
6 Reviews
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The Perfect Date (I) (2019)
More than you would expect
19 April 2019
I guess this movie is a little bit predictable, but also enjoyable and sends a really good message to the audience. The fact that nowadays everyone's obsessed with trying to be perfect, even though it's impossible to reach is quite pointed out.

I liked the chemistry that was between the two main characters and the fact that they would eventually end up together was a little prominent, but the storyline was much better than what you would expect just from the title of the movie alone.

It's nothing too complicated or twisted, but I feel like it's a good enough of a movie to watch on a lazy day and it also left a good feeling in you afterwards. I would recommend if you're looking for nothing too sensitive or serious, just some good swapped movie to watch.
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19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so superficial that it makes me wanna sue the director for creating such ridiculous movie. The whole plot was so predictable and cliche that it made me nauseous. Everything in this movie was so unrealistic and boring.

The main character - Elle has to deal with so many struggles in her life - like which hot rich brother should she pick or how skanky skirt should she wear.. it was so boring that I almost fell asleep during first half of the movie..

This movie is supposed to be liked be thirteen year olds, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised be the "depth" it holds.
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Enjoyable and deep at the same time
15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like this movie was estimated for so long since is the movie with the full-Asian cast and was meant to reveal the mysterious life of Asian billionaires.

This movie is supposed to show us the life of the old money wealthy Asians and their upholding lifestyle and the values they hold. That the family is, no matter what, the most important thing in their lives.

The characters in this movie are very interesting, Rachel, the sweet American Asian is dating Nick for over a year, and she got invited to Nick's best friend's wedding. She has no clue that Nick's family is one of the richest in the whole of Singapore and abroad. She faces problems that she wasn't prepared to face and has to put up with the pressure that comes along with Nick's relatives.

Some of the scenes are extremely spectacular. For example, the wedding scene was dreamy and beautiful and the locations were indescribable.

Throughout the end of the movie, Rachel does something that only very few people would be capable of. Her love for Nick is stronger than his mother's hate for her, so she decided to step away and let his mother win, yet it felt like she actually defeated her, because she was doing what was best for Nick, unlike his own mother, who was practically forcing him to marry someone who he didn't love, just to be everything the way it should be in their circles.

I liked the emotional scenes the most, because of the strength and depth they held, and the fact that this is the reality. People are blindsided by this obsession of trying to have everything in their life in order, nothing can step up and be different. You can not have an unfortunate past, you can not have dreams, you can not put yourself first, you have to be perfect.

At the end, when his mother finally comes around with their relationship, it shows that you should just be yourself and never be ashamed of who you are, no matter how much would someone tell you-you're not enough, you have to hold on and not give into that opinion, otherwise you would lose yourself and if you don't have yourself, you have nothing.
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Superficial garbage
15 April 2019
I hate to say it, but this movie is a trash. It has barely there plot with so much unrealistic and noncaptivating twists, that it surely made cringe even Vanessa Hudgens.

The whole concept of the movie feels like someone just wanted to shoot a new Christmas - themed "romantic" movie, but had so little time to think through it, that he decided to write the first thing that came into his mind. This movie has nothing to offer except fancy locations and horrible acting. The characters are boring as hell and the whole storyline just seems silly.

I personally think that this movie was shot for people who are just bored during the Christmas break, and aren't very choosy when it comes to movies, so they just click on the Netflix and find first Christmas movie that catches their eye and watch it. The target well chosen, cause it matches well with the rest.
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Burlesque (I) (2010)
Great cast and great musical performances
15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is probably one of the best, captivating movies I've ever seen. It has plot, it has twists, it has struggle and it's more realistic than you would think. Christina Aguilera did a great job, her acting was flawless. Her musical performance was something I never wrapped my head around and probably never will. Her voice is exquisite and I've had goosebumps every time she sang.

This movie would enjoy people who likes to think that every dream, even the most crazy one can happen if you work as hard as you can to pursue it.

The idea of American Dream being fulfilled is clear in this movie. A girl, who has incredible talent is trapped in a restaurant working as a waitress, facing real life problems, while her life along with her dream of becoming famous singer is slipping between her fingers. Then one day she made a decision to end her misery and stepped into that amazing yet terrifying world of show-business. After multiples attempts to find a job in a City of Angels she began to realize what has she gotten herself into. And that was when she stepped into that bar. With the last 20 bucks in her wallet, she bought her ticket to the show of her dreams.

This movie sends a good message to the audience about not giving up and chasing the opportunity even if the circumstances are not always kind.

I highly recommend to watch this movie and I think you won't regret it.
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After (I) (2019)
Trailer was better than the movie
12 April 2019
I am one of those people who actually read the books and was eagerly looking forward to seeing those amazing characters being brought to life. Although I have to say I was disappointed and angry that the director along with the writer missed this great opportunity to make an astounding movie from such great content from the book.

Sadly, the storyline written in the book is involved in the slightest, which I think was a huge mistake. Everything that makes "After" After was cut out and replaced with scenes that might look like they've been cut out from some Instagram filter - fantasy world, but doesn't move the plot further or doesn't do anything to help develop the characters as well. I feel like there have been so many scenes that weren't finished or just simply weren't important. I think that this movie could have been so much better if they just stuck to the book more strictly.

Also, the characters development wasn't as great as I thought it would be, I mean the actors' features did resemble the ones, you would imagine from the book, but the acting and playing had its flaws. It was maybe because both of the actors have so little experience or just simply weren't able to perform the characters correctly. For example Tessa in the book is more overthinking things, not just jumping into things 2 seconds after Hardin says it, and on the other hand, Hardin is much ruder and mocking, seductive.. than in the movie.

Also I simply just don't understand why they decided to label this movie with PG-13 when half of the book is contained from sex scenes or intimacy. This was another thing that disappointed me the most.

Also, I feel like the whole movie would have been much more realistic if they showed us more dramatic scenes like the intense arguments between Tessa and Hardin, the flaws of their toxic relationship and also the complicated past of Hardin's which led him to be the way he is.

From my point of view, this movie wasn't the worst I've ever seen, but if I recall it today, I can't even remember the plot, I mean nothing really happened in there. The scenes were beautiful and all, but it just seemed so unrealistic. It felt like if I was watching the trailer for 1 hour and 46 minutes.
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