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Heavy material done thoughtfully
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show was so good. Tom and Amanda absolutely killed it-incredibly dynamic and enthralling actors who captivate you emotionally, and the show handles heavy topics delicately and thoughtfully, but it still goes deep and brings out a lot of emotion, which was only pulled off because of the phenomenal acting.

I was indifferent towards Tom before this, but have so much respect for him after this show and appreciation for his craft. He has some wild and intense scenes, he goes in, commits to the character fully, and I've got mad respect for it. He reportedly has decided to take a break from acting after this role and I can totally see why. He deserves it! I'll be looking forward for his future work once/if he's ready to film again.

I didn't realize how amazing Amanda is too. Such subtle acting between her and Tom. You feel and see their complexity, and her facial expressions sell the scenes. I was invested and loved her so much in this, I can't get over how talented she is, and you feel a lot of her emotions alongside Danny's storytelling, witnessing it all unfold with her.

The show enters some heavy and heartbreaking territory but it does so with care. It can be triggering and cathartic for those who can sadly relate in certain ways, but there's no graphic scenes, and it doesn't go into detail, which is the right way to tell these stories. I cried in several episodes and this show made an impression on me. You give Danny compassion and find your own self compassion in the process. It's healing-though those wounds don't ever go away, which was another aspect I appreciated in the show.

So many stories have to end triumphantly: the character gets over their grief, they heroically overcome the harm they've experienced and it's in the past, they've essentially moved on with that door closed. Huzzah...!

But in this show, Danny found acceptance and integrated not only his multiple personalities but also the pain he endured. He didn't belittle or try to erase that chapter, because it is a permanent part of his life story that influences the rest.

Grief is something you learn to live with, not get over, by finding healthy coping strategies and letting time give you distance from the intensity of traumatic events. They are always with you though, and you can see Danny gently holds that pain at the end. It isn't holding him down, but it's a part of who he is and what he carries.

It was also unique that the show didn't push for a forgiveness story ending like so many others do. Yea his mom tried her best, I guess, though she framed herself as a victim more than she extended apology and sorrow for her kid. But as Danny said, sometimes your best isn't enough. She caused him unimaginable suffering, and forgiving that isn't necessary for your own well-being. He's not bitter or holding a grudge, he's discovered he can accept her damage was wrong and unforgivable, but let those feelings take space in him without consuming him.

As long as those emotions dont dominate your psyche, for too long at least (which can rightfully take years to process as it had for Danny), you'll find a relative place of peace, and room for all your experiences to exist, but certainly less crowded in each moment.

The past can't be changed and you're allowed to be angry and resentful towards it in the moments that pain surfaces. Those are valid emotions and as Amanda said, the appropriate response to hurtful events; he'd be crazy not to feel upset about what happened, something along those lines. Now he can tend to those thoughts and himself, instead of centering a detrimental relationship or striving to forgive someone who hasn't earned it. His focus is on him and the life he gets to grow on his own.

Bit of a tangent but clearly it shows how impactful the show was for me. I applaud all involved, and thank them for approaching such a difficult subject with such depth and understanding. It ultimately gave me comfort amongst a variety of emotions. Well done and well worth the watch.
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Silo (2023– )
Binge this for best results
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I waited until nearly all episodes were released before watching and as another reviewer mentioned, this is the way to go. The story is too connected to each episode to split it up week after week. I rewatched with my husband to see it himself and it was even more cohesive the second time around.

Plus the episodes end in cliffhangers mostly, which I don't like, and the story slowly unfolds though the episodes don't necessarily feel slow. They are actually somewhat stressful at times! But the mystery part really builds all season long and takes a lot of time for minimal info to be revealed, though the end was sufficient mystery to end on; just enough satisfaction to feel some payoff while dying to see where it goes in season 2.

And there's still so many mysteries and questions! Is the air ok to breathe? Was she poisoned in the pressure chamber before she went out when they pour unknown fumes into the room? How many other silos are out there? Have some collapsed? Are they related and similar, or is there entirely different worlds in the other silos? What led to the collapse of society? Why are the leaders so ruthless and deceptive? Do they genuinely not know how the silo came to be? Why no magnifying stuff?

I do think the series could've answered more questions but I'm guessing they are trying to get a good 4-5 seasons out of this story.

