
4 Reviews
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Dead Man (1995)
30 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not here to bash this film or the actors in it, but i will tell you exactly what i took away from this movie.

First off Neil young was hired to play electric guitar through out this movie? WHY? It was severely annoying having to hear the same 3 chords that my 12 year old nephew could play easily through the whole movie. it did not convey any kind of dread with me it was just annoying.

The scenes were just kinda silly, William Blake (johnny depp) did not act like anyone on the run. He had no money a revolver with 5 shots in it. When some marshals show up he kills them and doesn't even bother to search the bodies for anything useful. He comes upon a deer that has been shot in the neck i'm assuming for him to eat because the Indians were following him, he cuddles up next to it and takes a nap instead of eating it even though they clearly make a point to show that he is starving in a earlier scene. At one point they are in a general store they kill the keeper but only take some tobacco? Why not load up on ammo and maybe just maybe do something about the fact he is shot again. They could have stopped the bleeding easily and the fact they know they are being followed and left the other canoes intact. Why not destroy them so that wasn't a possibility? So that either means the main characters are severely stupid or the filmmaker has no idea what a regular person would do in these situations The scene with Billy Bob Thorton and Iggy pop dressed in drag was completely hysterical I laughed loud at that, Johnny Depp is one of my all time favorite actors, and the way the director wanted him to play the part he did a excellent job.

That said i really didn't like this movie that much, i wanted to because i seen all the good reviews here but it just didn't do it for me.
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Drunken Cops and Bad plots
2 September 2010
As the title says its really bad, some of it is funny. It is a polish film i don't really know what to make of some of the things i seen in this film. Apparently it takes roughly 8 police and 2 civilians and a witness to examine a crime scene. Doesn't help that the police are swilling vodka like its going out of style, also one of the cops has a baby during this movie. None of these things tie the storyline together or really have anything to do with anything really. It was entertaining to see drunk people/cops get smashed and fight each other and act like general retards. The murders are equally silly and the people doing that part were generally unbelievable as the police. I'd stay away from this movie unless you like watching drunken people on screen acting like tards
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Salvage (2006)
Very good low budget movie
20 August 2006
What can you say about this movie? I liked the plot and story very much and it was different to say the least and i didn't exactly know what was going on until the very end. I have read some of the other reader comments saying they didn't get it. Its not rocket science, you just have to pay attention to whats going on and you need to watch it until the end. Because if you didn't watch it until the end you won't understand it. I don't understand what there isn't to get? Anyway the acting was very good for such a low budget movie, the girl does a good job as the main character and i'd like to see her in other features as well but i doubt she'll get a lot of parts because she isn't Hollywood beautiful, but she is hot in her own way. The villain was good too he was believable. There wasn't a whole lot of gore in this one either, there were a couple of parts that made me squimish though. I'd say check it out, its a very solid rental to say the least.
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Dead Waves (2005)
Nice try
13 August 2006
I want to like this movie a lot but i just can't say it was great. It has its moments but for the most part it fails. When i first started watching it the first thought that went through my head was the movie Pulse. Even though i haven't seen Pulse (just released at the time of this writing) I know the premise. The acting was good, and the story line was decent but it tends to drag in places, i found myself playing with my phone or whatnot between the action sequences. Also the Japanese ghost thing with people crawling on floor all contorted is a bit over played in my opinion. I mean why does all Japanese ghost movies have the same thing like that? Don't they get tired of the same thing every time? I mean it was cool in The Ring and The Grudge but give it a break already.
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