
7 Reviews
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a poor imitation
19 August 2021
This movie is nothing more than a ripoff of a brilliant 1972 film titled The Other. The plot is directly transplanted into this mess of a film that is needlessly violent and mean spirited. Watch the original movie, the same plot device is used but the film itself is made with a more restrained hand and is far more satisfying.
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The Legend of Lizzie Borden (1975 TV Movie)
As pitch perfect as any TV movie ever could be.
10 August 2021
This historical movie could have been dry and rather boring, or it could have gone the other way and been over the top. Lurid and melodramatic. Thankfully it is neither.

It is instead a brilliantly crafted film , somehow managing to convey all the known relevant facts of the famous case, while being extremely engrossing.

Most of the credit for this goes to Liz Montgomery who gives a tour de force performance that is very controlled, understated and yet thoroughly chilling- especially during the final scenes of a dream quality flashback recreating the possible commission of the murders.

Also of notable quality are the fantastic costumes and sets, combined with the tight direction and editing it all adds up to an experience that is as claustrophobic as the warren of small inter-connected rooms that made up the Borden household. The cinematography is spellbinding- dark, gauzy, and filled with muted colours that somehow convey the summer heat and suspense; narrow halls, stuffy rooms, and shadows everywhere.

The rest of the cast is also universally good; I dont think there is a weak performance to be found. The music is an interesting choice; a darkened ragtime style with a slight calliope carnivalesque feel to it, very effective overall.

This film is decidedly head and shoulders above most other Tv movies, not just for the 70s, but for any decade.
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no connection whatsoever to Shirley Jacksons novel of the same name
15 March 2021
This atmospheric but over long melodrama is a bloated. talky mess. It has absolutley none of the gripping plot or genuine fright factor of the original novel or movie (the 1963 version , NOT the 1999 verson). In fact i have no idea why they are using the title at all. This is a needlessly convoluted soap opera with dark overtones,and nothing more.
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mediocre but not terrible
14 March 2021
First off, Radcliffe did a better job than i was expecting, however, a better actor would have improved the movie substantially since his character is expected to shoulder the entire story. There is absolutely not one single new thing here. The elements of the plot are old and stale, but since the sets and the photography are so good you dont notice too badly. I cant truly consider this to be a horror movie; there just arent enough scares to qualify it as such. It could be best described as ominous without being truly frightening. There are a couple of jump scares that work well enough though. The best parts of the movie depend solely on atmosphere, because there isnt enough originality in the screenplay or depth in the psychological elements to make it anything more than mediocre.
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Calibre (2018)
Gritty, honest and genuinely unsettling.
11 March 2021
This movie proves that the best plots are based on the simplest of premises. The story itself is straightforward , simple, and believable . But the pacing, suspense and momentum are what really makes this film come to life. The performances are all far better than average, the characters are real people, there are no clear cut one-dimensional heros or villains to be found. Its mostly a very well told tale about ordinary, flawed people trying desperately to navigate their way through and out of a very tragic single event that causes a series of painful and sometimes very tense repercussions. There is no pandering to audiences here, just a heavy dose of realism , so much so, that at times it is almost difficult to watch, yet you cant take your eyes away from the screen. If only more movies could be so well made and intelligent as this one.............. I never once felt i was being manipulated , preached to, or lied to. This film merely requires that you be a witness to the events.
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not really Christie's Marple
1 June 2019
In spite of the fact that this is a tremendously entertaining movie, and that Rutherford is such a joy to watch, I wish it wasn't based (even loosely) on the Character of Miss Marple as created by Agatha Christie, Rutherford, for all her obvious gusto and brilliance, doesn't portray a character that is anywhere close to the original Marple; their methods and their personalities and their physical statures are quite different. But, that aside this is a highly enjoyable watch, Rutherford has never been better than she is here in this energetic story- the perfect balance between genuine mystery and comedic craftsmanship.
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The Marriage Fool (1998 TV Movie)
good solid drama
1 June 2019
The biggest surprise in this movie was an amazingly good performance by John Stamos. With 2 icons like Matthau and Burnett, you would expect that it would be their performances that would carry the load, but it is actually the relationship between Matthau and Stamos that is at the heart of this story. They have a wonderfully natural chemistry together, I'm betting that Stamos was in awe of the opportunity to work so closely with a master like Matthau and it was likely that closeness that drew out such a great dramatic performance by Stamos. Burnett is great as always, but her role is quite subdued and the real magic in this movie takes place in the exchanges between the 2 male leads. Terry Polo also gives a nice performance here. All in all this was a satisfying watch. A very simple story but acted with such a natural credibility by the ensemble cast and an intelligent script that it is elevated to being much better than average.
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