The first episode itself feels like a movie, so they did well unfolding a decent bit, but once Jules came into the picture it felt like the mystery started to drag without enough answers, until the end where we got some, that leave you with more questions lol.

I almost never feel motivated to read the book for a tv show or movie but this is one I'm going to, it is a very interesting and unique post apocalyptic story that stands out from many others.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
The things you dont see
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not usually one to spot symbolism in tv but WOW there was too much in this episode so masterfully done to not point out.

Starting backwards: the final scene with Kendall walking in the park towards the lookout where we see the Statue of Liberty is blurred, to the point you wouldn't recognize it if you haven't been to that park or seen this park elsewhere.

But I'm contrast, the rough waves are in full focus. Kendall sees the water, a very haunting reminder of his past, handling the drowning of a kid in a very poor way, to the point you can call it negligent manslaughter, or similar. As Shiv called out Kendall this episode, "you murdered someone"-dramatic without the nuance Kendall wants others to understand but the facts remain and he is forever stuck with his actions of that day that had serious consequences.

As he's walking toward the Statue of Liberty lookout, we get a glance of Colin following behind him. Colin's "I know you" line, a very memorable one from earlier seasons: Kendall is literally being followed by the memory of what he's done. "I know you" as does the water he stares out at.

He can't see the literal beacon of freedom that is right in front of him: the Statue of Liberty. He is drowning in his own misery, as one of the richest people in that city if not on earth. His "loss" resulted in him getting more billions of dollars. True freedom that none of us could even fathom! Yet he can't recognize what he has-ultimate freedom.

Because he wants power. That's what the siblings all crave, they grew up with money so it doesn't even cross their mind. But power? They were second to their father and beholden to him to a fair degree, at least mentally self inflicted.

This was why it was a big move for Shiv to put aside her ego when she learned Tom was going to be CEO. She was fuming, why? Because she wants the power.

Ultimately she chose a life where she gets paid a ton, her husband is CEO of a massive company, and her child will have their father in their life. Plus she never has to work again if she doesn't want to with all the riches she has, but again, money, security-it's immaterial to her-she wanted power, so while it looks like a win to us, you can tell she took an L by choosing the wise decision she did to kill the deal. She had an ounce of growth to see past her obsession for power and ego, just enough to really help everyone, including herself, greatly.

Earlier in the episode when Shiv and Roman literally debate semi jokingly if they'd kill Kendall, they swim out to tell him they're choosing him.

The scene is a total nod to the Titanic-Shiv and Roman are literally bobbing in the water hanging onto the "door" while Kendal sits atop it. Jack couldn't save himself *and* Rose, he chose to save Rose and keep her on the door since they both couldn't fit without it sinking them both. Shiv and Roman accepted they couldn't all run the company-they wouldn't get it if they tried and the deal would fall thru. They had to choose to "save" one of them.

In the end, Shiv (Jack) killed their Rose (Kendall) which is an interesting parallel to the guilt Logan felt about killing his sister Rose, as was brought up in this episode again.

So many connections to make in this episode. It was tied up well and I actually was placing my bets on Tom all season long, even more after the last few episodes. He made the call for Mencken so Mencken likes him, he has inside company experience unlike the other siblings, he wants an American, it just made a lot of sense.

Tom chose to keep Gregg around too even though Gregg potentially ruined his chances. Tom is more forgiving than the siblings who cut people out at the smallest slight, like Roman did to Gerri, and he knows it was undeserved but he wasn't big enough to apologize and move on, unlike Tom and Gregg who can see each others relationship history as a whole, they've worked well for each other throughout the series, so Tom chose not to punish him for one misdeed. A healthy relationship (as healthy as it gets in this show...)

Also I've seen others say Tom made a mistake telling Shiv it was him but I think it was intentional. He knew she already flipped to the siblings side because Mattson played her, but he had hope she could find her love for him and realize the life they could have with him in charge. It was a smart move for him to tell her, it worked, otherwise Shiv probably would've voted the deal thru.

It was also a last test in their relationship. Shiv asked if he wanted to rekindle things earlier in the episode and he said something along the lines of idk. A final chance came, a big one too, for Shiv to show she would actually put him first for once in their relationship and set aside her ego, and she did.

