've lived in a cave for the last few years. I expected Charlotte to still be clueless and one dimensional, (perhaps because Kristen Davis can't act her way out of a paper bag) but the clumsiness in the other two women is not believable. I hope the way they've dealt with Samantha means Kim Catrall will come back, hopefully with an enormous raise because this show needs her, really needs her bad. I'll watch a couple more episodes and hope I can stop wincing. Also, the way the writers have treated these characters is an insult to ALL older women who have grown/matured with the times but not succumbed to the ridiculousness - REALLY insulting.
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
Still A Great Show - Can't Wait For Season 6
4 October 2021
There's a lot of folks here that say killing off Smurf ruined the show and that season 5 sucks and that the flashbacks are distracting - I respectfully disagree with all of that. I've loved this show from the beginning - the storyline, the cast, everything about it. I think the "boys" are holding their own in the 5th season. I enjoy seeing how they're coping without Smurf's guidance and presence and also how they're bonding together as they figure out life after Smurf and how they will survive it. I think the flashbacks really add to the storyline and I enjoy them. I also loved the Australian movie with the fabulous Jacki Weaver in it - don't know who's eyes are deader, Jacki's or Ellen's. Looking forward to season 6!!!
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Marcella (2016–2021)
What A WASTE Of Time
3 July 2020
Marcella is EASILY the most hated character of any show I've ever seen, with no redeeming features at all. The writers strive to make her come across as some kind of crusader, but she's not. She destroys everyone in her path with no remorse, no conscience. I enjoy edgy, dark dramas so I don't require shows to tied up in a pretty bow, but Marcella is so despicable that only sociopaths would root for her. I watched all three seasons - not because the last two were enjoyable, but because I'm a bit like Sheldon Cooper in that I must finish a series once I commit to watching it. I hated this character so much that I'm not sure I could watch this actress in anything else.
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Poldark (2015–2019)
Season 5 Is Terrible
26 October 2019
I really enjoyed watching seasons 1-4. I'm one of those people that will see a series through to the end, good or bad, once I've committed to watching it. I tried to stick with it, but season 5 is so bad I had to cut it loose.
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The Letdown (2017–2019)
12 August 2019
I like the show, love the grandmother, but find the main character hard work, annoying, unlikable and unsympathetic. Usually if I can't get on board with the main character I'll ditch the show, but I really enjoy everyone else. I generally enjoy Australian shows.
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Endeavour (2012–2023)
9 July 2019
The season 6 finale was perfection. I can't say more about it. Looking forward to season 7.
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What/If (2019)
Jane Levy's acting makes me cringe.
19 June 2019
I wonder if this show was intended to be a comedy, because the acting was so terrible that I laughed through most of it.
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