More than anything I think it was her love for Tom that switched her decision. So succession is a love story after all, eh?
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The Great: Once Upon a Time (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Huzzah, season well done
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I will say I think season 1 and 2 are stronger, but 3 is still great and I can't bring myself to rate it lower because I adore this show.

The first 5 episodes could've moved a little quicker through the plot imo, it was drawing out a smidge, especially for the big switch up in episode 6. The end of the season felt like it could've had 2 more episodes or more afterwards but if they get another season it might be the best one yet.

And, it had to be done y'all...Peter is a great character, the actor is amazing and my husband genuinely thought Pugachev was a different actor he's so good, but he was Catherine's Achilles heel that was holding her back. Plus if they want to retain the slightest shred of historical accuracy, he couldn't hang around much longer.

It was a shocking death, hard to believe, and we were put into a spot where we'd feel some degree of denial with Catherine same as she was. Peter is too big a personality to die! There's no way he's gone...(they do like ghosts in this show so I expect we'd see him again in the next season.)

They captured grief in a dramatic yet completely familiar way. It was crushing to watch everyone handle grief, even poor Grigor. It made me tear up seeing Catherine walk around wearing Peters clothes, because when you lose someone you will do anything to try and stay close to them, in very literal ways, however minimally possible it actually is. Elizabeth even went to physically go see Peter. I don't think her intention was to bring him home, but more to get closure as best she could. She's an awesome character on this show and so emotionally complex. Her way of grieving was different than Catherine's but a snapshot of what Catherine might feel like down the road. Elizabeth's love, Peter the Great, was so impactful that years later she insists to Vinodel she's not going to have another love like that. She still carries that grief with her because *grief is not something to get over or though, it is something you learn to live with.*

I think Elizabeth and Catherine will be very close next season.

Catherine said she felt like she was betraying Peter by trying to move on without him and ouch that got me good. If you've dealt with grief, there's a lot you'll sadly resonate with in this season.

I thought Orlo's death was very well done as well. Everyone had reason to believe he was so mad he just left, when in reality he took the bullet AND the bear. His death vs Peters is a great contrast: Orlo left saying harsh things, making those around him feel like he didn't love them, so it was easy to assume he abandoned court and Catherine. Meanwhile Peter died right after professing his love to Catherine, despite a very serious dispute they were separating away from. Just illustrating you never know when your last day will be, so don't be petty or withhold your love from those you care about.

Marial made me so mad and her day of reckoning is coming. When Catherine, her supposed best friend, was having the worst day of her life going through the hell that is grieving and completely melting down, Marial was out trying to cover up her own misdeeds attempting to kill Pugachev. She is an awful friend and just selfish. Even George who is more questionable and confusing was able to better support Catherine, though I don't know what her final aim is, the throne maybe I guess.

Maxim is such a hilarious little actor I genuinely enjoyed his scenes. Also, big fan of Hugo-though he's terrible in ways that literally mirrored Peter, he's hysterical and adds a lot to the show. What a great actor.

The last few episodes carry the season but it was all still such a good watch, and a tough watch in the latter half too. Well done and super hopeful for another season.

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Bama Rush (2023)
Missed the point & built to nothing
27 May 2023
The documentary kept seeming like it was building to what would be a wild watch, maybe some investigative journalism giving the viewers insight into the supposed secrecy Greek life touts.

It didn't go anywhere. Very anticlimactic and a bummer.

Also the documentary walked around the biggest topic that wasn't talked about: the patriarchy! The director felt so ashamed to be bald for so long because the patriarchy teaches girls and women that our value is in our looks and if we don't look a particular way, we are worthless. Hence the strict and vain sorority rules.

Where was the critique of the actual subject at hand??? The eating disorders, sexual assault, anxiety, and social pressure these girls find themselves dealing with are a result of the patriarchy, and it was pretty wild they didn't make the connection.

Patriarchy is a system that oppresses everyone, men included, and all of these women were struggling deeply due to it but couldn't call it out. Very disappointing coming from HBO.

Also felt incomplete not seeing more of the fraternity side of things, which no doubt also deals with a different strain of problems from the patriarchy: hazing, harassment, indoctrination, whatever-we didn't get to see it.

The director saw herself too much in her own subjects and became her own subject of the film, while failing to highlight the source of these shared issues between her and the girls she filmed. This had potential to be an interesting documentary critiquing something that is sooo easy to call out and plenty would love to see and hear more of that world, but it flopped at doing the bare minimum.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Addicting & promising binge watch
22 April 2023
The characters are phenomenally written and all of them are an enigma to some degree. Their dialogue is fast paced and engaging, and the storyline keeps evolving in chaotic political directions.

It doesn't have a strong tone like other similar shows do. I want to compare it slightly to House of Cards but that doesn't fit the bill. It has a hint of Succession but again not a true fit. It felt similar to the Night Agent but wayyyy better.

I see reviews complaining about the lead and her disheveled appearance and abrasive behavior, but that's her hole thing! "You want people in power who don't *want* to be in power".

Kate is focused on the mission and cause at hand, where people's lives are hanging in the balance. What she's wearing, how she looks, and even when she sleeps all come second to the primary mission. She's good at her job so no one dwells about her decorum. I thought her style fit the narrative perfectly, and it was a refreshing change of pace.

The best part of the show is the relationships they all have with one another. It's rare I like all of the characters in a show but this one did it for me. Really hopeful we'll see a s2.
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Succession: Connor's Wedding (2023)
Season 4, Episode 3
What peak TV looks like
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this episode was a masterpiece all around. It was a hilarious episode too, dark humor, black comedy, I was dying of laughter throughout, and felt a bunch of other waves of emotion. Sympathetic for the characters too as they were thrust into chaos and grief.

You are in the siblings shoes in this episode as you're asking yourself some of the same questions they are. You're on your toes and processing information at the same time they are.

The show caught everyone off guard with this one and nailed it perfectly. There was so much happening in just this one episode alone, and it felt like a finale with how incredibly well done it was.

Bravo to the show, this is as good as TV gets.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
It's pretty decent but has its flaws
10 February 2022
The space scenes were really neat, and the rivalry between the Russians and the US was interesting. There were some dark turns in the storyline I didn't see coming, and when they did, i thought, Ok Apple really went there wow! Some very tragic and sad elements, but overall the show had an uplifting theme of perseverance and dedication.

I LOVED that they found a very plausible and believable way to get a bunch of women in the show who were good characters, not just house wives. Lord knows we have enough historical fiction that has no strong female characters and the excuse always used is that it wouldn't be realistic since women were excluded from the workforce, from whatever, and oppressed. We have more than enough stories told of times where women were excluded, we don't need more. So it was awesome they had such a small moment in history differ from our own that led NASA to bring in female astronauts and engineers into the mix. Same with racial diversity - they found reasons to make the show diverse and it worked. Love that. Representation matters and it gets old watching show after show have only male lead characters and shows that fail the most simple of gender equality tests (the bechdel test being one: two named female characters talk to one another about something other than their relationship to men)

I did not care for the hallmark moments though, some were quite cringe. Very long winded emotional heated conversations, group singing, etc. Plus some acting wasn't very good, it was largely alright but plenty of instances of bad acting and poor writing. There could've been more space scenes too and I do wish they traveled more in time, but that's not a big complaint, I think they still pull of the new decade every season well.

Excited for season 3 which will progress the story forward in the direction I anticipated would have occurred earlier!
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Murderville (2022– )
Great idea poor execution
6 February 2022
Ken Jeongs episode is worth watching, it is the last one, and I'd give it a 7/10. He committed to the role and the scenes he was tossed into, he was hilarious, and a perfect fit for this kind of comedy. He understood the assignment, and when he did break character it was hysterical.

I think Annie is a great actress but oof she is not an improv actress. She barely said a few words in her episode! I'd give her episode a 2/10. Kumail and Conan did alright but eh not great, and they seemed somewhat hesitant and more resistant than Ken. They didn't play along with the scenes and characters as much. I'd give those episodes a 4/10. I gave up after those 4 episodes.

The show messed up in several ways, mainly being that Will Arnett dominated the screen and took attention away from the guest stars. He talked over them, was overly obnoxious, and his character was a bit cringe, as were the storylines. They devoted too much time to the bland and non comedic storytelling and not enough of a spotlight was put on the guests. They were sidelined more than they should've been.

I think a season 2 *could* be great if they had the guests lead, and Will Arnett be their sidekick instead of the other way around, and if they made sure the guests they get are actually into improv.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Dangerous message & harmful to women
1 February 2022
This movie is about the story of a rape survivor as seen from the perspective of the victim, her husband, and the perpetrator. Maybe you're already sensing why that is a harmful approach to tell the story of rape and violence against women but let me spell it out.

Adam Driver's character genuinely believed he received consent and everything was consensual. In such an awful scene where he raped the main character, she is portrayed like she wants to be with him, she is just playing hard to get, she can't say yes but she wants to, and she enjoyed the experience.

This gives rapists a real convenient argument that it's just a matter of perspective as to what really happens when a man rapes a woman. No, that is not what rape is in nearly all cases, it is a power imbalance that the rapist gets off on, full well knowing what they are doing. This movie portrayed Adam Drivers character like he didn't know what he was doing, and looking at it from his perspective, you can see how he was led on right? So maybe the audience will feel bad that he was confused.

This is so wrong! I'm baffled that in 2022 not only do we still see graphic rape scenes in media that serve absolutely NO purpose, but we also continue to portray rape like it's an arguable and confusing misunderstanding. It's not. It's a predator taking advantage of another's vulnerability and exerting power and force over someone who CLEARLY is uninterested at a minimum.

Also why tell this story? Is this something anyone wants to see acted out? Haven't there been more than enough movies and shows that depict this time period as a sexist misogynistic time to be alive where men held all the power and women were legally property? This is not a story that needs any more retelling for christ's sake. We get it. We've seen enough, and we absolutely don't need to see any more women degraded, abused, and raped on TV. To what end?

This movie is shameful and I'm disgusted it exists.

Apart from the awful storyline, the acting is also atrocious. I never knew that Damon and Affleck were incapable of acting with an accent but wow they did terrible with it! They didn't even try to sell a believable accent it was miserably sad. Plus it was a very slow and dreary film in general. It had no positives and I recommend you stay away from it.
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The Favourite (2018)
Annoying boring waste of time
30 January 2022
It took wayyyy too long for any sort of plot to develop and it was so weak and uninteresting. The entire film is outrageously boring. I kept with it to see where it'd go, but nearly quit with the awful repetitive sounds they'd put into so many scenes. The sound would last for a ridiculously long time and totally took me and my husband out of the film whenever it just kept going and going. Very distracting, from an already bare and bleak plot.

The fish eye and unique camera angles seemed interesting in the start, but then it became obvious the film was over relying on these weird and distracting film angles that didn't make sense and only detracted from the movie, but there wasn't a lot to detract from in the first place. It would've been a neat move if it was limited to a few scenes where it'd make sense, but it comes across as lazy and absurd to constantly film with those weird wide angle shots that remove you from what's actually happening on screen.

The acting was bleh. Olivia had the heavy lifting and I normally love her but the acting was so overdone and not in a comedic sense, so it felt uncomfortable to watch and annoying. She sold the immaturity of the queen no doubt but it wasn't fun to watch.

Speaking of comedy-this is not one! Omg how did it get people to laugh and consider it funny? I read reviews saying if you like The Great (a dark comedy about Catherine the Great in the 18th century) then The Favourite would be a good watch. Wrong! The Great is phenomenal and will make you laugh and care about the story, the sets and costumes are so much more impressive and colorful, and in general this movie sucked while The Great is amazing.

This movie had no legs to stand on. It was a very weak film and overall a waste of time. I would rather have not watched it and I'd recommend others avoid it too. Normally time period pieces like this that lack in comedy make up for it with complex plots and drama. This had no redeeming qualities, was hollow, and tried too hard only to flop. I don't understand the positive reviews.
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The Colony (2021)
Boring, bland, weak plot
22 January 2022
Waste of a watch. The sets and setting were so dull and barren, and the storyline and acting didn't make up for it. It is a very hollow film with a weak plot that didn't get fleshed out enough for me to be invested in or care. The acting was subpar and there really weren't any positives to the movie. It was quite pointless and boring, and it didn't go anywhere.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Odd storylines & characters don't make sense
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I did not enjoy the traveling symphony storyline. It was weird, out of place, and boring. I get art would exist post apocalypse but this was just dumb. Theater kids might love it but I did not. My husband read the book (I did not) and he said he dreaded chapters that would focus on the traveling symphony.

I also didn't care for the Prophet storyline or obsession with the station eleven book Miranda wrote. It didn't make sense, it wasn't explained well enough, and it didn't invest me into those ideas to care about them.

Yes Tyler/the Prophet grew up without guidance after feeling rejected from his family and those at the airport, but his motivations didn't make sense. The storyline of the kids he lured into his cult also didn't add up for me. What was his aim in stealing children? How was there next to no resistance from the hundreds of kids he lured in? He didn't exactly have any strong selling points or compelling arguments that'd lead the kids to run away from home. What do they get out of it?

And you're telling me he managed to kidnap hundreds of kids and not a single adult or parent had been able to find him and take him out? You can't hide hundreds of kids! It was unrealistic enough that you can't suspend your beliefs to buy into the story. Plus it lacked explanation.

I did enjoy most of the flu apocalypse/year 1 storyline that didn't get enough attention, as well as the airport storylines, and Jeevan's storyline. Those were well done and interesting. But tossing in the traveling symphony and the Prophet nonsense detracted from the show.

It was also very slow. I don't mind slow if it fits, but it didn't for this show. They kept making the story feel like it was building to something but it didn't. There were some short payoffs that didn't get enough screen time but overall it didn't accomplish what I feel it should have.

There were a decent amount of one liners that didn't hit how I think they wanted it to either. "I remember damage", "There was no before", etc. Fell flat, overdone, insignificant to viewers.

Also why did people like Miranda? She was very cold and standoffish. We didn't get a single scene of her being a person anyone would want to be around, yet she was somehow beloved? What made her so likable to the characters? They did not sell that at all. If she is so awesome that a famous actor wants to marry her, his best friend adores her, etc-show us how that is possible when she completely keeps to herself and comes across as arrogant/self-righteous. She was quiet, receded inwards constantly, and just downright cold. Of course her trauma would lead to those feelings but it didn't make sense that anyone would find her so interesting to be around if she was like that constantly without any positive attributes.

Kirsten was an annoying character as well but it made sense. She went thru a traumatic experience when she was young and missed out having good parents raise her, so the hotheaded, control freak, immature, and rash personality she portrayed as an adult was logical, but nonetheless it wasn't enjoyable to watch her adult character. Still I'm glad there were so many female leads.

I really wish we had more of Jeevan and his wife. That was a very interesting story and the characters were great. I loved the doctor who helped train him, and the birth center storyline was a very interesting one. Also I did not see a live birth uncensored scene coming, that was a surprise!

All in all the show was just OK. It had a lot of missed opportunities and wasn't something I'll remember or recommend to people, but I can understand how others would feel differently.
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The Great (2020–2023)
Even my husband loves it
15 January 2022
My only complaint is that there aren't other shows that compare to this. Google describes it as "genre-bending" and that is spot on.

I went in expecting more of a drama time period piece that is usually soothing to watch, emotional maybe, serious, and not The Great. This show is crass, full of dark and obnoxious humor, and throws reality out the door. It is hysterical! Took me a few episodes to adjust my expectations but I became obsessed.

Season 1 and 2 both were very strong. I'd say s1 is more evenly rated 7-9/10 across the episodes, while s2 was 6-10/10, with s2x1 and s2x10 being perfect 10/10's.

It's a hilarious show you probably wouldn't want to watch with your family but partners, friends, or on your own - yes. My husband who usually hates these time period shows absolutely loved The Great.
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Unique, engaging, entertaining
15 January 2022
I didn't go in with any expectations but I really enjoyed watching this. Only 6 episodes so not a big commitment from the get-go but it was well worth it.

Forecast drama at its finest. It had a gut punch I won't spoil that I didn't see coming but wow it was surprisingly impactful.

This show delivered on the storylines, the character development, and everything else. It got me engaged and emotionally invested.

It has solid laughs, tear jerkers, and sci-fi elements given that it takes places over the course of years into the future. Really neat concept I wish more shows or movies would do.

I was pleasantly surprised and I'd definitely recommend it to just about anyone.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Doesn't go anywhere & THE MUSIC
11 November 2021
The music is absolutely atrocious in this miniseries. It is so distracting, repetitive, and overdone. That alone made me want to quit watching but I wanted to see where the show was going so I stuck it out. It didn't go anywhere though. There's no real storyline, and it felt pretty empty. There's also just loads of talk about sex, some episodes seemed like that was all there was, and that's a negative to me, maybe not everyone.

The characters were all unlikable which is fine if they pulled it off alright but they didn't. The conversations were a bit bizarre and it seemed like they were really trying to take weird hits at white women, which is generally punching down. Hawaii is 25% white but some 40% Asian, but they only mentioned white Americans stealing the natives land and displacing them thru gentrification, but no mention of the non Pacific Islander Asians who moved in too and make up almost half the population? Their commentary on it in general was just poorly done and inadequate.

All in all I wouldn't recommend the series, it isn't worth the watch.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Woosh! Over ppls heads. Another film that gets hate bc it has female leads
17 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I put off watching this because of the negative reviews but gave it a shot and quickly liked it. Solid 7.5-8/10. It's DEFINITELY a film that gets extra hate because it has two female lead actresses. Those always garner more hate, they just do. So adjust the rating at least +1 to compensate for the unchecked and unconscious obvious sexism the reviews show.

This had multiple parallels to the Wolf of Wall Street and if the lead was swapped with DiCaprio, it'd be praised (not bc he's a better actor but because he's a dude-the lead who played Marla is a phenomenal actress and killed this role). Leo was just as evil as Marla and just as cunning and suave. Everyone loved to root for a greedy and sociopathic capitalist in that movie but not in this one when it's a woman.

Also, "wHo Do I rOoT fOr?!" Why do you need to root for anyone? You want a basic movie, GOOD GUYS versus BAD GUYS...boring and overdone. I love when movies have you checking yourself and wondering if you really are rooting for a villain? Noo you can't. The movie pushes you to try and not sympathize with the actors, keep you torn but firm in your disdain for their lack of morality, but confused when you can't help emotionally feeling invested in the villains success-but NO they are BAD! But it'd be cool to see them live out a wild heartless life in this FICTITIOUS film. But also face the consequences of their actions, right? The conflicted feelings are great.

The film as a whole pushes you to see that you are so much more empathetic of a person than Marla because even when it's a psychopathic kidnapping money hungry devil in sheep's clothing, we can STILL find ourselves on their side at times because we can't help but not want others to suffer, unlike Marla who has a level of sociopathy most of us can't comprehend.

They spared no one in this real life industry-the guise that what they're doing is caring-HA. I love it, they made these monsters out to be just that and fictionally even worse (involving dark money and truly the worst of intentions). Apparently this has gone over people's heads though.

Calling out a vicious industry that is in real life destroying lives-that should've been a takeaway but people are saying the most absurd things about the movie. She DIED at the end (justice?) but you know what didn't? The system that allowed her to get where she did-the LEGAL system! The healthCARE system! These messed up systems that are 100% real but people hate on the characters more than the industries and I feel like that summarizes up pretty well how much this film was misinterpreted (there was little interpreting to even do-it was obvious in your face takeaways).

Also, just because it has female leads doesn't mean it is trying to be a feminist film. The fact that they got to be leads is in itself feminist, but why does every movie with women have to achieve perfect feminist ideals? It certainly did nothing against feminism but we're way too quick to criticize feminism when it doesn't deserve it. Why can't this movie just exist in a neutral state? It did not do anything to suggest it was pushing feminism-including female leads alone does not accomplish that lol, thick skulls in these reviews my god!

There were two lesbians as well but you know what people aren't saying? That it pushed LGBTQ+ ideologies onto viewers or that it portrayed it damagingly to the cause, because they were just allowed to be lesbian without being scrutinized for it being anything other than that! Cant women just exist without people saying we're too much or too little? This film did a great job of just letting the leads lead. It was clever, with a unique story, great acting, interesting insight into an industry that doesn't get called out enough, solid production, and garbage reviews.
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Ungodly awful
1 June 2021
Reading the largely negative reviews is the only thing about watching this movie that made me feel my time wasn't totally wasted. Cathartic.

The plot was so poorly fleshed out. The editing was mediocre. There was no good lighting. And someone thought it'd be cute to film scenes entirely from behind the actors. Just a good long shot of the back of their heads. Maybe a side profile if you're lucky. This might be artsy if used once but it's pretentious and upsetting to see it done so many times.

And the scenes that cut to black for what, a full minute or more at a time?! They forgot they were making a movie not a podcast.

Unbelievably long winded conversations that added nothing and only tested my patience.

Don't watch this, I don't buy a single positive review for this. It was simply terrible all around.
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Watchmen (2019)
One of the best shows ever
24 April 2021
I knew nothing about watchmen or the comics going into this show, I had no idea what it'd be about. The show was absolutely amazing! The way they unfolded the story, the production of it all, the acting, the historical depictions-everything about it was amazingly well done. I immediately recognized the opening scene from a scene in Lovecraft Country and it's interesting how both shows depicted the race riots in Tulsa so vividly and honestly. It is gut wrenching and sets the pace for the show.

I was also worried the show would be really gruesome or scary (again knowing nothing about it) and it was not, it was action packed, but not over the top. It had many scenes that evoked different emotions and it did a great job at captivating me and keeping me hooked and wanting to watch more.

I also loved the main character Angela. Total badass and she wasn't over sexualized like most female superheroes and protagonists. She was an awesome all around character and the show certainly passes the bechdel test. It's a perfect mini series and I recommend the watch.
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The Great (2020–2023)
Crude and abrasive but hilarious once you settle in to it
15 February 2021
I did not expect this show to be what it was when I turned it on. It was so crude and abrasive and I was expecting a typical romantic and light time period piece, so it took me off guard. Once I adjusted my expectations, the show became hilarious and an enjoyable watch. It definitely mocks films in this genre in an entertaining and direct way. I was confused why there weren't any Russian accents or any differing accents in general, and I think that's another part they are mocking about the classic time period pieces. The costumes and sets were amazing in this show too. Loved it and can't wait for season 2.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Too slow to love but decent cat and mouse crime chase
29 January 2021
A decent show, but it could've been condensed into shorter episodes. It dragged out and a fair amount of scenes were painfully slow and very long.

The main plot is pretty good, although I didn't care for some of the side plots. It's an intense story and some of the scenes are fairly graphic. I wouldn't recommend watching this show with family or in a public place for that reason.
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Perfect retelling historical drama
24 January 2021
I'm a big fan of Mary Queen of Scots story and if you like this movie I'd recommend the show Reign. I had high expectations for this movie and they were met. It stayed pretty true to historical events from my own reading and the lead actresses do a phenomenal job.
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
Not worth the watch
24 January 2021
Having worked a lot in administrative supporting roles, it was amusing to see the mundane and repetitive nature of the work played on screen. Depressing maybe more than amusing, but it did a good job of capturing what the tasks and daily work looks like.

It is an incredible dry and slow film though, without any payoff, which is sort of the point or message in a way, but that ultimately doesn't make for an entertaining movie.

It does a good job at subtly alluding to the sexual misconduct an executive is allowed to get away with, and the protection he receives from the company and his colleagues, but these smaller moments aren't enough to carry the film.
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PEN15 (2019–2021)
Relatable, heartfelt, hilarious & depressing
24 January 2021
The first season is absolutely hilarious. My husband wanted to rewatch it after we finished. It captured how awkward and embarrassing middle school is for girls and doesn't shy away from the uncomfortableness of it all. There are a lot of touching and sweet heartfelt moments too.

The second season still has some laughs but isn't as funny and is actually more depressing with the storylines, particularly Anna's. The final scene of the second season is nearly identical to experiences I had growing up and boy did it trigger the tears. The show did a great job at showing all sides of the conflict they were going through and how emotional it all is.

All in all I'd recommend the show!
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Get past first few episodes and you'll be obsessed
24 January 2021
The first episode is by far the worst: so cheesy it made me cringe, and based on how the female actresses are portrayed initially, you wouldn't guess this turns into one of the best shows out there portraying strong female leads who aren't questioned because of their gender and aren't sexually objectified. It's refreshing!

The show has complex storylines and no show has ever done character arcs better than this one in my opinion. Many characters die off, and in that way it reminded me of game of thrones: don't get too attached. It also sadly reminded me of game of thrones in how they closed out the series at the end of season 7...but even with the controversial ending, everything in between is well worth the watch.

This is one of my top 5 favorite shows. Id highly recommend this. Each season has a bit of a different sci-fi theme and some of the season finales are absolutely epic.
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